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  • The Observation, Review, and Possible Modification of the EU Environmental Liability Directive in Hungary

    The main secondary legal source of environmental liability in the European Union is the Directive 2004/35/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage. Even though it was modified several times since then, it still remains the basic norm in the environmental field by establishing the regulatory frames by means of the polluter pays principle and the principle of prevention. The present study makes an overview of recent and potential further legislative steps in Hungary with regards to its implementation.

  • About the Costs of Public Procurements

    This study summarizes the basic types of costs which are related to public procurements and which are based on expressed legal regulations. It analyses the costs of tender documentation, the experts, the tender guarantee, the mandatory examination of the notice and the following legal institutions which are related to the legal remedies: the administrative service fee and the fine. The article compares the solutions of other countries: it examines the regulation of fees and the consideration of tender documentation. The Polish, the Austrian and the german examples show that the Hungarian legislator could improve the Hungarian regulation.