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  • To apply or not to apply, that is the question The inter-temporal applicability of EC Law in the ’new’ Member States after accession

    Az Európai Unióhoz való csatlakozás számos jogi kérdést vet fel, amelyek közül az egyik az acquis communautaires időbeli alkalmazásához köthető. Pontosan melyik pillanattól és mely ügyekre alkalmazzuk az új jogrendet? A Csatlakozási Szerződésekben ez a kérdés a következő módon nyert szabályozást: „A csatlakozás időpontjától kezdődően az eredeti szerződések rendelkezései és az intézmények (…) által a csatlakozást megelőzően elfogadott jogi aktusok az új tagállamok számára kötelezőek, és az említett szerződésekben, illetve az ebben az okmányban megállapított feltételekkel alkalmazandók ezekben az államokban.”

    Az így kimondott alapelv alkalmazása azonban nehézségekbe ütközhet, mégpedig az olyan jogi szituációkban, amelyek a csatlakozást megelőző periódusban jöttek létre és jogi hatásaikat vagy azok egy részét már a csatlakozás utáni közegben fejtik ki. Az ilyen helyzetek egy részére még a csatlakozást megelőző jogrend szabályait kell alkalmazni (C-321/97 Andersson vagy C-302/04 Ynos), míg más esetekben (C-43/95 Data Delecta vagy C-122/96 Saldanha) a Közösségi jog alkalmazandó a csatlakozás időpontjától kezdődően. Az ezen esetek közötti különbségtételt szolgálják az Európa-jog időbeli alkalmazhatóságának szabályai, amelyeket az Európai Bíróság ítélkezési gyakorlatából szűrhetünk le.

    A dolgozat sorra veszi az általam fontosnak tartott jogeseteket az 1973-ban eldöntött Westzucker ügytől egészen a 2006. januárjában, az Ynos v Varga János ügyben hozott ítéletig.

    A Metallurgiki-ban kimondott tétel szerint „a Közösségi jog ab initio és in toto alkalmazandó az új tagállamokra a csatlakozás időpontjától, ettől eltérni csak az átmeneti intézkedésekben előírt módon lehet”. A már említett Data Delecta vagy Saldanha esetekben úgy tűnhet, hogy az EB kiterjesztő módon értelmezi az alapelvet és olyan helyzetekre is előírja a Közösségi jog alkalmazandóságát, amelyek tényállásbeli elemei egytől-egyig a csatlakozás előtti periódusban valósultak meg; azonban az eljárás elhúzódása folytán a nemzeti procedurális szabályokat már a Közösségi jog fényében kell vizsgálni.

    Az Andersson ügy jelentős hozadéka a különbségtétel a már véglegesen rendezést nyert esetek (situation définitivement fixée) valamint a függő szituációk (situation continue en cours) között. Az előbbi esetekre a csatlakozás előtti szabályok, míg az utóbbira a csatlakozás utáni (európa-jogi) szabályok érvényesek.

    Az egyik első magyar döntéshozatali kérelem nyomán született Ynos ítéletben az EB úgy találta, hogy a kérdéses esetre nem a Közösségi jog az alkalmazandó. A Bíróság ítélete egyfelől illeszkedik az Andersson által meghatározott csapásirányba, másfelől azonban intő jelként is lehet értelmezni az “új fiúk” irányába. A minden korábbi csatlakozási hullámnál nagyobb léptékű 2004-es kibővülés után az Európai Bíróság talán nem véletlenül óvatosabban bánik az acquis alkalmazandóságának kérdésével.

  • The Justice System of the returned Parts of the Country after the Second Vienna Award

    The reconstruction of the justice system in the eastern and Transylvanian parts of the country, which returned in 1940, is currently a barely explored area in the Hungarian constitutional history. In this study, my aim is to present through the court system the enormous task of the legislator, which was implemented eighty years ago. This topic can be included in my researches on the legal system of the area, not only from the constitutional history point of view, but also when examining the enforcement of extended private law. The judicial practice was highly influenced by the legal knowledge of judges and became frequently questionable during the period of the extension of the Hungarian private law (1941-42) and it was closely related to their legal activities prior to their appointment.

    In the present study, I follow the changes that took place between the two Romanian occupations (1918-19 and 1944) in the two parts of the country that returned at the same time, highlighting the period when the territories were ruled by the Hungarian state for four years. I use the relevant legislation, archival documents and the literature published so far. Therefore, this study was not intended to be a summary of them, but a synthesis containing new conclusions.

