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  • Influence of collective wine marketing on hungarian wine sector

    Nowadays, the importance of marketing is increasingly obvious. The number of those who apply those possibilities and methods provided by the marketing with which more efficient operation and higher amount of profit can be obtained is increasing. Special marketing fields have appeared that make the marketing characteristics of the single trades, product groups and industrial branches are widely known and utilized. During the more than 10 years following the changes of regime, the Hungarian wine market underwent a huge change. It is obvious, that this process has not stopped, and further market rearrangements may be claimed. The product and price policies have changed. Out of the marketing mix elements, mostly the marketing communication has changed, and the costumer has come to the centre. This marketing approach resulted in the formation of the newly established Hungarian Wine Marketing Public Benefit Company. The common marketing activity of the organization should have positive impacts on the industrial branch, although its efficient operation still has hindrances

  • Ecological Factors in Settlement Marketing Projection for Balmazujvaros

    Marketing is a crucial tool for regional and local governments, and should be better employed before Hungary joins the European Union.
    In my article I refer to the five-step process of environmental and situational analyses indispensable for a strategic plan, which serves as the basis for a marketing concept for a settlement. Furthermore, I present the necessity of the macro, mezo and local levels of environmental analyses. This part of my article is aimed at clarifying the notion of ecological marketing. My objective is to discuss its relation to settlement marketing.
    The second part of my article investigated the emergence of ecological factors in settlement marketing, in its process, using the example of Balmazújváros. I presented the correlation between Balmazújváros and Hortobágy National Park, from which I investigated primarily important areas focusing on the protection and development of natural values.
    In the course of strategic planning and the everyday operation of the town, ecological aspects have to be highlighted, and this process needs the development of the appropriate system of institutions and relationships. Now we can only see certain elements of environmental protection in the strategic settlement planning of Balmazújváros, and we seek to further enhance this process in the future.

  • Novel market conditions and marketing consequences in the hungarian guided hunting sector

    In Hungary the operating medium of game management and the guided hunting sector is undergoing such a radical change nowadays that on the one hand it considerably influences the profit-producing ability of the sector, and on the other hand it sets the actors of the industry new challenges and opportunities. If the Hungarian hunting industry, which has a traditional past, also wishes to preserve its position in this changed business medium, it is essential that the new situation be thoroughly assessed, and the value-oriented marketing attitude be adapted. The phenomena presented in this essay discuss the consequences and causes of the appearance of new service providers regarding the supply side, and the content changes of the consumer group and the modification of earlier consumption preferences and their causes on the demand side. The changing of the two media jointly generate the adaptation of the value-oriented service - marketing concepts, by using which the areas to be developed and deemed as the narrow cross-section of consumer decisions can be determined. After specifying the target group specific marketing properties of the aove-mentioned – prestige – service, such services of high utility content can already be established successfully that can be positioned as a proper alternative for the new consumer group of higher value expectation. On the other hand, the employment and profitability indexes related to this sector may considerably be improved.

  • The online marketing possibilities and judgment of the domestic food-sector

    The theme of my PhD research is the online marketing possibilities and judgment of the domestic food-sector. This article is based on the important bibliography of my research theme. I show the new categorization of the tools of marketing communication. I examine the recent years’ changes of the social approach and the interactivity. Based on the meeting of the Internet I separate our ages’ generations. Furthermore I examine the transformation of consumers into users in the digital environment. I prove the changes of the Internet’s penetration and the presence of enterprises in the Internet with statistic data. I touch the tendency of information searching in online environment. I present new methods to measure the online marketing activities’ return.

    Finally, I define my objectives of research based on my own experience and bibliography overview over and above I draw up my concrete future’s research which I separate seconder and primer section.

