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  • Complex examination of employee health awareness and occupational health promotion opportunities for Debrecen employees

    Recognizing the importance of proper health, people have become increasingly responsible and aware of their health in recent decades. Maintaining health is a rewarding activity for both the employee and the employer in the long run. Investing in the health of employees is at the same time an investment in the successful operation of a company, as for most companies, the employees themselves are the key factors that determine a company’s profitability. Companies can gain a great deal by paying attention to the health of their employees, not only will it make it easier to attract and retain new workforce, but it will also increase employee efficiency. In order to preserve and improve the health of their employees, their health awareness needs to be developed, and employers can do a lot to achieve this process. There are countless opportunities for employers to promote health awareness, healthy eating and regular exercise among their employees. There are countless opportunities for employers to promote health awareness, healthy eating and regular exercise among their employees. Exploiting the potential of corporate health promotion is extremely important and necessary, as it is a long-term profitable investment for both the individual and the company, so its widespread use would be warranted.

  • Testing the employee performance prediction capability of selection tests

    We can find several studies about employees performance in the management literature, but it remains an interesting topic in researches in the future, due to the increasing worldwide labour shortage. Finding the suitable employees is becoming more prominent among companies due to the increasing competition. The main aim of this study is to test the capability of selection tests (ability, readiness, competence tests) to predict employee performance. In order to answer this question employees (N=50) from a Debrecen based company in service sector have been analysed. General intelligence and conflict handling style have been estimated, as well as the evaluation of the employees by their supervisors. Some biographical data were used as control variables. The statistical analysis was based on descriptive statistics and multivariate, linear regression models. Based on the results we can concluded that being a female, having a university degree or the 1-3 years of employment at the company were in positive relationship with the employees communication skills significantly; the conflict handling style ’problemsolver’ tended to increase the expected value of the problem-solving skills; general intelligence was positively connected to the expected level of the Régiókutatás Szemle 2019/1 sz. DOI: 10.30716/RSZ/2019/1/1 7 measured job-specific skills; while no significant linear relationship was detected between in MS Office skills and other variables.

  • Analysis of Work Attributes According to Kano Modell and Paired Comparison in the Case of Higher Education Students

    The aim of our study is to examine university students' expectations about job attributes, what are their basic expectations and what factors are attractive when choosing a job. We analyzed the answers of 389 students learning at the University of Debrecen and the University of Nyíregyháza. In the study, we combined the Kano model and the pairwise comparison method. The former is related to Noriaki Kano and his colleagues, and categorizes product quality attributes according to their impact on customer satisfaction. The model is primarily used to assess the quality of a product or service, but has recently been used in areas of management like job satisfaction. The other method is the pairwise comparison, when answerers compare the attributes to each other thus setting up an order of importance. The possibility of merging Kano-model and importance is an opportunity to examine job characteristics more accurately and to apply a refined Kano-model that divides the original categories into two subcategories like critical (important must-be), necessary (less important must-be), high value-added (important one-dimensional), low value-added (less important one-dimensional), highly attractive, less attractive, potential (important indifferent) and care-free (less important indifferent) quality characteristics. In our research, we examined the following attributes’ effect on job satisfaction: wage, relationship with employees, long-term employment, the matching of field of education and work, the work environment, the career opportunity, the matching of education level and work, and company size. According to our results, there are job attributes with clear category, such as wage, which high value added attribute and a low salary causes dissatisfaction while high salary causes satisfaction. Long-term employment is a less attractive, modern environment is a highly attractive factor, so the absence of these does not cause dissatisfaction, but the presence increases satisfaction. Finding a matching job is a carefree attribute. This supports the literature that recent graduates take on jobs that require less education than theirs, if the salary and career opportunities compensate for it. At the same time, it is another question to what extent compensation can be realized if the overeducated earn a lower wage than their matched counterparts. It is possible that accepting the initial lower wage is part of the strategy that the employee moving up on his career ladder will be able to earn higher, but it does not work for everyone. Among the characteristics that cannot be clearly categorized, the career option should be highlighted, which was the most mixed category. For some people, it represents a highly value added attribute and its absence causes dissatisfaction (women), for others it is very attractive and its absence is not a problem (men), but in both cases its presence increases satisfaction. However, there is a group for whom this is a critical characteristic, i.e. its existence is natural, its absence increases dissatisfaction, and this is the MSc graduates. In the case of less congruent professions, matching the field of education to the job increases satisfaction more, but its absence does not cause dissatisfaction. The relationship with colleagues has a highly value added for women, i.e. its absence causes dissatisfaction, but it is very attractive for men, in their case its absence is not a problem. Small company size is a reversal (women) or care free characteristic. Employers should therefore pay attention to career opportunities in the case of freshmen’s with higher level of education, to find and integrate an employee who fits into the company’s environment in order to ensure good relationship with colleagues, as well as to the appropriate salary, since the lack of these causes dissatisfaction among significant groups of young applicants.