  • Product warranty – a new legal institution in the protection of the consumer interest

    This study presents the product warranty, a new element of the Hungarian system of law. The author describes the main features of product warranty in comparison with warranty and product liability. The author states some comments on the regulation. In the end the importance of product warranty is presented by stating a case.


    Egy új jogi szabályozás megjelenésekor adott a lehetőség az elméleti és gyakorlati szakemberek számára, hogy a korábbi normaszöveghez történő hasonlítással tárják fel és elemezzék a változásokat. A Polgári Törvénykönyvről szóló 2013. évi V. törvény (Ptk.) nem vitásan érinti a civiljog teljes spektrumát, új elemekkel frissítve a már kialakult magánjogi intézményrendszert. Jelen írás a termékszavatosság szabályainak elemző bemutatására tesz kísérletet.

    A magyar jogi szabályozásban előzmények nélküli jogintézményről van szó, ezért a meghatározó jellemzők bemutatása más, a hibás teljesítéshez kapcsolódó jogintézményekhez történő hasonlítással történik meg. Ennek során a kiindulási alapot a hibás teljesítésből eredő igények „anyajogának” tekinthető kellékszavatosság jelenti, ezen túlmenően a hibás teljesítéssel okozott károk megtérítésére (a továbbiakban: kártérítés), valamint termékfelelősségre vonatkozó szabályok kapnak szerepet.

    A termékszavatosságra vonatkozó rendelkezések a Ptk.-nak a kötelmi jogi szabályokat tartalmazó hatodik könyvében, annak XXIV. fejezetében, a hibás teljesítésre vonatkozó rendelkezéseknél szerepelnek a kellékszavatosságra és kártérítésére vonatkozó szabályokkal együtt. A hibás teljesítésből eredő fogyasztói igények körében további igényérvényesítési lehetőséget teremtő termékfelelősségi szabályok ettől eltérően a szerződésen kívül okozott kárért való felelősséggel szabályai között, a LXXII. fejezetben kaptak helyet.

  • The essential aspects of the protection of wages in Hungarian labour law’s regulation and legal practice

    The aim of my publication is to scrutinise the Hungarian rules concerning the protection of wages and concluding how effectively they serve the social interests of employees. Furthermore, I researched if the regulation is efficient and consistent enough to protect the employees in point of the compensation for work.

    During the research, I was examining the efficiency of the protection of the employees and their salaries in practice. The other question was whether the current regulation is satisfactory enough to provide the main purposes. In order to answer these questions I was analysing the theoretical dimension and the judicial practice as well.

    I concluded that even if there are some incompleteness and inconsistency in the Hungarian labour law, the regulation seems appropriate and rational concerning the interests of the employees. In my opinion, the social function of labour law serves the employees’ interests enough to give them a decent standard of living.

  • The Origins of Publicly Used in the Hungarian Patent Law

    It was obvious at the creation of the 37th Act of 1895 on the patent rights of inventions, that the protection of patents is a subjective right based on objective conditions, and in connection to this, the discretionality of both the monarch and any other state organizations. For the purposes of this act, the requirements of petantibility were: novelity; invetnion; susceptible of industrial application. Some of these criteria the article is presented the novelity, especially the case of publicly used. Under the first patent act, any new invetion capebla of being used industrialy can be patented, except medicines, food for men and animals, and chemical products, and if the Goverment opposes, warlike inventions. An invention was new, if it had not been published in print anywhere, or publicly worked, or patented by others in the realm. As a result the study is presented the evolituon of „publicly used” from the first patent act by the end of the second world war.

  • The questions of remedy during third procedure in the criminal procedure

    The questions of remedy are in close relations with the legal force. The legal force of the
    clinching decisions represents the final, irreversible decision about the demand of penal law,
    which decision is a guideline and undeniably binding for all, and cannot be attacked with an
    ordinary appeal.
    The legal force of other decisions with the capacity to have legal force defines a decision
    which is final, irreversible, a guideline for all, obligatory (independent of executability) and
    cannot be attacked with an appeal.
    Furthermore, there are the decisions with formal legal force, the legal force of which stands
    only for not being appealable.
    A valid decision can only be made about the factual and legal basis of criminal responsibility
    by the court that is entitled and obligated to do it, that is, only the court has a right during
    criminal procedure to decide whether there was a crime or not, and if yes, who committed it.
    In relation to this, the question of material legal force can only regard the constituted charge
    and the act in consideration, when the court makes a permanent decision about the demand of
    penal law, in the framework of the substantive judging of the act that became the object of
    Lodging an appeal on legal grounds shall be governed by the provisions set forth in Chapter
    XV of the Criminal procedure Act. The judgement of the court of second instance may be
    appealed at the court of appeal. The appeal against the judgement of the court of second
    instance may involve any of the dispositions therein or exclusively the justification thereof.
    An appeal may be lodged for legal or factual reasons. An appeal suspends the part of the judgement to become final which is to be reviewed by the court of appeal owing to the appeal.
    The third remedy is allowed only in cases where the first and second instance decision is
    absolutely different in the question of guilty.

