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  • Situational picture of the employment of Roma people residing in settlements in Nyíregyháza

    In our study we present the employment situation of people residing in the Husar and Eastern settlements which can be found in Nyíregyháza. This study is focussing on one aspect from the many dimensions examined by the research into the life quality of Roma people residing in settlements. As expected, our results revealed that the residents of these settlements are at a huge disadvantage in employment. The extent of employment is mainly influenced by low education, the high number of children and their attitude towards working. According to our results, 70% of the respondents have been unemployed before and 49.8% of them are unemployed at the moment.

  • Ötven év felettiek egészségi állapota és egészségmagatartása

    This study presents the results of mapping health status, health behavior and nutritional habits onto a group of aging adults. The data was collected in 2021 using a questionnaire with 684 individuals at the age and over the age of 50. Results indicate that one third of the respondents suffer from some chronic disease and that one out of four is overweight. The health awareness of the group was good. Health literacy showed a significant correlation with education, gender, subjective health, and the presence of a chronic disease.

  • Egészségfejlesztő, iskolai programok a Nyíregyházi járásban működő Egészségfejlesztési Iroda tevékenységében

    In the current strategic documents focusing on improving the health status of the Hungarian population, the implementation of community health promotion programs to prevent diseases affecting children is highly recommended. School health promotion plays a key role in terms of the health of the younger generations and the health of the staff of educational institutions. That is why the Health Promotion Office (HPO) in the Nyíregyháza district treats the health promotion activities implemented at the school setting as a priority area of its work, which supports the implementation of the comprehensive school health promotion (TIE) concept as a EFI task. The purpose of this manuscript is to present the magnitude of the work carried out by HPO for school-aged children over the past five years, in the period between 2018 and 2022. The analysis of the data was based on HPO's self-edited event summary. The Office, which started operating in March 2018, served 29,076 clients with school-based health promotion community programs until December 2022 and provided opportunities for children attending educational institutions in the Nyíregyháza district to improve their health and raise health consciousness on 1,070 occasions. The employees of HPO developed and implemented 55 programs with different professional content, which primarily reflected the needs, and secondarily the local needs. The recorded data are not suitable for measuring the long-term effectiveness of the intervention, but it shows the magnitude of the work carried out in the field.

  • Research at the Husar and Eastern settlements in Nyíregyháza – Methodology of the research

    This study contains the methodology description of settlement research carried out in Nyíregyháza. A description of geographical location and distinctiveness of the two surveyed places, Husar and Eastern settlements, is followed by an introduction of the main block of the questionnaire used in our research. The surveyed sample is described by its geographical distribution then by the main socio-demographic indicators. 271 households were examined at the two locations by questioners. 69% of the respondents were women, 31% of them men, the average age was 43.5, and rate of those with completed 8-grade primary school was prominent. The majority of the respondents lived in cohabitation or were unmarried. It is estimated that our data collection covered the 25-35% of the population in the two settlements. Regarding gender, age, level of education, marital status and economic activity there were no statistical differences between the two settlements.

  • Az iskolai szegregáció szerepe a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek és fiatalok lemaradásában

    Experts have long studied the relationship between school segregation and unequal opportunity for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Drawing on academic literature, research and statistical data, this paper examines the consolidation of school segregation in the country, the impact of segregation on the learning achievement of disadvantaged students in public education and on intergroup relations. The issue of educational segregation and integration is often a subject of debate, but research evidence favours heterogeneous composition to foster students' school careers, future labour market prospects and social inclusion.

  • Fő a mértékletesség! Fél évezredes életmódtanácsok fiataloknak

    This study presents some historical aspects of health sciences through the health education school book written in the 16th century for Transylvanian Saxon pupils. Paulus Kyr, doctor of Brașov (Kronstadt), a town in the Carpathian Arch, sums up the medical knowledge of his time for his pupils in a booklet called Sanitatis Studium. The booklet did not reach international fame, but serves with curiosities in cultural and health science history about the lifestyle of his time, and, at the same time, reveals aspects of the Renaissance’s reception in Transylvania. Kyr’s work has not lost anything from its topicality first and foremost due to the fact that appropriate lifestyle is being perceived as the key to preserving good health. This study reconsiders Kyr’s recommendations from the health sciences’ perspective of our days.

  • Teachers and facilitators in different teaching spaces

    Nowadays the information society can not imagine its everyday life without the use of the Internet. Keelan and her colleagues determined the benefits that virtual worlds can impact to traditional territories. Virtual spaces can abolish physical-geographic boundaries in cases where research is far apart from the group of people to be examined (Keelan et al. 2015). Whether we are planning to implement the education process in real space or virtual space, explanation and assistance in many cases may be indispensable. Gamage and his research associates differentiated the subjects of their research as to how much they had experienced in the use of virtual spaces. Both groups agreed that the use of platforms was an advantage in learning but they differed in their opinion of the likelihood of emotional connection between teacher and student in the virtual world (Gamage et al. 2011). The activities of teaching assistants can be useful not only in the real learning environment, but also in the virtual learning environment. The facilitator is a person who can work efficiently with both the instructor and the students. The facilitator contributes to the smoothness and effectiveness of teaching processes (Schwarz et al. 2011). In our article, we present and define the preceding, participatory, follow-up and continuous facilitator roles we have outlined. From the facilitator's point of view and from the traditional learning environment we get to the exact parameters of the role that is necessarily emerging in the learning environments of virtual spaces.

