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Search Results

  • Levels of Behaviour Change in the Course of Body Mass Management – Food Consumption and Physical Activity

    Based on the secondary data, it can be stated that more than half of the Hungarian population are obese, therefore, the actuality of this topic is approved. As a result of this research, the distribution of the examined sample has been executed by the phases of the Transtheoretical model. Thus, the situation in the precontemplation phase is better concerning the transfer to more regular physical activity (one-third of the sample) than the change for food consumption considered as healthier. Similar results were received in the phase of maintenance as well: one-fourth of the sample answered that they did more regular physical activity with the minimal risk of fallback, and one-fifth of them thought that their healthier food consumption could be maintained. The fewest people are in the preparation phase of the transfer to healthier food nutrition, while in the case of more regular physical activity the rate is also lower in the phase of preparation compared to the contemplation, action and maintenance stages. A reason for that can be that the questioned see the change within one month, or they do not have the necessary determination to execute the change within such a short deadline, or to prepare themselves to the change. Considering the gender, in the first and last phases (precontemplation and maintenance) men are in greater proportion on both examined fields. In our opinion, the reason for it is that men are more determined considering their values and attitudes of their own body mass management. We think that the low number of people in the precontemplation phase is quite promising, especially in the case of more regular physical activity, since the people on the higher levels have the potential to develop healthier nutrition and physical activity, to enhance the motivation of contemplators, preparators and doers, and the support of maintainers can be a realistic step to reach the health political aims.

    JEL code: Q13

  • Investigation of Active Sport Consumption around the Students of Faculty of Economics, University of Debrecen

    Physical activity and maintaining health are becoming increasingly important to people around the world today. The growth of physical activity in the last ten years can be detected both at the domestic and European Union level. People today spend more and more time on active and passive sports activities. This is especially true for the younger generation, who are increasingly engaging in active physical activity in their spare time, with the main goals of maintaining and maintaining health, achieving a balanced lifestyle, developing well-being and relieving stress. To achieve all this, in addition to physical activity, increased attention must be paid to nutrition as well. During our research, we examined the active sports consumption habits of university students. Various statistical methods were used to process the data, such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, distribution, Chi2 independence test, principal component analysis, factor analysis, and variance analysis. It can be stated that it is important for students to maintain their physical health. An active, health-conscious lifestyle plays a significant role in maintaining physical and mental health, which was supported by our results.

    JEL-Codes: I10, I12, I19

  • Role and Importance of Healthy Eating

    Healthy nutrition and a regular exercise are two important pillars of healthy lifestyle. Several researches point out that significant part of the population has incomplete knowledge regarding these topics. The Hungarian population is characterized by unhealthy eating habits and low level of regular exercise, which together result in a high obesity rate and poor health status among the Hungarians. Besides these, another unfavourable fact is the sedentary lifestyle: adults spend more than 5 hours a day in sitting position on average. The Hungarians’ daily physical activity is only 70% of the recommendations, and we only spend 10 minutes a day doing sports. Vegetables and fruits are important ingredients of a healthy and balanced diet, the consumption rate of which is quite low in several European countries including Hungary. In our article we present the main characteristics and contexts of healthy nutrition and physical activity. In addition, we analyze a nutrition research activity which can be an important basis for integrative strategies. Based on secondary research, we present research results that demonstrate the protective effects of vegetable and fruit consumption connected to various diseases. Furthermore, we present the unfavorable tendencies of vegetable and fruit consumption of the European and Hungarian population, and we make suggestions in order to improve the unfavourable circumstances and indicators. We also focus on the socio-ecological model of the nutrition guideline, the levels of which significantly affect our habits related to nutrition and physical activity.

