Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): Táplálkozásmarketing

Published June 30, 2022



  • The Role of Self-Control and Eating Behaviour in Obesity

    The treatment of obesity and related diseases is a global problem today. This is a huge burden not only for the individual, but also for the economy. However, these diseases could be prevented with proper nutrition. The aim of our research is to assess the factors that affect weight control and obesity. In this study, we narrow down our research area to two key factors: eating behaviour and self-control. To investigate these relationships, we created a research model We examined our theoretical model using the partial least squares (PLS) technique, which is one of the most widely used techniques of the model of structural equations (SEM) for latent variable modeling.  Our results show that BMI level is influenced by eating behaviour, and self-control affects body weight through eating behaviour.

    JEL Codes: I12, M31

  • Comparative Pilot Study of Communication Paradoxes in Food Advertising Using Semantic Differential

    Effective advertising grabs attention, its message is understandable, acceptable, memorable, and stimulates purchasing. To achieve those complex goals, it is not enough to simply communicate information, some additional communication technique (e.g., paradox messages) may be justified. There are several communication paradoxes with different effects. Using Osgood's semantic differential, this paper compares the different types of communication paradoxes, double bind, ambiguous, and neutral advertising, at the visual-quantitative level. Neutral advertising only names a product. While ambiguous advertising contains a contradictory verbal or visual message. Double bind advertising contains mutually exclusive commands (e.g., "Eat and lose weight!"). The sampling was random and not representative. The study sample was predominantly young people in their 20s, mostly university students. Responses were assessed using the MindTitude™ application, and the results were presented according to the principles of this program. A more detailed description of the application can be obtained by typing the brand name MindTitude into web search engines. Ambiguous advertising was perceived more positively from all aspects by respondents. Ambiguous message requires cognitive reframing and therefore involves deeper emotional and cognitive processing, creates tension and interest, attention concentration, long-term memory retention, and consequently, effective purchase incentives. The double bind instruction has a primarily behavioural inhibitory effect, reducing the urge to buy. The secondary effect of the double bind is emotional, lethargic through inertia, dampening the amplitude of emotional processing. Based on our findings, use of ambiguity is recommended in advertising, while the use of double bind is contraindicated.

    JEL Codes: L66, L82, L96, M31

  • Public Beliefs and Misconceptions in Macro-Nutrient Related Diets Among TikTok Users

    Nowadays, non-communicable diet-related diseases which risk could be greatly reduced by a good lifestyle are becoming increasingly important. One important component of which, nutrition, is the subject of the current research. At present in Hungary the most popular diets are based on carbohydrate and fat intake. Their spread and appearance in social media allowed for a netnographic study, the main purpose of which was to identify what misconceptions or misinformation live in the public consciousness about the topic. I hope that the conclusions drawn from the results obtained can contribute future research and help resolving dilemmas about nutrition, so that consumers can adopt the lifestyle that best suits them, thereby increasing the number of years spent in good health.

    JEL Codes: I18, M30, M39

  • Changes in Dietary Habits During the Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the daily lives of the population, primarily due to the disease control measures. The focus has shifted to health protective factors, with a healthy diet playing a key role in increasing the human body's resistance to pathogens. In addition, being overweight has a negative impact on the course of the disease, making the virus an even greater threat to our society. Our aim was to examine how the pandemic has changed our daily diet, with a particular focus on fruit and vegetable consumption. Data collection included both secondary and primary research. With 242 responses, our primary analysis was conducted using an online questionnaire. The results showed, that half of the respondents had changed their eating habits and one third had gained extra weight during the pandemic. A higher percentage regard their fruit and vegetable consumption as sufficient enough, while only 29.6% think they are eating the daily recommended amount. The results showed that there is a lack of awareness among respondents of the recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetables, which is a fundamental problem in terms of dietary health.

    JEL Code: I12

  • Changes in Food Purchasing Habits During the Covid Pandemic in Slovakia and Hungary, Focus on Southern Slovakia and Western Hungary

    The global pandemic of COVID-19 has led to many drastic changes worldwide, not only in the economy, but amongst others, in the structure of people’s daily routines as well. Some developments have been involuntary – as social distancing, wearing masks, restrictions on travel, etc., but for others, it has merely accelerated the adoption of behaviors already gaining traction, such as the digitalization of shopping and more. Consequences of subsequent lockdowns and their effect on the consumers’ grocery purchasing habits and their implications for food retail had been investigated in our research with a particular focus on regions of South Slovakia and West Hungary in a period ranging from November 2020 till April 2021. The constructed online questionnaire chosen for data collection aimed to identify specific ways in which consumers changed their grocery shopping behavior during the lockdown (e.g., frequency of shopping trips, time spent in stores, the aim of shopping, purchase of ingredients, online shopping). The results of the online questionnaire underlined the main regional differences between the two countries. The overall outcome of our research showed the moderate reduction in grocery shopping frequency, minor changes in shopping location and partially increase in online shopping. Our results showed that although the proportion of online purchases has increased, such a crisis does not seem to be sufficient to overcome barriers to shopping, such as the purchase of a new, unknown product. But changes that provide positive experiences are likely to last longer, particularly those driven by convenience and well-being, such as digital adoption, value-based purchasing, and increased health awareness. This provides an opportunity for companies to offer innovative, value-based, and integrated products or services to meet customer needs. Companies and retailers will need to adapt fast, understand consumers’ preferences, and stay relevant.

    JEL Codes: D12, D91

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