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  • Effect of organic and integrated farming on carotenoid and tocopherol content of apricot fruits

    In modern and healthy diets antioxidants play an important role providing natural defence against serious diseases. Therefore it is recommended to include fruits and vegetables having high antioxidant capacity in daily diet in a due course. Apricot is one of the fruits receiving an increasing attention in this field. This study was conducted to investigate the composition and content of fat-soluble carotenoids and tocopherols in different varieties of apricot using recently developed liquid chromatographic methods. Also it was aimed to compare organic and integrated farming in their effect on carotenoid and tocopherol content of the fruits. The results showed that apricot fruit are rich in vital carotenoids and bioactive tocopherols with significant variation between different varieties. The organic farming had favourable effect on the level of the major carotenoids and depending on variety this technology either increases or does not have significant influence on vitamin E content.

  • Effect of sowing dates and NPK levels on active substances in seeds of isabgol plants (Plantago ovata Forsk, L.).

    Two field experiments were carried out in the Experimental Station and Laboratory of the Vegetables and Floriculture Dept., Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ., during the winter seasons of 1995/96 and 1996/97. The investigation aimed to study the effect of different sowing dates and NPK fertilization levels, as well as their interactions on active substances extracted from Isabgol plant (mucilage contents). Four sowing dates and six NPK levels were studied. The main findings in this investigation can be summarized as follows:

    1. Plants grown in the first sowing data (Nov. 1st week) produced the highest content of mucilage as g/5 g seeds or as percentage of mucilage per plant.
    2. The addition of NPK fertilization significantly increased the mucilage content of seed and its percentage per plant. The highest content and percentage were in plants treated with the fourth level of NPK (178.0 g/3m2).
    3. Concerning effect of interaction between sowing dates and NPK levels on mucilage content, the highest content and percentage per plant were produced in plants grown in the first sowing date and treated with the fourth level of NPK.