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  • Cumulation of Causes of Remedies for Non-performance and other Claims, with Special Regard to the Section 6:145. of Civil Code

    The Civil Code (Section 6:145.) excludes the possibility of parallel delictual claims of compensation for damages arising from breach of contract (non-cumul). This essay deals with the concept of concurrence of law and the concept of cumulation of causes of action and the relationship between contractual remedies and other sanctions grounded on a non-contractual basis. It examines the French doctrine of non-cumul, the proposal of DCRF and certain methods among the European legal systems. This essay analyzes briefly the two situations where the contractual and delictual bases could compete with each other and the application of the above mentioned provision may generate problems.

  • The classification of contracts and the franchise contract apropos the Codification Committee’s Proposal on the new Hungarian Civil Code

    The introductory part of the study presents the standing points related to the delimitation of typical and atypical contracts. The first part gives an overview of the debates on the integration of atypical contracts (e.g. leasing, factoring, franchise, etc.) into the Hungarian Civil Code with special regard to the fact that the proposal on the new Civil Code contains regulations on franchise contracts. The second part examines the rules on franchise contracts of the proposal which was elaborated by the Codification Committee and published in February 2012.

  • The Legal Status of Women in the Balkans from the 19th Century to the Present

    One of the most important pieces of legislation in Serbian history was the Serbian Civil Code (SCC) of 1844, which remained in force for more than 100 years. It dates back to the time when the country was still part of the Ottoman Empire and survived the state law regimes of the Principality of Serbia, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Serbs-Croats and Slovenians and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia before being liquidated by socialist Yugoslavia in 1945. From the moment it was created, there had been serious criticism, such as that it was modelled on the Austrian civil code and thus did not correspond to Serbian legal-social relations, and so there was no indication that it would be a durable piece of legislation. In its 100-year history, most of the criticism concerned the discriminatory provisions on women. Mostly, the legal situation of married women was detrimental, as they had no capacity to act, and were represented by their husbands. Their proclaimed equality took place in 1946, but they actually received the same legal status as men in the late 20th century.

  • Claims for Compensation Based on the Infringement of Regulations Applicable to Procurement Procedures

    The study is concerned with those claims for compensation, which are based on the infringement of regulations applicable to procurement procedures. After the placing of the compensation within the public procurement remedy system, we outline those conducts, which can cause damage in the course of the public procurement procedure (e.g. contracting authority’s withdrawal from the public procurement, unlawful withdrawal of the tender, failing of contract conclusion, etc.). during the review of these cases, we heighten the differences existing between the classical civil law claims and the claims based on the infringement of public procurement rules.

  • Reflections on the validity of exculpatory clauses in light of Section 6:152 of the Hungarian Civil Code

    Section 6:152 of the Hungarian Civil Code (HCC) is an objective cap on the freedom of contract, it is an unconditional (absolute) and minimum protection to which all exculpatory clauses are subject. In this essay, this rule is examined in a wide and complex context. These exculpatory clauses are closely connected to the consent of an injured person or their  assumption of risk, or their waiver (especially waiving claims for damages) as unilateral juridical acts. The relationship between this statute and other grounds of invalidity shall also be examined, especially the connection to the invalidity rule of unfair standard contract terms.