  • Enforcement of administrative organization principles in public education administration

    After 1990 public educational institutions were maintained and controlled by local governments. This period was the era of decentralization. I am going to examine it in a later parts of my thesis with regard to all of its advantages and disadvantages. After 2011 there was a kind of decentralization by legislation after which it had or could have had an operating role but education became state responsibilities. The state as former branch coordinator thereafter took the role of maintainer besides of its public power authority.

    There have been two crucial changes of two subsystems of administration since its formation in 1990 but mainly after 2010. These changes were partially structural, affecting state organization in several steps then those affecting central integration and the reregulation of local governments reflecting the change in the role of the state and the expansion of Neoweber state ideas and recentralisation.

    Some of these factors were generated by international effects but Hungarian principles also played a role as the hurried and faulty system of task completion was formed in local governments.

    This study analysing how partial conditions are reflected in education administration, how the administration branches followed general tendencies or somehow compared to general changes in public administration. I am also examining how successful it was to deal with these roles together and separate them at certain points.

  • Mortgage and credit guarantee registry

    Analyzing th esystem of mortgage we must reach back to the Roman Law. At that era it had been possible to pledge liabilities, rights and moreover aggregated asset, property. Mortgage is a long term institute of Hungarian Private Law as well. Paragraphs 251 – 269 of Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary regulates mortgage in the Law of Obligations, placed among collaterals. In the last two decades the old Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary has been modified twice. Act V of 2013on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary weakens but definitely rewritten the principles of lending. Regulation of mortgage and the system of chattel mortgage registry has significantly changed. Several novelty has been introduced therefore the system of chattel mortgage registry was reformed too. Detailed regulations of credit guarantee registry in Act CCXXI of 2013 and Act 18/2014. (III. 13.) KIM has also been accepted correspondingly to the previous changes.

  • Contract law effects of the Digital Single Market Strategy on the Hungarian civil law

    The necessity of framing contract law fulfilling the expectations of the digital era is among the main purposes of the Digital Single Market Strategy, that has been introduced by the European Committe in 2015. Within the Strategy two directive proposals have been presented: the directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content and the directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain aspects concerning contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods. These include the concept of conformity with the contract, the meaning of which raises several questions to be answered regarding the Hungarian legal system.

    My treatise focuses on the investigation of the criteria of conformity with the contract with special regard to the definiton of the directive proposals. In the first place I outline the elements of conformity with the contract, then I attempt to create a comprehensive definition of it. Thereafter I analyse the rules of the Hungarian Civil Code that are connected to the category of the conformity. Furthermore, I investigate the necessity of the integration of the conformity with the contract into the the Hungarian civil law. Finally, I present a future legislative concept that could be regarded as a possible way of adaptation of this legal category.

  • Fragmentation and changes in Hungarian succession law

    The right to inherit is recognized in the Fundamental Law, the detailed substantive legal rules are laid down in the Seventh Book of the Civil Code. In recent years, the legislator has formulated rules of substantive succession in other legislation beyond our private law code (the Civil Code). According to the Registered Partnership Act, the rules applicable to the spouse apply mutatis mutandis to the registered partner, which means that the registered partner is also a legal heir. The special rules for the acquisition of ownership of agricultural and forestry land by succession by will are laid down in the Land Traffic Act (Act CXXII of 2013). On 1 January 2023, a new law will enter into force (Act CXLIII of 2021), which will supplement the succession law provisions of the Civil Code in the case of joint legal intestate succession of undivided common ownership of agricultural land by several heirs. The designation of a public body to represent the State in succession matters is provided for in a separate ministerial decree. The present article analyzes how all these complex, fragmented regulations make it difficult to enforce the law and the extent to which it hinders the speedy execution of probate proceedings. The present article criticizes the fragmented regulation and proposes the integration of the rules of the separate laws into the Civil Code, as this could contribute to a more efficient application of the law.

