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Keresési eredmények

  • Hopping Rover Navigation Method for Rugged Environments
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    In this paper a navigation method is presented for space exploration robots using hopping motion in environments with large elevation differences. A monocular camera system is used to reconstruct the flight trajectory and environment around the robot using Structure from Motion while traveling. The created environmental point cloud is projected to 2D to create a variable resolution image and image processing is used to find the most suitable position for the next landing based on normals with the help of gradient maps and error estimation. The method is evaluated in a simulation environment against the previously used protrusion based method to show that the proposed system can extend the operation of the robot to terrains with large elevation differences while still successfully avoid obstacles and dangerous areas.

  • Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
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    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.

  • Designing an ATmega328 microcontroller based gesture-controlled IoT UGV unit and creating a camera system using Linux distribution
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    The topic of the research is the design and building of a UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle), which we can control wirelessly with a glove designed for this purpose. The design and use of this gesture-controlled robot can be observed in this summary. A camera will be installed on the robot unit, whose image we can query through the local network. Furthermore, the hardware and software for this camera system will be described as well.

  • Szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez optikai ellenőrzése National Instruments szoftverek használatával
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    Jelen cikk témáját szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez National Instruments szoftverekkel megvalósított, optikai úton történő ellenőrzése képezi. Az ellenőrzés során 7 különböző típusú ellenállás, 3 különböző típusú integrált áramkör, vonalkód, valamint szöveg detektálása valósult meg. Az vizsgálati eredmények Microsoft Excel alapú vizsgálati riportba kerültek exportálásra. Az optikai ellenőrzés National Instruments Vision Development Module és LabVIEW fejlesztőkörnyezet használatával valósult meg.

  • Consensual Pupillometry for Robotic Emotional Recognition
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    The main contribution of this research is to develop of a new measuring device for measuring direct- and consensual light reflex of human pupil. In this case the pupillary light reflex means changing of diameter of pupil due to constant light stimulus as a function of time. Researches certify that the pupil diameter and its change reflects the person’s mental or physical state. There are several “eye tracking” devices available on the market, however, none of these are able to perform a proper consensual measurement. The basic principle of the consensual pupil measurement is that while only one of the eyes is stimulated, reactions of both eyes are being recorded and analyzed. The aim of this project was to develop a software, applicable to an existing prototype device in order to carry out “consensual pupillary reflex” measurements.

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