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  • Az egészség komplex megközelítése, mint az egészség-szociológiai vizsgálatok elméleti kerete

    The health indicators of the population are worst in the whole Central and Eastern European region, and thus in Hungary as well. The health status of Hungarians is not possible, it is not a unique phenomenon. The state of health of the Hungarian society is one of the worst in the European Union. To advance the understanding of the situation, it is necessary to conduct complex interdisciplinary studies that combine health and social science models.

    In our study, we present a complex approach to health, its social embeddedness, with the aim of providing a theoretical basis for a study we have designed to target Hungarian health characteristics.

    The theoretical overview emphasizes the context of the definition of health used in certain disciplines of the social sciences, the presentation of the explanatory factors of health, and the theses and models. Outlining our present work and future research cannot be without tracking the changes that have taken place that determine health, so we will first analyze this. In laying the theoretical foundations, we return to the complex approach to health, in which we present the presentation of biomedical and bio-psycho-social models in detail, and then we describe the economic and social models of health. We also deal with health determinants that determine the health of the individual and society.

  • Health through the Eyes of the Romani minority

    Aim: The aim of this study was to ascertain the subjective view of the Romani community on their own health, in the context of social integration and the effects of the environment, using the Transcultural Assessment Model.
    Methods: The collection of data was conducted via quantitative research using an unstructured questionnaire. The experimental group consisted of 600 members of the Romani minority.
    Results: The results showed that health is one of the main values that influence the life of the Romani minority. According to a substantial proportion of respondents, they are regularly concerned with matters of their own health; however, most of them do not attend medical check-ups.
    Conclusion: The concept of sickness and health is highly subjective for each person. Moreover, the culture to which an individual belongs is among the factors that influence an understanding of the concept of health. Thus, when providing medical care, one must also get to know a patient’s culture and their subjective view of health or sickness.

  • Health behaviour of 18-29 year-old youngster living in settlement conditions in Nyíregyháza (Focus group interview)

    Besides being at economic, educational and cultural disadvantage, Roma people prove to be a highly disadvantageous social layer in health care, as well. The most disadvantageous ones reside in settlements. Although health is a basic value and activity potential for everybody, it is unlikely to develop and function well without sufficient knowledge on health and individual responsibility, or when the right to access to health care and the principle of equal treatment are damaged, or when comprehensive social policy development programs are incomplete, but most of all when the majority does not show an inclusive attitude towards Roma people. The present study reveals the health behaviour of young Roma adults of 18-19 years of age through a focus group interview.

  • Health behavior and mental health among college students at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

    Aim: Our study is a quantitative investigation on the health behaviour and mental health of Sapientia Hungarian University students.

    Methods: The self-administered paper based standardized questionnaire contains several scales: the Self Esteem Inventory (RSESH), the Purpose in Life Test (PIL), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS4) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Data of 206 respondents were analysed from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania.

    Results: Data show that students with lower self-esteem and mental health use more alcohol than students with higher selfesteem. Physical activity seems to be a protective factor against mental illness, the students who practice sport frequently are mentally healthier than those who do not. Mental health of students is largely socially determinated.

  • A sport, mint a depresszióval szembeni védőfaktor

    The study examines the relationship between sport and depression among athletes in leisure and competition. A total of 436 people completed a questionnaire measuring the factors examined (Beck-Depression Questionnaire Abbreviated Version), of which 139 responders were leisure time athletes and 297 professional athletes. The aim of my study was to map out whether sport appeared as a protective factor for young people engaged in leisure sports, and whether the protective effect of sport on competitive athletes could prevail over the various symptoms of depression. Furthermore, whether there is a correlation between gender, education, occupation and consumption of legal drugs and depression. From the results we can see that the depression value of athletes at competition level is higher than that of the athletes in leisure sports. In addition, I was able to experience a significantly higher depression value among the people aged between 18-20 than those aged 30 and over. I also found a significant difference in terms of gender in favour of women. People with a low level of education and those who do not have a full-time job have witnessed more depressive symptoms on themselves. By examining the consumption of legal drugs, I could show a correlation between alcohol and depression.

  • A munkahelyi egészségfejlesztés és az egészségturizmus kapcsolata Magyarországon

    Demographic changes have made it particularly important in European societies with an ageing population to ensure that workers' health is as good as possible, so that they can continue to work reliably and to a high standard for as long as possible. However, for a number of reasons, workers are unable to meet this expectation, based on workplace health surveys and absenteeism rates. Health promotion at the workplace has therefore become a priority not only for employees but also for employers, with the aim of enabling people to remain active for as long as possible and to prevent the onset of chronic diseases. In the present study, we will discuss the interconnection between health promotion and healthy lifestyles, and the possible means of achieving this, primarily by describing the Hungarian situation in the context of health tourism.

  • Fő a mértékletesség! Fél évezredes életmódtanácsok fiataloknak

    This study presents some historical aspects of health sciences through the health education school book written in the 16th century for Transylvanian Saxon pupils. Paulus Kyr, doctor of Brașov (Kronstadt), a town in the Carpathian Arch, sums up the medical knowledge of his time for his pupils in a booklet called Sanitatis Studium. The booklet did not reach international fame, but serves with curiosities in cultural and health science history about the lifestyle of his time, and, at the same time, reveals aspects of the Renaissance’s reception in Transylvania. Kyr’s work has not lost anything from its topicality first and foremost due to the fact that appropriate lifestyle is being perceived as the key to preserving good health. This study reconsiders Kyr’s recommendations from the health sciences’ perspective of our days.

  • A húsvéti járvány – a COVID-19 várható hatásai az Euro-atlanti tér társadalmaira

    The purpose of this article is to estimate the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for healthcare and the medical industry that serves it. Furthermore, an estimate of the expected impact of the epidemic onto economic and social change. In addition, to estimate the expected impact of the epidemic on economic and social changes. The article was written in two different periods. The first part ended in April 2020 and the second part in April 2021. The article is essentially a thought experiment. A reasoning enclosed in a bottled mail that the author rewrote after a year in the light of the changing facts. The article concludes that COVID-19 will help complete a long economic cycle. This crisis accelerates a technological shift in which creative destruction occurs in the economic subsystem as well as in other subsystems of the society. The new long economic cycle (Cycle K), just as it happened after World War II, builds a new social quality. At the beginning of the new K cycle, the former welfare state model is replaced by a wellbeing society concept. The basis of a wellbeing society will be solidarity, cooperation and quality. For the individual, health will no longer be just an optional lifestyle, but an effective form of survival.