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  • A nemzetközi terrorizmus és a nemzetközi terrorizmus elleni küzdelem
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    Der internationale Terrorismus bedeutet heute ein ziemlich großes Problem sowohl für die einzelnen Nationen als auch für die internationalen Organisationen. Die modernste Technik steht den Terroristen zur Verfügung und die Situation wird durch die Tatsache weiter verschlechtert, dass in einigen Fällen auch die Bedrohung mit den Sanktionen vollkommen erfolglos bleibt, denn ein breiter Kreis der Attentäter ist ohne weiteres bereit, sich selbst zu opfern, um ihr Ziel zu erreichen. Die Frage ist, was dagegen die Gemeinschaft der Nationen und das internationale Recht unternehmen kann.

    Da das Phänomen Terrorismus in ganz verschiedenen Grundtypen eingeordnet werden kann, konnte man sich an internationaler Ebene bis heute in keinen einheitlichen Terrorismusbegriff einigen, was die Verfolgung der Terroristen noch schwieriger macht. Trotzdem sind mit der Zeit verschiedene Übereinkommen gegen den Terrorizmus unter der Obhut der UNO entstanden, die meistens das Prinzip „aut dedere aut iudicare” beinhalten, um mindestens die Auslieferung der Attentäter zu sichern.

    In unseren Tagen ist die Al-Qa’ida die wahrscheinlich das kriegsähnliche Ausmaß an den Krieg errinernde Maß der Attentaten, die globale Dimension des Terrorismus und die religiös-fundamentalistische Motivation der Attentäter.

    Dieses Phänomen wirft die Frage auf, wie man sich gegen diese Erscheinung wehren kann, und wie weit die einzelne Staaten dabei gehen dürfen, ohne die Grundprinzipien des internationalen Rechts, wie zum Beispiel die Suverenität der einzelnen Nationen zu verletzen. Die Frage ist nach dem 11.09.2001 leider immer noch aktuell. Da es keine ausdrückliche Ermächtigung des Sicherheitsrats gab, die die Gewaltanwendung ermöglicht hätte, griffen die USA auf ihr Selbstverteidigungsrecht berufend Afganistan an, und stürzten die Talib-Regime um. Fraglich ist aber ob diese Aktion allein durch das Selbstverteidigungsrecht der USA gerechtfertigt werden könnte. Das Selbstverteidigungsrecht ist zwar im Art. 51. der Charta der UNO ausdrücklich erwähnt, es ist aber nur unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen anwendbar.

    Erstens muss es um einen bewaffneten Angriff eines Staates gehen. Auch wenn die Bewaffnetheit relativ leicht feststellbar ist, bleibt es fraglich in wie weit die Attentat einer terroristische Organisation einem Staat angelastet werden kann.

    Als nächste Voraussetzung ist die gegenwärtigkeit der Angriff zuerwähnen, die die Problematik der preventiven Selbstverteidigung aufwirft.

    Eine zeitliche Begrenzung der Ausübung des Selbstverteidigungsrechts ensteht, wenn der Sicherheitsrat die notwendigen Maßnahmen trifft. Es ist aber weiterhin nicht einfach zu beurteilen, ob und wann die durch den Sicherheitsrat getroffenen Maßnahmen notwendig und ausreichend sind.

    Schließlich sind die durch das Selbstvereidigungsrecht zu gerechtfertigenden Aktionen auch durch inhaltliche Voraussetzungen begrenzt: sie müssen sowohl notwendig als auch verhältnismäßig sein. Die Notwendigkeit bedeutet, dass die innere Sicherheit des Selbstverteidigungsrechtsträgers nicht durch mildere Maßnahmen gewährleistet werden könnte. Bei der Verhältnismäßigkeit ist fraglich, ob das Selbstverteidigungsrecht nur auf die Wiederherstellung der status quo ante begrenzt werden kann, oder eventuell auch die Umsturz einer anderen Regime ermöglicht.

    Der genaue Inhalt dieser Voraussetzungen ist in der Fachliteratur viel bestritten, sowie auch die Frage, ob die USA Afganistan legitim angegriffen haben. Um in der Zukunft solche Debatten und Unsicherheiten zu vermeiden, wäre es erwünscht in ähnlichen Fällen vor dem Angriff die Ermächtigung des Sicherheitsrats abzuwarten.

