Keresési eredmények
A bűncselekmények áldozatainak járó jóvátétel elméleti kérdései
1-14Megtekintések száma:109Absztrakt nélkül
A tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlatok szabályozása és joggyakorlata Szlovákiában
243-265Megtekintések száma:126 -
Az államfők nemzetközi büntetőjogi felelősségre vonásának mai keretei
40-52Megtekintések száma:67Recent years the legal position of Heads of State and other very senior State representatives has received considerable attention from national and international courts, writers and practitioners. It is often said that the establishment of the ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court, reflects a growing belief that the heads of State should be held accountable for serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. It has been argued that international law is now the stage where immunity should no longer apply in relation to serious international crimes. By contrast, others have emphasized the political and practical difficulties inherent in allowing national courts to serve as a tool for the transnational enforcement of penalties or damages for crimes committed abroad by the leaders and officials of foreign States. The resulting controversy has led the International Law Commission to include the topic ‘Immunity of State officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdictions’ in its work programme.
In my study I present the development of status of the Heads of State in international law, especially the criminal liability in the XX-XXI. Centuries. In this study I exhibit the development of the legal status of the heads of State and the actual questions in international law related to the criminal liability of heads of State and other senior State officials.
Az Endorois ügy, egy hosszú út eredménye – avagy az afrikai emberi jogvédelmi mechanizmus joggyakorlata és az őslakos népek jogainak védelme
Megtekintések száma:141The aim of the current article is to analyse the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights offered by the African human rights mechanism by introducing the Endorois Welfare Council vs. Kenya case[1] (hereafter: Endorois case). The author briefly introduces the preliminaries of the Endorois case, namely how the African mechanism was established and in doing so, he refers to the achievements of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (hereafter: Commission) in the field of protecting the rights of the African indigenous peoples, also touching upon the critiques regarding its functioning. Then he briefly introduces why the Ogoni case[2]can be regarded as a milestone concerning the rights of indigenous peoples on the African Continent. In the second part, the author focuses on the Endorois case and analyses it in detail: he introduces both the matters of fact and the legal issues; furthermore he pays attention to the implementation of the decision. Finally, in the third part of the article, the author draws his conclusions based on the above mentioned and makes his recommendations.
The author has the opinion that the African mechanism has followed in the footsteps of the Inter-American System and has interpreted the already existing substantial norms in an evolutiv manner, thus achieving tremendous results in the acknowledgement and protection of indigenous rights. They did so with such success that now the “master” – namely the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – is quoting the student. It follows from the above mentioned that – according to the firm opinion of the author – the African mechanism worth the attention both present time, both in the future, because new trends regarding indigenous rights could arise from the practice of the African Commission.
Az elektronikus világsztráda a kontraktusok jogában - az interneten kötött szerzõdések
Megtekintések száma:54Absztrakt nélkül.
A foglalkoztatáspolitikai eszközök szabályozásának változása napjainkban
Megtekintések száma:52The aim of the present essay is to give an overview of the means of the employment policy through the analysis and construction of the relevant statutory intruments and legal rules.
During the treatment of the means of the employment policy this essay tooks the classification accepted by the scientific literature as a basis therefore it deals with these instruments divided into two big groups.
Among the active types of the means of the employment policy the direct and also the indirect kinds of benefits of the jobless and unemployed are treated here.
Among the passive types of means those instruments are presented which are to succeed the unemployment benefit and the unemployment allowance such as jobsearch benefit and jobsearch allowance.
The definition of ‘employment policy’ is widely construed that is why this definition comprises the classical instruments of Labour Law and in a separate subsection the subsidy of the atypical legal relations of employment are also presented.
