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  • Egyenlő munkáért egyenlőtlen bér – avagy mennyire értékteremtő a közfoglalkoztatási bér?
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    The aim of this paper is to scrutinise the wages in the Hungarian public work programme – probably the most controversial anomaly of the Act CVI of 2011 on public work and the modification of the act on public work and other acts. Furthermore, the study analyses the effectivity of the value creation in this programme and exposes the passive sight of the public work.The paper identifies the public work programme as a hybrid contract of the Hungarian labour law and detected the social side of this kind of legal instrument of the active labour market policies. The research also focuses on Order no. 3175/2016 of the Hungarian Constitutional Court and highlights the discriminative dangers of the wages. To emphasize my opinion I set the European Pillar of Social Rights in the middle of the research and concluded that the national regulation is not even enough to create effective reintegration to the primal labour market. In my opinion, to increase the effectivity of this program, we need to use the principles of the Social Pillar and the national labour law system. The conclusion of the paper can be a possible way to highlight the value creation in the public work programme.

  • Az EU pénzügyi érdekeinek védelme, fókuszban a korrupció elleni szervezete
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    Nowadays in these economical hard times it is very important to manage the public money efficiently. On the one hand it is a demand in the memberships countries and in the budget in the Europian Union.  On the other hand it is a requirement from the oridnary people too.

    Actually the Europian Union takes part in the struggle against corruption. In fact the Europian Union has a strategy of struggle against corruption and cheating.  The EU focuses on two fileds of strugggle against corruption, one of both is the budget of EU and the other is the public procurements.

    In this study I am dealing with the strategy of struggle against corruption, the main institutes and the main regulations.

  • A dohányreklámok szabályozásának változásai a magyar jogban
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    Since the change of the regime the economic role of advertisements has changed significantly. Advertising forms a considerable part of economic activities, the cost of which constitute a growing portion of the expenses of a given enterprise. The mass-appearance of advertisements has altered the relationship between consumers and advertisers, it has restructured consumption habits and the importance of advertising in media.

    The most significant modification of the Hungarian Advertising Act occurred by (Act I of 2001), which was in large passed with the consent of the advertising profession. The modification introduced the concept of deceptive advertisements, apparent comparative advertisements and special offers. Comparative advertisements were also regulated in a satisfactory way. However, several legal institutions were introduced as well, which should have been included in competition law. In the last two decades actions against unlawful advertisements were largely based on competition law, which restricts advertising activities violating fair competition in general. Advertising Decree and later the Advertising Act regulated the restriction of advertisements of certain goods and services, or defined the restrictions on certain advertising activities. Due to the modification, the role of Competition Act became less significant, since Advertising Act also contains most prohibitions on advertising activities that were defined in the Competition Act. In addition, in the case of violation of regulations on deceptive and comparative advertisements, Advertising Act denoted the Bureau of Competition and the court as chief acting powers, whereas the violation of rules on apparent comparative advertisements falls in the scope of the Consumer Protection Authority.

    What is more, the (Act I of 2001) “smuggled” the entire prohibition of tobacco advertisements into the Advertising Act, which totally contradicted with the opinion of advertising profession. Thus Hungary, similarly to France, joined the strictest practice in this question. It is also disputable whether such restrictions promote the fight against smoking, and it was certainly disadvantageous that legislation decided in the question without involving the profession, for which there had been no precedents so far.

  • Ármeghatározás a római adásvételnél
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    Absztrakt nélkül.

  • Az eingetragene Erwerbsgesellschaft (EEG) társasági forma megszűnése Ausztriában
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    Nach mehr als zweijähriger Gesetzeswerdung wurde im Herbst 2005 das neue Unternehmensgesetzbuch (UGB) im Parlament beschlossen und damit das bisherige Handelsgesetzbuch reformiert.

    Es gibt nur mehr zwei im Firmenbuch eingetragene Personengesellschaftsformen, und zwar die Offene Gesellschaft (OG; früher OHG) und die Kommanditgesellschaft (KG). Eine OEG oder KEG kann nur mehr bis zum 31.12.2006 gegründet werden. Eine am 1.1.2007 bestehende OEG oder KEG wird automatisch zur OG, KG und muss bis zum 31.12.2009 ihren Rechtsformzusatz im Firmenwortlaut entsprechend abändern. Für eine bestehende OHG sieht das Gesetz keine Anpassung des Firmenwortlautes vor.

