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  • Egészségfejlesztő, iskolai programok a Nyíregyházi járásban működő Egészségfejlesztési Iroda tevékenységében

    In the current strategic documents focusing on improving the health status of the Hungarian population, the implementation of community health promotion programs to prevent diseases affecting children is highly recommended. School health promotion plays a key role in terms of the health of the younger generations and the health of the staff of educational institutions. That is why the Health Promotion Office (HPO) in the Nyíregyháza district treats the health promotion activities implemented at the school setting as a priority area of its work, which supports the implementation of the comprehensive school health promotion (TIE) concept as a EFI task. The purpose of this manuscript is to present the magnitude of the work carried out by HPO for school-aged children over the past five years, in the period between 2018 and 2022. The analysis of the data was based on HPO's self-edited event summary. The Office, which started operating in March 2018, served 29,076 clients with school-based health promotion community programs until December 2022 and provided opportunities for children attending educational institutions in the Nyíregyháza district to improve their health and raise health consciousness on 1,070 occasions. The employees of HPO developed and implemented 55 programs with different professional content, which primarily reflected the needs, and secondarily the local needs. The recorded data are not suitable for measuring the long-term effectiveness of the intervention, but it shows the magnitude of the work carried out in the field.

  • Health Consciousness. Health Education as a Special Case of Social Responsibility

    Aim: In 2017, the infant death was .0039 and 0.3% of them was caused by cot death. The only chance for these infants to survive is early recognition and immediate intervention by laymen. Consequently, parents and carers are to be trained. Our research examined the efficiency of education into this emergency situation. Our aim was to highlight the key role of education which can promote health consciousness.
    Methods: Efficiency was examined in two target groups. Traditional education was provided for one of the groups, while phantom simulators were used in the other one. Questionnaires and interviews revealed the respondents’ experience (n=421). The results were analysed with statistical methods.
    Results: Teaching with simulation proved to be more efficient and popular than traditional education.
    Conclusion: Our results reflect that simulation based education is highly needed. Education on prevention, which teaches the basics of health education, paves the way to health consciousness and health behaviour.