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  • Irénke útja - Esettanulmány

    This study is the story of Irénke who never was in a really harmonic relationship with her mother and in hope for a better life she ran into a bad marriage. She gave life to two baby boys but because of the lifestyle of her husband she had to run again. He bullied her constantly. She sticked to his sons like a tiger and tried to stay strong but she had to solve all problems alone. She felt lost so many times and at the end she became depressed. She tried to commit suicide but she wanted to do something against her disease. She sarted to work at an institution that 0helps people with reduced capacity to work and patricipated in a self-knwoledge training as well. Perhaps it was not accidental. She started the traingin lately because she collapsed mentally and was treated in psychiatry. When she joined into the work she was broken, silent and uninterested.

    Then something magical hapend. Her mentor noticed her condition and wanted to help her. Not only her mentor stood up for her but the whole team. They understood Irénke, who never felt lonely anymore. She was not alone with her problems. Because of this „magic” Irénke became more active in the lessons, she felt better and started to love her life. She never felt this way before during her life. She started to bulid her self-confidence and she felt safe in her team.
    Irénke told her story and problems to her mentor who tried to help her in any way. Specialists started to support Irénke and they set up a plan. They examined all options and chose what’s the best for Irénke. Finally they carried through their plan.

    This study is about this whole process. It tells us how got Irénke through the most difficult part of her life with the help of her mentor and friends. The study shows us the mentor’s whole work. It presents what did she to help Irénke. We also can see Irénke’s reactions. She stood up from the floor and became a balanced, happy and peaceful woman. We can see the process how she get from the depression to a happy and balanced life. She found her way and purpose in life. Also Irénke’s mentor became a better person. She developed together with Irénke and also became a more confident person. This study tells us their story and journey to a better life.

  • The usefulness of the sources of formal and informal support in the context of the needs of families with children with disabilities

    Background: A child’s disability changes the family and has an impact on the quality of life of all its members. Consequently, the family’s needs change as well, especially when it comes to their need for support.

    Goal: The goal of this study was to map how families with children with disabilities perceive the usefulness of the sources of formal and informal support in the context of family needs, as very important feedback for social work and social policy as major actors in formal support.

    Methods: The study was conducted using a quantitative research strategy. The relevant data was acquired using two standardized questionnaires – The Family Support Scale (FSS) by authors Dunst, Jenkins and Trivette (1984) and The Family Needs Survey by authors Bailey and Simeonsson (1988). The sample of respondents was comprised of 493 parents of children with disabilities, out of which there was a much larger number of women – mothers (N= 427) than men – fathers (N= 66).

    Results: The results of the study suggest that for families with children with disabilities, the most dominant need is the support from their relatives, while they also feel an increased need for finances. In terms of the perception of the usefulness of sources, informal support was more dominant, and the support of a husband / wife / partner and close relatives was determined the most useful. The study proved the existence of various statistically significant links, such as the link between informal support in the form of parent groups, financial needs, and the need for support from the community.

    Conclusion: The study proved an important fact – that whichever kind of formal, but mainly informal support has a direct influence on the extent of the satisfaction of needs. The presence and usefulness of sources of support positively impacts the satisfaction of family needs.

  • A rizikómagatartás mintázatai a Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyei gyermekvédelmi szakellátásban élő fiatalok körében

    The research to reveal the drug use habits of children and young people living in the social periphery was conducted in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County in 2017. The target group of the research included 14–25-year-old young people living in slums and in child-protection service.
    The aim of the study was to reveal the drug use habits and the risk behaviours of children and adolescents living in the periphery of the society. The study tries to find explanations to the risk factors of drug consumption of young people living in child-protection.
    The characteristics of anomie in the target population is used to study the effects of drug consumption. The paper looks for answers to resilience from the available data and additionally it highlights the protective and risk factors that influence the development of substance use in the target group.
    The results and conclusions from this research coupled with related international and Hungarian research are presented in this study.

  • A közösségi tér, mint a bizalmi háló központja. Közösségi kötelékek a Labor Café körül az orosz-ukrán háború első napjaiban.

    The case study describes the organisation of a community space support network in a county seat in Eastern Hungary. The study of the Labor Café's facilitative collaborations presented in this article was conducted using participant observation, fieldwork and interview methods between 25 February and 7 March 2022, during the first ten days of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The study aims to show the functioning of a grassroots solidarity and trust network organised around the Labor Café in a crisis. As the author herself was a volunteer member of this network during the fieldwork, this paper is both a synthesis of her experiences and a theoretical framework for understanding them. The paper will provide a detailed description of the solidarity networks in Hungary and support attitudes by describing the events presented in the case study.