  • Efficiency evaluation of service marketing at a Hungarian telecommunication company

    The article discusses the marketing effectivity of a communication service at a Hungarian telecommunication company. The main target is to establish economic effectivity of the enchanced promotion of the service. The basic metholodogy was the comparison of a new marketing plan and real figures of the planned period. The results of 2005 and 2006 show a very
    positive financial effectivity of the surplus communication. Based on the results a further promotion is suggested.

  • Developing vegetable and fruit marketability potentials in Hajdu-Bihar county in terms of Hungary’s EU accession

    prearrangement, Hungary will be ready to join the EU by the 1st of January 2003. In the course of negotiations, the Government places special emphasis on agriculture, because Hungary is an agrarian country. Agricultural production is an important economic factor in Hungary: larger a factor in its economic structure than in those of the present EU member-states. In order to preserve competitiveness, Hungarian farmers and its
    processing industry require information on the EU's CAP and other market influences.
    In Hajdú-Bihar county the quality of agricultural products fall behind the standards of the European Union. There is no real solidarity among farmers, so they are left alone and are unable to meet higher, those standards, which were introduced by the structural changes of the market. Unfortunately, there is only one fruit and vegetable marketing organization (PO) in the county, although its necessity and effectiveness has been proved several times.
    Within the framework of Rural Development, agricultural marketing is vital, because together with the local FVM institutes, it can help the farmers by providing consultation, information, and by marketing their products. Since fruit and vegetable growing has a considerable history in Hajdú-Bihar county, marketing activities can be effective in assisting both the farmers and the processing industry in preparation for EU integration.

  • Hungarian wine marketing ang wine consumption

    Hungarian wine is not in such a bad position as it is considered. We have outstanding specialists and the country’s natural conditions are also proper. The level of Hungarian wone culture is comparatively low but is capable of progress. Hungarian Wine Marketing Non-profit Company helps public wine marketing to be really effective. The development of tourism in wine-growing regions and advertising would considerably promote the popularity of Hungarian wine.

  • New and innovative consumer demands and expectations on the Hungarian food market

    Food and eating have always encompassed more than the simple intake of nutrients; therefore, when thinking about food consumption, we need to examine several groups of influencing factors whose correlations from the aspect of the consumer are described by a complicated matrix. This paper focuses on the selection of signs indicating new and innovative consumer behaviours, and on the megatrends that are the driving forces of transitions and that lead to the consequences of strikingly reconsidered consumer decisions nowadays. The authors stress that there are qualitative and structural changes in food consumption in Hungary, with an increasing quantity of differentiated consumer demands appearing, a few of them influencing our everyday decisions even at
    the concept level. The findings of primary research originated from a personal questionnaire survey consisting of 2001 respondents, in which we also focused on the attitude towards eating and media consumption related to gastronomy.
    This paper is an introduction to the market segments detectable in the present Hungarian population aged 15–74 in the topics concerned. 

  • Analyzing the Competitiveness of Balmazujvaros on the Basis of a SWOT-Analysis, Emphasizing Tourism

    My study examined the competitiveness of Balmazujvaros, in regard to tourism. The town is situated in the Northern Great Plain region, in Hajdu-Bihar county, 22 km from Debrecen, together with Egyek, Hortobagy and Tiszacsege joined the statistical subregion of Balmazujvaros. Comparing with the neighbouring settlements, it has similar geographical features and posesses thermal water that was determined to be medicinal, which is a feature of the region. Balmazujvaros as a typical country town as it has a dominant agricultural character. It gained town status in 1989. Part of the town is situated in the National Park of Hortobagy.
    The first part of my study is to determine the number of rival settlements from the viewpoint of tourism. I will analyze the results of a questionnaire given to tourists in Balmazujvaros between June 15 August 31 2003, and introduce the primary results. The SWOT analysis will show the primary and secondary information and the examination of the results.
    If we take into account the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of this town, we can make the following conclusion: tourism is an opportunity with a well-developed infrastructure, a third sector, subsidies and improved local interest. A sound and well-defined marketing strategy is essential for Balmazujvaros, in order to overwhelm its strong rivals