  • Working conditions at the Cannery of Debrecen according to the house organ’s news

    The Cannery of Debrecen started their production in 1969 but the ceremonial handover only took place a year later. One hard argument for the company to be placed in Debrecen was that the city could provide the complete labour force for the completion of the production appropriation of the current plan. This was not always successful, despite the fact that they wanted to solve the employment of women and released agricultural workers with the establishment of the new factory. The management of the factory took different measures to attain and keep the employees, which was not an easy task because fluctuation was high since the working circumstances were unfavourable and the work was seasonal. The increase of domestic demand and export demand for canned products made the management of the company to reach for their “hidden reserves”. One possible form of this was the “socialist brigade movement”, who advertised work competitions. We can also see in the brigade journal entries that the socialist brigades took extra assignments, from these entries we can get an insight into the lives of the employees and what was expected from them.

  • „Dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats…” Disposal of public records and rescue of documents in the County of Szolnok in 1950s

    Disposal of public records is an ordinary element of document management, which is also practiced nowadays by various organizations. The arrangement of disposal depends on the own records schedules of the offices, authorities and institutions and the County Archives can review this process. was formed for the first time in the Hungarian history in the 1950s, when the government attempted to regulate the integrated order of disposal of public records. However the regulations were not detailed, prudent and therefore appropriate enough,so the officials could hardly distinguish the „long-term value records” and the worthless documents. Furthermore there were local cadres, who did not even know these regulations. At the same time, after the Second World War there was a huge selection of records supported by the government, because of the lack of paper. The main standing-point has become the quantity, independently of the quality of the wasted historical papers. Political aspects also appeared during the process. For example, a newsreel from 1953 promoted the disposal as it was a good opportunity to destroy the „dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats” meaning the documents originated before 1945. For these reasons a lot of valuable documents were transported to the Papermill of Szolnok as recyclable raw material. Archivist Antal Szedő wrote several reports on the large amount of important scripts he found there. For example in 1950 Szedő found 2000 kilograms of valuable documents originated from Debrecen from the 18th and 19th century. There were also cases in the County of Szolnok, where councils made irresponsible decisions during the selection. Once archivists found old and estimable documents (including protocols from the 19th century) of Jászalsószentgyörgy, Kenderes and Besenyszög in the By-product and Waste Utilization Company of Szolnok. Unfortunately not all records could be rescued, so probably a lot of relevant ones were destructed in 1950s.

  • Effects of Industry 4.0 based test and validation in the electronics industry

    The continuous demand increase of electronic items challenges the electronic manufacturing companies. The economic and manufacturing challenges, and the Industry 4.0 based solutions of having a great product portfolio of a regional, original equipment manufacturer are presented in this study. The acquirement and the implementation of the principles of Industry 4.0 results a new production environment, but the positive effects of that can be demonstrated from financial and production efficiency sides. The mindset change of the test and validation area of an electronic company, and the steps required to achieve Industry 4.0 based test solutions are presented in this article. You can read about the practical implementation of a pioneering technology in the field of informatics, Big Data oriented data processing in a real manufacturing environment. The changes related to hardware and software design and data acquisition are presented, also you can read about the resulting cost saving, production efficiency improvement and product output growth of the study.

  • „Dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats…” Disposal of public records and rescue of documents in the County of Szolnok in 1950s