    Es ist aber allgemein feststellbar, dass es einen noch stärkeren Zusammenhalt und eine noch wirksamere Zusammenarbeit an internationaler Ebene nötig wäre, um den Terrorismus zu bewältigen, oder wenigstens zurückdrängen zu können.

  • A szellemi alkotások jogának szabályozási kérdései
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    A tanulmány megállapítja, hogy a szellemi alkotásokra vonatkozó szabályozásban a polgári jogi szabályok dominanciája érvényesül. A régi Polgári Törvénykönyv kifejezte a kapcsolódást a szellemi alkotások jogával és szabályozta a know-how jogvédelmét, a joganyag ugyanakkor az ahhoz szervesen kapcsolódó külön jogszabályokban volt fellelhető. Az új Polgári Törvénykönyv, a 2013. évi. V. törvény már nem a szellemi alkotásokhoz fűződő jogok, hanem a „szerzői jog és iparjogvédelem” címet viseli, a know-how pedig az üzleti titok egyik fajtájaként részesült védelemben. A szerzői jog homogén jellegét megtöri a 2016. évi XCIII. törvény, amely a közös jogkezelésről rendelkezik. Az iparjogvédelem területén a legproblematikusabb jogintézmény a know-how volt. Az új Polgári Törvénykönyv szabályai után megszületett 2018. évi LIV. törvény új fejezetet nyit a know-how szabályozása terén. Ezzel kapcsolatban a törvény a 2016/943/EU Irányelvet ülteti át a magyar jogba. A jogalkotó tehát azt a megoldást választotta, hogy az üzleti titok védelmére vonatkozó új fogalmi megközelítést, jogintézményeket és eljárási szabályokat nem a Polgári Törvénykönyvben, hanem egy új jogszabály megalkotása útján tette azokat a nemzeti jog részévé. Ezzel a természetes és jogi személyek magántitkai változatlanul személyiségi jogi védelmet, míg az üzleti titok és a know-how a szellemi tulajdonjogi védelem logikájára és szankciórendszeré épülő védelmet élveznek majd.

  • Ügynökök és bennfentesek – A bennfentes kereskedelem és az ügynök–költség összefüggései
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    This paper examines insider trading regulation regulations from the viewpoint of agency costs. An overview is given regarding the different definitions of insider trading in jurisprudence which helps establishing the essence of this behaviour. The author also aims to give an insight to the agency problem and agency costs which arise in a business organisation with separate ownership and management. Only through that can be the effects of insider trading demonstrated on agency costs. The article aims to give a balanced overview by enumerating reasons whether insider trading increases or decreases agency costs. If it raises agency costs then prohibition is justified. If it decreases agency costs, e.g. it serves as a more efficient compensation mechanism, then allowing insider trading might be more beneficial.

  • Az egészségügyi ágazati béremelés jogi aspektusai egy gyakorló munkajogász szemével
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    My essay analyses the rules of the wage-rise in the Hungarian health service system performed in two stages in 2012 and 2013. The difficulties of applying the rules and the continuous changes in the law are presented from a practical viewpoint.

    The personal and material scope of the raise in the health sector was the same circle: higher education institutions and religious institutions performing public mission that provide for in- and out-patient care. The wage-rise affected the employees having service relations with the above mentioned institutes in civil servant and commissionaire positions.

    In 2012 altogether86.000 persons benefitted from the raise (67.978 of them were directly involved in the healthcare), and 95.000 persons in 2013. The Act LXXXIV of 2003 distinguishes three groups of employees regarding the continuous and retroactive (ex post facto) raise of wages: doctors, graduates, pharmacists and health workers. In the case of these groups no uniformed wage scale exists, so different rules must be applied.

    The retroactive wager is in the case of the doctors depended on their salary, and the continuous rise was realized by a new wage scale. Other graduates and pharmacists gained a fixed rise. The retro active rise of the health workers was also fixed, the continuous wage rise was realized through a new wage scale and it depended whether their legal relation with the employer was established before or after the 1st of the July 2012.

    The complicated and frequently inaccurate regulation was corrected by the legislator, when a uniformed wage scale was directed to each group of employees in the September of 2013. A new sectoral wage scale was applied for the doctors and the health workers, and for other graduates and pharmacists the old public wage scale must be applied.

    Contrary to the uniformed regulation, there still remained legal institutions where the day/night duty, readiness, shift bonus, overtime must be specified according to the legislations in force on the 30th of June, 2012.

    Summing up, the legislator finally prevented the emigration of the highly qualified specialists by the execution of the wage rise in the last two years.

