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Search Results

  • The Price of Health – The Consumption and Purchasing Patterns of Foods  with Special Attention to Price

    The economic events of recent years (war, the COVID epidemic) have had a significant impact on our daily life, including our consumer and shopping habits. The main aim of this research is to examine how food consumption and purchasing habits have changed in response to price changes, particularly for foods perceived to be healthy. Two focus group surveys were conducted to explore consumer habits on this topic. The period covered by the research was the consumer prices in April 2022 and April 2023. Our research explored general food purchasing habits and consumer motivations. We examined the extent to which products that participants perceived as healthy were purchased online, and the impact of price changes on the demand for health-conscious foods and on consumers' brand loyalty. We also looked at the online price monitoring system, where we mapped consumer adoption and the consumer benefits that the system provided. One of our key achievements is to identify a growing consumer awareness, with more and more people choosing quality, expertise and choice over convenience and price. The types of consumer responses identified in the EUROPA.EU research was in terms of products perceived as healthy in the wake of the price rise, although the proportions have shifted significantly; many are looking for alternatives, seeking substitutes for products; and fewer are the concern-averse, loyal consumers and the well-off but not engaged. Price sensitivity is increasing as a result of recent sustained price rises, with a small proportion of people who are not concerned. There is also a low proportion of emotional comfort seekers, a group largely confined to high-income consumers. For those who are not aware of the price of products, there is no change in brand loyalty and no brand abandonment, but for those who are price-aware, there is a tendency to switch between brands.

    JEL-CODES: I12, M31, M38

  • Consumption patterns and trends in pork meat and pork products

    In connection of the trend towards health and environmental consciousness, consumption habits are changing, especially for meat products. Health, moral and ethical concerns about the consumption of meat products have brought pork and its products back into focus, and as has been the case in the past, highlight their 'unhealthiness'. The aim of this paper is to summarise current pork consumption patterns, describe the factors influencing them and provide direction through an analysis of domestic and international trends. Through an analysis of consumption statistics, we will show how pork consumption has changed in recent years in different European countries and in Hungary. In addition to consumption data, we will also look at the purchasing patterns that shape the consumption, the evolution of online, offline purchasing, and the trends that most influence the product chain. In addition to the analysis of household consumption will be presented and the main target groups for pork consumption will be identified. The characteristics of the marketing mix for pork are then identified, i.e. the typical product categories, branding, the threat of substitutes, price relations at national and international level, and finally the typical distribution channels are also analysed. After the analysis, our study has found that pork is a tasty meat that can be prepared in a variety of ways and is an essential ingredient in European and Hungarian cuisine. Changes in consumer habits have had a significant impact on the consumption of pork, both from an environmental point of view, ethical considerations, animal welfare issues, health consciousness trends and even religious requirements.

    JEL Code: M31

  • Rising prices on today’s food market

    In the past few months, we have witnessed and been part of incredible economic changes. Inflation is taking on dimensions not seen in a long time, and we can feel the effects of the war raging nearby, both in prices and in the lack of products and disruptions in the supply chain. In addition, in the meantime, we also have to reckon with the rising energy prices, and we couldn't even say goodbye to the coronavirus. These changes are far from over, so the question arises, how do we react during our purchases, what do we change? The role of prices seems to be appreciated more than usual. The main goal of our research is to determine how food purchasing habits have changed as a result of rising prices and how consumers are trying to protect themselves from these higher prices. Therefore, in our research, we wanted to ask those who are actively involved in buying food. We continued the survey both online and offline. We reached 1608 respondents. Based on our results, it can be stated that most households are affected by rising prices. However, the rise in food prices does not always change purchasing and consumption habits. There are people who stick to their old habits and lifestyle despite the fact that they do not have outstanding material assets. Based on our research results, we see that a bargain-hunting, cheaper purchasing behavior is starting to develop, which allows them to maintain the food consumption quality and options they were used to before.

    JEL Codes: M11, M21, M31, M38, Q18

  • The Efffect of Commercials on Children's Behaviour

    Nowadays we can not imagine our life without commercials, because we meet them everywhere we go, and not just us but our children are also the objectives of advertisements. People’s opinion is variable about commercials. On the one hand, it is profitable for the economy, but on the other hand it could have harmful effects on children. That is the reason why it is important to take care of children’s television habits. Furthermore, it is also useful to examine what kind of effects it has on children and on their shopping habits. They will be the buyer of the future and they should become conscious purchaser, and it is the parents’ tasks to teach them and to be a role model to them. With this article we would like to present the influence of commercials to children’s free time, television and shopping habits.

