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  • The Continuation of the Employment Contract or the Development of a New Contract?

    Labor law has not been able to dispose of the shackles of the locatio conductio for a long time; the system of traditional labor law was built on this contract. However, new forms of employment are beginning to break down this structure. Outsourcing and employment by digital platforms have broken the dominance of the employment contract and the contractual structure is shifting towards private law. The study seeks to answer the question of what all this means in terms of protecting the worker and the responsibility of the employer. Finally, does the theory of the personal employment contract offer a solution?

  • Municipal Waste Management and the Hungarian Model

    There is an ongoing debate on how the role of municipalities should be changed in the local public service sector due to the financial problems present at local level. The debate is mainly related to determine the adequate level and function of local governments. The author introduces the basic elements of a model of public services that shows the relationship between the public actors (state/municipality), the service provider and the user, including how the need is determined, the service is provided, financed and the service provider is chosen. The author introduces the “Hungarian Model” and its main features: the co-existence of three different model (public, quasi private and mixed) of the waste treatment service sector differing in the relationships established among the stakeholders and in the financing system; and the right of municipalities to freely switch between them. It draws the attention to how the changes in the role of the state and the legal framework influenced the models and reshaped the relationships of the stakeholders without dealing with the consequences.