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  • Economic Policy Cooperation in the European Union – Which Way to Go?

    during the realization of your dream obstacles may arise and they differentiates your choice – „which way to go?” there is an ongoing debate which way the eu should go. the eu has already reacted to the crisis – are these measures satisfactory? Which way the eu seems to choose? to be able to answer some of these questions preliminary studies are necessary. In order to identify the european union you must define the aim, the instruments of the aim, the characteristics, the defects and the changes of these instruments.

    As a matter of fact nowadays the most vital topic is the stabilisation role of the EU. In view of governmental methods, coordinative and regulative governmental methods usually have more stabilisation effects in the EU than financial governmental method. Owing to the crisis, the coordinative and regulative governmental methods have undergone changes. The steps that were made by the EU in the field of financial governmental method are considerable – though further actions should be taken. The financial method with stabilisation function is insufficient. The EU budget cannot play stabilisation function because of limitation of EU revenues. If the EU holds on to the dream of economic and monetary union, the EU should strengthen the tools of economic governance to be able to reduce the shortcomings of one-armed economic governance not only at EU but also at Member State governmental level. Measures taken up until now show other way: they create the vision of a more multi-speed and „multi-way” process...

  • Financial Support System of EU – EFTA (Member States) cooperation

    The economic cooperation between the EU and EFTA states constitutes a special cooperation form in several ways: the actors of cooperation (economic integrations and their Member States), the legal and institutional framework and the budgetary relations also have unique features. In our study the rules and changes of the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism, as well as the Swiss Contribution are analyzed from aspect of integration theories and financial law. In the framework of historical analysis and comparative method the financial instruments of EFTA states are compared with the EU Cohesion and Structural Funds with the help of evaluating statistical data.

  • Withdrawal from the European Union: Article 50 TEU and Brexit

    The unilateral right of a member state to withdraw from the EU is an entirely new feature of EU Law introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. The practical application of the withdrawal clause was placed on the agenda as a result of the 23 June 2016 Brexit- referendum in the UK. The exit raises some non-legal and legal, theoretical and practical issues which – as we are talking about an unprecedented event – have to be elaborated on now. The paper analyzes Article 50 TEU by analytical methods, summarizing the incomplete frameworks, the main procedural rules, and those issues that require the interpretation of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The paper aims to highlight the points of the withdrawal clause that have interpretative gaps, which might not have been unintentionally left by the EU legislator.

  • Kelet és Nyugat között: Örményország és Szerbia az európai és eurázsiai integrációban

    Kelet-Európában megfigyelhető, hogy egyes államok két jelentős regionális integrációs szervezettel is kapcsolatok kiépítésére törekednek: az Európai Unióval és az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unióval. A két szervezet bizonyos értelemben egymás versenytársa, ugyanis mindkettő igyekszik saját szervezetét vonzóvá tenni az érintett államok számára. Vannak azonban olyan kelet-európai államok, amelyek elköteleződnek amellett, hogy az egyik szervezettel mélyebb együttműködést alakítsanak ki, ugyanakkor megpróbálják a másikkal is fenntartani, sőt akár szorosabbra fűzni kapcsolataikat. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy ezeket a folyamatokat Örményország és Szerbia példáján mutassa be.

    Örményország teljes jogú tagként csatlakozott az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unióhoz, ugyanakkor az Európai Unióval is kapcsolatokat épített ki: 2017-ben átfogó és megerősített partnerségi megállapodást kötöttek. Szerbia ezzel szemben az Európai Unió tagjelölt állama, amely már megkezdte a csatlakozási tárgyalásokat is. Emellett azonban fenntartja szoros kapcsolatait az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unióval olyannyira, hogy egy szabadkereskedelmi megállapodásról folynak köztük a tárgyalások. Mindkét államra igaz tehát, hogy eredetileg egyértelműen elköteleződtek valamelyik regionális integrációs szervezet irányába, ugyanakkor a másik szervezettel is a kapcsolatok mélyítésére törekednek. Jelen tanulmány e kapcsolatok alakulását tekinti át, bemutatva az Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unió létrejöttét és intézményi sajátosságait is.