    JEL code: I12

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Sport Habits

    In recent times, our daily lives have been significantly affected and transformed by the coronavirus pandemic that will hit our country in March 2020. Following the outbreak, the WHO (World Health Organisation) advised its Member States to consider ways to prevent the introduction of the disease into new areas and to reduce the human-to-human spread in areas where the virus has already been detected. In the initial period, people's "freedom" was severely restricted as a consequence of the restrictive measures taken to slow down/control the spread of the virus. In addition to telecommuting, closing restaurants, educational institutions, entertainment venues, sports facilities, shopping malls, curfews have become part of our daily lives. The protection of human life and health has suddenly become one of the most important "tasks". Despite the closure of sports facilities in order to reduce personal contact, physical activity has become even more important than before, as it has become even more important to keep our bodies healthy during the epidemic period. When the virus emerged, the Operational Committee recommended that we try to do as much exercise as possible to strengthen our immune system so that it can fight off pathogens as effectively as possible. However, the restrictive measures taken in response to the virus have also had a major impact on our exercise and sporting habits, which has since attracted the interest of many researchers. In my research, I am looking for answers to the question of how the epidemic has changed people's habits/willingness to take part in sport and active physical activity. In the last few months, almost all precautionary measures against the epidemic have been abolished in Hungary, with one or two exceptions. For this reason, I also consider it appropriate to assess the extent to which the virus has affected sporting habits, not only during the period of restrictions, but also after the lifting of restrictions.

    JEL Codes: I10, I12

  • Sports Activity vs. Consumption of Dietary Supplements

    Previous research on consumption of dietary supplements and consumer motivations has shown that there are different motivations behind their widespread consumption in recreational and competitive sports. This research examined the consumption of the main nutritional supplements, the relationship between different forms of sports and dietary supplement consumption, as well as their relationship with age.  The questionnaire survey was conducted by telephone among those who mainly exercised recreational sports activities and a total of 236 valid responses were obtained. The sample is gender-balanced and overrepresents younger segments by age groups. The majority of recreational athletes interviewed in the research are among the potentially stable consumers. Only 10% does not consume and does not plan to use supplements. The interview recorded the main types of supplements (vitamins and minerals; amino acids, proteins; essential fats, etc.) as well as the preferred forms of sports (device-free and device-intensive aerobics and cardio; fitness and team sports). As for the purpose of consuming dietary supplements it can be said that the main motivator is the preservation of health, followed by the improvement of physical well-being, cartilage protection, muscle gain, and then performance enhancement. Among other things, the research revealed differences in consumption motivations for dietary supplements by age group, the relationship between sports type and dietary supplement consumption. Health preservation as motivation spans different age categories, however, cartilage protection and improvement of physical well-being are more typical for the 25+ and 35+ age groups, while supplements consumed to increase muscle mass and performance shift to the younger side of the sample.  Different patterns appear for each type of sport, only the outstanding rate of consumption of vitamin preparations is the same. Device-free aerobic and cardio 91%, device-intensive aerobic and cardio 88% and fitness sports 85% are the proportions of people who often consume vitamin preparations several times a day, once a day or several times a week. The results suggest that the primary driver of the use of dietary supplements is the preservation of health, but product knowledge is an important consideration, as excessive intake of these supplements can even lead to damage to health.

    JEL Codes: I12, M31, Z2

  • Hungarian The Prominent Role of Diet and Exercise in the Healthy Lifestyle

    Lifestyle-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular or stress-related diseases, or osteoporosis, are well-known to everyone, in the prevention or development of which lifestyle elements such as diet or exercise play a key role.  In order to prevent the development of these diseases mentioned above, we should pay enough attention to a healthy lifestyle and prevention. In today’s modern world, we already have a wealth of knowledge that contributes largely to the prevention of said diseases, however, many people still struggle with them. An important factor is that regular exercise and a healthy diet help to create a healthier lifestyle and play a protective role against a wide range of diseases.