  • Kelsen államelméletének alapjai
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    Hans Kelsen was maybe the most famous philosopher of positivism. He became known from various theories that he made in the philosophy of law. Evolution was the characteristic feature of his scienfitic achievement. We can see this development for example in the theories 'origin of the state' and 'will of the state'.

                In 1925 Kelsen made a resume of his theories. This was the "Allgemeine Staatsrechte", which was followed by the "Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie des Staates" (Basic rules of the theory of the state) in 1926, which was the shorter form of the previous resume. The following summary can be made of these studies:

    Kelsen made a thorough and detailed examination of the science of law, and realized that the point of view juristical a sociological theories are mostly influenced by the political tendencies. He criticized the dual system of the law of the rules and the law of the individual and he did not make difference between law and state.

                State is somehow the order of the human behaviour. State can be only mentioned as order, where human facts and human behaviour are in symphony. When the rules of the state are dominant, people observe its instructions, sometimes in spite of the different rules of nature. The will of the state doesn't mean all the will of every human being of the state, it's different, it means, that all the rules are made by the state are valid.

                State is not only some kind of authority and a valid order, which is followed by people of the state, it is also effective. This effective means, that people of the state observe the instructions of the state, they act according to these instructions. The system of the rules don't make this effinence on its own, it is helped by the psychologically processes of human beings, that they are obedient to these rules.

    Law and state exist when its authority is felt, and this authority can be felt only in case, when law and state exist. Validity means, that rules must be followed. Validity doesn't depend of efficiency (if it is regularly followed by people). Anyway, the rule which is followed by nobody is not valid, but there is no rule, which is followed by everybody. Permanency is not the prerequisite of validity.

                We can draw up the following question: why seems to be different the act of the state to other type of acts. Every act of the state is committed by a human being, nevertheless we consider this act to the state. Kelsen says, that 'state' is a fixed point of special human acts. We can consider an act as natural or normative one. An act is natural, when it is caused by natural processes. But an act, when it is committed by a human, and the same time it is the manifestation of the state, it corresponds to the order of norms. Norms are rules, and if we follow them, our acts can be considered as a normative act.

                State can be considered as a group of acts, which can be obtained by force. Obtaining is not the way of enforcing the law, it has got only preventive and deterrent function.

                Kelsen sets up the formal an the material definition of the state itself, the definition of state organization, and makes difference of them. Formal state is a larger category, it means the order of law, and all the legal acts. Material state is a smaller category, it contains only some types of norms, like applying the law, and the rules of administration. Material state organization is also a smaller category than formal state organization. It means those acts which are used for obtaining, and also means the function of administration.

                In his studies Kelsen criticized the dual system of the law of the rules and the law of the individual and he said, that law and state is the same. State is equal to all the rules of law, and makes them valid. That is why state can be regarded as law.

  • Alkotmányreformok Olaszországban 2000-től
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    The paper deals with the constitutional reforms that has been taken place in Italy since 2000. It enumerates all of the constitutional amandements according to their subject matter. The first issue is the modification affecting the right to vote; the second one concerns the right to equality in the field of public affairs; the third amandement modifies some transitional provisions; the fourth is about the reform of Title V of the Constitution regulating the regions and local governments; an the last one specifies the failed constitutional reform that would have changed the basis of the recent governmental system of Italy.

  • Nótári Tamás: A salzburgi historiográfia kezdetei
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    Absztrakt nélkül.

  • Válaszúton – rendiség, abszolutizmus, polgárosodás? Hatalomgyakorlási modellek Jean Bodin Az államról című könyvében
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    The article approaches Bodin's philosophy from historical aspect outlining the characters of age of reformation. The paper emphasizes, Bodin's work came into existence in a transitional time, wherein holy and profane views coexisted, often interspersed. The conception of Bodin reflects a relatively rational way of thinking introducing the state phenomena as parts of political power structure. The writing analyses the functions of state and their institutions and operation. The article introduces Bodin's ideas about the professional state control and its relations with our modern public administration.

  • A jogszerű adatkezelés a GDPR rendelet után
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    Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), became effective on 25 May 2018. With the regulatory form the legislator raised the regulation of the right to the protection of personal data within the European Union to a higher level. The legislative act has a fundamental impact on the legal systems of the member states showing various differences from each other. Further, it can be stated as a general experience that the right to the protection of personal data and the nature of such right are less known either to those affected or to the data controllers. The new legislative act and the penalties with increased amounts [Article 84 of the GDPR] demand the elaboration of a study understandable for laics, too. Finally, as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation, the institution system ensuring the protection of personal data has fundamentally changed, so, therefore, it is also necessary to examine the authorities of the member states and the Union, as well.