    Die Einführung des neuen Unternehmergesetzbuches (UGB) mit Wirkung zum 1.1.2007 bedeutet das „Aus“ für OEG´s und KEG´s. Dies bedeutet, dass bestehende OEG´s und KEG´s bis zum Jänner 2010 den Rechtsformzusatz „OG oder KG“ entsprechend anpassen müssen. Dies geschieht gebührenfrei. Der Zusatz „OHG“ darf weiterhin geführt werden.

    Neu ist, dass die im Unternehmensgesetzbuch geregelten eingetragenen Personengesellschaften zu jedem Zweck gegründet werden können, egal ob gewerblich, freiberuflich, land- und forstwirtschaftlich oder nicht unternehmerisch.

  • Irak nemzetközi jogi megítélése a filmeken keresztül
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  • Végrehajtás vagyonrészre – anomáliák a bírói gyakorlatban
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    Im ungarischen Recht enhält das Gesetz Nr. LIII von 1994 über die Zwangsvollstreckung
    verschiedene spezielle Regelungen über die Zwangvollstreckung bzw. die Beschlagnahme
    und Verwertung der Geschäftsanteile und Aktien. Neben den Regelungen über die
    Wertpapiere (Aktien) und Geschäftsanteile es gibt detallierte Bestimmungen über die
    Vermögensanteile. Der Begriff von „Vermögensanteil” wurde aber gesetzlich gar nicht
    definiert, so es ist nicht klar, was der Gesetzgeber darunter versteht und was ist der
    Zusammenhang zwischen den Begriffe von Geschäftsanteil, Wertpapiere (Aktien) und
    Vermögensanteil. Es ist auch problematisch, dass der Begriff von „Vermögensanteil” kein
    gesellschaftrechtlicher Begriff ist, so daraus entstehen die grössten Schwierigkeiten in der
    Judikatur. Das Gesetz erwähnt das Wort „Vermögensanteil”nur zweilmal, in verschiedenen
    Örten der Rechtsnorm. Gemäss Paragraph 101, Absart (1) (1) verständigt von der Pfändung
    des dem Schuldner vom Vermögen der Wirtschaftsorganisation zustehenden Vermögensbzw.
    Geschäftsanteils (im Weiteren: Geschäftsanteil) der Gerichtsvollzieher die
    Wirtschaftsorganisation und den Gerichtshof als Handelsregistergericht (im Weiteren:
    Handelsregistergericht) unter Zusendung einer Kopie des Pfändungsprotokolls. Betreffend die
    Vollstreckung des Geschäftsanteile lautet die Rechtsnorm wie folgt: Besitzt der Schuldner
    eine Beteiligung an einer Wirtschaftsgesellschaft ohne Rechtspersönlichkeit, informiert der
    Gerichtsvollzieher den Vollstreckungsgläubiger davon, dass er an Stelle des schuldnerischen
    Gesellschafters das ordentliche Kündigungsrecht ausüben kann. Nachdem der
    Vollstreckungsgläubiger dem Gerichtsvollzieher seine Kündigungserklärung übergeben hat,
    schickt der Gerichtsvollzieher diese an die Wirtschaftsgesellschaft und pfändet gleichzeitig
    die infolge der Auflösung des Gesellschafterverhältnisses bestehende Forderung des
    Schuldners gegen die Gesellschaft (§§ 110 bis 113). (Paragraph 132/A, Absatz (1). Gemäss
    der Regelungen kann festgestellt werden, dass einmal das Vermögen der
    Wirtschaftgesellschaften, ein andermal das Vermögen der Wirtschaftgesellschaften ohne
    Rechtspersönlichkeit den Gegenstand der Regelung bildet. Die Schwierigkeiten der Judikatur entstehen im Zusammenhang mit dem Auslegung des
    Gesetzes betreffend den „Vermögensanteil” der Aktiengesellshaften und GmbH, da in diesen
    Gesellschaften die Aktien und die Geschäftsanteile die Gesellschaftsbeteiligung verkörpern.
    Im Rechtspraxis nimmt der Vollzieher nicht die Aktien oder die Geschäftsanteile in Beschlag,
    sondern den Vermögensanteile. So kann die Vollstreckung ohne Aktien durchgeführt werden.
    Die Vollzieher und die Gerichte verstehen auch die Aktien und Geschäfttsanteile unter
    Vermögenssanteile. Diese Interpretation folgt aber aus der Regelungen des Gesetzes nicht.
    Der Artikel analysiert, warum die Judikatur contra legem Rechtspraxis bildet und stellt
    verschiedene Vorschläge an den Gesetzgeber.