  • The impact of the support system on people living in segregated areas

    The Quality of Life Panel Research
    in Nyíregyháza (2008-2018) has been examining the
    changes in allowances. Similarly to the national data, there
    is a decrease in household allowance, the allowance for
    economically active people, and the number of people getting
    allowances. This study examines whether these tendencies
    are the same in two segregated areas, the Husar and
    Eastern settlements in Nyíregyháza, since here the residents
    are in a more disadvantageous position which stems from
    their education attainment, housing conditions, employment
    and related financial situation. Although the rate of those
    who live and get allowance is higher than that of the city
    dwellers, despite being entitled to allowances fewer people
    have applied for them. In this study we examine the underlying
    reasons by analysing our sample through social and
    economic characteristics, and along their changing attitude
    towards allowances.

  • Iskolavezetők és vidéki elitszerepek

    The study is based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2017-2018. It analyses the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland (n=238) based on two main aspects in the topics that determine the everyday school work and leadership: (1) the relationship between school and local society and (2) the social context. The importance of this topic is indicated by the changes in the role of schools, teachers and school leaders in the 21st century, which have created different challenges for rural schools and areas compared to urban ones, and which can be addressed in new ways. These new processes require a change of approach in school management, which is not only a matter of school management and education, but also of rural development. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the relevance of this process by referring to the literature and by analysing the attitudes of school leaders in Szeklerland.

  • Academic risks of students characterized by risk-behaviour

    The aim of our study is to reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of students with different health behaviors. We were curious about the differences between students with different health-care (risk, inactive and health-conscious) students in the studied dimensions of educational performance in Hungary in the Northern Great Plain region, as well as in the Transcarpathia, Highlands, Vojvodina, Par-tium and Transylvania (IESA 2015; N = 2017). In line with our preliminary assumptions, we can see that there are more students at risk who attend less than half of the lectures, one or two or even half of their exams have not been completed, and less than one hour per lesson, while the latter is the least characteristic of for health-conscious students. They are making great efforts to meet their serious study load, but there are more people who are unable to cope with these difficulties in the first round and have failed their examinations. In this way, health-conscious behavior does not constitute supporting factor in the effectiveness of the study.

  • Magyarországi egyetemek hallgatóinak sportolási szokásai. Áttekintő irodalmi elemzés

    Previous research has highlighted that the frequency of regular exercise decreases linearly with age. There is, therefore, a need for young people to develop healthy lifestyle habits for themselves. In the course of our research, a literature review of Matarka (Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database), MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliograhy), and publications in the archives of DEENK (University and National Library of the University of Debrecen) was conducted to find those studies that examine the sports habits of Hungarian university students. A total of 22 studies were identified. The articles concerned 10 universities. The analysis found that although a significant proportion of university students engage in sports, the conscious integration of health education into students’ lives is recommended.

  • Relationships in settlements

    This study describes some features of the ego-centric contact network of people living in settlements based on the research from early 2019 done in two settlements in Nyíregyháza. Regarding strong ties, we examine confidential network, changes in the number of friends then we examine weak ties, too. This is a descriptive writing that presents the examined dimensions through socio-demographic variables like gender, age and education.

  • A phenomenological study of the lived experiences of teenage mothers in coping with complications of pregnancy in Khaddamari Ward, Jere Local Government Area, Borno State

    Objectives: Teenage pregnancy is a world-wide phenomenon and a public health issue so our aim was to identify the contributing factors, and to study perception, complications, effects, challenges and coping mechanisms.

    Method: An explorative qualitative research design, snowball sampling, was used. Ten respondents were interviewed using an interview guide in Khaddamari Ward, Jere L.G.A. of Borno State.

    Results: The major contributing factor to teenage pregnancy is ignorance and lack of proper sex education both at home and school. Few responses listed traditional roles, cultural expectations, using drugs and alcohol, age discrepancy in relationships, socio-economic factors, sexual coercion and abuse. Most of them perceived fear, guilt and stigmatization and only a few of them said they were excited, proud and accepted. Anemia, preterm labour, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, obstructed labour and vesico-vaginal fistula were common complications. Almost all of them dropped out of school.

    Conclusion: Based on these findings of the study, a collaborative effort by all stakeholders involved should be employed in combating the complications of teenage pregnancy.

  • A pedagógus – szülő közötti kommunikáció akadályozó tényezőinek vizsgálata pedagógusi vélemények alapján

    Pupils’ educational achievement is affected by many factors. Although pupils’ individual abilities, motivation, quality of education, family and school environment has a great impact on student’s educational achievements and school career, the teacher – parent relationship and the underlining communication between teachers and parents play a very important role. This study reports the results of a semi-structures interview research on the communication barriers between teachers and parents conducted in a rural area (Harghita county, Romania).

