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  • Production technology development of millet at different ecological conditions

    The millet is a very special plant with good adaptation that gives the possibility for the late sowing and secondary production. However the effects of late sowing modifies the efficiency of the agrotechnological elements. The exainations – focused on this aspect – was conducted in the DU RINY and DU RIK in small plots in four replications in 2014. Among the examined factors (sowing time, nutrient supply, growing area) sowing time had the largest effect. The effectiveness of the agrotechnological elements decreases under unfavourable circumstances caused by the late sowing.

    The agrotechnical elements modifies the yields in the examined genotype. Sowing time had the biggest effect on the yields of millet. The genotype „Maxi” had the highest yield in the different treatment variations.

    The yield differences were significant between the sowing time and plant density variations, but the nutrient supply had not significant effect (the rate of precipitation was unfavourable in 2014 season).

  • The role of green manure crops in Hungarian plant production

    According to the data of KSH (Hungarian Central Statistical Office), the sowing area of cereals in the crop year 2016 was over 2.56 million ha, on which winter wheat and maize were produced in a rate of around 50–50%. Regarding these data it is obvious that the domestic cropping structure has been simplified and become unilateral. This unfavourable crop rotation system causes several problems. The number of Hungarian livestock decreased in the past decades. The amount of manure was 24 million tons in 1960, but only hardly 4.5 million tons of organic manure was applied in 2016. Therefore, the importance of other possibilities, alternatives for organic matter recovery have become enhanced. This is especially important from the aspect of sustainable plant production. The fact that the European Union has introduced new directives for subsidiaries in 2015 has to be noted as well.

    The objective of the set experiment is to find new technological solutions that are suitable for the execution of sustainable plant production by inadequate crop rotation, organic substance recovery conditions or under more unfavourable climatic conditions.

  • The impact of cultivar and irrigation on yield, leaf surface temperature and SPAD readings of chili pepper

    Paprika is an extremely popular and widespread plant species in Hungary. Chili peppers belongs to paprika and it can be consumed fresh or processed. The production of peppers began with the cultivation and control of some parameters for good results of paprika production. The aim of this article is to compare the water supply of four chili pepper hybrids ("Habanero", "Hetényi Parázs", "Unikal" and "Unijol") by means of investigation on open field and to examine how different temperatures and water stress factors influence the yield of chili peppers. The experiment area consisted of four different hybrids in three different irrigation treatments (control, deficit- and regular irrigation). The chlorophyll content was estimated with SPAD and the leaf surface temperature with Raytek MX4 TD. Our research concluded that deficit irrigation produced the highest yields for all cultivars and the lowest yields for the highest water supply.

  • N-Phenyl-Phthalamic Acid and Fertilization Effects on Flowering, Fruit Set and Fruit Quality of Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.)

    On seven apple cultivars (Gala Must, Gloster, Granny Smith, Idared, Jonagold, Jonathan Csány 1, Mutsu), the authors studied the influence of N-phenyl-phthalamic (PPA) acid and fertilization on flowering, fruit set and fruit quality in the years 2003-2004. The research results showed that PPA application extended the flowering time of the most cultivars. Fruit set of apple cultivars increased in many cases when regulator was applied. The additional nutrient supply could increase the fruit set too. The increase of fruit set increased the number of fruit per tree. Quality parameters determined by fertilization and fruit number per tree. For example, when N-phenyl-phthalamic acid was applied without fertilization the fruit number per tree increased considerably however, it caused a considerable frittering away. The reason for this is that fruit set was high and fruit received not enough nutrition for growing up. The skin colour of fruits was decreased in several cases by the treatments. In one respect the enlarged fruit number was shaded the others and the fertilization increased the vegetative shading leaf area.

  • Application fields of wood as a renewable energy source in Europe

    Fuelwood, and wood wastes provide almost half of the renewable energy production of the European Union. Enhancing the use of wood in renewable energy production has more constraint than wind- or solar energy. Forests in the EU member states are sustainably used, they are increasing both in terms of area, and growing stocks. There are possibilities to enhance the fallings and use more fuelwood. Short rotation coppices could fulfill the long term demand for fuelwood; because these plantations surpass the dendromass yield of forests.

  • Study the correlation of morphological and production traits of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) (Review

    There are several morphological differences among the honey bee subspecies, which proofs that they adapted different way to the environmental factors of the given area. Morphological observations are not the only way to separate subspecies, it is possible on their genetic speciality as well. The authors’s aim in this present study was to examine morphological characteristics of subspecies, furthermore looking for correlation between morphological parameters and honey yield. According to their results, among the most important parameters considered by Hungarian breeders, in the case of the native Apismelliferacarnica subspecies, the proboscis length could be the indirect tool for honey-productivity focused selection.

