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Search Results

  • Determination of the Accumulation of the Heavy Metal Content of the Sediment of River Danube by Plants

    In these days, the surface waters and their floodplains and oxbow lakes are operating as ecological corridors, although their touristic role is not negligible. The monitoring and saving of these wetlands need for sustain these areas for the future generations. The environmental parameters of floodplains and oxbow lakes is revealed with the analyses of the quality of the water and sediment. The main sampling place of our research is a sediment dump was created by excavation from the Open Beach of Dunaújváros in 2009. In 2010 the whole sediment dump was planted with trees, and many kinds of weeds were also grown here. The main aim of this research is to analyse the heavy metal content of the sediment dump in Dunaújváros. Furthermore, the heavy metal content of the parella (Rumex obtusifolius L.), perennial rye-grass (Lolium perenne) and riparian sedges (Carex riparia) which are growing on the sediment dump were also analysed. The distribution and the accumulation of the heavy metals inside this plant can be also determined with these measurements.

  • Sectoral Analysis of Hungarian Professional Football Clubs - Hungarian Football Money League 2014-2016

    Based on the model of the Deloitte Football Money League we recreated the „Hungarian Football Money League”, which gathers and analyses the most economically powerful Hungarian football enterprises. The model gave us an oppurtunity to analyse and compare the industry to the international level. With the hungarian professional football-enterprises we assume, the most economically powerful teams play in the NB. I. (National Championship). Because of this reason we only analysed NB 1. club teams. From the 12 participating team we selected only those 9 who stayed in the League for three consecutive years. The implications from this study is that the hungarian club teams stays well below the international level, altought top level enterprises' joint economical impact is indeed significant in the hungarian sportsector. 

  • Szervezeti struktúra jellemzői spanyol labdarúgó kluboknál

    In Hungary the developement of sport sector needs to changes in structural scheme of sport organizations. The question is that, in the different sports areasthe association-based sports model, or the buisness-based sports model can operate effectively. Nowadays, in addition to professional successes in sporting activities, Hungarian sports entities and professional sports enterprises do consider options for the most effective operations possible, and gather good international practices in order to establish such business-based sports models in Hungary that are efficiently operable. The business side of sports is particularly apparent in professional football. On a global scale, this sport clearly demonstrates the process of structural transformation that is directed at the realization of the appropriate form of enterprise and structural setup. This article has been written to describe the Spanish model by example of organizational scheme of Real Madrid and Barcelona FC.

  • Evaluation Opportunities tor Recreational Sport Services – Adapted to Higher Education Environment

    In our study, we analyse various researches dealing with quality aspects of sport services, and different quality models related to the interpretation of quality. The results which were obtained in the framework of primary research activity present the opinions of students from five different research universities. Sport services’ operation and sustainability are determined by market regulations, as parts of the service industry. Considering that the university leisure sports services take place in a competitive environment, the universities often have to compete with external sports service providers for achieving confidence of the young generations. For the qualitative tests, we used the QSport-14 measurement scale, which is generally applied by sports centres. This scale investigates the sports services according to three different aspects: (1) instructors, (2) infrastructural facilities and equipment and (3) offered sport programs. We have adapted the measurement scale to the university environment because of the differences and special characteristics of external sports service providers and university sports services. In addition, we analysed the factors influencing recreational sports, and we also examined that what changes would be needed in order to improve the quality of recreational sport activities in higher education.

  • Security Analysis of a „Location-stamping” Protocol for GPS Coordinates

    Due to the rapid growth of GNSS based techniques in everyday life a service which can provide certified location information given by GPS coordinates became a worth considering idea. We designed two protocols that can  achieve this goal, these can provide authenticate location and time information for any device which has a GPS receiver. In this article, I would like to prove -with the help of ProVerif software tool-, the latter statement. I investigated the authenticity and data integrity properties of the protocol.

  • Motivational Factors of Choosing BMX and Other Extreme Sports

    Extreme sports play an increasingly important role in the supply of recreational activities, as an increased consumer demand has shown a dynamic growth over the past decades. In our research, we investigated motivational factors related to leisure time and in particular BMX sport on a sample of 237 people who do extreme sports. Our results have revealed that BMX is mostly chosen by young men as a leisure time activity. The consumers of extreme sports are characterized by internal motivation, pursuit of their own boundaries, testing of novel and exciting activities and the need for doing joint activities with acquaintances and friends.

  • The Relationship Between Sports Civic Organizations and Human Resources

    Every spring the Hungarian Central Statistical Office records through its ELEKTRA database system the human and economic related operation data of the past year of civic organizations. This data source is usually considered as a standard at the evaluation of the domestic civic sphere. Still, the available handout titled “Most important features of the non-profit sector”, applying mainly descriptive statistics only provides a brief picture of specifications of the sector. Parallel with it, its background database is available yearly, which provides a unique possibility for a researcher to perform secondary analysis aiming to reveal deeper relationship. The objective of our study is purely to reveal a minor part of this considerable field, the relationship between subsidies and human resources mainly due to the fact, that human resource in this sector is composed of employees and volunteers, and it is questionable whether subsidies have an impact on employment.  Results revealed that there is a relationship between human resources and subsidies, where mainly private nature subsidies have a strong impact equally on voluntariness and work related employment

  • Evaluation of a Trainee Program’s Selection and Induction

    The research based on the trainee program of a large Hungarian company. The company recommends the program to entrants or those who have 1-1,5 years of work experience. The main objective is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program through some of the HR functions. This study contains the process of the selection and the evaluation of getting into the program. What makes the program special, is the appearance of the technical mentor. According to the hypothesis, the mentor’s assistance reduces the uncertainty when the trainee inducted into the organization. The occasions of the beginner education, the conversations and feedbacks during the induction adds more efficiency to the success of the program. The searched data in literature features HR functions and mentoring. To learn about the program, a case study was made beforehand, and then the questionnaire was edited for the trainees at the company. In the course of the research, an interview was done with the technical mentor. The interview was based on the questionnaire. In point of the results, recommendations were defined connected to the assumed shortages of the program, also to increase the efficiency of the selection and induction. In conclusion, the maintenance of the trainee program is equally beneficial for the trainees and for the company as well.

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