    The study primarily approaches the occurring problems from the practice side. Accordingly, the examination conducted by the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) against Google is described, as the first significant penalty imposed based on the General Data Protection Regulation.

    The first part of the study is intended to present the right to the general protection of personal data. The historical part addresses in details the major elements of the historical development of data protection and the development of its contents, with particular regard to the appearance of the right to information self-determination based on the so-called “census-judgement” of 1983 of the BVerfG (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany). Finally, this part touches upon the theories defined in connection with the historical generations of the right to the protection of personal data. After the historical part the study addresses the peculiarities of the right to the protection of personal data, paying particular attention to separation from the neighbouring legal areas.

    The second part is intended to present the prevalence of the right to information self-determination according to the GDPR. It is the institution system protecting personal data that has undergone the most significant change. The Work Group under Article 29 has been replaced by the Data Protection Agency set up based on the GDPR. Setting up the Agency, enlarging its scope of authority and its stronger independence from the executive powers of the Union can, by all means, be evaluated positively. As regards the security of personal data, the practice, major directives and opinions of the Work Group under Article 29 have been examined. It is a significant step forward that the GDPR has made the sphere of special personal data more specific, promoting by this the increase of the extent of protection. It is important that, as a general rule, the Regulation forbids controlling special personal data. The definition of the concept of personal data is an essential condition for understanding the regulation. In addition to the principles of controlling personal data, the legal fundaments of data control have particular significance, with special regard to the consent and the data control necessary for performing the contract. In my view, the consent is a legal fundament of auxiliary nature for data control, which is also supported by the opinions of the Work Group, too. Granting the consent and the individual excluding circumstances occurring in connection with this, were examined on a case-by-case basis. In my opinion, the automated decision making process and the regulation of profile creation are one of the most cardinal issues of the GDPR. The way in which profiles are created, their use and the permissibility of such use are discussed in details. In my view, the regulation of the GDPR is deficient as regards the automated decision making process and the profile creation. The decision making necessary for performing the contract is not separated sharply enough, and it is not necessary for this. In my opinion, in respect of this latter sphere of cases the GDPR is not strict enough and may easily serve as a basis for misuse on the part of data controllers. In my view, granting the consent should be made stricter in respect of creating profiles and the introduction of the (contradictable) legal presumption of refusal would also be desirous.

  • A családi gazdasági társaságok és a szindikátusi szerződések lehetséges kapcsolódásai
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    A családi társaság fogalmát nem adja meg a hatályos jog. Azon gazdasági társaságok esetében, amelyekben egy család tagjai rendelkeznek döntő befolyással kizárólag formai megközelítést tesz lehetővé. A formai megközelítésen túl ugyanakkor a tartalmi kérdések, a családi érdekek és értékek sajátosságai ezen gazdasági társaság vizsgálatát más szempontok szerint is indokolják, amelyek alapján nem csak a hosszú távú üzletszerű gazdasági tevékenység, hanem a családi viszonyok jellegadó sajátosságai is vizsgálhatók társasági jogi alapon. Fentiek szerint a családi gazdasági társaságokban a családi viszonyok megjelenítése, a nemzedékeken átívelő működés igénye és családi jellegének védelme, továbbá a család tartós jólétének biztosítása kiemelkedő jelentőségű. A formai és tartalmi elemek együtteséből megállapítható, hogy a családi gazdasági társaságok olyan különleges jogi személyek, amelyekben egy meghatározott családi közösség döntő befolyása érvényesül, sajátos érdekeket és értékeket vall és képvisel, amelyek közül a családi vagyon védelme, a nemzedékeken átívelő működés célja, a családtagok tartós jólétének biztosítása emelendő ki. Ezen érdekek elérésének többes eszközrendszerét biztosítja a Polgári Törvénykönyv, a klasszikus társasági jogi eszközökön túl többek között a szindikátusi szerződésesek lehetőségével.