  • A hozzátartozók közötti erőszak miatt alkalmazható távoltartás aktuális gyakorlati kérdései
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    A hozzátartozók közötti erőszak miatt alkalmazható távoltartásról szóló 2009. évi LXXII. törvény (Hke. tv.) a 2009. október 1-jei hatálybalépése óta összesen nyolc alkalommal módosult. A módosítások egyik részének indoka a gyakorlatban felmerült hiányosságok orvoslása, míg másik részének indoka az Európai Unió jogának való megfelelés volt. A Hke. tv. hatálybalépésétől eltelt csaknem másfél évtized okán indokolt áttekinteni, hogy a módosításokon túlmenően hogyan alakult e törvény alkalmazásának gyakorlata. Jelen tanulmány elsősorban a megelőző távoltartás bírósági – főként kúriai – gyakorlatának rövid bemutatására törekszik, kitérve arra, hogy melyek a kulcs elemek a hozzátartozók közötti erőszak fogalmának megítélésekor, milyen megállapításokat tett a bíróság, elsősorban a Kúria a távoltartás és szülői felügyeleti jog valamint a lakáshasználat összefüggéseiben, továbbá a Büntető Törvénykönyv alkalmazhatóságával kapcsolatban.

  • „Kormányablakok a kirakatban” Az integrált ügyintézési pontok hazai fejlődésének legfontosabb állomásai
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    The ever-increasing pace of development, experienced in all aspects of life, has become a major factor of our times. Public administration is no exception to this tendency. I have chosen the government windows (and other miscellaneous administrative bodies operating alongside them) established in the past five years as the topic of my study exactly because of this – their development is expected to remain unbroken in the future as well. During my research, I paid special attention to past and current legal changes, aiming to provide a comprehensive view on the establishment, operation, and evolution of the integrated administration points in Hungary. My study also covers the current state and the expected developments of domestic e-Administration solutions. Finally, I also offer some conclusions and recommendations regarding the large-scale deployment of the planned single-window administrative system.

  • Reform des Gesellschaftsrechts in Europa
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    Absztrakt nélkül.

  • A helyi önkormányzatok és az Alkotmány a pénzügyi jog aspektusából
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    In my study I deal with the connection between the local governments and the Constitution in the aspect of Financial Law.

    The local governments’ essential rights have been laid down  in the Constitution in a separate (IX.) chapter. The defence of the local governments is different from the defence of fundamental human rights. The latter has the test of necessity and proportionality. The local governments’ constitutional rights can be restricted until the infringement of its fundamental contents.

    I examined the rights of the local governments connected with the Financial Law, so I was engaged mainly in the financial support of it and the right of property and tax assessment. The Constitutional regulation of the financial support is most unique. The difference is that this paragraph (44/A. § (1) c) is not a rule of competence and jurisdiction however an obligation for the state to guarantee the self income and the proper state support to the local governments. The most important own sources are the taxes, which are necessary to discharge the duties. The authority to issue taxes derives from the Constitution - 70/I. § and 44/A. § (1) d. These paragraphs  prescribes that every natural and legal person must contribute to rates and taxes depend on their income and estate.

    The local governments may issue taxes within the framework of law, but their legislation is wide-ranging within it, for this reason there are a lot of instructive judgements of the Constitutional Court.