  • Nők lakhatási válságban

    This review takes a closer look at the Women and housing: Housing solutions responding to the special needs of women study written by Fanni Dés and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. The authors ask how the housing crisis in Hungary affects women and what solutions can mitigate these effects. In the review, we summarize this study and discuss additional research areas worth analyzing. We identify the three most important contributions of the study. First, the authors connect the housing crisis with the oppression of women and by doing so, they can address the housing crisis within its social and economic context. Second, due to their qualitative methodology, the authors throw light upon the human face of the housing crisis and the vulnerability of women in it. Finally, by providing a guide to institutions and local governments, the study helps mitigate the effects of the housing crisis on women.

  • A társas támogatórendszer jellemzői a Nyíregyházi Család- és Gyermekjóléti Központ által nyújtott szolgáltatások igénybe vevői körében

    The study was carried out in Nyíregyháza Family and Child Welfare Centre with clients. I thought that those families who are in connection with the organization, supporting less connected, as those families who do not use the service. In the study, the characteristics of the social support system is described in terms of social work, and I discuss the confidential relationship between the child's parents is the importance of the inclusion of the questionnaire was applied to five name-generator situations. The method reveals that in some cases, who are the persons who rely on the people, or is there any person on whom they can rely on. I examined two generations, parents and children during my research. First of all I took into account the age of the children, aged 11 to 18 years covered in the study population. I think that would be the tools of social work to expand the use of the name generator method.

  • Pillanatképek a szociális munkások képzéséről a tanfolyamoktól a diplomát adó képzésekig

    The aim of the study is to show the historical development of social workers training in Hungary. We all so present the development of the social work as a profession. The development of training faces to so me difficulties. In our study we tried to show the history of social workers training from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century which was not so easy in so me cases. We all so tried to introduce the training courses, to reorganize the master they were destroyed, redefined his profession, renovate the training. We do these to help to consolidate and confirm the identity of our profession from the conclusions and suggestions we had from our study and make that it will able to fit to the development of the modern education.

  • Az ELTE szociális munka alapképzés innovatív elemei és útkeresési törekvései

    In our study, we would like to present the challenges of recent years and the different innovative training methods in the social work BA training program at the University of Eötvös Loránd. The study puts the focus to the practical elements of the social work training program, analyse the skills development subjects and the practice field work. It is important to note that the first and second waves of COVID–19 pandemic have brought several challenges to organize and realize the social work training program, so the study will reflect them as well.

  • Idő van! Van idő...? Újra a szakma–képzés viszonyrendszeréről, és mit kezdjünk a képzési és kimeneti követelményekkel?

    Importances of this study are given by professional and social workers sentences about the present situation of social education in universities and colleges in Hungary and the new educational and output requirements in 2016. The study defines the essence, functions and areas of social trainings in higher education by analysis of critical points of professional criticism and deals with the process from the regulation by educational context to output regulation: from Sopron Conference to today. There is inspiration to a dialoge about aims of social work education by cooperation of professional and educational actors, with accent of common responsibility of professional development. The study presents that how can the educational and output requirements help to the development of competence-based education. Finaly gives some points of view the development of curriculum and education by possibility of educational context and outputs.

  • A szociális intézmények szolgáltatási/ellátási nehézségei, belső megoldási mechanizmusai és szükségletei – egy szakmatámogatási- és fejlesztési problématérkép alapvonalai

    The focus of the study is on the current difficulties and challenges that social care institutions face in their daily operations, how they can respond to them within their internal resources, mechanisms and capacities, and what concrete, tangible needs and demands emerge in terms of possible directions, forms and interventions for external professional support and development. The findings provide the basis for developing a map of general and specific problems. The empirical study for these analytical purposes is based on a database of online questionnaires completed by a group of experts in social care institutions in two counties (Győr-Moson-Sopron and Veszprém) in November and December 2022. 201 analysable personal questionnaires are included in the sample, representing 166 social care service sites in the study area. Three main problems stand out in terms of their importance among the factors analysed. The main problem of the social care system is the complex challenge of low wages. Administrative burdens rank second in the rating of operational difficulties, and the third key factor is the psycho-mental condition of the workforce.