  • The Natural, Social and Economic Conditions and Opportunities for Development of Balmazujvaros, Especially in the Case of the Co-operative Kvaliko

    Balmazujvaros as a settlement near Hortobagy has to cope with both advantages and disadvantages. Its natural and social conditions are mainly given, the agricultural characteristic is dominant, and the number of the employed is the highest in the agricultural firms and processing industry. Developing the third sector, including hosting, tourism, eco-tourism, thermal-tourism, may be an opportunity for the city. The subsidy for rural development relating to the SAPARD-programme may contribute to this, as the city is the member of the Association of Hajdu Towns.
    The agriculture plays an important part in Balmazujvaros in which production and marketing of vegetables and fruits excel. Several farmers realised this opportunity and founded the Marketing Co-operative of Vegetable Producers in Eastern Hungary, that is the Kvaliko. This PO works in a Corporation form and is constantly developing, spreading and expanding its choice making use of the local natural, social and economic conditions and applications for realising its investments. This PO may set an example for the other entrepreneurs and farmers of Balmazujvaros to co-operate and it may be considered as an already realised opportunity.

  • Price Risk Management by Futures Markets and Public Warehousing

    The principal achievement of this paper is the combinative use of two market institutions: public warehousing and commodity exchange and how their joint application is beneficial for the players on the grain market. Based on a theoretical foundation, a calculation model was developed in order to assist short and long-term marketing decisions. It allows all the three participants of the market: producers, consumers and traders, to use this model in order to establish their own business strategy. The model can be used to analyse factors influencing the establishment of price; therefore, it can be also used for policy-making decisions.

  • Examination of the Effect of Transaction Costs in the Hungarian Beef Sector

    technical and economic characteristics, which give rise to high levels of uncertainty and greater control in the supply chain. In order to investigate the role of different transaction costs in marketing behavior, we carried out research in the central region of Hungary among beef retailers and wholesalers. This research is based on primary data collection and examines the motivation of choices in the beef sector on distinction among different marketing channels and the role of transaction costs in procurement. Since this case can be regarded as a qualitative choice situation the hypothesis that transaction cost’s variables are significant is judged by the application of multinomial logit model in order come up with the variables that can influence the supply chain structure and the choice of different marketing channels. This analysis enabled us to explore the structure in data and confirm or reject the expected interrelations of causative variables. Our
    1 A szerző témavezetője Dr. Fertő Imre.
    2 A kutatás az OTKA F038082 sz. „Vertikális koordinációs és integrációs modellek az élelmiszer-gazdaságban” c. programja keretében valósult meg.
    3 A szerző köszöni Dr. Fertő Imrének és Dr. Szabó G. Gábornak, a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Közgazdaságtudományi Kutatóközpont tudományos főmunkatársainak a kutatás során nyújtott nagy értékű segítséget. results partly support and contradict the basic predictions of transaction cost economics.

  • The Poultry Industry through the Experts’ Eyes

    In my study reveal the situation of the poultry industry. In my research, I used the regularly adopted qualitative method, i.e. the interview. I conversed with the managers of the most important poultry factories, and asked them about the position of the Hungarian poultry sector, the possibility of improving its position, the changes in consumer behaviour, in marketing strategies, means and methods.
    The managers talked about the necessity of collaborating between factories. They agreed on the dominance of commercial chains. In their opinion, these prejudice their chances. They emphasized about the increasing role of processed products and the growing number of sell-stimulated marketing means. The consumer behaviour has changed in the last 10 years too, which helps the market of processed poultry products.

  • Marketing analysis of the Villány wine region

    Hungarian wine is not in such a bad position as it is considered. We have outstanding specialists and the country’s natural conditions are also proper. In Hungary, there are wine production and wine consumption has a major traditions. The role of marketing in our wine industry is growing more and more, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. The development of tourism in wine-growing regions and advertising would considerably promote the popularity of Hungarian wine.