  • Comparison between the requirements of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Hungarian judicial practice in terms of equal treatment and/or the breach of thereof in the field of labor law

    Employment and occupation are crucial to ensuring equal opportunities for all and in large measure contribute to the full participation of citizens in economic, social and culture life. However, many cases of discrimination have been identified in the field of employment and the labour market.

    In this study I try to examine how the equal treatment works in the EU Law and Hungarian national law, and I try to present the case-law of the European Court of Justice and the Hungarian Courts in this area. The first part of the study deals with the definition of key concepts (direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment), and include its legal background – with respect to the directives of the European Parliament and the Council, and the Hungarian legislation. The second part tries to describe the legal concept of indirect discrimination, mentioned as justification (statutory derogation, objective justification). And finally I try to present the special burden of proof, which is used in discrimination cases.

  • The polluter pays principle in the Hungarian civil law, with special regard to the liability for hazardous operations

    The polluter pays principle is one of the basic principles of international environmental law
    mentioned directly firstly only in 1972, however the principle were declared in 1929 in the
    well-known Trail Smelter Case. The polluter pays is an economical principle, and in the
    meaning of this principle the costs of pollution shall be shared between industrial companies
    and consumers. Taking into consideration that after applying this principle price of products
    will be higher than before, industrial companies shall reduce their pollution in the interest of
    their (and their products’) competitiveness. Seeing the development of the principle in EU
    level, the polluter pays were mentioned first time in the first „programme of action of the
    European Communities on the environment” adopted in 1973. However it is questionable
    what polluter, pollution, obligation of polluter and costs of pollution mean exactly, and for
    this reason this principle cannot be applied automatically.
    In this study I try to examine how the polluter pays principle works in the Hungarian national
    law, especially in the Hungarian Civil Code. For this reason I examine the applicability of
    Article 345 of the Hungarian Civil Code („Damages Originating from Hazardous
    Operations”), with special regard to the case-law of the Hungarian civil courts. I also try to
    introduce the possibilities and obligations of the public prosecutor in environmental issues.

  • Regulatory issues of intellectual property rights

    The study finds that the regulation of intellectual property is dominated by civil law rules. The old Civil Code expressed the correlation with the law of intellectual property and regulated the legal protection of know-how, however, the legal material could be found in the separate legal acts organically related to it. The new Civil Code, Act V of 2013 is no longer entitled as intellectual property rights but “copyright and industrial property rights”, and know-how has been protected as a form of trade secret. The homogeneous nature of copyright is broken by Act XCIII of 2016, which provides for collective rights management. In the field of industrial property protection, the most problematic legal institution was know-how. The LIV Act of 2018, which was born after the rules of the new Civil Code, opens a new chapter in the regulation of know-how. In this connection, the law transposes Directive 2016/943/EU into the Hungarian law. The legislator therefore chose the solution that it has incorporated the new conceptual approach, legal institutions, and rules of procedure for the protection of business secrets into national law not by creating them in the Civil Code but by creating new legislation. In this way, the private secrets of natural and legal persons will continue to enjoy the protection of personal rights, while trade secrets and know-how will enjoy protection based on the logic and sanction system of intellectual property protection.

  • Academic freedom in the jurisprudence of the Hungarian Constitutional Court

    The change of political regime in Hungary has also brought about a democratic commitment to the constitutional guarantee of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Among other freedoms, academic freedom was redefined in positive constitutional law, and the stage for judicial interpretation was set. The Hungarian Constitutional Court has been in operation and delivering rulings for almost two decades now, also shaping the contents und guarantees of the fundamental right inherent in academic freedom. In the Court’s case law, academic freedom has been reflected upon chiefly in two aspects: first, from the viewpoint of the freedom of scientific research and the access to historic archives, bearing a great potential for the post-communist society in facing its burdensome history and dealing with past grievances and, second, as the guarantee of the autonomy of institutions of higher education, gaining relevance in the last few years in the light of the reformed Act on Higher Education. However, academic freedom has remained a neglected field of study of constitutional law scholars, and a detailed elaboration of this fundamental freedom has yet to be undertaken.The present article offers a brief insight into the jurisprudence of the Hungarian Constitutional Court related to the concept and scope of academic freedom. As an illustration, the recent case law related to the autonomy of institutions of higher education is introduced, with an attempt to sketch the judicially set guarantees and limits of this fundamental freedom.

