Vol. 4 No. 1-2 (2017): Táplálkozásmarketing

Published December 29, 2017



  • Production, Trade and Consumption of Functional Foods in Hungary

    Functional food is a specific food which fulfills the original aim of being a nutrient and an energy-carrier, but promotes better health and well-being. During the last decades new and healthier foods were designed to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses and conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, some cancers and obesity. However, functional foods are traditional foods expected to be consumed in the diet, but modified in such a way that promotes better health. In Hungary about 16% of the consumers are interested in buying functional foods for health improvements. Dairy products are most often the target products for reducing the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly and increasing gut function. In recent years the market of plant products, especially of fruits and vegetables was rapidly growing due to their high antioxidant capacity. Enhancement metabolism of polyphenols, and flavonoids formed in fruits and vegetables during traditional breeding and processing is not clarified yet and little is known about the effects of the extensive or intensive breeding and of the most economic harvesting time. The functional food science deals with the scientific substantiation of the influences of specific food components (biological active materials) as well as production and formulation of foods and food ingredients. Some of those components are obtained from natural sources, some others are artificial products of the organic synthesis in the industry. The term „functional foods” has never achieved an official definition, but most experts would agree on its benificially target functions in the body beyond adequate nutritional effects. Moderate consumption of vitamines and antioxidants in the diet carried in functional foods are belived to decrease the risk of chronic diseases. According to some market surveys the market of these designed foods is very large and rapidly expanding because of a growing interest among body-builders and other sportsmen with higher physical activities.

    JEL code: D12

  • Nutritional Significance of Eggs as a Basic and Functional Food

    The image of table eggs and egg consumption habits were negatively influenced by the American National Cholesterol Education Program based on the misperception that dietary cholesterol affects serum cholesterol levels in blood. Research in recent years, which is less well-known and widespread in the public awareness, has refuted this theory. Eggs are miracle foods containing 40 proteins and 18 amino acids, and rich in vitamins and minerals, with the same biological value as breast milk. Moreover, eggs have functional properties which can make it one of the possible tools for improving public health because it reduces the risk of a large number of diseases, and helps brain function and foetal development, and strengthens the immune system. Nevertheless, the Hungarian egg consumption and production were down in recent years. Stopping and reversing this trend are needed as quickly as possible. The aim of this study is to summarize the latest research results on eggs and its nutritional significance, which is able to provide a basis for adequate information to consumers and updating the knowledge of related disciplines.

    JEL codes: I10, M30, Q13

  • Growing Demand for Functional Foods – The Customer Perception of the Domestic Cereal Market

    Current scientific research raises questions as to how and why food-market consumer demands have changed over time, in relation to increasing health awareness. As a hypothesis, we assume that today’s customers are more health-conscious and open-minded about healthy food and health-related marketing messages both in Hungary and world-wide. Consequently, customers tend to look for the potential benefits of functional foods. We describe present-day lifestyle trends and the changing habits of nutrition as well as introduce the science of nutrimarketing and functional foods, along with their relevant claims. In our field research, we examine customers’ attitudes and mind-sets regarding the domestic cereal market between 2013 and 2016 with the aid of the Neticle system, an innovative online media-monitoring and analysis programme. Examining and understanding these trending needs could open new opportunities for companies to satisfy their customers with applicable product developments.

    JEL codes: I12, I15, M31

  • The Qualification of the Pálinka in the XXI. Century

    The issue of food quality came to prominence in the last decade. If we talk about sensory evaluation most of people mean the scoring method by that when in fact several evaluation methods are known. The amendment of the Excise tax in 2010 introduced the notion of the previously unknown distillate. The article clarify the difference between pálinka and distillate. The terms of pálinka tasing and the award criteria will be intoduced. How does the non-professional customer know that he buys a high quality product? The Pálinka trademark which was introduced in the autumn of 2012 and the brochure called Pálinkas of excellence can be a stronghold for them. For the pálinka strict quality requirements are in place in which the instrumental analysis can help. The article presented the pálinka-faults aroma wheel made by the author.

    JEL code: D12

  • Pilot-study for the Investigation of School Meals’ Preference and Main Factors of Restaurant Service

    In Hungarian public educational institutions (nurseries, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools) it is compulsory to provide food for schoolchildren at least by one meal per day. Schoolchildren represented 14% of the total population of Hungary in 2016. Although school catering is compulsory task for educational institutions, many students refuse this service, because of food intolerances or based on external reasons such as „I don’t like’, ”it is not tasty” or because of negative opinions and rumours about school catering services. Surveys have already been conducted in some countries on the acceptance of school catering services in order to explore the reasons of the negative experiences, but in Hungary, our research was the first in this topic. Our main goal was to explore the acceptance level of the school catering services and their meals in the sample of schools in Budapest. The first step of our research was to launch a pilot study, where 202 students and teachers of five schools in Budapest filled a questionnaire. The most preferred meals of the students were roasted and fried meats (they would like to have these meals more frequently), and cakes/desserts. The least preferred meals were pottage, and simple soups, which they would like to consume less frequently. Teachers preferred healthier food, e.g. fish, stewed or grilled vegetables. In almost half of the different meal types, a significant difference was detected between the answers of teachers and students. Noodle dishes, cakes and desserts were preferred at significantly higher level by the students. The different characteristics of the meals (taste, aroma, nutritional value, temperature, serving style) were assessed as significantly less important by the students than by teachers. Food hygiene, healthy food and diversity of meals were assessed equally well by the two respondent groups. Both respondent groups indicated that adapting to the individual needs of the consumers is inadequate.

    JEL codes: D12, L83


  • Food Super Store Shopping Environment and Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior

    This study examines the impact of food super store shopping on impulsive buying behavior. The results highlight that discounted price, advertisement &promotion, visual merchandising and emotional attachment, have impact on consumer impulsive buying behavior but special occasions and companion’s influence donot impact consumer impulsive buying behavior. The study is based on a sample of food super store buyers from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The exploration is useful for marketers to understand impulsive consumers and their choices. Food super stores are one of the growing businesses in Pakistan; therefore, this study will guide the marketers to understand this market segment effectively. The study also discovers the association between food super store shopping environment and types of consumer impulsive buying behavior which are cognitive impulsive buying and affective impulsive buying.

    JEL codes: M31, M37, M39

  • Preliminary Research in Connection with the Significance of the Traditional and Regional Foods in the North Great Plain Region

    The traditional and regional foods represent distinctive and unique values for customers in the world food market by their inimitable tastes and appearances. In today’s fast-moving world in which globalization’s different – both positive and negative – effects determine the daily activities of consumers and influence their needs, their choices and their decisions during the regular food and raw material purchases; it is relevant to strive for the presence and regular consumption of traditional products also to become known to a wide circle of society. The key objectives of our research are the main effects of traditional and regional foods in the Northern Great Plain, particularly with regard to the marketing and economic aspects approach. Our study is an experimental study of a later larger number of elements and representative survey, and it is based primarily on online questionnaires. During the research we received 151 available questionnaires. The interviewed inhabitants of the region have declared a positive opinion in the context of traditional and regional foods, most of them purchased and consumed these products regurarly.

    JEL code: M31