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  • Corruption as a concomitant phenomenon of the lack of democratic traditions or thoughts on the margin of failure of the democratic experiment in 1945

    For decades, there has been an open debate among historians about whether there was democracy in our country in 1945, and if so, what those few transition years were like, and what caused the failure of democracy. The study, – instead of the democratic state of the electoral system, the rule of law, respect for freedoms, self-government and civil society organization, – attempts to highlight the presence or absence of democratic traditions, which is generally less attended to, but undoubtedly was also part of the failure of the democratic experiment in 1945. Perhaps surprising, but the political and moral traditions of a society determine the chances for the development and survival of a democracy. In a corrupt, morally inferior society, it is more difficult to establish and operate democracy. Thus, democracy is guaranteed not only by the appearance of institutions and elections, but also by the thinking of the people living in it and by the norms that determine their behavior. The study illustrates the peculiarity of Hungary with examples mostly from Szolnok that in the 20th century the interchanging systems were struggling with a serious deficit of democracy, and therefore no democratic traditions could be formed in the society, and in 1945 they could not go back to such antecedents. Therefore, after 1945, Hungarian society appears as corrupt as it did before 1945. Corruption has affected not only politicians but also those at lower levels of society and has engulfed society as a whole. Thus, in order to consolidate democracy, it will not be enough in the future to replace politicians and reform institutions, but the society as a whole must change too, especially in its way of thinking and behavior.

  • The Internal Sources of the Jews in the Source Material of MNL (Hungarian National Archives) 1760-1848

    The study is focused on the collection and complex analysis of the original, yet unpublished Jewish documents in the feudal source collections of MNL, Hungarian National Archives from the second half of the 18th century until 1848. The search for original internal sources began with a review of government records during the period under review. The collections in the Chancellery Archives, Acta Generalia (A 39) and the Council of Governor-General Archives, Departamentum Judaeorum (C 55) maintain the documents of the first and second instance bodies of the public administration in their relations with the intermediate administrative authorities. The source material in the Chancellery Archives presents mostly records of general affairs, whereas the Departamentum Judaeorum collection of the Council of Governor-General contains Jewish-related issues. In support of the presumptions, the collections are rich in Jewish-related internal, historical sources. The documents allow for a complex analysis of the time, number, geographical distribution, and content of the document collections. The sources contribute to a better understanding of the history of the Jews, their settlement, their economic, cultural, religious life, and their system of relations with Christian society. The document pages present their content to researchers in the wording of the members of contemporaneous Jewish society. Based on the research experience, it can be concluded that the vast majority of the sources come from Pest County, more closely from the town of Pest. Research on these inner sources in the collections of other counties is expedient to increase awareness of Jewish history in the modern Kingdom of Hungary. Therefore, the future goal of the research may be to review the materials of the county archives. It provides an opportunity to compare how the archival material in the national archives is complemented by archival collections from the counties. The development of a database could also be a step forward and could integrate the sources in national and county archives by indicating headings, names, locations, indexes, and short regestas. The available internal source material can refine and enrich the known history of 17-19th century Jews.

  • Regional differences in the distribution of Industry 4.0 applications in the SME sector

    Since 2014, the European Commission has been measuring the development of the digital economy and society with the DESI indicator. The DESI 2020 report shows that the Covid-19 epidemic has made digital tools even more important for countries’ economies. Hungary is ranked 21st out of 28 EU Member States on the DESI indicator which is measuring the digital economy and society. Improving the competitiveness of Hungarian companies in the international market depends on the extent of their digitalisation. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the financial instruments and resources available to support the implementation of an advanced digitalisation systems at Hungarian companies in the past EU budget period. Two calls for proposals were available in the 2014-2020 funding period in Hungary in the context of advanced digitisation: GINOP 1.2.8-17 and GINOP 3.2.6-8.2.4-17. A regional comparative analysis between the two calls was not feasible because the funding intensities for eligible costs are different for the two calls, therefore the calls were evaluated separately. The analysis found that the reasons for the low willingness to apply are assumed to include the lack of economic and social potential in rural areas, with the main reasons being the lack of own resources to invest and the lack of a workforce with the right digital skills.

  • System Changes and Their Effects on the Society in Szabolcs-SzatmárBereg Country in the last one and a half centuries (part 1)

    Starting from the mid-19th century numerous changes can be classified as systemic changes or shifts. The change of the landscape has shaped the ways lands were tilled and also caused changes in the economical structures. Then the Treaty of Trianon triggered ethnical, political, administrative and cultural changes with the new borders. The key issues of the most recent system change in 1989 the mobility of the society (and what threatens it) the survival of local traditions (and whether they are still followed) and the effects of being a border region of Hungary and the EU. The peripherical situation of the region threatens with lagging. This is threat is strengthened by the regions ethnical and social situation worsened by the decline of the educational system. Self-government is also severely damaged by the loss of local control over public bodies. Paradoxically enough, despite all system changes the life of local people improved only moderately and the region is still among the nation’s most vulnerable ones.

