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  • The importance of social rehabilitation as an effective tool for activation for the parent’s perspective

    If the situation arises when a child's proper upbringing and favourable development are at risk and parents cannot or are not able to solve this situation by themselves, the child is, according to act on social and legal protection of children, considered as endangered (Act No. 359/2009 Coll., on social and legal protection of children).
    It is not easy to determine the degree of risk and it is even harder to choose the suitable support service and involve parents, considering the degree of risk. A true professional makes the family realize that the problem solution is connected with responsibility and the quality care for children (Gjuričová, Š., Kubička, J., 2003).
    During the last five years, several new sorts of support services have been created in order to attempt to provide support tailored to the needs of the aforementioned families (Act. No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services).
    Social rehabilitation is an example of such auxiliary service. It emphasizes the bond between parents and children and brings out family ties in general (Act. No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services).
    The acceptance of social rehabilitation is very difficult for every family. With regard to psychology, families must deal with complicated stressful situations (Bob, P., Vymětal, J., 2005).
    Centre for children of South Bohemian region in Strakonice has been performing social and legal protection for children since 2006. The main target of the Centre for children is mutual communication with families, cooperation and rational problem solution. This would be barely possible without the participation of the family, or at least one of its members.
    Mutual cooperation, empathy, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, sympathy and patience are essential for social work. In order to solve problems efficiently, it is also convenient to know the viewpoint of the family in relation to the provided service. The opinion of the family can reveal many issues.
    Martin Karas is the director of the Centre for children, which focuses on active involvement of family in social rehabilitation. He highlights one of several problems - insufficient and unsystematic support of family from institutions in the process. Insufficient support may prevent children’s return to their biological family in time. In his studies he focuses on an important issue – the active participation of the family in problem solving.
    The aim of this article is to point out that active cooperation with family, especially the opinion of family, is an important criterion of the quality of the partnership. The article contains interviews with participants and former participants of social rehabilitation; several conclusions were made based on these interviews.

  • The usefulness of the sources of formal and informal support in the context of the needs of families with children with disabilities

    Background: A child’s disability changes the family and has an impact on the quality of life of all its members. Consequently, the family’s needs change as well, especially when it comes to their need for support.

    Goal: The goal of this study was to map how families with children with disabilities perceive the usefulness of the sources of formal and informal support in the context of family needs, as very important feedback for social work and social policy as major actors in formal support.

    Methods: The study was conducted using a quantitative research strategy. The relevant data was acquired using two standardized questionnaires – The Family Support Scale (FSS) by authors Dunst, Jenkins and Trivette (1984) and The Family Needs Survey by authors Bailey and Simeonsson (1988). The sample of respondents was comprised of 493 parents of children with disabilities, out of which there was a much larger number of women – mothers (N= 427) than men – fathers (N= 66).

    Results: The results of the study suggest that for families with children with disabilities, the most dominant need is the support from their relatives, while they also feel an increased need for finances. In terms of the perception of the usefulness of sources, informal support was more dominant, and the support of a husband / wife / partner and close relatives was determined the most useful. The study proved the existence of various statistically significant links, such as the link between informal support in the form of parent groups, financial needs, and the need for support from the community.

    Conclusion: The study proved an important fact – that whichever kind of formal, but mainly informal support has a direct influence on the extent of the satisfaction of needs. The presence and usefulness of sources of support positively impacts the satisfaction of family needs.

  • Zsidó közösségek túlélési stratégiái: Középkori gettók és közösségek

    Judaism lived in a traditional society, which we call the Kehila, from the time of the Talmud (2nd to 6th centuries) until the European Enlightenment. Even after this time, some Jewish communities continued to live in this traditional community of values and rules, essentially defined by the Hebrew Bible (Tanach) and the Talmud. I would like to briefly describe this traditional Jewish society, the Kehila, highlighting only a few segments of it, which was a typical form of Jewish life between the 16th and 18th centuries. I will then turn to the social role of the family in the context of the Kehila, the traditional Jewish societas. My focus is on the so-called Ashkenazi, European Jewry. My approach is social-historical, and I use the methods of Jewish studies.
    Jewish communities that have existed for thousands of years have survived to the present day despite often brutally hostile environments. In this paper, I want to examine some of the sociological characteristics of medieval Jewish communities. Are there any particular principles or patterns that we can observe and draw general conclusions from? How did Jewish communities survive for thousands of years?
    In addition to presenting the medieval Kehila, the Jewish community, I would like to draw some conclusions. Jewish communities, as I will try to present descriptively, subordinated the individual and even the family to the interests of the community. The survival of the community was more important than the will, happiness, and interests of the individual and/or the family. Everything was subordinated to the interests of the majority. The operating mechanisms of the community implemented the total supremacy of the collective over the institution of the individual and even the family. This may have been one of the secrets of its success.
    The Jews could adapt, their traditional-spiritual way of life predestined them to do so, and their survival was successful.

