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  • Last Generation Mechatronics: a Two-level Platform-based Reconfigurable Technology Approach
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    As is well known mechatronic systems currently being designed and developed are often difficult multidisciplinary undertakings. Based on the intrinsic coupling of different implementation technologies, efficient design of mechatronic systems is of primordial importance for development of next generation industrial products. This paper is focused to current and future technological trends aimed to improve the design and implementation processes of mechatronic systems in an increasingly harsh industrial environment. Special attention is dedicated to introduction of the two-level platform-based reconfigurable technology approach. This strategy efficiently combines major advantages of both the hardware and software platform-based development trends in modern mecatronic systems. In order to support the unfolded theoretical arguments a last generation and versatile mechatronic system development is presented and discussed in the paper. The mentioned trends can be used as rough orientation for future mechatronic systems research and implementation activities.

  • The Intelligent Space Modeled as a Cyber-Physical System
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    According to a general rule definition, the intelligent space (iSpace) is defined as a location (or space) provided with electronic sensor networks that enable the considered environment with intelligent behaviors. As a result, the considered space will be able to perceive stimulus around them and to understand events that happen its near surrounding. Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are building blocks in Industry 4.0 that links digital technology and the physical environment in an industrial context. They combine intelligent physical objects and systems on a high level of functions integration. This paper emphasizes the main idea that intelligent spaces may be also modeled as complex cyber-physical systems, as well. This approach has been developed by discussing the theoretical basis of both the iSpaces and CPSs, respectively unfolding a short comparison between their basic behaviors. As a concrete example, the CPS model of a given iSpace framework is presented and discussed widely in the paper. This model has been experimented by using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processor-based ready-to-use development systems and software technologies that handles reconfigurable hardware technology. The implementation proves that the developed CPS model is well feasible and expresses in all the main behaviors and functions of iSpaces. It is also mentioned that the actual stage of the technological development terms and scientific areas related to iSpaces and CPSs overlaps. In fact, this is not surprising at all by considering nowadays evidence that iSpaces are widely present and shared components in modern manufactory processes that are an inherent part of Industry 4.0 vision and reality.

  • Solar Tracker Platform Development for Energy Efficiency Improvement of Photovoltaic Panels
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    Solar energy systems have emerged over the last decades as the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy resources available worldwide. Solar trackers are devices specially developed to enhance the energy efficiency of solar energy systems. This paper presents the design and implementation stages of a reconfigurable hardware technology-based two-axis solar tracker platform, specially conceived to improve the energy efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) panels. The main module of this platform is the NI-MyRIO ready-to-use development system built upon a high-performance Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processor that controls the entire solar tracker unit. Optimal tracking of the sun movement and obtaining the maximal energy efficiency rate is achieved by simultaneous real-time controlling both the captured sunlight intensity and PV cell temperature magnitudes. In this way, a robust and versatile positioning system has been developed that performs a high precision and accurate tracking pathway. All the control algorithms are implemented there under the LabView graphical programming software toolkit. The final solution boosts in a useful and modularized tracking system that looks useful in a wide range of applications both in industrial and domestic project sites with different power scales.

  • Intelligent Buildings as Cyber-Physical Systems: a Reconfigurable Hardware Technology-based Approach
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    This paper discusses the idea to change the way to approach intelligent buildings (IBs) development and implementation by taking into account the last evolutions in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Therefore, the main goal is to extend IBs design engineering with the constraints of systems in a CPS context. As well known, smart buildings are increasingly complex as they integrate many scientific areas and research topics, as well as a large scale of last-generation technologies. At the same time, the Internet has deeply transformed the way to manage information and services, respectively how information is transmitted and computed in cyberspace. The quick management and information processing inside cyber layer challenges the interaction with the physical world in a sense to develop IBs as smart distributed systems or CPSs. In addition to this, the papers emphasize the original idea of developing reconfigurable hardware technology-based (RHT-based) CPS architectures for IBs implementation purposes. The benefits of the RHT application in a CPS context for IBs are widely discussed and analyzed. The unfolded theoretical background has been supported by an implementation example using last generation software technologies. These experiments evidence the advantages and versatility of this challenging implementation paradigm of the latest digital technology, applied for current-state IBs development.