  • The impact of events in and around Kisvárda on tourism in the region

    The main goal of our research is to present the impact of the festivals organized in and around the city of Kisvárda on tourism. The main direction was given by the Kisvárda Festival of Theaters, which has been organized for more than 30 years, as it has greatly contributed to the development of tourism in Kisvárda in recent years. In our research material, we briefly present the festival tourism in Hungary, and we also review the relationship between tourism and the festival, taking into account the COVID-19 pandemic that has been present for the past few years.

    We also consider the presentation of the research topic important because the tourist offer of the city of Kisvárda and its region is growing, there are many tourist attractions in Kisvárda that make it worth visiting the city and its surroundings. In addition to examining the impact of the Kisvárda Festival of Hungarian Theaters on tourism, we also conducted a questionnaire survey in order to find out the opinions of visitors to events in Kisvárda. In our opinion, festivals can have a significant positive impact on the economy, society and cultural life.

  • The effect of social media on media consumption and the advertising market

    Social media has become an integral part of our daily life and has completely transformed our society. While it had a social function at the beginning, it has had an increasing economic potential from the early 2010s. Our research objective was to explore the economic and social effects of social media on our society. Document analysis was applied in the research, thus relevant publications and studies were collected and processed. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that in recent years the time spent with online media consumption has increased dynamically for all generations, both globally and in Hungary. The advertising market rearranged fundamentally due to the change of media consumption, the revenue of the printed media decreased steeply while the online media increased exponentially since the economic crisis of 2008 in particular with social media. Concerns of data protection and significant tax debt came up in the last couple years despite of the social websites. Based on this fact, by establishing equal competition on the media market, the fulfilment of the tax payment and the observance of data protection rules have become reasonable for the state to take stricter actions against the global technology companies.

  • Questionnaire analysis of the situation of the artisans of the Debrecen Folk Crafts Festival in 2021

    Debrecen Folk Craft Festival faithfully preserves the cultural, social and economic traditions of Debrecen. As a tourist event, the festival provides an opportunity to learn about the centuries-old folk crafts, the artisans, their tools and their products. The traditional fair character of the event is given by the street stalls and the possibility to buy the products. The fair is part of Debrecen's history (it has had the right to hold fairs since the early 1400s), which has given a strong impetus to its economic development. The town's geographical and social characteristics made it a market centre. On the one hand, it was built at the junction of land routes and, on the other, it was owned by lords of national rank who helped to create a farming town and a local society of artisan-traders. In Debrecen, handicraft and trade fair past is still preserved in street names such as Külsővásártér, Mester street, Faraktár street, Csapó street, which is also the venue of the 11th Folk Craft Festival. The aim of the research is to investigate the extent to which Debrecen Folk Craft Festival is a Debrecen event, as well as the composition of the local artisans still operating (craft, age, gender, experience), their business strengths and weaknesses, and their presence on the internet. This representative quantitative survey was carried out with 23 representatives of 15 crafts (leatherworkers, potters, beadworkers, embroiderers, straw weavers, enamelers, furniture makers, woodcarvers, textile toy makers, honeycake makers, etc.) using a self-completion questionnaire. The survey is representative as all participants completed the questionnaire. Since folk crafts are part of the Debrecen identity, and the local culture, their survival is in the interest of the city. The survey covered the forms of their businesses, their sales opportunities, their financial background, etc. The structure of the paper: Introduction presents the festival itself, Material and Methodology, Results and Conclusions chapters describe the questionnaire survey’s results. Conclusions of the research: the cultural and social impact of the Folk Craft Festival is significant, especially through the promotion of folk art heritage, community organisation and its impact on consumer habits. There is still a wide variety of folk crafts in Debrecen, but the masters of some folk crafts are ageing. Traditionally, these one-man businesses still prefer to sell at fairs, because they are weak in marketing and advertising, and nearly a third of them have online presence on the association's website only. Their strength is their expertise, with 40, 50 or even 60 years of experience. The majority of products are qualified by the Hungarian Heritage House, which protects the masters from having their products copied and mass-produced by others.