  • A szerkezetváltó gimnáziumok hozzáadott tanulmányi értékének vizsgálata a családitőke-elmélet fogalmi keretei közt

    Multi-year gymnasia is one of the most controversial institutions of the Hungarian education system. There are two main intellectual streams in educational sociology regarding the problem: one argues that a society’s prosperity depends on the competence of its intellectual elites, and multi-year gymnasia ensures the fast and efficient development of young talents; the other claims that the program selects on the base of family background, therefore deepens inequalities. In this paper I examined the connection of family capital and test scores in the 2015 PISA survey database. I concluded that the relative score advantage of multi-year gymnasia cannot be separated form family capital, and the components of family capital all together and separately determine the chances of getting into the program.

  • A gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásból kikerült felnőttek jövőkép vizsgálata

    The child is the key to the future, so child protection is a fundamental social issue. To grow up in specialty care and then start out from there, start an independent life for young adults. They are primitive in the absence of minimal governmental grants and support nets. Heroes of our time and real sacrifices, who have been trapped in the trap of specialized authorities, separated most of their lives from their systems of origin and natural resources. Whatever the case of child protection in Hungary, no matter how close to family -friendly character, it cannot provide ready -made answers. There are lack of solution strategies and schemes that would help young adults' lifestyles. Young people who are out of their own fault or for reasons beyond their own fault are difficult to control their lives. They will be able to establish a well -functioning family with much more challenges. We know little about state care about school careers, establishing a family, work and how the system prepared them for their own life. This study attempts to give this problem an empirical picture of capitalized life expectations after being removed from child protection. We do this strictly by systematizing their experience in the light of a study between November 2021 and January 2022.

  • Epizodisták főszerepben – a szenvedélybetegek testvérei

    In this study I take a closer look at siblings of drug addicts. We can find similar researches about parents and spouses, but rarely about siblings. The purpose of this study is to bridge this gap. In this research, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with members of the Blue Point Foundation Sibling Group, and one interview was done with a non-member. The interviews were processed with thematic analysis.

    Results: The results show that substance use was negatively altering the relationships between siblings and family members. In all cases siblings were aware of substance use way before their parents. They feel responsible for saving the drug user family member. Substance use negatively affects school achievements, work performance and day-to-day life of those around the user.

    Conclusion: I would like to raise the attention of professionals and parents for the need of helping siblings of drug users.

  • A társas támogatórendszer jellemzői a Nyíregyházi Család- és Gyermekjóléti Központ által nyújtott szolgáltatások igénybe vevői körében

    The study was carried out in Nyíregyháza Family and Child Welfare Centre with clients. I thought that those families who are in connection with the organization, supporting less connected, as those families who do not use the service. In the study, the characteristics of the social support system is described in terms of social work, and I discuss the confidential relationship between the child's parents is the importance of the inclusion of the questionnaire was applied to five name-generator situations. The method reveals that in some cases, who are the persons who rely on the people, or is there any person on whom they can rely on. I examined two generations, parents and children during my research. First of all I took into account the age of the children, aged 11 to 18 years covered in the study population. I think that would be the tools of social work to expand the use of the name generator method.

  • Kulcspontok a külföldön dolgozó prostituáltak kapcsolataiban

    Our research focused on Hungarian women working as prostitutes in Switzerland. We came in contact with younger and active age women who worked as legal sexworkers in Zurich and Basel. We modified the ISEL test (Cohen és Hoberman 1983) and we used it in our research work. We called it street work ISEL test. It includes 20 items supplemented with data about personal social networks.
    We have determined that the driving force of prostitution is basically livelihood. In many cases this is the base of choice of becoming sexworkers. However, we found the signs of vulnerability and exploitation which proved to be more significant abroad than in women’s home environments. Four groups can be distinguished in prostitutes’ social space that seems to affect women’s vulnerability in different ways. These groups are family and friends; husband (life partner) and his family; beneficiaries of prostitution; social workers and official professionals (police).
    Based on our experience social workers and volunteers can use street work ISEL test and the matrix of social space (Street work-ISEL display) in street work for collecting information about individuals and about the target group of social work.