  • Forearm-attachable EMG-based Wireless Controller
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    This paper presents the development process starting from a simple electronic module for amplification of EMG signals. During development the tasks to be solved were extended towards the creation of an EMG-base controller that eventually can be connected to a PC. Among the main goals were the simplicity and low cost of production. There are similar devices commercially available, but the main focus was on the whole process of design, testing, fabrication and the exploration of application areas. It was important to use medical recommendations. The device matches the suggestion of SENIAM, except for the resolution of A/D conversion, which is permissible due to the fact that it was not designed for medical purposes. The final version is capable of detecting and amplifying EMG signals, with the appropriate filtering and digitizing procedures for further processing. With the development of wireless communication capabilities, the device which can be attached to the forearm can be used as a USB HID device with a PC. A number of additional applications are also discussed, pointing out the fact that this piece of technology offers a wide range of possibilities.

  • Fault-tolerant Mechatronic Systems Development: a Biologically-inspired Approach
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    Modern mechatronics embeds sophisticated control systems to meet increased performance and safety requirements. Timely fault detection is a critical requirement especially in safety-critical mechatronic applications, where a minor fault can evolve to catastrophic situations. In such cases it looks a high demand for more reliable, safety and fault-tolerant mechatronic systems development. The alternative to overcome all these bottlenecks was inspired from the biological world. By adapting the remarkable surviving and self-healing abilities of living entities it is possible to develop novel hardware systems suitable to fulfill in all the most demanding high reliability operation criteria’s and requirements. The paper presents a biologicallyinspired computing system based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) network developed for high reliability mechatronic applications. By choosing a design strategy relying on a multi-cellular concept which outlines the versatility of biologically inspired technologies, task allocation or reliability problems can be solved with high efficiency. Real-time simulations prove that by implementing methods that imitate biological processes, high performance fault-tolerant and selfhealing hardware architectures can be experimented and tested. The benefits of this approach are also confirmed by experiments performed on a laboratory-prototype hardware platform. The results underline that techniques which imitate bio-inspired strategies can offer viable solutions in high reliability mechatronic systems development.

  • Szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez optikai ellenőrzése National Instruments szoftverek használatával
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    Jelen cikk témáját szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez National Instruments szoftverekkel megvalósított, optikai úton történő ellenőrzése képezi. Az ellenőrzés során 7 különböző típusú ellenállás, 3 különböző típusú integrált áramkör, vonalkód, valamint szöveg detektálása valósult meg. Az vizsgálati eredmények Microsoft Excel alapú vizsgálati riportba kerültek exportálásra. Az optikai ellenőrzés National Instruments Vision Development Module és LabVIEW fejlesztőkörnyezet használatával valósult meg.

  • Reconfigurable Hardware Technology Application in Buildings Supervising and Monitoring Systems
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    Due to the continuously increasing demand for more comfortable residential or commercial buildings in the last decades the researches in the so called “intelligent buildings” topic has emerged as one of the most challenging and high ranked engineering task. Consumers also require a higher level of security, supervision, and control of the buildings according to a large scale of user needs. These expectations face building automation and supervising system developers with a challenging problem, difficult to approach with classical methods or strategies. Therefore, this paper is focused to outline novel facilities and solutions offered by the current level microelectronic technologies in building automation. In the first step of this endeavor the benefits and advantages of the reconfigurable hardware systems is highlighted and outlined. Then a concrete building automation and supervising system implementation in hardware reconfigurable technology is presented and detailed. The main unit of this system has been built upon a Genesys Virtex-5 FPGA-based development board, as a high speed, parallel, and distributed computing reconfigurable unit. The software modules for building supervising and monitoring purposes embed last generation MicroBlaze technology which allows fast and convenient implementation of sophisticated control algorithms. The result of the entire development is a powerful and versatile system representing a well suitable solution for the most sophisticated and demanding customer needs in building supervising and monitoring applications.

  • Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
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    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.