  • Principle of Environmental Integration – Thoughts on the 7th EU Environment Action Programme

    Integration of environmental requirements into other policies is a priority objective of the new, 7th environmental action programme of the EU. Principle of environmental integration was developed by the international environmental policy; it was inserted into environmental policy principles and into provisions of the Founding Treaty at the establishment of the EC environmental policy. The aim of the environmental integration principle harmful environmental effects, thus to serve sustainable development. Objectives of the EU sustainable development and sustainable growth strategies cannot be realized without integration of environmental requirements: integration of economic, social and environmental aspects of development can ensure the establishment of a resource- efficient, competitive economy, free from environmental degradation, improvement of quality of human life, meeting the needs of present and future generations, and preservation of natural resources which serves as the fundament for development of the other two pillars. Environmental integration is a principle provided for in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, binding the decision-makers and legislators of the EU and the Member States; failure of its application might lead to judicial review and annulment of an act.

  • Multilevel System of Fundamental Rights Protection in Practice, in the Light of the Dismissal of Government Officials without Justification

    Today, in the European multi-level and cooperative constitutional area the European Convention on Human Rights, the constitutional value provisions of the EU Treaties together with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, as well as the constitutions of the member states of the EU function as parallel constitutions. The legal remedies offered by international forums by nature are subsidiary, because it is desirable that legal issues of human rights be solved by the states at national level. The obligation of the exhaustion of domestic legal remedies as a procedural precon- dition is needed in order that the national level should have the chance to remedy the violation of human rights within its own legal system.

    The present paper focuses on Art. 8 para. (1) of Act LVIII of 2010 on the legal status of government officials, which states that the employer has the right to terminate the contract of goverment officials by two months’ notice period without any justification. The research is of considerable interest because the dismissed officials – who, in my opinion, de facto suffered injury by violation of human rights – were forced to turn to international forums because of the fact that the Hungarian legal system was not able to grant them adequate reparation. Therefore, the examination also evaluates the current level of fundamental rights arbitration and the jurisdiction using fundamental principles in Hungary.

  • Impact of EU Law on National Criminal Law

    This paper aims to analyse the main linking points between EU law and national criminal law. For a long time, the criminal laws of the Member States have been heavily affected by EU law. This influence can be either negative or positive. The most lenient form of the positive effect is the assimilation principle, which does not seek to incorporate EU norms into national criminal law, only attempts to extend the latter’s applicability to the protection of the interests of the European Union. In the case of legal harmonization the Member States are required to adopt common criminal norms which aim to reduce the differences of the national criminal law systems. The most serious impact on national penal law is the supranational criminal legislation, which results not only in the approximation but the unification of the criminal laws of the Member States.

  • Örökkévaló identitás? Lehetséges kapcsolat az alkotmányos identitás és az örökkévalósági klauzulák között

    Jelen tanulmány elméleti megalapozása egy olyan kutatásnak, amelyben az uniós tagállamok alkotmánybíróságainak gyakorlatát az összehasonlító elemzés módszerével kívánjuk vizsgálni a fenti kérdések vonatkozásában. E célból kérdőívet küldtünk az Európai Unió összes tagállamába a legfőbb alkotmányértelmező szervnek (ahol létezik ilyen). Vizsgálódásunk során különösen azon uniós tagállamokra koncentráltunk, amelyek alkotmányaikban explicit örökkévalósági klauzulát alkalmaznak. A jelen tanulmányban bemutatott feltevéseinket a beérkezett válaszok alapján a jövőben kívánjuk értékelni, igazolni. A tagállami alkotmányértelmezők gyakorlatának elemzését tehát a későbbiek során végezzük el, e tanulmányban csak néhány határozatra térünk ki a szükséges mértékig. Jelen írásunk célja tehát, hogy elméleti szempontból vizsgálja meg a két koncepciót: elsőként az alkotmányos identitás, majd az örökkévalósági klauzula fogalmát. A két fogalmat a fennálló kapcsolat szempontjából szükséges mértékig önállóan elemezzük, majd áttérünk a fogalmak közötti feltételezett kapcsolatra.