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Further information to the acclimatization of "in vitro" plants
54-58.Views:177The experiment was carried out with in vitro propagated 'MM 106' apple-rootstock plantlets. The transpiration of the plantlets was examined, and the changes followed by SEM analysis.
Data about the transpiration intensity of the acclimatized plants, of its value under different conditions of relative humidity and influenced by the existence of roots, as well as by the degree of acclimatization are presented.
Leaves were also examined and it was found, that stomata of in vitro developed leaves closed slowly, and the number of stomata of newly developed leaves decreased.
It is also shown, that in vitro propagated roots, generally, lose their hairs during acclimatization, but these roots are all the same important, as new roots of full value develop out of them.
Changing of inert content values of apricot varieties
39-41.Views:233The consumers have been exigent increasingly about excellent quality. The speci fie flavour and fragrance of apricot evolve during ripening. We need to be acquainted with changing of inert content during ripening to the choosing of optimal harvest time. The Regional University Knowled ge Centre -Research and Development in Foodstuff Chain project had presented an opportun ity to study the inner content of apricot. Our aim was to study evaluation of health care attributes of apricot fruit. We investigated different ripeness samples of four apricot varieties ('Mandulakajszi', 'Pann 6nia', 'Gonci magyar kajszi'. 'Harcot') in our study of 2007-2009. Samples were taken the orchard of Sóskútfruct Ltd. Hungary. We had measured the water soluble antioxidant capacity, polyphenol-, f3-carotene content and the dissimilar sugar and acid-fractions during ripening. We had experienced significant different in inert content between varieties.
Variety specific integrated fruit production development in order to optimize inner content values
27-31.Views:224In this paper we introduce our results of three years (2007-2009) investigatio ns carried out in the framework of "Research and development in foodstaff chain" - project of Regional University Knowledge Center by the members of Corvi nus U niversity of Budapest - Department of Pomology and. Research Institute for Fru it growing and Ornamentals. Budapest-Erd. The main objectives of the project were the followings: submi ssion of sour cherry candidate suitable for industrial process for state approval; determination of physica l parameter and inner content value changes of sour cherry varieties duri ng ripening; evaluation of health care attributes of sour cherry fruit; ripen ing process description by the colour and the force required to pick fruits of sour cherry. We stated that the optimal begi nning and period of the harvest can be determined wi th the fruit removal force. In this period the fruit growth stops. ju iciness rat io does not change. refractions are approximately equal.acidic content turns to decreasing trend.However the proportion of anthocyan in and polypheno l can still increase. Fruits harvested in this period fulfil a wide range of industrial process opportunities. 'Erdi jubileum ·and candidate IV-3/48 according to their inner content values arc suitable for high quality products (containing real fruit material in high proportion).