A tudományos élet szabadsága a Magyar Köztársaság Alkotmánybíróságának gyakorlatában
Megtekintések száma:58A tudományos élet területének fontosságát jelzi, hogy már alaptörvényünk eredeti, 1949-es szövegváltozata is szabályozta azt – igaz, sokkal inkább a tudományos élet állami irányításának, mint a szabad tudományos tevékenységhez való jog garanciájának benyomását keltve. Ma az alapjog jelentőségét elsősorban két szempontból, így a tudományos kutatáshoz való jog mint a tudományszabadság aktív oldaláról, valamint a felsőoktatási intézmények autonómiája mint a tudományszabadság garanciájának passzív oldaláról ragadhatjuk meg. A kutatás szabadságának központi szerepét az Alkotmánybíróság nem csupán a múlt feltárásában, így a társadalom történetének tudományos feldolgozásában, de innovációs értéke folytán a jövő építésében, a társadalom szellemi és gazdasági fejlődésének előmozdításában látja. Ugyanakkor az is nyilvánvaló, hogy a tudományos kutatás, képzés és együttműködés szabadsága, alkotmányellenes korlátozásoktól való mentessége nem garantálható a tudományszabadság másik pillére, a felsőoktatási intézmények és egyéb tudományos központok autonómiájának alkotmányos garanciája híján. A tudományos élet szabadságához fűződő alapjog mind szövegmódosulásait, mind tartalmát tekintve nagy utat tett meg a szocializmus időszakát jellemző ideológiai célhoz kötöttségtől a jogállami átmenetet követő, tudományos kérdéseket érintő állami semlegességéig. Ezt az utat kívánja röviden dokumentálni, valamint a felsőoktatási intézmények autonómiáját érintő két legutóbbi alkotmánybírósági határozat példáján szemléltetni a jelen írás.
A felróhatóságot nem vizsgáló felelősségi rendszer alapvonásainak bemutatása az új-zélandi szabályozás tükrében
72-81Megtekintések száma:54Absztrakt nélkül.
A büntetéskiszabási szemlélet alakulása – a büntető kódex folyamatos módosításának tükrében
96-110Megtekintések száma:63The criminal code has had a number of essential revisions during the past years, which has received distinct viewpoints concerning the improvement of punishments from the judiciary in criminal cases. The reasons of modifications can be explained mainly by the different penalty politics coming into prominence, occasionally having respect for different social approaches. It is periodically distinct which activities are indictable offences, which of the punishments serve the prevention of committing an act of crime the best in the fight against criminality. It is interesting to study how these sweeping changes can appear and effect in the daily legal activities. How far can the changes lobby the judges and prosecutors? Which punishment is ideal in the case - suiting to the aim of punishment – in the interest of the protection of society? As a result, analyzing judgments and interviewing some professional jurists (as far as I can) the different requirementson infliction of punishments do not appear immediately in practice and do not appear in the similar way concerning the functions of judges and prosecutors. It is not machines that pass judgement in a case, which could modify the expectation concerning the result.
Nótári, Tamás: Law, Religion and Rhetoric in Cicero’s Pro Murena Passau, Schenk Verlag, 2008. 200 pp.
64-66Megtekintések száma:57Absztrakt nélkül
A hibás termékért való felelősség rendszere és szabályai Európában
19-26Megtekintések száma:85Absztrakt nélkül.
A természetvédelmi igazgatás szervezetrendszere Magyarországon
Megtekintések száma:39Absztrakt nélkül.
Nótári Tamás: A jognak asztalánál… 1111 jogi regula és szentencia latinul és magyarul. Budapest, Magyar Közlöny Lap- és Könyvkiadó, 2008.
Megtekintések száma:72Absztrakt nélkül.
Tamás Nótári: Show Trials and Lawsuits in Early-Medieval Bavaria. Rechtsgeschichtliche Vorträge 53. Budapest 2008. 101 pp.
37-39Megtekintések száma:47Absztrakt nélkül.
A fellebbezés elintézése a harmadfokú büntetőeljárásban
120-137Megtekintések száma:93The questions of remedy are in close relations with the legal force. The legal force of the
clinching decisions represents the final, irreversible decision about the demand of penal law,
which decision is a guideline and undeniably binding for all, and cannot be attacked with an
ordinary appeal.