  • A büntetőjog normalizálódása és az abolíció eszméjének térhódítása Magyarországon: a halálbüntetés szabályozása a ’60-as évek elejétől a ’80-as évek végéig
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    The capital punishment was poena ordinaria throughout the history of Hungary. Nevertheless, it was applied most frequently not in the Middle Ages, but in the 20th century. There have never been so many legal executions in our country, than during the World War One and Two, however in lack of reliable statistical data the precise number of the death penalties is not known even in recent years. There were numerous death penalties imposed in the Fifties as well, mainly in the years of retaliation after the Revolution of 1956. Only in 1961 did the situation get back to normal, when implementation of martial law stopped for good and all. In this year the Parliament of the People’s Republic of Hungary passed the Act V of 1961 on the Criminal Code that permitted the infliction of the death penalty for altogether thirty-one criminal offenses (for nine crimes against the state, two crimes against peace and humanity, eight military offenses and twelve common offenses), but this sanction in no cases was qualified as compulsory, the judge had the possibility to impose an imprisonment sentence for 10-15 years in each times. The Criminal Code’s Amendment, the Law Decree No. 28 of 1971 reduced the number of the crimes punishable by death to twenty-six, although a new capital felony, seizure of aircraft, was introduced as well. In 1978 a new Criminal Code, namely the Act IV of 1978, was drafted in which death was also ordered for twenty-six offenses, of them for a new one, Act of Terrorism. Meanwhile the number of the death penalties carried out persistently decreased (in the Sixties there were 129 executions, in the Seventies there were 47 and in the Nineties there were 32). However, the process of the abolition actually started only in 1983 when a conference was organized by the Hungarian Lawyers Alliance to discuss the future of the capital punishment in the Hungarian criminal law. Nevertheless, the Hungarian abolitionist movement gained strength in deed when the League Against Capital Punishment was formed in 1989. In the subsequent year the League asked the newly established Hungarian Constitutional Court to declare the death penalty unconstitutional on the ground that it was contrary to the right to life protected by Article 54 of the Hungarian Constitution. Eventually this happened in 1990 by Constitutional Court Decision No. 23-AB of 31 October 1990. From this time the practice of capital punishment is irrevocably forbidden in Hungary.

  • Merre tovább európai büntetőjog?
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    Depuis l’entrée en vigeur du traité d’Amsterdam, la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes a de plus amples compétences dans le Titre VI du traité sur l’Union (3e pilier) consacré á la coopération policière et judiciaire pénale. Á partir de ce moment on peut rencontrer plusieurs arrêts concernant le droit pénal. L’affaire Procédure pénale contre Maria Puppino joue un rôle essentiel parmi ces arrêts. C’était la première fois que la Cour de Justice des Communautés européennes a été saisie d’une question préjudicielle sur l’interprétation d’une décision-cadre adoptée dans le cadre du troisième pilier.

    Dans cet arrêt la Cour souligne l’extention de l’obligation d’interpretation conformément á la décision cadre même si le résultat est contraire aux lois pénales ou procédure pénale internes. Quelques temps après «La Cour de Luxembourg limite la souveraineté des États en matière pénale» -écrivait-on dès le 15 septembre 2005 dans un grand quotidien. Les revues juridiques en droit pénal ont adopté le même ton: «La Cour de justice des Communautés européennes limite la souvaireneté des États en matière pénale.»

    La Cour de Justice a déclaré que la protection de l’environnement constituait un des objectifs essentiels de la Communauté, c’est pourquoi la Communauté a la compétence pour rendre des décisions visant au rapprochement des sanctions des états membres dans ce domain.

    De nos jours la question du droit pénal européen est de plus en plus actuelle, malgré cette substancielle européanisation, de nombreux pénalistes et les états membres défendent plus que jamais les particularités nationales.

    La présente contribution montre brièvement l’histoire du troisième pilier concernant la coopération policière et judiciaire. Puis j’analyse en détail ces deux arrêts mentionnés ci-dessus qui présentent la situation actuelle du droit pénal dans l’espace de l’Union européen.  En suivant les arrêts de la Cour de Justice on peut constater une forte européanisation dans ce domaine mais en même temps on peut voir une certaine «bataille» de compétence entre les institutions européennes notamment entre la Comission et le Parlement contre le Conseil. La Comission veut obtenir de plus en  plus de compétence. En ce qui concerne les états membres, les participants dans le procès préjudiciel combattent contre la Comission et accentuent qu’il faut que le troisième pilier reste dans le cadre de coopération intergouvernementale et ils ne veulent pas renoncer á leurs souvairenités et leurs spécialités dans le domaine pénal. On peut dire qu’il y a deux champs de bataille dans le droit pénal européen, d’une part entre les institutions européennes, d’autre part entre les états membres et l’Union.   

    Dans la «bataille» c’est la Cour qui essaie de résoudre ce problème, donnant de plus en plus de droit á la Comission, renforcant les élements communautaires dans le troisième pilier. Malgré les protestations des États membres, la Cour limite leurs souveraineté en matière pénale. La communautarisation de droit pénal a déja commencé mais il reste beacoup de questions ouvertes. Dans mon article, j’ai posé ces questions et j’ai essayé de trouver les réponses possibles présentant les arguments des differentes parties.   