  • Economics of hail protection net installation in super intensive apple orchards

    The main objective of this study was to determine and organize beneficial and detrimental effects of hail protection nets, and as far as possible to quantify their economic impact. The main factors were determined, through which hail protection nets can affect the costs and incomes of the production, and as their sum the economic result. Considering these factors together with the investment cost and the annual maintenance costs allows the economic evaluation of purchasing of hail protection nets. The analysis was carried out using a deterministic simulation model based on primary data collection from apple producing businesses. Installing hail protection nets as additional technological elements of intensive apple orchards can be concluded by all means as an economic investment – trough their protective effect. However, to achieve really favourable economic indicators, definitely bigger tree height is needed making possible the realisation of around 8.0 t ha-1 extra yield. The main root of this phenomena are obviously the extremely high investment costs of hail protection nets, which result in a large mass of fixed costs during the production period. Therefore the basic economic interest is reaching higher yields and thereby higher profits per unit area.

  • Integrated nutrient supply and varietal difference influence grain yield and yield related physio-morphological traits of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) varieties under drought condition

    The ever-growing world population entails an improvement in durum wheat grain yield to ensure an adequate food supply, which often gets impaired by several biotic and abiotic factors. Integrated nutrient management, such as nitrogen rate × foliar zinc × sulphur fertilization combined with durum wheat varieties were investigated in order to examine the dynamics of yield and yield related physio-morphological traits under drought conditions. The four durum wheat varieties, three-level of nutrient supply (i.e. control, sulphur, and zinc), and two nitrogen regimes (i.e. zero and 60 kg ha−1) were arranged in split-split plot design with three replications. Zinc and sulphur were applied as foliar fertilisation during the flag leaf stage, both at a rate of 3 and 4 liters ha-1, respectively. Results showed existence of genetic variability for grain yield, plant height, NDVI, SPAD and spike density. Foliar based application of zinc and sulphur at the latter stage improved the plant height. Nitrogen fertilized varieties with lower spike numbers showed to better yield formation. Co-fertilization of nitrogen and zinc improved grain yield of responsive varieties like Duragold by about 21.3%. Spikes per m2 were statistically insignificant for grain yield improvement. It could be inferred that the observed positive effect of sulphur, nitrogen and zinc application on physio-morphology and yield formation substantiates the need to include these essential nutrients in the cultivation system of durum wheat.

  • Distribution of the American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus ball 1932) in west Romania

    The vector of Grapevine Flavescens Dorée phytoplasma, the American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus) has been in Europe since 1924. In Romania, the first populations were detected in 2009 in the central, eastern and southern part of the country. Later, the leafhopper was found also in West Romania in 2014. In 2015 and 2017, altogether, 14 sampling sites were studied in two vine regions of this area. The Scaphoideus titanus could be detected in 10 of them with relatively small abundances. During the studies, the yellow sticky traps proved more effective methods than sweep netting. To prevent vineyards from disease, we should do everything against the vector from prevention to chemical protection.


  • Results of a Fertilization Experiment Performed with Sulphur on Rape Seed Plants

    The sulphur fertilizing experiment was introduced in the cropping year of 2001/2002, with winter rapeseed. The experiment was performed on a farm in Magyarhomorog, Hajdú-Bihar County. By selecting the location for the experiment, we had to consider the effect of the hard winter that was very unfavourable for rapeseed production, as there was serious frost damage on the sown area previously used for the experiment. In the arable land experiment, results of three different doses of treatment were compared in two replicates, on meadow soil. FitoHorm 32 S solution was used as a sulphur fertilizer, in doses of 3, 6 and 10 l/ha. Evaluating the results, we tried to find a correlation between the amount of fertilizer and the amount of seed-crop or the oil content of the seed. The nitrogen and sulphur contents of the samples were determined using classical methods and an Elementar VarioMax analyser. By this way, it was possible to examine not only the role of Sulphur in rapeseed production, but also to compare and evaluate results obtained by Kjeldahl and the modern, environmentally-friendly combustion method.

  • Optimalization of nutrient supply and row space in the growing of annual caraway

    Concerning the nutrient supply, it was found that the highest crop was produced with the N80K0 treatment (81.38 g m-2). The K application resulted in a decrease in crop yield. The highest crop yield per plant was found in plots with 48 cm row space. The best germination was reached in the plots with 48 cm row space (73%).
    If the level of K was elevated, the essential oil content increased. The maximum essential oil content was reached by treatment N0K80 (2.6284 ml 100 g sza.-1). The composition of essential oil was influenced both by the nutrient supply and by the growing area. Increasing the row space the ratio of d-carvone decreased. The amount of d-carvone was uniquely increased by use of K. The highest carvone level (66.25%) was identified at the N80+70K80 treatment as an average of row spaces.