The legal force of other decisions with the capacity to have legal force defines a decision
which is final, irreversible, a guideline for all, obligatory (independent of executability) and
cannot be attacked with an appeal.
Furthermore, there are the decisions with formal legal force, the legal force of which stands
only for not being appealable.
A valid decision can only be made about the factual and legal basis of criminal responsibility
by the court that is entitled and obligated to do it, that is, only the court has a right during
criminal procedure to decide whether there was a crime or not, and if yes, who committed it.
In relation to this, the question of material legal force can only regard the constituted charge
and the act in consideration, when the court makes a permanent decision about the demand of
penal law, in the framework of the substantive judging of the act that became the object of
Lodging an appeal on legal grounds shall be governed by the provisions set forth in Chapter
XV of the Criminal procedure Act. The judgement of the court of second instance may be
appealed at the court of appeal. The appeal against the judgement of the court of second
instance may involve any of the dispositions therein or exclusively the justification thereof.
An appeal may be lodged for legal or factual reasons. An appeal suspends the part of the judgement to become final which is to be reviewed by the court of appeal owing to the appeal.
The third remedy is allowed only in cases where the first and second instance decision is
absolutely different in the question of guilty. -
Az új Btk. időbeli hatálya az egyes általános részi rendelkezések tükrében
63-72Megtekintések száma:48Act of 2012 on the Criminal Code came into force on the 1st of July 2013 after a long codification period. A new Criminal Code always leads to problems in application of law, therefore, it is quite actual to make an examination on new provisions. Some classic provisions of the General Part remained the same, although the penalty system and some other regulations have been renewed. The temporal scope of the new code will possibly be in focus for years.
The aim of this research is to take an examination on the case law and judicial decisions of Hungarian courts related to temporal scope of the new Criminal Code that is a significant part of this paper. The new Hungarian Criminal Code has been required to be prepared more severe than the former code. The other aim of this research is to revise the new provisions of the General Part resulting in statements about whether these new rules are more severe or more lenient than the Act IV of 1978.For this purpose a close legal interpretation shall be taken into account.
Megállapítási és marasztalási perek összehasonlítása, megállapítási keresetek speciális feltételei
Megtekintések száma:95For the first, I think that it is necessary to make clear what action is.
The action the application to the proposal of which the half interested in the debate is entitled and the court passes judgement on it. Bringing an action to the court is the prerequisite of the setting in motion of the civil action procedure.
The plaintiff asks it for the restoration of his violated subjective right practically in the action of detaining to oblige the defendant. The object of the action of detaining the claim originating from the violated subjective right, the controversial material legal contractual relationship, his content though the plaintiff’s application, that let the court oblige it defendant onto a particular activity, abstaining from it.
Basic rule: action of detaining expired in case of claims only enforceable. The action of assessment in so much action of detaining, that it positively aims at the court establishing it for the plaintiff’s right and the existence of the defendant’s asking to stay being mentioned.
It being possible to initiate action of assessments has two conditions conjunctive: the legal defence for the claim of his necessity and the impossibility of the vindication. The content and the consequences of the action of assessment considering too narrower than the action of detaining.
The plaintiff’s aim in the action of assessment, that the court clears up whether one of the contractual relationships exist with a judgement or not, it does not claim him accomplishing a defendant’s active behaviour beyond this. The deficiency of the execution follows from this, the giving onto an end which can be grown in the part of a judgement saying detaining in the legal charge only.
Verifiable, that the action of assessment independent legal defence device quality actions. Categorically cannot be declared, if action of detaining possible, assessment one is not eligible. The clarification of the situation and correcting him wait for the legislator however.
A „salátatörvények” alkotmányos helyzete az Alkotmánybíróság határozata fényében
Megtekintések száma:51Absztrakt nélkül.