  • 7 év – A legfontosabb változás A BAGázs Közhasznú Egyesület közösségi munkájának hatása a bagi szegregátumban

    BAGazs Public Benefit Association has been working for 7 years in a roma settlement in Bag village, Hungary. The study evaluates the impact and milestones of the community development work done so far. In the evaluation process, by using The Most Significant Change method, the interpretation and presentation are primarily based on the participants’ narratives and self-stories. Besides the above, the purpose of the present paper is to provide professional and methodological aid to Hungarian settlement-type and community-focus organisations, as the study seeks to explain the special features (difficulties or/and possibilities) of the community work in segregated Roma settlements.

  • Tinédzserkori gyermekvállalás és iskolai lemorzsolódás – Egy fiatalokkal végzett részvételi akciókutatás módszertani tapasztalatai

    The study presents the experience of a youth participatory action research (YPAR) that was conducted in the summer of 2020 by the research group of 11 researchers: 10, 13–24-year-old Roma youngsters and 1 facilitator. The topics of the research were teenage childbearing and school dropout, but the study focuses on the experiences of the concrete methods used during the research and the methodological and ethical considerations of YPAR. The main methods of participatory action research were online survey, as well as group and individual interviews. Each phase of the research was designed and carried out with the involvement of young researchers. Research demonstrates that the involvement and participation of youth should become part of the way how we think about them, the programs targeting them and for this we need to know their experiences, insights, emotions, fears and desires. Programs should respond in a meaningful way to the specific, local opportunities for secondary education, career opportunities, labour market circumstances and opportunities, and the emotional difficulties of primary and secondary school years.

  • Az LMBTQ közösség nemzetközi és hazai elfogadottságának vizsgálata

    In our study, we examined the acceptance of the LGBTQ community in Hungary and internationally along different dimensions using a hybrid approach. Using the quantitative data analysis method, we investigated Hungarian LGBTQ acceptance in an international context using longitudinal data from the European Social Survey. In the focus group qualitative study, we investigated the attitudes, acceptance and opinions of university students in Debrecen. The results of the 2020 Hungarian survey show that the acceptance of LGBTQ people is lower among older, primary-educated, right-wing, religious people. Compared to 2016 and 2018, Hungarian society has become more tolerant despite the anti-LGBTQ public mood, which is in line with international trends. The results of the 2022 focus group survey also confirmed the trends identified by the ESS. Acceptance is influenced by the political and legal environment in Hungary and the media representation created by these influences. In addition to these macro- factors, family, educational institution, and religion play an important role as micro- factors. All of these have an impact on acceptance and can perpetuate prejudices and stereotypes towards the LGBTQ community.

  • A szociális szakemberek digitális technológia és közösségi média használata

    The study presents the results of research on the use of digital technology and social media by social professionals. The research was carried out using a quantitative method, 337 social professionals filled out the questionnaire. I examined the attitudes and needs of social professionals, IT proficiency, digital literacy, characteristics of social media use, with reference to online contact with clients and conscious media use. According to the results, the attitudes of social professionals are positive about the use of technology. Online contact with clients is very common, however, most institutions do not have any recommendations or regulations in this regard. 7 out of 10 respondents never participated in IT, digital competence development training and most of them consider that they did not receive adequate training in the use of info communication technologies during their studies. They see a need to support the procurement of new tools and programs and they would need guidelines, recommendations on the use of technology and social media. The study concludes with a summary of the research results and the formulation of development proposals.

  • Szempontok egy élettörténeti interjúkra épülő kutatás kapcsán az idősödés tranzitív változásainak tanulmányozásához

    In this study the authors give a summary about the methodical considerations which are connected their research topic of „Transitive Changes on the Road of Aging”. This study is a part of the disseminations, which give presentations about the stages of this research program, following the process of inquire with the emerging questions and problems searching for the direction of discovery named by qualitative research.

  • Epizodisták főszerepben – a szenvedélybetegek testvérei

    In this study I take a closer look at siblings of drug addicts. We can find similar researches about parents and spouses, but rarely about siblings. The purpose of this study is to bridge this gap. In this research, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with members of the Blue Point Foundation Sibling Group, and one interview was done with a non-member. The interviews were processed with thematic analysis.

