Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)

Published May 23, 2023



  • Testing the employee performance prediction capability of selection tests

    We can find several studies about employees performance in the management literature, but it remains an interesting topic in researches in the future, due to the increasing worldwide labour shortage. Finding the suitable employees is becoming more prominent among companies due to the increasing competition. The main aim of this study is to test the capability of selection tests (ability, readiness, competence tests) to predict employee performance. In order to answer this question employees (N=50) from a Debrecen based company in service sector have been analysed. General intelligence and conflict handling style have been estimated, as well as the evaluation of the employees by their supervisors. Some biographical data were used as control variables. The statistical analysis was based on descriptive statistics and multivariate, linear regression models. Based on the results we can concluded that being a female, having a university degree or the 1-3 years of employment at the company were in positive relationship with the employees communication skills significantly; the conflict handling style ’problemsolver’ tended to increase the expected value of the problem-solving skills; general intelligence was positively connected to the expected level of the Régiókutatás Szemle 2019/1 sz. DOI: 10.30716/RSZ/2019/1/1 7 measured job-specific skills; while no significant linear relationship was detected between in MS Office skills and other variables.

  • The lessons learned from private document donations in JNSZ County

    Our historical knowledge is based on historians’ research of written documents. These written historical documents are preserved by archives. The biggest of our country’s public collections is the National Archives of Hungary which was established in 2012 by merging the national and county acrhives. For many decades the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Archives have collected the administrative documents of the county’s settlements. Various offices, courts, schools and state-owned companies are required by law to submit their records of historical value to the archives after fifteen years. However individuals, associations and parties are not required by law to pass on their private records or photographs to any of the archives. In addition to the official sources the private documents can also provide a number of valuable insights for a more detailed presentation and understanding of history. This bried study shows the changes of private records gifting in JNSZ County, the reasons behind the change, what documents were offered to them and are they important for archival research.

  • Performance management focused social innovation in the public sector

    Performance management is becoming more and more important today in the everyday-life of a company or any organizations. Nowadays, the topic of performance evaluation has importance not only in the business sector but also in the public sector. Not only the interests of an organization have to be highlighted, but also those of the employees. In addition to this, in case of public service providers, their customers may have influence on performance perception. Literature in the field of performance management is very diverse but it can be stated that public service organizations have come to the forefront. In this paper a basic research is presented that contributes to the formulation of my research hypothesis.

  • The tendency to overestimate one’s own skills among young football players

    In today’s sport the mental preparation’s role is emerging in addition to physical training Sports psychology is being implemented and applied widely both in invidiual and team sports. From the athletes perspective one of the most important factor is that they have the right and valid self-knowledge as their performance is highly affected by this input. The main objective of my research was to reveal the self assessment attributes among the young football players. The children performed three tasks during the research; juggling, passing on gymnastics bench and then reaching the finish line after dribbling of slalom were shown. My hypotesis is that the children tend to overestimate their performance and skills before performing tasks. I’ve been used primary data collection during my research. The used applied analytical method was the one sample t-test; based on this method, we can say that the underestimation have had a higher rate when measuring juggling (which contradict to the hypotesis) while the children overestimated their performance in the slalom and the passing tasks (in these two tasks we can confirm the hypotesis).

  • The enforcement of the public education act of 1868: public school buildings and the higher elementary school for boys in Hajdúszoboszló

    On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the public education act of 1868, this study deals with the architectural aspect of the enforcement of the act, and more closely with the school buildings. However, when discussing the topic, it is important to mention Pál Gönczy (1817–1892), who was one of the authors of the public education act. It is also important that he was born in Hajdúszoboszló, and he was that person, who made the first design book in 1870, which contained the architecturalprofessional regulations for the public school buildings. In this study, besides this sample design book, its impact and the subsequent sample designs will be discussed, up to the 1920s Klebelsberg program. The regional aspect of the theme is the history of the higher elementary school for boys that was established in 1898 in Hajdúszoboszló, and its building was built in 1899.

  • Legal practice of the Imperial Royal County Court of Debrecen (1853-1861)

    In this study, I would like to present the criminal law practice in the period of neoabsolutism of the Imperial Royal County Court of Debrecen. In this period, the Austrian Penal Code was in force in Hungary, so the primary aspect of my research is how the provisions of the Code were enforced in practice. On the other hand, I try to answer questions about which crimes have occurred most often, what were the most common types of offenses, what characterized the perpetrators' image, and finally what the penalties were imposed in the specified period.

  • The geopolitical-geoeconomical importance of european integration in East-Central Europe from the late eighties until now

    Due to political reforms in 1990 the geopolitical and geoeconomical situation of the East-Central European countries has changed. In the very first years of the new political era these countries focused on the integration to the European Union. In 2004 the biggest accession ever opened the door to ten new member states resulting a more wider, more complex partnership in Europe. After a decade of their integration it was clear that East-Central European countries have benefited from the membership, in economical and many other ways. They can express their interests much stronger as members of the EU then before their memberships. But their perception regarding deepening the integration is in change. There is a need to express their opinion much stronger. As a result, the geoeconomic interpretation of economic integration has become much broader in sense than in earlier periods, and sometimes involves far more thought than traditional interpretation.

  • The place and role of Debrecen style honey cake at the the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar county

    Debrecen style honey cake making has been registered in 2014 in the collection of Hungarian values of Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar county. Thus it is worth and reasonable to study the roots and history of honey cake making and especially Debrecen style honey cake making, as well as the future perspectives of the profession. The evolution process of honey cake as a traditional open air market product to its many current forms was long and exciting. Operation of the National Value Pyramid, history of honey cake making was investigated and honey cake makers working in Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar County are introduced in the present paper. The efforts of the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar County have been summarised, including how it promotes the honey cake - with its thousand year tradition - to remain a popular product and how it supports its members. While innovation is always a key issue for professionals, ensuring that this product is made of (traditional) healthy ingredients stays popular are the foci of Hungarian honey cake makers.

  • Goat keeping, goat milk production, importance and consumption of goat milk products with regional outlook

    Goat milk production is a dynamic and continuously expanding branch, which determines the life of millions of people. Goat milk and the cheese made from it, was venerated in ancient Egypt, with some Pharaohs supposedly placing these foods among the other treasures in their burial tombs. Goat milk and manufactured goat milk products play significant role in human nutrition. Starving and malnourished people in the developing world consume more goat milk than cow milk. Goat milk plays an important role in the treatment of certain health problems. The gastronomic needs of connoisseur and health conscious consumers, which is a growing market share in many developed countries, can be met by goat milk and manufactured goat milk products. The aim of our study is to review the most relevant international and Hungarian studies, overview the regional situation of (dairy) goat breeding, goat milk production and consumption as well as the nutritional benefits of goat milk and manufactured goat milk products to human health.

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