Analysis of the plant physiological effects of late, artificial corn smut infestation using remote sensing methods
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Radócz, L., Sápi, L., Zagyi, P., Horváth, Éva, & Tamás, A. (2022). Analysis of the plant physiological effects of late, artificial corn smut infestation using remote sensing methods. Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 2, 31-35.
Received 2021-11-26
Accepted 2022-10-03
Published 2022-12-06
Accepted 2022-10-03
Published 2022-12-06
In Hungary, corn is also infected by several important pathogens. In this experiment, we analysed the plant physiological effects of artificial late cron smut infestation using remote sensing methods under field conditions We examined the experimental area from which the data comes from with a DJI Phantom 4 Multispectral Drone NDVI and NDRE indices were calculated and analyzed in GIS programs. Individuals treated with a higher dose remained much greener than the untreated control. They also showed significant differences within the indices used.
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