  • Problémás magánjogi elemek a helyi rendeletalkotásban
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    Local governments may establish legal relationships governed by civil law in numerous ways, for example, through the creation of associations, various institutional agreements or they can also do so by means of enacting regulations. In line with the stipulations of the Fundamental Law of Hungary, local governments may adopt regulations on two legal bases: if authorized by law or if they want to regulate a local public affair; however, the regulation may not contradict any higher form of legislation. While in the first case it is not only the right but also the obligation of local governments to enact regulations that can even be sanctioned, in the second case it is almost completely optional. The scope of public affairs regulated by local governments is rather broad. While the smaller local governments typically limit their activities to the regulation of the most urgent matters, the larger local governments enact regulations in a wide range of issues also due to the volume of their responsibilities. In many instances a part of these regulations does not remain within the framework of supremacy but also includes numerous elements of civil law. These could include matters related to parking or municipal housing, as well as problems in connection with public services. Norms regulating peaceful public coexistence represent a separate subject area as in many cases they wish to regulate legal relationships pertaining to privacy. In the case of the latter issue, the clause stating that the local regulations shall not contradict any higher form of law is especially central, as it necessitates the extensive knowledge of civil and in some cases even constitutional law to ensure that such a regulation is enacted that fully complies with the laws.

    This paper introduces and examines those local government regulations that include elements of civil law also and which typically cause problems, with special emphasis on the rules of peaceful public coexistence. Some of these problems are revealed within the scope of legal supervision practiced over local governments, while in other cases the body reviewing the regulation acts in response to citizens’ initiatives.

  • A munkaügyi alternatív vitafeloldó módszerek a bírósághoz fordulás alapjogának fényében
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    Thanking to the fact that numerous European countries have become more democratized, and to the practical experience based on common law legal system, from the middle of the XXth century some of the continental legal systems have begun to apply alternative procedures for solving disputes between parties, such as facilitation, arbitration or mediation. We can stress two important common features of these solutions. Firstly, if parties apply these ways, they can avoid the traditional judicial way (or, if the result of the chosen method is not satisfactory, these ways can be considered as the preliminary step before the judicial way). Secondly, these procedures have appeared firstly in labour law.

    As we emphasized, applying these solutions parties try to avoid the judicial way, for this reason in this study we try to introduce the relationship between these methods and the basic right to turn a (traditional) court. Expert’s opinions in connection with these processes are very different, we introduce only the two farthest standpoint: on the one hand these ways can speed up the procedure between parties, and can increase the efficiency of it, and parties can agree with each other by amicable way. On the other hand, applying these ways some of the basic rights (for example the principle of independence of courts and the right of fair trial or the principle of contradictory) will be decreased.

    In this study we try to examine the problem determined in the title, on the basis of the rules of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Constitution of Hungary. But, we have to examine not only the right of fair trial and turning to a (traditional) court, but the monopoly of courts in connection with solving legal disputes (as constitutional principle) in details. We utilize the orders of the Hungarian Constitutional Court as well as the theological and practical experience of these procedures. We have to emphasize that from the different alternative dispute-solving mechanisms we examine not all of the models, but only the model of New York, because only the procedures follow these model are relevant for us in this study.

  • Az államhatalmi ágak elválasztása az ókortól a XIX. század második feléig
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    The purpose of my study is to examine the theories of the separation of powers and its application in different periods. My investigation based on two monograph from Bibó: The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present, and Lawfull and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power.
    The ancient philosophers have already dealed with such theories. Among of them Aristoteles has the largest importance defining the three main powers: the legislation, the executive power, and the iurisdiction.
    The most substantial step in the Middle Ages was creating the moral basis for exercise of powers. The reformation and the development of civil society has improved this conception, Montesquieu attributed the powers with function, and emphasized the separation of them. Nevertheless István Bibó emphasizes not only the separation, but also the struggle against the concentration of power, and the abuse of power. The principle of the separation of powers could prevail clearly only in the USA, but not in Europe. István Bibó explains the causes of
    those in his monograph (The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present).,for example the function of the monarcha or the principle of sovereignty.
    Bibó defined the obstructive factors in realisation of the principle of the separation of powers. These are: bureaucracy and the exorbitant state role in the economic and in the culture.
    In his other monography (Lawful and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power) Bibó describes the necessary elements of lawful and effective administration, like loyality, professionalism and effective enforcement. At the same time, by realisation of these, the risk of the abuse of power could arise, creation of a new power would be therefor necessary. This power might be a regulatory power, which would be able to define the main criteria of exercise of power. Beforehand the church played that role, but in the twentieth century its function became vacant. I think the function of the new power would be similar to the role of the Constitutional Court at national level, or to the role of the European Court of Justice, of the International Court of Justice, and of the International Criminal Court at international level.