  • Result of Wine Consumption Survey

    Wine has always played an important role in the Hungarian culture and gastronomy. Today, average wine consumption is about 33 liter per person per year, which figure, comparing with datas in Western Europe, is acceptable. However, cultured wine consumption has begun to develop only in last few years. Consumers, whose knowledges about wines have been widening, demand quality wines. The number of high standard scientific contributions on this subject has risen greatly. But comparisons of them are rather difficult because of adopting different surveying methods. This research has supported and confirmed that wine is a confidental product and previous experience could be an important determining factor during wine-purchasing. Wine is popular as a present, so the nice, elegant look, proper bottles and labels are essential for the higher rate of selling. Further, price-value rate could also be a main factor during the customers’ decision. This survey is a result of a test-research and its methodolical experience will have been used in my following researches.

  • Coherence and connection between the good pond culture practice and the environment conscious management

    According to the data indicating the decline and restructuring during the past decade, as well as the trend in the European Union member states, it can be expected that the role of traditional agriculture and fish production in direct rural employment decrease further. This also values those strategic directions for restructuring that will lead fishculture from quantity driven to quality production along with sustainable development (i.e. environmental conscious production) and multifunctional farming. This way the economic and social tensions caused by the concentration of the production and labour output can be mitigated.
    It is laid in the 1257/1999 Act on rural Development that farmers that enrol the agri-environmental scheme should follow the “Good Agricultural Practice” on the whole managed area. In case of agri-environmental schemes this is a precondition for which no grants are given.
    The adaptation of “Good Agricultural Practice” in fishproduction,where it is called: “Good Pond Culture Practice” is considered important on the basis of the above mentioned. This programme is undertaken in co-operation with the Research Institute for Aquaculture, Fisheries and Irrigation, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development and the Association of Hungarian Fish Farmers and Product Council.
    The European Commission proposed the formulation of the European Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EFAF) for the period 2007-20013, which will replace the Financial Instruments for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG), but it also consists of several new elements and will be working differently, too. According to the proposal the budget for the Fund will be nearly 5 billion EUR (4963 million EUR). The development level of aquaculture and fisheries and the social and economic significance in the given member state will be considered when distributing the Fund between the Member States.
    According to the plan the Fund is organised along five priority axes, of which the most important for the Hungarian fisheries sector is No. II: Aquaculture and the processing and marketing of aquaculture and fisheries products. The main measure areas are the followings:
    1. investment support for aquaculture;
    2. support for aquatic-environmental schemes;
    3. environmental- and animal health issues;
    4. investments in processing and marketing
    In case of accessing support under measure area No. 2 farms are obliged to meet the requirements of the scheme beyond the “good management practice” for 5 years, which is to be supervised by the approved body of the Member State. For this reason our work is considered to be substantial.
    Approval of the application of “Good Pond Culture Practice” is based on two elements: first the prevailing environmental and nature conservation regulations, as well as the list of controllable conditions in the new agri-environmental agreements are to be met. “Good Pond Culture Practice” are to be conducted on the whole farm area. Its main elements are:
    - nutrition management,
    - feeding,
    - pond maintenance,
    - stocking,
    - harvesting,
    - animal welfare (storage and over-wintering).

  • Possibilities of Corn Seed Commercialization on the Hungarian Market in 2003

    According to the sales results of the past two years we can draw the conclusion that although the Hungarian hybrids have very good capabilities, they are still in a big disadvantage in the corn seed sales sector, considering other foreign varieties. These above mentioned disadvantages, as published in prior essays, are not because of the variety’s low quality, but the lack or little presence of marketing. In order to gain position and market on the seed sales sector in Hungary, a lot more has to be done in the area of advertisement.
    Seed advertising is very particular and different from all other types of goods. To make growers familiar with your product, you have to be in continuous contact with them, through field days, exhibitions and presentations, besides the well known and in other areas also used quotidian advertisement methods.
    Although Hungarian breeders reach better and better results each year, they still cannot catch up with the multinational companies spending millions of dollars on development and advertising, thanks to their financial position.
    Finally we can state that choosing the appropriate variety for our needs and possibilities of land and machinery is of great importance in order to reach the best results we can.