  • Freeloaders, anomic students, ritual persistent students and goal-oriented persistent students. Unusual risks in higher educational students’ dropout

    The question of our study is measuring the relationship between the risk of dropout and the belief in the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort to obtain it. In our analysis, the student database of the HERD research (N=1295) was used. Four groups were identified by cluster analysis. 1) Among the anomic students (the group described with anomie), the level of belief the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort toward that is the lowest while the risk of dropping out is the highest. 2) The ritual persistent (i.e. tenacious) students are able to make strong efforts but do not believe in the degree. Their diligence does not offer them the same level of protection against dropout as 3) the goal-oriented persistence which means that the student believes in the degree as well besides the diligence. 4) The freeloaders are less diligent, but aware of the value of the degree, offering them bigger protection than the disappointed diligence of the ritual persistent students. Among the target-oriented persistent group is higher the proportion of students who learnt in an elite secondary educational institution and who has a graduated householder, while among the ritual persistent group the proportion of those having priority admission points due to disadvantaged/cumulative disadvantaged (HH/HHH) position is higher.

  • Audiometria és dopping ellenőrzés a siketek versenysportjában

    Az elmúlt negyven évben 2,5 -szeresére nőtt a nyári Siketolimpiai játékok résztvevőinek és a résztvevő országoknak a száma. Ezzel párhuzamosan körülbelül ötven európai vagy világméretű sporteseményt szerveznek a hallássérültek számára. A cikk célja az, hogy bemutassa a siketek versenysportjában a dopping ellenőrzéssel kapcsolatos eljárásokat és követelményeket, a növekvő számú sportesemény és a résztvevő sportolók összefüggésében.
    A dinamikusan fejlődő siket sportok fair play szellemisége érdekében a Siketek Nemzetközi Sportszövetsége (International Committee of Sports for the Deaf, ICSD) szabályokat vezetett be, amelyek meghatározzák a nagyothalló sportolók sporteseményeken való részvételét. A legalább 55 dB -es halláskárosodással rendelkező személyek a megengedettek. Ennek megfelelően az audiometriai vizsgálat képezi az első doppingellenőrzési kritériumot. 2004 óta az ICSD együttműködik a Nemzetközi Doppingellenes Ügynökséggel. A második feltétel tehát a tiltott anyagok vér- és vizeletminta-ellenőrzése. A 2017. évi 23. nyári Siketolimpián 2858 sportoló vett részt. Összességében 842 (29,5%) résztvevőt véletlenszerűen vetettek alá audiológiai tesztnek; 9 különböző országból érkező versenyzőt kizártak az ICSD szabványok be nem tartása miatt. Összesen 300 véletlenszerűen kiválasztott sportoló vett részt doppingellenőrzésen tiltott szerek miatt; egyet zártak ki. A szakirodalomból jelenleg hiányoznak a siket sportokkal, köztük a vonatkozó doppingellenőrzésekkel kapcsolatos tudományos elemzések.

  • Az óvodáskorú gyermekek társas megküzdésének és szüleik szocioökonómiai hátterének összefüggései

    The research investigates how parental socioeconomic background (level of education, financial situation, labor market activity and the type of settlement) affects the preschooler’s coping skills in social conflicts. The focus is on the most effective coping strategies in kindergarten: negotiation and seeking help from an adult and the inadaptive one: physical aggression. We obtained measures on Coping Mechanism Questionnaire both from the teachers and children, and 306 parents answered the questionnaire about home environment. Regression analyses was applied to find out if there are independent variables with an explanatory role. According to our findings, SES has its relevance in the development of social coping mechanisms. Educational achievement and the activity of parents on the labour-market have been proved to have a moderator role in formation of coping skills among other demographic and psychosocial factors. Children with a more favorable social background cope more effectively.

  • A helyi szociális ellátórendszer és a K-hullám elmélet

    A háborúkat béke időszakok követik, a válságokat hosszabb konjunktúra időszakok. A gazdaságnak ciklusai vannak, mint az évszakok, amelyek váltják egymást a történelmi időben. Az átmenet korszakokban a kreatív rombolás formájában váltják le a korábbi termelési technológiákat állítja Kondratyev elmélete alapján Schumpeter. A gazdaság fejlődését meghatározó humán tőkének is van fejlődési ciklusa. A humánberuházások többnyire megelőzik a gazdaságban végbe menő kreatív rombolás időszakát, Egyrészt elősegítve a váltást, másrészt részei a változásnak. Ezekben a kreatív ciklusokban kulcsszerepe van a helyi szociális szolgáltatás szervezeteinek, ezen belül az oktatásnak. Történelmi példák mutatják a humán tőke ciklus változásai nem vak szerencse függvényei. Ellenkezőleg, minden nagy váltást jól átgondolt politikai döntés előzött meg, amelyet politikusok hoznak, akik korszakokat jelölnek ki.