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  • Determination of biogenic amine - content of natural wines

    Nowadays the consumption of natural wines has been increased. In parallel with the higher demand, the study of the parameters of natural wines has also developed. The amines being produced during the decarboxylization procedure of amino acids could be one of the most important features of natural wines. The objective of this study was to measure the biogenic amine content of natural wines from 2000 and 2001. We have determined that the biogenic amine content of natural wines is not different from the biogenic amine composition of normal wines. There was not any considerable difference between the years. In complience with the average tendency, red wines contain higher histamine-, tiramine- and serotonin values than white wines.

  • Investigation of the Antioxidant Effect of Hungarian White Wines and Tokaj Wine Specialities

    Authors investigated the antioxidant effect of wine-phenolics, expressed as total antioxidant status (TAS-value). This property may play an important role in elimination of the harmful effects of free radicals in human body.

    Independently of their polyphenol composition, special quality Tokaj wines did not show extremely high TAS-values. In Tokaj Aszu wines the total antioxidant status was independent of the "puttony" number but was influenced by the length of aging time.

  • Legal harmonization of the Hungarian horticulture conditioned by the accession

    In the EU-horticulture is treated with special care. As far as its regulation is concerned, different orders are in force to single branches. The regulation of the branch of medicinal plants is related chiefly to the processing, because the overwhelming part of the basic material is to be imported. More preoccupation falls to the ornamental plant branch, although both the production and the turnover are controlled by the market. Irrespective of this fact, the quality standards are high. Also the production and the sale relations are carefully circumscribed, with special regard to the processing procedures. In the control of the quality an important role devolves on the producers' organizations, likely in our country on the so-called TESZ-es (Cooperatives for production and sale). In this regard the domestic prescriptions took much over of the EU practices.

    The structure of sales in vegetable and fruit branches is continously changing, the demands of the consumers are more and more satisfied by the super- and hypermarkets. Their marketing organizations offer almost the half of the total of quantity commodities. In consent with the processing industry they raise quite severe requirements to producers. These requirements are to be taken into account also among our circumstances. There is a similar situation valid in the viticulture and winery. Within these branches we are able to compete on good chances of adapting our regulations to those of the EU. In this area there falls also responsibility to our vine-growing communities. Particulary a watch must be kept over the reputation of our renown quality wines and the results already achieved must be protected.

    The competent ministries — at first the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development — has already shown great flexibility to the desires in regard to the expectable legal harmonization. The legislative, registrative and controlling activities are to be continued in this mentality.


  • Determination of biogenic amine content of Tokaj Wine Specialities

    The knowledge of the finest composition of the Tokaj Wine Specialities is an indispensable task. The presence of the biogenic amines as an eventual combination of hygiene, technology and activity of Botrytis cinerea is a very important point of view in the future. The objective of this study was to measure the biogenic amine-content of Tokaj Wine Specialities.

    According to our findings, the histamine-concentration remained lower than the prescribed end values, but ill the case of serotonine, there were significant measured values. During the fermentation period, in the first cycle there was a decrease in the concentration of biogenic amines, but with the advancement of fermentation, an increase was found.