  • Opportunities and barriers of local products’ sales in rural regions

    Nowadays local economy systems are highlighted in the Hungarian, the European and also in the global economy system. Inhabitants and local products, services created by them are the most important elements of local economy systems. Local products are especially important in areas with special conditions, in the underprivileged rural areas. Sales of these products and services on local level and above could give answer to economic and social challenges in these regions. In the same time to become part of the economic system selecting the best marketing channels for these products is very important. In this study, based on a case study in Mezőcsát, possible marketing channels are revealed through quantitative research based on primer and secunder data and SWOT analysis. In the case of Mezőcsát for local sales the best place is the local market, while webshop is the best for sales outside Mezőcsát.

  • Characteristics of Corn Seed Sales in Hungary

    As seen on the above tables we can acknowledge the fact that the Hungarian corn seed market is very unique and, because of its size, indispensable for all multinational breeder companies. We can also assume that the main places in the market are taken by big companies as Pioneer, with its unbreakable first place, followed closely by Syngenta Seeds and the fusionized Monsanto. Although the Hungarian breeders’ hibrids perform on field tests and trials similarly or better than other varieties developed by the above mentioned companies, we can’t find them even near to those leading few given mostly by Pioneer, Syngenta and Monsanto hibrids. This fact leaves us with a conclusion that the Hungarian companies should change the strategy of their marketing procedures to increase sales.Thus, they need better technology to keep up with their competitors, more advertisement, other marketing „hints”, which can only be fulfilled with a big economical background, unfortunately not yet available for our breeders.

  • Wine market trends in the EU and Hungary

    Traditions of the Hungarian grape and wine sector go back centuries. However, although this sector is proud of its rich traditions, it has gone through several shocks. Having joined the EU, Hungary has become a part of the integrated internal market. The commercial obstacles and difficulties among EU-members and Hungary have officially been removed. At the same time, within the Common Agricultural Policy, the wine market has been organised at community level by EU-members. There is no possibility for the sector to access any kind of direct supports from the Hungarian budget, unless such activity is definitely allowed by community directions or unless Hungary were authorized in the framework of a supplementary procedure. After joining the EU, the customs-protection - which aim was to protect the EU-market against the third countries - reduced, so wine producers from overseas countries emerged with their competitive wine prices in the home market and also became competitors of Hungarian wine producers who have been working under low technically equipped conditions. In order to increase the competitiveness of Hungarian wines, it is essential to improve the machinery of producers and to improve the equipment of winecellars. Finally, it is also vital that Hungarian wine producers develop a well-constructed marketing policy.

  • A study of product strategy priorities at the small enterprises of the North-Alföld Region

    Through a non-representative sample of the small enterprises of the North-Alföld Region, this paper studies the product strategic priorities enabling us to make a detailed typology of small
    enterprises. According to the relevant technical literature, the types of small enterprises have typical strategic priorities. Obviously, each group can be characterised with certain strategic
    priorities, which are sharply distinct from each other. These priority features are shown in the form of characteristic features in the enterprise’s marketing activities, market behaviour (product policy, innovation attitude, technology, price policy). This paper studies the enterprises of the sample through the role of production technology, material quality, low price and branding endeavours affecting product positioning.