  • Development of Gait Recognition in NI LabVIEW
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    Nowadays, one of the most significantly improving area in security is the world of biometric identifiers. Within the biometric identifiers, the research group is working with the gait recognition speciality. The research group realized a complex gait recognition system in NI LabVIEW, that can detect more reference points simultaneously with a universal camera and is capable of suiting predetermined curves on the detected points. Moreover, the program can compare the functions suited on the reference curve and the actual curve and evaluate if the two gait images are the same or not. In the program there is a saving and a reloading function which cont ributes to the production of the reference gait image. The foot analysis program before the gait recognition is designed to improve accuracy. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested on more persons and the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) was zero.

  • Overview of Modern Teaching Equipment that Supports Distant Learning
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    Laboratory is a key element of engineering and applied sciences educational systems. With the development of Internet and connecting IT technologies, the appearance of remote laboratories was inevitable. Virtual laboratories are also available; they place the experiment in a simulated environment. However, this writing focuses on remote experiments not virtual ones. From the students’ point of view, it is a great help not only for those enrolling in distant or online courses but also for those studying in a more traditional way. With the spread of smart, portable devices capable of connection to the internet, students can expand or restructure time spent on studying. This is a huge help to them and also allows them to individually divide their time up, to learn how to self-study. This independent approach can prepare them for working environments. It offers flexibility and convenience to the students. From the universities’ point of view, it helps reduce maintenance costs and universities can share experiments which also helps the not so well-resourced educational facilities.

  • Store Elements LabView-based Energy-flow Models Developmnet and Implementation in HVAC systems
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    It is well known that store elements such as liquid tanks, water reservoirs, or gas containers, are basic elements in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems development and implementation. In a wide range of applications they serve as efficient energy storage elements by capturing heat energy amount in hot water form. This paper presents a LabView graphical software-based energy-flow model development for store elements in HVAC systems. In the first research steps the mathematical background describing the energy-flow processes in the considered store element (water tank) it is presented and discussed. Then an original software model has been designed and implemented to simulate the ongoing energy-flow processes. The result of the above mentioned research efforts is a powerful and versatile software toolkit (virtual instrument) well suitable to modeling and simulate complex energy-flow processes in HVAC systems embedding various types of store elements. Beside the elaborated mathematical model concrete software simulation examples and measurement data are also provided in the paper. Not at least, the proposed original model offers a feasible solution for future developments and research in HVAC systems software modeling and simulation purposes.

  • Development of Portable Measuring System for Testing of Electrical Vehicle’s Heat Energy Recovery System
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    Nowadays the consumer society applies a huge amount of energy in many fields including the transportation sector. The application of the internal combustion vehicles contribute substantially to the air pollution. An alternative solution for reducing energy consumption is replacing the internal combustion vehicles by electrical or hybrid vehicles. Today one of the biggest disadvantages of the electrical vehicles is the finite capacity of batteries. The research topic presented in this paper is the „Energy Harvesting”, and development of energy recovery system for electrical vehicles which largely contributes in increasing the driving range. At the current phase of the research efficiency analysis of the heat energy recovery devices are investigated in real driving circumstances. Computer based mobile and wireless measurement system for the analysis was developed, tested and installed in a real vehicle. Driving tests were performed and analysed in different circumstances.

  • Development of an IoT Based Smart Meteorological Station & Horticultural Irrigation System’s Controller Using a Raspberry Pi Linux Server
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    In my current project an IoT based device has been developed, the main function of which is to allow the control of its own flexible meteorological station and irrigation system. Besides the control computer, there are meteorological sensors attached, based on which we control our agricultural irrigation apparatus.

  • NI LabVIEW Based Camera System Used for Gait Detection
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    In these times, with the development of the world, biometric identification systems are becoming more and more widespread. Access control systems, but even the most mid-range smartphones have biometric authentication features, and even ID cards can include a person's fingerprint. The research group previously realized a rudimentary gait recognition system, which was upgraded to a multicamera system with high-resolution cameras and instead of reference points, the new version recognizes different templates. The program can compare and evaluate the functions that are matched to the reference curve and the current curve in a specific way, whether two walking images are identical. The comparison is decided by the definite integrals of the two suited functions. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested by the research team on several test subjects and according to the results, permission was never given to a strange person.