    Results: The results show that substance use was negatively altering the relationships between siblings and family members. In all cases siblings were aware of substance use way before their parents. They feel responsible for saving the drug user family member. Substance use negatively affects school achievements, work performance and day-to-day life of those around the user.

    Conclusion: I would like to raise the attention of professionals and parents for the need of helping siblings of drug users.

  • A tranzitív változások integratív megközelítése a gerontológia kulcskoncepciói mentén

    This study connecting to the research for inquiry of the hazard about the demographical changes in the society, put the question, that the arriving the big demographical wave of the generation who was born between 1946 and 1964 particularly during the „Ratkó period” of the fifties to the old age, which kind of difficulties comes up in the care system for the older people because of the demographical hazards. According to the starting point of our hypothesis the adverse health conditions and psychosocial problems underlines the importance of the prevention, while the programmes of the primer prevention in the Hungarian care system proves insufficient, and the secondary prevention is unsettled. In the focus of our research programme are the theoretical, methodological questions, and questions about the possibilities of the development of the social service system for the secondary prevention on the field of the elder care. Considering the complexity of this subject, in this study we try to take out of the topic of theoretical background of the transitive changes of aging in scope of „desk-based research” for develop a new conceptual framework of the transitive changes in integrative approach based on key-concepts on modern gerontology.

  • A gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásból kikerült felnőttek jövőkép vizsgálata

    The child is the key to the future, so child protection is a fundamental social issue. To grow up in specialty care and then start out from there, start an independent life for young adults. They are primitive in the absence of minimal governmental grants and support nets. Heroes of our time and real sacrifices, who have been trapped in the trap of specialized authorities, separated most of their lives from their systems of origin and natural resources. Whatever the case of child protection in Hungary, no matter how close to family -friendly character, it cannot provide ready -made answers. There are lack of solution strategies and schemes that would help young adults' lifestyles. Young people who are out of their own fault or for reasons beyond their own fault are difficult to control their lives. They will be able to establish a well -functioning family with much more challenges. We know little about state care about school careers, establishing a family, work and how the system prepared them for their own life. This study attempts to give this problem an empirical picture of capitalized life expectations after being removed from child protection. We do this strictly by systematizing their experience in the light of a study between November 2021 and January 2022.

  • Családi és szociális kapcsolatok a nyugati határszélen: Módszertani kitekintés a belső „kliensmigráció” kapcsolathálózati vizsgálataiba

    The investigation of social resources that facilitate problem-solving plays a major role in the understanding of internal client migration. This study deals primarily with the investigation of family- and social network in the broader sense by examining the risk factors of the given field. The quality of relationships determine quality of life in general. The intensity, depth and content of these relationships are all important resources in the personal life of the client. Besides these personal relationships, professional supporting relationships that help improve or maintain quality of life play a dominant role in the life of migrating clients. A further aim of the study is to review the literature and methodology of case diagnostics in the field of practice of individual and family-level case work. Thereby, we can interpret the system of lack of resources related to internal client migration and thus we can relocate the focus points of complex supporting work.

  • Kivonuló, zsugorodó vagy gondoskodó állam? A szociális törvény parlamenti vitájának elemzése a gondozási etika normatív szűrőjén keresztül

    The 2022 amendment of the Social Act codified the principle of self-care in a stricter form than before, stating that "Everyone is responsible for themselves." The original wording of the bill submitted to Parliament declared even more clearly and sharply that "The individual is primarily responsible for their own social security." Professional organizations dealing with social policy and social work, as well as the independent press and opposition parties, unequivocally interpreted the amendment as a withdrawal of the state, while the ruling party that submitted the bill primarily referred to the principle of subsidiarity. Meanwhile, in recent years, social policy and social professions have increasingly been pushed out of the official state terminology, being replaced by the term "care policy." This study attempts to identify and evaluate the normative framework of legislation (problem definition, declared values and ideologies, conceptions regarding state involvement and human nature) by analysing the parliamentary debate on the amendment. Additionally, the analysis pays special attention to uncovering the meanings of "care policy" used by legislators and "traditional" social policy as presented in opposition speeches. Therefore, as the method of analysis, I chose a normative document analysis method based on the ethical values of care and political-philosophical assumptions. The study consists of three parts. First, I summarize the values that define the ethics of care and introduce the document analysis method called Trace, then follows the analysis of the parliamentary debate on the law, and finally, the evaluation of the normative framework.