  • Case study based analyses of economic viability of Hungarian beef farms

    Our country has great traditions in the field of beef production. As early as the Middle Ages, Hungary was known as Europe’s beef exporter. In this decade, production of the Hungarian Grey has increased, due to the popular method of keeping these animals extensively. These animals were even exported to the European markets on foot.
    After joining the European Union, this sector of agriculture has been receiving attention due to the major subsidies which were given. Accordingly, numerous farmers have tried to enter this sector of production. However, the power relations have been changed lately, as have the technology used in production, which has undergone several developments. The integrative connections in the sector had been split and also the size of optimal and sustainable production has arisen.
    The economic activities must be judged by their effectiveness and profitability, but in most cases their effectiveness can only be seen through such outstanding facts which are independent from the farmer.
    I would like to model the economy of a certain enterprise, and the size and the level of its production, through my research under the actual economic circumstances. In my research, I pay special attention to the circumstances which are important in the Hungarian agricultural sector and rural development.

  • Organic soybean production in Hungary

    Organic soy production, particularly for feedstuff in organic animal husbandry, is needed in Hungary and the EU regions. Soybean producing crop area in Hungary has increased in the last years, however, the agroecological potential would allow for a larger soybean production area. This study presents the soybean market in Hungary, and the role of soybeans in protein supply in food and feed, summarising the critical elements of organic soybean production from variety selection to marketing. During the field research, the effects of the agronomical environment on yield potential factors were examined. We aimed to determine how different row spacing and tillage systems affect organic soybean yields of different varieties, with particular attention to the dry region, and determine the specific methods and varieties of soybean that favour these areas. We found that the tillage (plough/grubber), the spacing (wide/narrow), and the variety effects were all significant on morphological variables. The most remarkable difference was seen in plant height and the number of pods per plant, while the number of nodes was also highly impacted by tillage treatment and variety. The nutrition variables were significantly different, mainly as an effect of tillage and spacing interaction with significantly different plant responses of varieties.

  • Die Möglichkeiten des ökologischen Marketings in der nördlichen Region der ungarischen Tiefebene

    Diese Studie sucht die Antwort auf die Frage, welche Chancen das ökologische Marketing in der Nördlichen Region der Tiefebene in Ungarn haben kann. Wir haben in den Jahren 1996 und 2003 in unserer Region eine empirische Untersuchung anhand eines standardisierten Fragebogens, und danach persönliche Interviews im Kreis der Unternehmensleiter der Lebensmittelbranche durchgeführt. Aus beiden Untersuchungen hat es sich herausgestellt, dass der Umweltschutz nur durch Gesetzesvorschriften den Unternehmen aufgezwungen wird. Die Anregung des Marktes und der Medien hat eine geringere Bedeutung. Der Umweltschutz liegt unter den Zielen des Unternehmens auf dem letzten Platz. Die Unternehmensleiter meinen: die Stärkung der Rolle des Umweltschutzes würde die Kosten des Unternehmens steigern und kurzfristig den Profit in geringem Maße vermindern.

  • Prospects of tobacco sector due to changing of union subsidy system

    Some 80% of the revenues from tobacco production originate from subsidies, therefore the existence of the tobacco industry basically depends on the system of subsidies. According to the current position, in the transitional period of introduction of the CAP reform (from 2006 to 2009) at least 40% of tobacco premiums shall be decoupled from the production, while the tobacco producing member states may decide to continue to pay the remaining 60% (or a less rate, depending on the rate of decoupling) in a coupled form. Tobacco premiums shall be fully decoupled as from the 2010 crop, however farmers will be eligible only for 50% of the subsidies, and the rest 50% shall be used for subsidising rural developments in tobacco producing regions (Radóczné, 2007).
    This change affects the section very seriously. In EU-15 member states this system was introduced in 2006, which resulted in giving up tobacco growing by high percentage of the farmers (70-80% reduction of tobacco production in Greece and Belgium, and 45% reduction in Portugal). In Hungary – due to the small scale of the tobacco section – this rate reduction in production would jeopardise the existence of the section, therefore we are interested in maintaining the existing system of coupled subsidies to as a large extent and for as long time as possible.
    This study shows the possibility of tobacco sector before and after introducing the changes in the system of subsidies, and formulates the most serious problems and roles of the sector.