  • CO2 emission of the soil on barley stubble

    In the last decades the physical and biological status of the soils in Hungary significantly decreased. The degree and intensity of CO2-production of the soil is in close correlation to its structural status and organic matter content. In a complex soil tillage experiment at Karcag in situ measurements have been carried out since 2002 in order to determine the CO2-emission of the soil. Carbon-dioxide emission of the soil in the cases of conventional tillage and reduced cultivation system was analysed in a long-term cultivation experiment. The measurements were carried out after the harvest of the barley, thus root respiration was excluded. For the spatial delimitation of the measuring area a newly developed frame+bowl set was used. Based on measurements, significant differences between cultivation systems can be recognized due to the soil structure changes and its effects

  • Agriculture production and rural development

    In a national economy, the considerable part of its available territory consists of the so called rural area which is mainly used by the agricultural sector. In our days, the rural areas are characterized by the loss of their economic, administrative etc. functions. The agricultural sector is able to utilize the rural areas, though other economic activities play important role as well. To evaluate the agricultural sector in terms of the agribusiness, it is clear that the situation of the agricultural sector is not only decisive for the rural areas, but also for the whole national economy, and therefore, it is part of its balanced development.

  • Researches regarding the influence of the some technological elements on water use efficiency in maize from Crisurilor Plain

    Plain and the influence of the hybrid, plant density, crop rotation, nutrient supply, weeds and irrigation on water use efficiency were studied.

    Choosing of the hybrid with the best water use efficiency is very important because a hybrid from 500–600 FAO group (Fundulea 376) in unirrigated conditions and a hybrid from FAO group over 600 (Fundulea 365) obtained the biggest water use efficiency; the hybrid Fundulea 365 obtained the highest irrigation water use efficiency, 20.1 kg yield gain 1 mm-1 irrigation water.

    One of the most known hybrid in the area is Turda super and the highest water use efficiency was obtained using the plant density of 55 000 plants/ha in unirrigated variant and 70 000 plants/ha in irrigated variant. The highest irrigation water use efficiency, 20.7 kg yield gain 1 mm-1, was obtained at 70 000 plants ha-1.

    In maize monoculture was obtained the lowest values of the water use efficiency in unirrigated and irrigated variant: in the wheat-maize crop rotation the values were higher than in maize monoculture and in the wheat-maize-soybean were registered the highest values. The same situation was registered regarding the irrigation water use efficiency.

    Farm manure (30 t ha-1) and especially manure (30 t ha-1) +chemical fertilizers (N90P45) determined a higher values of the water use efficiency in comparison with the control. In the variant with organic + mineral fertilization was registered the higher value (19.4 kg yield gain mm-1) of the irrigation water use efficiency.

    Water use efficiency was much lower in the variant with weeds in comparison with the variant without the weeds; the differences were of 69% in unirrigated variant and of 64% in irrigated variant, very significant statistically. Irrigation water use efficiency from variant with weeds was lower than the value registered in the variant without weeds; the difference (68%) was very significant statistically.

    In average in period 1976–2012, the irrigation determined the increasing in water use efficiency with 22%, 19.4 kg mm-1 vs. 15.8 kg mm-1, but not in all the years caused the irrigation increasing in water use efficiency in comparison with unirrigated maize.

    The results research emphasized the need of the optimization for technology elements studied and a better water use efficiency will be obtained.

  • Plant protection praxis on Hévíz Nature Conservation Area (Lake Balaton District, Hungary)

    The nature conservation park, which belongs to the Spa and St. Andrew Hospital for Rheumatics of Hévíz, is 60 ha in size. The famous Lake of Hévíz, the two overfalls and the main buildings of the hospital are located in the middle of the park. They are surrounded by protective forests, parks and gravel esplanades. During the past few decades, the population of neophyton plants and invasive insects have increased considerably. These mean serious challanges to develop efficient control methods. Special care must be taken of environmental and plant protection regulations. Keeping plant protective regulations are especially strict around natural and spa waters.

  • The effect of different sowing depth on the yield and yield-forming elements of maize

    On a global scale, maize is an important food, feed and industrial crop, with an increasing production area (Nagy, 2007 and 2021). Among the environmental impacts, extreme weathering factors caused by climate change are causing serious problems for crop stability, and maize is no exception.

