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Keresési eredmények

  • Designing an ATmega328 microcontroller based gesture-controlled IoT UGV unit and creating a camera system using Linux distribution
    Megtekintések száma:

    The topic of the research is the design and building of a UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle), which we can control wirelessly with a glove designed for this purpose. The design and use of this gesture-controlled robot can be observed in this summary. A camera will be installed on the robot unit, whose image we can query through the local network. Furthermore, the hardware and software for this camera system will be described as well.

  • MARG szenzor alapú pozíció becslés periodikus mozgásra
    Megtekintések száma:

    A kutatás során magnetométer, giroszkóp és gyorsulásérzékelő szenzorok (MARG szenzor) jeleinek fúzióját vizsgáltuk. A cikk fókusza a felügyelt tanulás által végzett szenzorfúzió, amely a különböző típusú mért adatok párhuzamosfeldolgozásán alapuló pozíció becslését jelenti periodikus mozgások esetén. A tanuló algoritmusok alkalmazhatóságát egy inga gyakorlati példáján keresztülvizsgáltuk meg

  • Time Domain Analysis and Spectral Methods for Determining Rotational Speed of Rotary Machines
    Megtekintések száma:

    Accurate estimation of rotational speed of rotary machines has usually high priority in technical applications. This information should be calculated for many diagnostic algorithms, control or regulation processes. Incorrectly estimated values could occur serious disturbances in the operation of machines. Additional instrumentation often may be obstructed due to lack of space, but the construct of the machine may also affect the accuracy of measurement. In such cases, vibration diagnostic tools can be the disposal of difficulty. Mounting an acceleration sensor onto the outer surface of the measured device is not a major challenge. In most cases using time, frequency or quefrency domain analysis, it is possible to estimate the rotational speed of the analysed rotary machine. The calculated spectra and cepstra can help to determine the rotational speed more easily and more accurate than the time domain methods. This paper presents the comparison of these methods in terms of their usability and rotational speed estimation accuracy. A possible error of traditional optical measurement due to misalignment and benefits of the other methods are illustrated in this article via measured data series of a Brushless DC (BLDC) motor driven system.

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