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  • Morphological, physiological features and differences of Vriesea splendens ’Fire’ plants during in vitro multiplication and rooting

    During in vitro multiplication and rooting of Vriesea splendens ’Fire’, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 mg l-1 benzyladenine (BAP), benzyladenine-riboside (BAPR), kinetin (KIN), meta-topoline (MT), indole-butyric acid (IBA) and naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA) were added to basal Murashige and Skoog (1962) MS medium. As compared to the hormone-free control, plants developed significantly more shoots on medium supplemented with almost all cytokinins (excepting KIN), especially BAP resulted the highest multiplication up to almost 26 shoots. Enhancement of cytokinin concentrations increased shoot number (and in case of BAP, peroxidase activity) but decreased plant height and rooting parameters. Regarding root production, both auxins were definitely beneficial (0.2 mg l-1 NAA resulted more than 7.5 roots and higher auxin concentrations efficiently stimulate root elongation); however, KIN had similar effects. After a three-month duration time of acclimatization, we observed that plants which were previously cultured on medium containing certain cytokinins (KIN in all doses and 0.1 mg l-1 MT) or both auxins had greater survival, moreover, as negative after-effect, higher cytokinin concentrations reduced the number of survived specimens.

  • Factors affecting rhizogenesis in vitro and acclimatisation of three cherry rootstocks

    Factors affecting rhizogenesis in vitro and acclimatisation of three rootstocks of cherry, i.e. Mahaleb, Maxma-14 and Weiroot -10 were investigated.

    Rooting was easily achieved within 2-4 weeks on MS-based liquid or agar-gelled media containing auxins IBA at conc. 0.49 or 2.45 pM or NAA at conc. of 0.49 pM. On liquid media with 2.45 pM IBA, a maximum rooting efficiency of 95-100% was obtained. However, high concentrations of auxin delayed the time of root initiation for 3-5 days.

    Rooted plantlets were transplanted into pots with a mixture of 3:1 (v/v) peat:perlite and acclimatised gradually to field conditions with efficiency of 60%.

  • Determination of auxine content of soft wood cutted `Marianna GF8/1' (Prunus cerasifera x P. munsoniana) by High Performance Liquid Chromatography during rooting period

    The content of different auxins of soft-wood cutted plum rootstock 'Marianna GF8/1' (Prunus cerasifera x P. munsoniana) was determined during the rooting period. The level of auxin-concentration (exogenous and endogenous) of basic and intemodal part of cuttings was determined by WATERS HPLC equipment every 7 days during rooting period. The lengths soft wood cuttings were app. 30 cm long. The basal part of shoots were treated with 2000 pg/g concentrated indole-butiryc acid in talcum powder. After treatment the cuttings were placed in propagation green-house under intermittent mist. The plant hormones were extracted by methanol the solution was cleaned by paper-filter, and further cleaned by centrifuge. The effluent was examined by reversed phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography, with WATERS 2487 dual detector at 220 am on Symmetry C18 4,6x 150 column. Recovery and reproducibility assessment indicates good accuracy and acceptable relative standard deviation (RSD) 5%. Linear responses (r20.997) for calibration curve was obtained with IAA, IPA and IBA standard in range, with a limit of quantification of 0.15 g•m1-1. The concentration of IAA, IPA and IBA in the basal part of cuttings were measured, during the rooting period. We proved the external IBA was taken up by the plants. In the plants were found the IBA, and the IAA concentration of IBA treated cuttings was higher, than the untreated one.