    JEL Codes: I10, I12, I19

  • Specific Features of Health Awareness for 11-17-Year-Old Hungarian Students After the Millennium Based on Hbsc Research Data – Literature Review

    The aim of this study is to present the health behaviour of 11-17-year-old Hungarian students. In connection with this topic we analyzed international and Hungarian articles based on primer researches and the results of a Hungarian survey as part of an international research, namely „The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children” (HBSC). The aim of the research is to monitor health related habits and health status of 11-17-year-old students, to track temporal and international trends of survey results, and to explore factors influencing health indicators. In this study we present the results of health promoting (nutrition, physical activity) and health compromising behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption) and their characteristic changes based on five recent surveys (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018). During this study, we made a document analysis based on the previous Hungarian research results. The results showed a prosperous scheme, which predicts a slow but steady positive change, however there is still a long way to go. The biggest problem in the way of life of these children is the lack of conscious behaviour. Most of these children are not aware of the consequences of their lifestyle on their health.

    JEL Codes: I12

  • Characteristics of Eating Habits and Nutritional Status among the Hungarian Population – Literature Review

    Obesity is a growing public health problem worldwide: recent research activities have shown that the significance of obesity regarding public health is as much as smoking, which imposes a huge burden on the healthcare system. WHO ranked obesity among the world’s ten most significant health problems. Obesity has an increasing prevalence among both adults and children in our country, which is accompanied by the unhealthy eating habits and low level of physical activity and sports of Hungarian people. In our research, we analyze the national literature which represents the nutritional characteristics and their changes of the Hungarian population, the main issues of healthy eating, the different recommendations as well as the status of the Hungarian population related to obesity and overweight. In our article we introduce the relevant research regarding eating habits in other countries based on the international literature. Besides these, we present best practices that could influence the health behaviour of the population by focusing on lifestyle factors, especially regular exercise and healthy diet.

    JEL code: I12

  • Adaptation Possibilities of the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire in the Field of Marketing Research – Differences Based on Gender and Generation

    Overweight and obesity is an endemic that appears in the developed countries of the world. Overweight and obesity means a serious expenditure for the consumers, for the employers and for the national states both in the prevention and in the treatment phases. In the national and international literature more authors deal with the research of the dimensions of healthy lifestyle either in a complex way or focusing on a special area (e. g. smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity or eating behavior). There are more tests investigating food consumption, but the most widely used one is the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ). The revised TFEQ (TFEQ 21 and TFEQ 18) scales were validated in Hungary on the population with normal weight and overweight obese individuals and three types of eating behavior were identified, namely (1) emotional eating (EE), (2) cognitive control eating (CR) and (3) uncontrolled eating (UE). The aim of this study is on the one hand to introduce the Hungarian adaptation possibilities of the revised scale (TFEQ 16) measuring eating habits and on the second hand to explore the connections with demographics. In an empirical research 919 adult people were interviewed: 45.2% males and 54.8% females. Based on age the authors defined three generations, the “Baby boomers”, the X and the Y generations. Their ratio in the sample is the following: 14.7, 42.5 and 42.8%. Relying on the results of the empirical research it can be said that the adaptation of TFEQ 16 is possible in Hungary. The former explored factor structure is valid among Hungarian population that is adults can be characterized by emotional, uncontrolled and cognitive control eating. The EE and CR are typical eating styles among women and CR is typical for people belonging to Y generation. In the future the authors plan to extend the research to segment the population based on their eating styles in order to develop an effective marketing program for them.

    JEL codes: I12, M30, M39

  • Opportunities and Obstacles in the Healthy Food Consumption Area

    The issue of healthy food consumption is an extremely hot topic in today’s fast-paced world. One of today’s ruler trends are the health awareness and health market expansion. The role of the health of consumers is appreciated. People spend more and more to preserve their health. The consequence of conscious consumption is that individuals can keep their physical and mental activity for a longer time remaining their life and accordingly they can be involved in the economic growth. Our central hypotheses were that the financial situation, the level of consciousness and „identity” have a decisive influence on women who assume a healthy eating habit in Hungary. We also presumed a link between health consciousness and financial attitudes, as well as a positive relationship between health consciousness and behavioral intent and normative beliefs. Our results confirm: the income status and the degree of awareness mostly influence the existence of a healthy diet.

    JEL codes: E21, H31, H51