    Precision farming is today's most innovative agrotechnical approach, which can greatly increase crop safety and reduce costs by exploiting the genetic potential of our soils and the hybrids we use (Torres, 2012).

    Sowing is one of the most important agrotechnical elements, and with good seeding we can ensure that we have all the requirements of a high yielding, high growing crop (Pepó, 2019). In the case of sowing, it is important to place the seed in moist soil to provide the optimum environmental conditions for the crop to ensure uniform emergence (Széles et al., 2020; Shrestha et al., 2018).

    Precision planting is the market leading technology in precision planters in the United States, and when cooperating with them we looked for methods to optimise the depth of sowing and to monitor the effect on yield by studying the initial development of the plants. The seeder was equipped with the company's SmartFirmer soil scanner integrated into the seed drill. Automatic seed depth adjustment based on soil moisture is an exceptional solution for uniform emergence and drought protection.

  • Plant production possibilities on a heavy metal contaminated soil with the purpose of biorefinery

    Significant part of not cultivated area of Hungary is not suitable for agricultural utilization because of industrial
    pollution. Technologies of biorefinery make reutilization of contaminated areas possible. Biomass of plants
    produced on polluted soils can be raw material of valuable products. Applicability of biorefinery was tested on a
    heavy metal polluted soil, where the contamination originated from previous mining activity. Complete biomass
    utilization was aimed to obtain cosmetic ingredients, pharmaceutical agents, and precursors. During our research
    work 88 plant species and varieties were produced and tested for potential utilizable components. Levels of
    possible contaminants in these plants were monitored, and amounts of carbohydrates, protein, organic acid and
    cellulose were determined as well. Different plant extracts were tested as potential sources of biologically effective
    components or as raw materials for lactic acid fermentation. Our results show that biorefinery is a real possibility
    for utilization of polluted areas. Numerous plants could be cultivated on contaminated areas without increased
    levels of contaminants in their tissues, thus they can be sources of valuable compounds.

  • Results of Sulphur Fertilization Experiment with Oilseed Rape

    The rape is definitely a sulphur-demanding crop, which yield and the quality of its oil is threaten by the emerging shortage of sulphur nowadays. We made sulphur fertilising trials on two places in the northeastern rape growing area (in Felsőzsolca and Mezőkövesd), in the season 2001/2002. We compared the result the 5 five treating set in 2 repeats on brown forest soil with the results of the control plots. We used FitoHorm 32 S sulphur solution as sulphur fertiliser, with the dose of 3, 6 and 10 litres per hectare, as well as the joint effects of sulphur and boron; and the effect of boron alone. On the assessment of our results we looked for relation between the sulphur fertilising, the seed production, the oil content and the protein content.

  • Usability of vegetable extracts in the protection against Alternaria alternata

    In our country, wormwood ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) may cause serious problems. Nearly 5 million hectares of agricultural area was infected with ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), which is believed useless weed. Allergological point of view, most problematic weeds adventive. However, many physiologically very beneficial compound also included, those with the effects have been known also by the Indians. On this basis, herbs can be thought of as ragweed. Our goal was to present that the ragweed contains antifungal active substances as well. In this paper we tested the biological activity of the extracts against Alternaria alternata F.00750 in vitro. We related based on our examination that ragweed contains biologically active agents, by which it is hampered the reproduction of the Alternaria alternata. The minimum effective concentration was 300 mg extract in a Petri dish, which was three days inhibited the growth of fungus. Full fungicidal effect was observed over dose 525 mg.

  • Examining the compensation for the 2010 flood in the Sajó valley using real estate examples

    The intention of this article is to investigate the central damage mitigation of the 2010 flood in point of properties. During the investigationI performed the processing of the revealed data on a country level perspicuity, and in details on the level of sample area. In my study I worked with the available damage summations, the number of the damaged properties and the sources granted by central budget to extenuate those,and the husbandry database comparative analysis of local government of the sample strata. It came clear by the analysis of the results, which regions require more acquisition in the further process of the project.

  • Responses of pea (Pisum sativum L.) to the rising atmospheric concentration of carbon-dioxide

    The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increases from decade to decade in increasing pace. In 1957, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were around 315 ppm, while in 2012 it amounted to 394.49 ppm concentration. In parallel, the global temperature is rising,which is projected to average 1.5–4.5 °C. The carbon dioxide concentration is a key factor – in interaction with the light – affects the plant's photosynthesis. Among the various factors significant interactions prevail: environmental factors affect - the growth and the development of plants, leaf area size and composition, the function of the photosynthetic apparatus, the duration of growing season.