  • A szociális vezetők értékei: Értékek, jellemzők, tulajdonságok – a szociális szolgáltatásokban dolgozó intézményvezetők választásai alapján

    Within the framework of educational activities in the Social Services Leadership Knowledge Center of the Semmelweis University, this research is based on our work dealing with the organizational and managerial issues of social services. This study describes how current leaders think about an optimally functioning social system including desired operational frameworks, characteristics, and properties. Based on the value choices and critical remarks made by the heads of social institutions participating in the leadership training, we describe the operating characteristics of the Hungarian social system. We present theoretical frameworks, which support the interpretation of the current situation and future-oriented vision of leaders in the field of social services. With no research and previous data in this field, our study is the first to present shared conceptual and value frameworks for those working as managers in the Hungarian social services. To interpret our results, findings of previous surveys in other service areas might be helpful, which, due to the specifics of the social services sector, represent only a limited opportunity to capture innovation in the field. We also present the characteristics of the “good social leader” using data from free-text questions.

  • Az Észak-alföldi régió szociális szövetkezeteinek működési sajátosságai

    In my study I attempted to give a thorough picture of the terminology of social economy, of the evolution of cooperatives in Hungary and of the current situation of social cooperatives both on a national and international level. I focused on the underlying causes of the success or failures of cooperatives. The topic continues to gain importance in the ever more intense economic competition of the present, which in turn results in rapid changes in social inequalities. Intense competition on the market causes increasingly rapid appearances of ever growing numbers of the disadvantaged who no longer possess the resources to break into the primary labour markets. Social cooperatives can be a powerful means to combat these inequalities and to support the integration of their members into the labour market and into wider society. My study aims to analyse the situation of social cooperatives registered in the Northern Great Plain Region of Hungary. I used national databases to focus on and analyse the social cooperatives of the region. My goal was to present the advantages and disadvantages of social cooperatives. To date, I have interviewed the heads of 33 social cooperatives. I processed the findings of my interviews through thematic analysis. I found that considering the low membership of the few available cooperatives within the region the above method would prove the most viable. As part of my work I also aimed to investigate the state of the infrastructure, as well as the leadership, social networks, marketing techniques, financial management, future plans, and the conditions surrounding the formation of each cooperative. My empirical research uncovered a growing dependency on projects and found that working under the local government can lead to violations of principles. On the other hand, cooperation with the local government proved to be beneficial considering the small size of owned capital. Sustainability of social cooperatives is further made more difficult by the negative connotation and biases that came to be attached to the term in the country.

  • Tapasztalati tanulási módszerek helye és szerepe a szociális képzésekben

    The present study seeks the place and role of experiential learning methods in social trainings – primarily BA in social work and BA in social pedagogy. The provoking sentence is in the writings of Dominelli (1997), who states that those who only participate in trainings become less innovative thinkers, rather they become professionals who can only solve practical problems.
    The author of the present study is committed to the use of training and experiential learning methods. The experience of a teacher / trainer in social work and social pedagogy in BA courses confirms that this method is what can form a bridge between theory and practice and is able to integrate the two approaches. With my writing I support that the method – by its framework, its methods based on experiential learning and the personality of the trainer – leads to the modern and innovative social expertise that characterizes the reflective social professional.

  • Szociális csoportmunka módszerének alkalmazása a gyermekek szociális kompetenciáinak fejlesztésében

    The case study provides practical experiences of the socialization group session implemented among primary school children: from the presentation of the key points of the planning process to the analysis of group work. The main goal of writing my paper is drawing attention to the possibility, importance and effectiveness of social group work as a method, as opposed to preferred case work.

  • Stigmatization of Children and Youth of the Socially Non-homogeneous Neighborhoods: Analysis of the Mechanisms of the Neighborhood Effects and the Concept of Empowering Social Work

    The manuscript presents a concept of the mechanisms of the neighborhood effects which has been empirically grounded in a long-term qualitative study conducted by me in one of Łódź disadvantaged residential environments. The theory generated during the study fits into a model that explains the neighborhood impact in terms of social processes endogenous to the neighborhood. In particular, it offers an explanation of the neighborhood impact in terms of social heterogeneity and consequential stigmatization of the selected groups of residents.  The reconstruction of the stigmatization process and its outcomes for the selected groups of residents − children and youth − inspired my reflection on empowering social work in socially non-homogeneous neighborhoods, which I also put forward in this contribution.