    Disposal of public records is an ordinary element of document management, which is also practiced nowadays by various organizations. The arrangement of disposal depends on the own records schedules of the offices, authorities and institutions and the County Archives can review this process. was formed for the first time in the Hungarian history in the 1950s, when the government attempted to regulate the integrated order of disposal of public records. However the regulations were not detailed, prudent and therefore appropriate enough,so the officials could hardly distinguish the „long-term value records” and the worthless documents. Furthermore there were local cadres, who did not even know these regulations. At the same time, after the Second World War there was a huge selection of records supported by the government, because of the lack of paper. The main standing-point has become the quantity, independently of the quality of the wasted historical papers. Political aspects also appeared during the process. For example, a newsreel from 1953 promoted the disposal as it was a good opportunity to destroy the „dusty corpus delictis of the bygone world’s bureaucrats” meaning the documents originated before 1945. For these reasons a lot of valuable documents were transported to the Papermill of Szolnok as recyclable raw material. Archivist Antal Szedő wrote several reports on the large amount of important scripts he found there. For example in 1950 Szedő found 2000 kilograms of valuable documents originated from Debrecen from the 18th and 19th century. There were also cases in the County of Szolnok, where councils made irresponsible decisions during the selection. Once archivists found old and estimable documents (including protocols from the 19th century) of Jászalsószentgyörgy, Kenderes and Besenyszög in the By-product and Waste Utilization Company of Szolnok. Unfortunately not all records could be rescued, so probably a lot of relevant ones were destructed in 1950s.


  • Examination of the organizational structure and the management functions of state-accredited football academies

    My research was aimed to investigate the organizational structure and the management functions of the state-accredited football academies in Hungary. The relenvance of this topic is given by the high amount of money flowing in to this sector, and the changes in the onganizational background. With the development of football, the clubs are working yet as companies, and this organistional frame requires a well planned structure. In my research I analized the operation of these organisations as companies, and I tried to answer the suggested questions about structure and leadership, with a comparative analysis of the academies highlighted by the national federation. I revealed what are the organizational problems faced by the academies, and which directions they have to follow to develop their companies, to ensure the safe, and long term operation. I choosed 3 from the 10 state-accredited academies to analyse their structure. The chosen clubs were the Várda Sport Egyesület, the Vasas Kubala Akadémia, and the Győri ETO FC youth base. It was important for me to represent an academy from each part of Hungary, to have the possibility to see some regional specialities. Through my study I investigated the responsibilities of the academy directors to see which were the key areas they had to enchance in their companies, and to define the differences in each organization. It was also my goal to reveal these differences have benefists or disadvantages for the operation. My main goal was to locate critical success factors needed for the modern, and proper operation. The research revealed that the three academies examined follow the traditional linear, functional organizational structure, but there are also differences in the definition of jobs and in the operation of the company. These differences are largely to be found in the local identity and the still ongoing development of the organizational background.

  • Examination the information content of the notes to the financial statement through companies with different activities

    The aim of the study is to present the infromation content of the notes to the financial statement using different types of companies. Companies must provide a realistic picture of their assets, financials and profitability position. It is necessary an integrated information system to evaluate the businesses. The data of the financial statement prepared by accounting act are historic, and they are about the past. These data are explained in notes to financial statement. This study investigates 15 notes to the financial statement considering the obligations declared in accounting act in case of different types of company. The companies are selected by expert sampling. The main activity of enterprises are food-retail, services and processing. Both of three scope of activities companies 's notes specific, that mostly the simplified financial statements include several deficiencies. The notes of the financial statements are fully compliance to the rules of the statutue. The reason of the differencies are the different market participants make a different expectation of the notes's importance and preparation.

  • Liquidity situation of the sports enterprises in Hajdú-Bihar country

    Sport is one of the industries with the greatest growth potential in the world. As in any other sector, there is a growing need for measurability in sport as well as numerical support for decisions. One of the determinative decision criteria of owners and leaders is financial data, which influences the operation of the company or the assessment of investment opportunities. In present research, we examined the liquidity situation of sports enterprises in Hajdú-Bihar County. We used the OPTEN database, which contains annual reporting data for sports enterprises. In order to be more manageable, sports enterprises were grouped by revenue categories and scope of activity, along which we managed the obtained liquidity datas by aggregating and averaging. Based on the results, it can be concluded that most sports enterprises operating in the county sports sector are privately owned micro-enterprises, which have a lower turnover category and the main activity is 931 Sports services. Their liquidity position is on average favourable, they show high growth potential and they are characterized by risk-averse behaviour.

  • Performance management focused social innovation in the public sector

    Performance management is becoming more and more important today in the everyday-life of a company or any organizations. Nowadays, the topic of performance evaluation has importance not only in the business sector but also in the public sector. Not only the interests of an organization have to be highlighted, but also those of the employees. In addition to this, in case of public service providers, their customers may have influence on performance perception. Literature in the field of performance management is very diverse but it can be stated that public service organizations have come to the forefront. In this paper a basic research is presented that contributes to the formulation of my research hypothesis.

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