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  • Incidence and characteristics of risk behaviours in a sample group who living in settlement conditions

    Roma people living in settlement conditions generally consider their health to be worse in Hungary. They feel less able to influence and act to improve their health. Risk behaviors are present at a higher rate in Roma, than in a majority population. In our study, we present the results related to the risk behavior of a local Roma living in settlement conditions in 2021. The results were analyzed using the SPSS software. 11.6% of the respondents (n = 220) declared themselves to be in poorer health. The proportion of daily smokers reaches 70% (70.3%). According to the self-report, 2.1% of the men in the sample consume alcoholic beverages every day and an additional 2.1% drink 1-2 times a week. 24.2% of respondents know of a close acquaintance (at least one person) who is addicted to substance use. The issue of multiple fruit consumers is a significant gender difference (8%) to the detriment of male fruit consumption (female: 18.1% vs. male: 10.6%). 57.4% of men and 33.5% of women were overweight and a further 20% were obese (male: 19.1% vs. female: 33.5%). The interventions are urgent.

  • Egészségfejlesztő, iskolai programok a Nyíregyházi járásban működő Egészségfejlesztési Iroda tevékenységében

    In the current strategic documents focusing on improving the health status of the Hungarian population, the implementation of community health promotion programs to prevent diseases affecting children is highly recommended. School health promotion plays a key role in terms of the health of the younger generations and the health of the staff of educational institutions. That is why the Health Promotion Office (HPO) in the Nyíregyháza district treats the health promotion activities implemented at the school setting as a priority area of its work, which supports the implementation of the comprehensive school health promotion (TIE) concept as a EFI task. The purpose of this manuscript is to present the magnitude of the work carried out by HPO for school-aged children over the past five years, in the period between 2018 and 2022. The analysis of the data was based on HPO's self-edited event summary. The Office, which started operating in March 2018, served 29,076 clients with school-based health promotion community programs until December 2022 and provided opportunities for children attending educational institutions in the Nyíregyháza district to improve their health and raise health consciousness on 1,070 occasions. The employees of HPO developed and implemented 55 programs with different professional content, which primarily reflected the needs, and secondarily the local needs. The recorded data are not suitable for measuring the long-term effectiveness of the intervention, but it shows the magnitude of the work carried out in the field.