  • Financial consumer protection and financial culture

    The global economic crisis in 2008 highlighted that there is an information assymetry between the financial service providers and consumers, furthermore given the vulnerability of the consumers there is a need for immediate actions to protect the latter. Financial consumer protection has come to the fore, which is a relatively new area of law, however by now has fought for a highly significant role for itself and its importance is growing day by day.

    Unforunately, however, the financial culture of the Hungarian population is extremely low. This carries significant risks, since citizens with lower financial literacy tend to be less active in the economic life and and they make decisions that are clearly unfavorable to them en masse, therefore the development of a financial culture is essential.

    In my opinion, financial awareness can be developed primarily through the transfer and dissemination of knowledge about financial literacy, in other words the most effective way is through education. Education should be aimed primarily at the youngest generations and the main emphasis should be on educating children, since they are extremely receptive to the acquisition of new knowledge and will have the most outstanding impact on the future. If the education of financial awareness begins at a very young age, by the time these children grow up, they will routinely make conscious financial decisions, therefore the next generation can grow up to be able to “handle money” properly. 

  • On certain interpretation issues of Hungarian collective labour law

    The primary and outstanding legal policy objective of Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (hereinafter Mt. with its Hungarian abbreviation) is to extend the opportunities of collective autonomy and the regulatory role of agreements concluded between entities subject to collective labour law. With a view to this, the content of the legal institution has been significantly altered, establishing a „complex system” of specific rules that are instrumental in generating a system. The Labour Code is very often characterised as an especially complex piece of legislation, a „law intended for lawyers”, though it is one of the laws that are widely referred to and used, applied by people other than lawyers, including the classic actors (entities) of collective labour law. Below I will underline five regulatory „contradictions” in the area of collective labour law, which due to the lack of sufficient clarity and various ways of possible interpretation might become the source of legal disputes and conflicts of interest between the entities of collective labour law. These critical observations and proposals - which are far from being exhaustive - are related to the conclusion, amendment and termination of collective agreements, and the exercise of certain trade union rights.

    Thus, in the paper I will analyse the issues related to the conditions of collective agreements concluded by multiple employers from the perspective of workers (trade unions); the contradictions of the situation of the trade unions becoming entitled to conclude collective agreements subsequently; the possibilities for a trade union losing its capacity to conclude collective agreements and its consequences for the workers (the rate of unionisation dropping below 10% at the employer concerned); the problems related to the various levels of hierarchy in trade union structures; and finally, I will discuss issues of establishing and calculating the working time allowance, the grounds for and problems of its application.

  • Extracts from the regulations settling the tenure of the matrimonial home in Europe

    The tenure of the matrimonial home after divorce is a significant question in several respects. In addition to the fact that both parties are likely to be emotionally attached to the former scene of family life, the wealth factor must be taken into account as well, as it is a valuable property that can be a real trump card for both spouses these days, considering the high property prices. It should also be borne in mind that if a spouse receives the formal matrimonial home, he or she will not be exposed to the inconvenience of finding a suitable home and will not have to leave his or her usual environment. It follows, however, that a spouse who is forced to move must be compensated in some way for these difficulties, even if he or she did not own the matrimonial home. This study intends to examine the regulation of European countries regarding the use of the marital home in the event of divorce, presenting the typical models and the main aspects considered. The purpose of the present work is not to analyse the Hungarian regulations, they are only mentioned for the aim of comparison. As a conclusion of this research, I would like to reveal the most ideal solution for settling the tenure of the matrimonial home in the event of a divorce, the pros and cons of each model, and if states really take family law principles into account.

  • Assessing of company shares in marital property sharing lawsuits

    New types of assets has appeared in property lawsuits in the past 25 years, such as company shares (one of the most important kind of valuable rights). This fact made forensic experts - who deal with evaluation of these assets - to obtain additional comprehensive knowledge.  The Kuria quoted that "the expert opinion is an underlying proof for the court judgment, an objective and precise means of proof, which usually affects directly the decisions of the court," and I think the date of the completion of the trial can be affected significantly.

    The author of the study and writing of the addition was designed to court pointed out weaknesses in the analyzed case by case decisions perceived peer involvement draws the attention of the interested public on the company's assessment of literature on the importance of knowledge. To that aim the light of the experience gained from the analysis of the case law, above all, the study seeks to publish the company's fundamental valuation basic concepts summarize the literature on the same value in generally accepted and applied definitions and outline the applicable assessment methods. It is certain that the regulation of property relations in the new Code requires the renewal of judicial regulation of professional activity as well.