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  • The Relationship Between Sports Civic Organizations and Human Resources

    Every spring the Hungarian Central Statistical Office records through its ELEKTRA database system the human and economic related operation data of the past year of civic organizations. This data source is usually considered as a standard at the evaluation of the domestic civic sphere. Still, the available handout titled “Most important features of the non-profit sector”, applying mainly descriptive statistics only provides a brief picture of specifications of the sector. Parallel with it, its background database is available yearly, which provides a unique possibility for a researcher to perform secondary analysis aiming to reveal deeper relationship. The objective of our study is purely to reveal a minor part of this considerable field, the relationship between subsidies and human resources mainly due to the fact, that human resource in this sector is composed of employees and volunteers, and it is questionable whether subsidies have an impact on employment.  Results revealed that there is a relationship between human resources and subsidies, where mainly private nature subsidies have a strong impact equally on voluntariness and work related employment

  • Examination of road sections in Debrecen by noise mapping

    During the research, noise level calculations were performed for 13 numbered roads in and around Debrecen and a noise map analysis was conducted on the roads’ environment. The first examined year was 1995, the last was 2017. In the time interval, annual status was determined based on average daily traffic data. In addition to the road noise values calculated for each section, a noise map was prepared for each survey year. For the evaluation of the results a difference map of the highlighted periods was prepared. Typically, noise level increase from road sources was identified between 1995 and 2017 in a significant part of the studied area (southern and eastern parts of Debrecen and around the newly built roads). Stagnant noise level was diagnosed near the downtown of Debrecen and around the main road No. 4, furthermore in some places noise reduction was caused by the development of the road network (between Debrecen-Józsa and Hajdúböszörmény, between Debrecen and Látókép around road No, 33, and along roads No. 4808 and No. 4814) .

  • A bankvezetési kultúra változása a gazdasági válság hatására

    A 2008/11-es globális gazdasági válság eredetét az elemzők jellemzően az amerikai másodrendű jelzálogpiaci válságra vezetik vissza. A gazdasági válság bizalmi válságba ment át, mely időben elhúzódást, hatásában pedig mélyülést jelentett. Összesített hatásként a pénzügyi szektor a valaha volt legmélyebb válságát élte át, melynek következményeként a tradicionális hatalmi viszonyok is megváltoztak. Hosszú idő után a bankok szabályozásáért és felügyeletéért felelős politikai vezetők globálisan vissza tudták venni a primátusi hatalmat a pénzügyi/gazdasági vezetőktől. A primátusi szerep elvesztése, a válság kitörésében játszott szerep, a társadalmi felelősség, a bankmentő akciók következményei, a reputáció csökkenése, a bizalomhiány mind közrejátszottak abban, hogy a bankvezetők és a banktulajdonosok új vezetési és gazdálkodási kihívásokkal találják magukat szemben. A tanulmány erre a nemzetközi és hazai kihíváshalmazra keresi a kulturális válaszokat.

  • Design an Opening Force Measuring Device for Balancing Clips

    This paper deals with the development of a force measuring device to determine the opening force of different types of balancing clips. These elements can be used in the impellers of ventilators to rebalance the rotor. The measuring device contains a commercially available beam type load cell. The data processing is performed by Arduino Nano development platform with a 24-bit sigma delta A/D converter. The device is well applicable to determine the opening force of the clips in different opening distances.

  • Microbiological and Chemical Investigation of Drinking Water Samples on the Operational Area of Pannon Víz Zrt.

    In our research the potable water quality was monitored between 1 January 2015 and 31 October 2017 in the operational area of Pannon-Víz Zrt. The connection between temperature, microbiological load and chemical parameters were investigated. After evaluating data, the following results have been identified. The seasonal changes of the microbiologically positive samples are determined by the contamination caused by Escherichia coli, Enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The coliform group and the 22°C and 37°C colony-form units showed no seasonal dynamics. The analysed chemical parameters were below the limit during the examined period. Based on the correlation analysis, there is no correlation between chemical and microbiological parameters.

  • Mechanical Testing of 3D Metal Printed Stainless Steel Specimens

    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a cutting-edge production method, which has come a long way since its first introduction in the ’80s. Back in the days its usage was very limited to stereolithography, and was only able to make weak structures, so it only worked for visualization. Four decades later it is one of the leading research fields in production areas, because of its flexibility and its ability to make almost any complex geometry. However, no matter how powerful it is, it is not omnipotent, there are certain size and shape restrictions even this method must apply to.

  • Sportcivil szervezetek – számok a támogatások növekedése mögött

    A KSH adatgyűjtési tevékenységének köszönhetően a nonprofit szervezetekre vonatkozó átfogó adatok mind adatbázis, mind tájékoztató formájában elérhetőek. A gazdasági adatok között feltűnik az az évről-évre hasonló nagyságú, domináns támogatási részesedés. Különös tekintettel a klasszikus civil szervezetekre ez egyértelműen jelzi azt, hogy a szféra támogatáskitett és támogatásfüggő. Ezek a szervezetek ugyanis kimondottan alkalmasak támogatások fogadására. Tanulmányunkban szeretnénk másodelemzés révén rávilágítani arra, hogy a sporttal foglalkozó civil szervezetek/sportcivil szervezetek száma milyen összefüggésben van a támogatásokkal, különös tekintettel két specifikus támogatási formára, a NEA-ra és a TAO-ra vonatkozóan. Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy van összefüggés a támogatások összegének növekedése és a sportcivil szervezetek számbeli növekedése között, és ez kifejezetten igaz az egyik legrégebbi és legújabb támogatási forma esetében is.

  • Security and Risk management of Intelligent Integrated Institutes

    The intelligent households are getting more and more popular beside the intelligent technologies. With all the advantages that this can provide, it brings the security risk of the information technology as well. We must deal with those dangers. We have to determine the risks so that we can make proper precautions. This article gives an effective guideline to achieve safety.

  • Examination of Z Generation’s Motivation and Expectations on Higher Education

    Today’s students at secondary schools, the so-called Z generation will be the customers in higher education in the near future. Members of the generation 'Z' were born between the early 1990’s and at the end of the 2000’s and significantly differ from the previous generation Y. They are called as Sharing Generation and Digital Generation as well. They have special learning habits and special expectations about learning, teaching and theories. These facts bring up a question about suitability and efficiency of traditional and actual methods in higher education in connection with their teaching and personal development. In this research expectations of students in year 11 will be examined about the higher education in general and with special regard to the business higher education.

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