  • A szociális jogok alkotmányjogi megközelítése a hazai és nemzetközi környezetben
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    The aim of the study is to demonstrate how many different legal approaches are there to the judgment of social rights. This varied approach lets us view the subject in several different perspectives, shading the evolving first impression.

    During my disquisition I analyzed how effective are the tools protecting social rights, that can help us to understand and accept the legal practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Doing this by not only approaching the question through legal theory, but also aiming to synthesize it with economic reasoning through a legal filter.

    This complex approach creates the opportunity for a new platform of analysis when examining individually each social right.

  • A vétőképtelen személy károkozásáért való felelősség
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    The new Hungarian Civil Code also modernizes the non-contractual liability law in several aspects. Even if the so-called general clause of non-contractual liability reamains unchanged, its contstitutive elements are regulated in detail in the new Civil Code. The new Code also introduces some new provisions with regard to liability for dameges caused by a person of lack of discretionary power. The objektive of this survey is to present these changes and to examine its possible impacts on judicial practice.

  • Hugo Grotius újraolvasva, avagy a „Nemzetközi jog atyja” gondolatai a XXI. század elejének nemzetközi jogában
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    There are several theories when the birth date of international law was. Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) was the first who systematized these specific rules and raised it to a scientific level. In this essay I examine how Grotius thought about important institutions of international law and what kind of impact these considerations have to our modern age.

    War cannot be seen only as an unlawful act, because most of the original human instincts can be recognized in fighting to each other. This point of view proclaims that international law does not denounce war generally. Existence of international law is important to determine the rules of warfare. To suit to the criterions of lawful war, a war should perform two requirements: opposite parties have to be main authorities in their state and both of them have to keep special formal rules during their fight. Main supremacy means that this power is absolute in its territory, so there are no other relevant human factors to limit it. In our age we have to mention that this criterion is no longer applicable without reservation, because the attack against USA on 11th September 2001 demonstrated that not only states can fight to each other.

    Grotius gives importance to the reasons of war too. Three reasons exist: defence, regain possession and punishment. Defence means self-defence, which is a right for everybody to protect himself against unlawful injuries, but this solution has to be the last one. Self-defence can be applicable only if it is necessary, sudden and proportional. After the attack against USA a question was born: is it possible to protect before the real attack, when the enemy is in the period of planning an injury. This preventive self-defence is supported by USA, but UN appreciates the right to self-defence only if there is an armed attack against the state. According to Grotius reasons of war can be pretexts or real reasons. Fear of uncertainty can be a pretext for example, because it is not the most proportional instrument to avoid conflict.

    Grotius examines not only ius ad bellum but ius in bellum, rights during a war. These regulations are formal obligations, which give frame to the lawful war and show direction to the opposite parties. Grotius says that there are regulations strictly from the law of nature. A great example is that every instrument can be applicable if it is necessary to reach the major aim of war. It is obvious that today this sentence is intolerable, because technical revolution created such weapons that have power to destroy a whole country suddenly. That is why certain prohibited weapons and methods of warfare exist in international treaties. Grotius deals with the problem of traitors, who support the enemy. There is a slight distinction between the nature of dispatched goods. If these goods can be used for fighting, i.e. weapons, traders are enemies too. If these goods are luxury ones, no traitors can be found. The third situation is more problematic, because if these goods can be used in and outside a war too, the exact situation has to examine to judge the intention of the party.

    Groitus has interesting thoughts about prisoners. All prisoners and their descendants become slaves. It means the enemy can do anything against prisoners. By now we have certain rules how to treat with prisoners and it is a general regulation that torture and murder against prisoners is strictly prohibited.

    An interesting question is in connection with the law of contracts. Hostages and pledge can be typical securities to strengthen a contract. Grotius says that killing a hostage can be lawful, but inner morals order that killing is lawful only if hostage is culpable too.

    Grotius deals with the question of ministers, arranging debates. Looking through this huge work of Grotius we can say statement that he is the father of international law is not without basic and well structured reasons. Before the birth of his book, there were only rules and commentaries for national laws. Grotius extended them to a larger perspective, up to an international level.