  • Technological Considerations in Measuring Weatherderived Epileptic Seizures of Dogs
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    As in every technical discipline, the objective, reproducible instrumental measurements are indispensable. It is no different at investigating the effect of weather on living organism. The parallel measurement of the atmospheric environment and the physiological parameters is novel and individual, as well as the investigation of epileptic seizures depending on weather situations. Several questions came up in connection with our equipment designed for studying dogs epileptic phenomenon, such as fixing, water resistant,- and robust implementation, the problem of data storage, measurement schedule or the power supply for instance. Keeping these in mind during the development process we got an apparatus, which since is an integral part of our further researches.

  • Spineline Detection with Image Evaluation
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    In case of screening and tracking conditions of patients [20] with spinal deformities it is very important to develop an examination method that does not load patinets’ body with harmful radiation. This method is based on the moiré effect. Pictures were taken from patients’ back and information could be obtained about the back’s condition. A computer algorithm is under development that can produce the sagittal line of the spine from moiré images. This program is being tested with Scheuermann disease patients.

  • Tool Development for Human Audible Spectrum Compensation
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    Communication relies on good understanding. Humans relate to each other through visual, audible and tactile communication. It is imperative that the audible communication message reaches the receiver in good conditions, in order to keep a healthy, smooth and understandable speech. There are some disturbances in human speech and communication when hearing damage is present. Nowadays, hearing loss is a frequent injury, caused by noise pollution, daily stress or noisy workplaces. Yet, it can be treated by several ways. This project consists in developing a tool that captures the emitter's voice audible spectrum, filters the noise and other frequencies, and compensates the message, enabling the listener/receiver understanding. The purpose of this research is not aimed to substitute nor compete with hearing aids in the market, which are well-developed, certified and prescribed by Otorhinolaryngology clinicians. The focus of this study is to identify the issues of human hearing loss and to develop an algorithm for hearing compensation by using filtering techniques in a simulated environment applied to a hearing model.

  • The Optical Effect of Thermal Expansion over Excessed Injection Molded Lens Arrays in Modern LED Outdoor Luminaires
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    For the rapid development observable in solid state lighting technology, both in favor of the better lighting performance achievable and the advantage in upkeep, changing the conventional installations to LED luminaires is often considerable in the modern roadway lighting practice. By these modernization investments the sales volume is usually high for lower additional expenses and a quicker RoI; thus the replacement products are generally cost sensitive. As the global market price of Aluminum increases on a long term trend, while the cost of the task efficient luminous power became very desirable with Light Emitting Diode; a high level of integration and compactness is demanded by such luminaire designs. This approach raises complex technical challenges, as the thermal expansion difference between the lens array and the Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS) Printed Circuit Board can lead to major deviation in the light distribution over the rated ambient temperature range. Having a robust design is a key aspect in providing a reliable, safe lighting design for any application of a global product.

  • Development of a Parking Assistance for Model Vehicle
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    A model vehicle has been developed further in order to perform automatic parking. Ultrasonic sensors and STM32 F4 Discovery microcontroller have been mounted. The driving assistant system can find the parking place then parallel parking is performed. The backward motion of the vehicle is carried out along two circular paths, which is followed by corrections of the position and orientation.

  • The Effect of Air-fuel Equivalence Ratio Change on the Vibration Components of an Internal-combustion Engine
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    Nowadays the automotive industry and the motor development are one of the most dynamically developing industries. One solution to the diagnostic systems providing reliability is the acoustic and vibration measurement system, which can indicate and predict a variety of malfunctions after signal processing. The purpose of this experiment is to analyze the effect of the air-fuel equivalence ratio on the vibration components of an internal-combustion engine (ICE) which is a part of the in question measurement system. In the focus of the experiments are the analysis of the time signal, its spectra, and the power content of the signal. With the increment of the air-fuel ratio the amplitudes of the measured signal and its spectral amplitudes showed a downward trend as the RMS values. In addition, certain frequency components disappeared during the actuation of the ICE with an electromotor, so the characterization of the combustion could be come to the front.

  • Further Development of a Laser Interferometer
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    A more than 25 year old laser interferometer has been further developed in order to handle the signals also by computers. A TTL signal converter has been built in using an analog comparator unit type LM319. A National Instruments 6341 OEM measurement card was implemented too. The modernized laser interferometer has been verified with a precise Renishaw XL-80 interferometer. A vibrometer unit has been also calibrated with the updated interferometer.

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