  • Analysis of Poultry Consumption and Purcase Habits in Connection with Socio-demographic Factors

    The consumption of poultry is an important source of nutrition, so it is a basic need for everyday food conception. To supply the population is not only a sensitive social question, but also a question of national health. The aim of this study is to reveal the connection between the preference of poultry and the basic socio-demographic factors and highlight the circumstances of purchasing this type of meat. In order to understand the preference of poultry, a large sample quantitative (N=1 023 respondents) study was conducted. The preference of poultry depends on the age and residence of consumers. People over 50 and below 34 living in larger cities have the most favorable preference towards poultry. In order to understand the circumstances of purchasing poultry and other meat products, an observation (N=134) was conducted. Customers typically buy fresh meat in super- and hypermarkets or at butcher’s and they request the product from salespeople. Shoppers prefer to buy poultry than pork or beef. Considering poultry people usually buy pigeon-breast either filet or boned. People pay an average amount of 3 700 HUF for meat, however, the standard deviation is high. The mode are 2 000, 4 000 and 6 000 HUF. In general, the process of purchasing lasts for 10 minutes. Customers usually buy poultry because of hedonism and healthy eating style that is why companies have to sell the advantages and not only the product on the market.

    JEL code: M31

  • Main Characteristics of Table Egg Consumption in Hungary

    In the last years many changes occurred in the egg sector in Hungary; the sector’s participants have to face with a number of challenges today as well. Both egg production and consumption decreased significantly in Hungary. The objectives of present survey are (1) to identify factors which are important for domestic customers in the course of purchase and consumption of table egg and (2) to investigate how informed the consumers are as regards table egg. To examine the aforementioned objectives online inquiry was applied, in pursuance of it 729 appreciable questionnaire put in. 99 percent of respondents consume eggs occasionally or regularly, while 79.1 percent of them buy as well. The findings suggest that the freshness and soundness of egg the most important factors for the domestic consumers.On the other hand trademark, price of kilogram and colour of egg influence on the decision of customer less. Present study only focuses on the importance of the factors influencing purchase and consumption, furthermore it introduces the consumers’ opinion on these factors. On the strength of disposable database

  • Bread and Baked Goods Consumption Habits in the Gluten Free Diet

    Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder which is the result of an immune system response to the ingestion of gluten in susceptible persons. Gluten is a generalised term that describes the storage proteins found in the common cereal grains: wheat, rye, barley and their derivatives. This disease is permanent and damage to the small intestine always occurs when gluten is consumed, regardless of whether symptoms are present or not. Celiac disease affects about 1 in 100 individuals worldwide. In Hungary 1-2 percent of the population is affected. The only treatment for people with celiac disease is lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. On a gluten-free diet, wheat, rye, barley and any foods or ingredients derived from them must be removed from the diet. Bread is basic and frequently consumed food made from wheat. Bread and salty and sweet baked goods are an essential part of the Hungarian eating habits. The market of gluten-free foods is continuously increasing worldwide. Among the reasons behind this trend the increasing number of diagnosed persons, their family members (with whom they eat together), healthy lifestyle and fashion lifestyle have to be pointed out. Several gluten-free bread and baked goods brands are available on the Hungarian market. The ingredients, texture, colour, softness of the available breads and baked goods are rather different. There is a big choice of gluten-free flour mixtures on the Hungarian market, as well. The compositions of these mixtures are also rather different. The aim of our empirical research was to investigate the gluten free bread and baked goods consumption habits of people following gluten-free diet.

    JEL codes: I12, M31

  • Main Characteristics of Confectionery Products Consumption in Hungary

    Present study focuses on the purchase and consumption craftsman confectionery products. Domestic confectionery has been subject to many changes in the recent decades, this sector suffers from internal problems and tries to reply to the changed consumer habbits. The specific Hungarian confectionery section – according to the professional literature – has not yet investigated earlier. Our objective is to analyse the changed consumer habbits and that’s influence factors. As the primary research method we used personal interviews and online inquiry. The personal interviews are in progress, therefore this study introduces only the results of the online inquiry (n=468). The majority of the respondents consume and purchase confectionery products. Most of people are looking for quality
    products, even they spend more money for this. The consumers mostly purchase products from confectioneries, they visit the pastry shops because of relaxation and unique, prime pastries. The products made from light and natural materials, are very popular due to the changed consumer habbits.

  • Main Characteristics of Craftsman Sweets Consumption in Hajdú-Bihar Country

    Nowadays consumer trends in chocolate consumption are changing continuously. There is an increasing role of handmade ingredients, higher cocoa content, as well as chocolate is free from preservatives, additives and plant based oils. Therefore, chocolate products are healthier. The present study focuses on the consumption of craftsman chocolate in Hajdú-Bihar county. During our studies we have done primary and secondary research data and information collection. Our research is based primarily on online questionnaires and personal interviews. During the interviews we recieved 348 evaluating questionnaires. The research results show that 58.4% of the people who live in Hajdú Bihar county consume craftsman chocolate regularly. These consumers are mainly influenced by the taste and quality in their purchase. The county’s population is receptive to new ideas and is willing to spend more money on high quality products. The respondents regularly purchase and consume craftsman chocolate.