  • The vision of newer generations on the farms of Hajdú-Bihar county

    For the former rural society the basic pillar of economic security was the homestead, and farming there, which was then further inherited within the family. A century ago more than a million people lived on homesteads in Hungary, but today it has fallen to well under a quarter of a million. The decline in population was due on the one hand, to the emergence of modern machinery and new cultivation and breeding technologies in agriculture, which transformed farming and the people involved, and on the other, to society's living standards and expectations out of infrastructures that meet modern needs, so the emigration of the younger generations living there began, who moved into nearby villages and towns. The aim of my research was to explore the future tendencies of the possibilities of moving from homesteads among the homestead inhabitants of Hajdú-Bihar county, taking into account the current conditions, which was based on a survey conducted in all its districts. The results of the study show that most of the newer generations growing up on homesteads no longer envision their future there, however if the homestead were more extensively constructed in terms of comfort and corresponded to a higher degree of comfort, this might guarantee that the young people would still remain in place.

  • The Importance of Training and Development Programs in Promoting Sustainable Consumption Behavior: An HRM Perspective

    The increasing awareness of the impact of human activities on the environment has led to a growing interest in sustainable consumption behavior. Sustainable consumption behavior refers to the choices and actions of individuals, households, or organizations that prioritize the long-term well-being of both the environment and society while meeting their needs and desires. It involves making responsible and ethical decisions about what to consume, how much to consume, and how to consume, with the aim of minimizing negative impacts on the planet and future generations. This research aims to identify the importance of training and development programs in HRM in promoting sustainable consumption behavior. The research problem has been formulated with several questions, most notably: Do organizational training and development programs impact sustainable consumption behavior? The methodology of this study is a Systematic Literature Review of the importance of training and development programs in promoting sustainable consumption behavior. This research found that HRM can implement training and development programs focusing on sustainability to encourage sustainable behavior among employees. Such programs can include educating employees on sustainable consumption practices, promoting renewable energy sources, reducing waste, adopting a life cycle perspective, and accounting for equity dimensions.

  • Is an education programme based on social innovation sustainable?

    Social sustainability is a key concept that can be identified as an important factor in the processes supporting the satisfaction of the current needs of humanity and the preservation of the environment and natural resources for future generations. Social innovation initiatives are solutions that support a sustainable future and can be suitable for mitigating differences at the regional level, increasing regional competitiveness, and helping to catch up. The reduction and elimination of educational inequalities requires long-term solutions that require innovative cooperation between the actors of society. Within the framework of the study, we examine the examples of social innovation efforts in education and the effects of these practices, during which we pay special attention to issues of social sustainability. Our goal is to present social innovation programs and good practices that can be identified as equalizing education solutions and can be adapted and sustained in order to increase well-being while taking into account local needs and demands as well as the characteristics of the given community. Within the framework of the study, the examined good practices are presented in a structured form, emphasizing the key elements that ensure social sustainability.

  • Introducing the social situation of Hajdú-Bihar County in numbers

    The aim of our study is to provide an overview of the social situation in Hajdú-Bihar County. Hajdú-Bihar County, the economic, educational, scientific and cultural center of the Northern Great Plain region. Its conditions are favorable for fulfilling its role, and it’s economic, educational, commercial, and cultural and health relations are significant beyond the national borders. In connection with Hajdú-Bihar County, it is important to mention the utilization of its logistics role and the role of the regional knowledge base. Debrecen city is the center of HajdúBihar County, this is the second largest city in Hungary in terms of population. For decades Debrecen has been an outstanding role of Hajdú-Bihar County, and the city has a socio-economic impact on the whole region as a regional center. Among the above-mentioned impacts, this study focuses on the social impacts of Hajdú-Bihar County and the calculations based on local and national statistics to support and analyze this impact. The social impacts were examined primarily from a demographic point of view (population, gender, age and composition by educational level, qualifications, employment, income conditions) compared to previous years and national data.

  • Development characteristics of small villages in Hungary after the turn of the millennium

    The aim of the study is to describe some characteristic features of Hungarian small villages. Based on a literature review, the topic of a comparative analysis of settlements with different populations has been the subject of research in Hungary for about half a century. Laws had been enacted since the 1970s to reduce the spatial differences. However, despite the national's intention, the differences between the individual regions and settlement groups continued to increase. This is also reflected in the fact that under the current development policy legislation – Government Decree 290/2014. (XI. 26.) – small villages have a higher than average chance of being included in disadvantaged districts. The aim of my study is to outline the situation of municipalities with a population of less than half a thousand people by analyzing statistical data and presenting the results of my own questionnaire survey. These municipalities make up more than a third of the Hungarian settlements population, while their population just only 2.2% of the national population. In the course of the analysis, I focus primarily on demographic processes and the development of communal infrastructure. These developments (sewage network, pipeline gas supply) could highly improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of small settlements. Despite all these investments, emigration is significant due to the lack of jobs, as a result of which the aging of local society continues. The importance of the regional embeddedness of the settlements is shown by the fact that while the situation of the small settlements of Veszprém, Vas and Zala county can be said to be relatively favorable, the small villages of Baranya, Somogy and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén can be considered disadvantaged in almost all indicators.

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