  • Recovery and confirmation of Haemonchus contortus from abomasal contents of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Eastern-Hungary (Biharugra): A diagnostic case study

    Gastrointestinal parasites are ubiquitous. They occur both in wild and domesticated animals. Among such parasites of veterinary importance is the trichostrongyle worms, out of which the Haemonchus contortus species is regarded as the most pathogenic one in the small ruminant industry. The occurrence of this parasite in the sheep flock is now very well documented and an established fact in Europe, although the parasite was original of the warmer climatic region. Studies on the cross-transmission of H. contortus between the wild and domesticated animals are also on the rise although the question of the direction of transmission is still debated. This is an important area that needs to be addressed as it could potentially contribute indirectly to mitigating anthelmintic resistance. Hungary also has reported its share of the occurrence of the parasite, mainly in the sheep flock and a certain population of roe deer. The study presented here is the preliminary results of a diagnostic case study that confirms the presence of H. contortus in wild ruminant deer species that are close to the domesticated sheep population.

  • Studies on Ostrich (Struthio Camelus) - Review

    Ostrich has been reared in Hungary for decades, but we have limited information on this species. The aim of this review was to provide a concise description of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) based on international studies. We were to investigate some of the most relevant parameters, such as egg, meat and skin production. In this critical review we managed to sum up the most significant features and productivity parameters of ostrich and effecting factors. So as to make an accurate description of the species we have to know its morphological, behavioural and physiological characteristics. Ostrich is a very special bird with special nutritional and environmental requirements. Ostrich products, regarding egg, meat and skin are considered luxury products not only in Hungary but also abroad. Though egg has a significant nutritional value, it is mainly used for hatching chicks. In Europe we can expect roughly 40–50 eggs from a hen yearly. Ostrich has a lean meat with high protein and low fat and sodium content, moreover it is rich in minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Having these advantageous qualities, ostrich meat should be part of our healthy diet. Skin production is not important in our country, but there is a special demand for high quality ostrich leather globally. In the future our aim is to conduct a research on some of the parameters. As low production rate and embryo mortality is a great deal of problem in ostrich industry, we need to investigate the incubation environment. There is an apparent disagreement among researchers on optimal slaughter age. This is also an area for further investigation. The value of skin and effecting factors on our climate as well as adaptability of the species are also worth for further investigation together with the nutrition what differs from other ostrich breeding countries. Nowadays, there is a great emphasis placed on animal welfare too.


  • An Efficient Method for Making an Educational Program

    Distance education, a new teaching method widely-spread in higher education nowadays, requires the extent use of multimedia self-study educational programs besides the traditional means and methods.
    Experience shows that besides certain types of software like encyclopedias, dictionaries, language manuals etc. there is an ever growing demand for appropriate educational programs that can be tailor made, adapted or modified for various kinds of students.
    These programs reflect the teacher’s approach to the subject and contain the relevant, up-to-date information.
    Since they are used in a relatively limited circle, usually within a faculty of an institution or within a single subject area, it is crucially important to be able to produce them with as little energy and time as possible.
    There is a PhD research program, aiming at creating a flexible multimedia framework, that can be a possible solution to the problem. This framework can be easily filled with different teaching materials compiled by certain teachers without advanced knowledge of informatics. The framework itself is carefully designed and guarantees high quality.

  • Rural Entertainment in the Püspökladány sub-region

    The Püspökladány statistical sub-region is geographically located in Hajdú-Bihar county’s south-west corner, in the area called Nagy-Sárrét. The tourism of the sub-region has been highly determined by the proximity of Hortobágy National Park and the presence of thermal water, one of the most important resources of the region. As Hajdú-Bihar county – especially Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló and Hortobágy – possesses these attractive factors as well, in the Püspökladány sub-region rural tourism could be an important means of catching the interests of – mostly Hungarian – tourists.
    In the course of this research, my objectives were to introduce the rural hosts of the sub-region, the main features and problems of rural hospitality as an enterprise and the characteristics and activities of rural tourist – from the view of the hosts.
    I chose questionnaires as the method of the investigation, and evaluated them with the help of SPSS and Microsoft Excel software. During the evaluation, I calculated distribution, arithmetic mean, deviation and carried out significance-analysis.
    The investigations confirmed my presumption, i.e. rural tourism has not gained ground yet in the Püspökladány sub-region. This statement is proved by the fact that I completed only 8 questionnaires in a sub-region with 13 settlements, where rural host activity concentrates on 3 settlements. The results of the questionnaire-evaluation prove the aforesaid.