  • Demens időseket gondozó családtagok és szakemberek kölcsönös szerepviszonyulásai

    In the case of the elderly with dementia, the study examines how the network of carers who have an informal or formal relationship with them changes over time and how the relationship between them develops. According to the theoretical starting point of the writing, the individual is surrounded by a network of caregivers (“convoy”) during their career (mostly in old age), and caregivers shape their own and the other party’s caring roles during their interactions. Empirical research has examined the history of the division of labour between family members and professional caregivers by means of qualitative interview, the more memorable interactions affecting the division of labor, and their perceptions of caregiver roles among the family members and professional caregivers of the elderly with dementia.

  • A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata II.

    Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.

  • A megelőző pártfogás szerepe a bűnmegelőzésben

    The authority measures that are performed in the frame of the administrative procedure provide a part of the Hungarian child protection system. The authority measures of the Hungarian child protection care system can be grouped according to its reason and system of instrument as a kind of protecting-safeguarding action furthermore as measures that result in the removal of the child from his family.

    Preventive patronage has been of legal force since the 1st of January 2015. in Hungarian areas of law this new legal institution has roots in criminal law and it got placed into the system of child protection based on the authorization of the 1430/2011 (XII. 13.) governmental decision despite the fact that the reasons of its creation were first and foremost the reduction of child- and juvenal criminality and the effective reintegration of the perpetrators.

    The administrative authority procedure is carried out with the involvement of the child protection information system. The Custodian Office initiates a placement into protection proceeding because of crime or misdemeanour, which may be punished even with occlusion or in the case of an already existing placement into protection proceeding, furthermore it informs the investigating authority about the crime or the misdemeanour. Following the feedback towards the Custodian Office they visit the Patronage Probation Service to get an environmental study and a risk assessment of threat of the child regarding crime prevention.

  • A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata I. - Néhány elméleti és módszertani összefüggés

    Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.

  • Az LMBTQ közösség nemzetközi és hazai elfogadottságának vizsgálata

    In our study, we examined the acceptance of the LGBTQ community in Hungary and internationally along different dimensions using a hybrid approach. Using the quantitative data analysis method, we investigated Hungarian LGBTQ acceptance in an international context using longitudinal data from the European Social Survey. In the focus group qualitative study, we investigated the attitudes, acceptance and opinions of university students in Debrecen. The results of the 2020 Hungarian survey show that the acceptance of LGBTQ people is lower among older, primary-educated, right-wing, religious people. Compared to 2016 and 2018, Hungarian society has become more tolerant despite the anti-LGBTQ public mood, which is in line with international trends. The results of the 2022 focus group survey also confirmed the trends identified by the ESS. Acceptance is influenced by the political and legal environment in Hungary and the media representation created by these influences. In addition to these macro- factors, family, educational institution, and religion play an important role as micro- factors. All of these have an impact on acceptance and can perpetuate prejudices and stereotypes towards the LGBTQ community.

  • A nincstelenség konceptualizálása: elméleti megközelítés és gyakorlati relevancia

    Jelen tanulmány a nincstelenség (destitution)2 újszerű és kifejező társadalomelméleti fogalmát vizsgálja. A nincstelenség tágabb koncepciója alkalmas az esszenciális szegénység és a szélsőséges társadalmi kirekesztés ábrázolására. A nincstelenség újszerű társadalomtudományi megközelítése kihívást jelent a korábbi neoliberális, jövedelem-alapú szegénység vizsgálatokkal szemben, mivel a szegénységet a lakáspiac, a foglalkoztatás, a családi kapcsolatok és az egészség terén megjelenő deprivációk többrétegű kapcsolatrendszerén keresztül mutatja be és nem csupán a materiális tényezőkre összpontosít. Noha a nincstelenség az egyén szintjén megjelenő biológiai és pszichológiai deprivációk mentén is tanulmányozható, írásunk elsősorban a fogalom strukturális, szociálpolitikai dimenziójával foglalkozik és mindenekelőtt két területre összpontosít: a hajléktalan személyek és a papírok nélküli migránsok szociális jogaira és jogosultságaira. A nincstelenség fogalma számos szociológiai, filozófiai, közgazdaságtani és politikai tényezőt foglal magában. Jelen írásunkban a szociális munka és a szociálpolitika elmélete és gyakorlata mentén vizsgáljuk a jelenséget.

  • Utak. Útkeresés. Útmutatás? : mediációs gyakorlat a szociális alapszolgáltatásban

    The aim of this study presents the main dilemmas and challenges of organizing mediation services in family- and child welfare services. 62 mediators were interviewed using the focus group method in a total of six groups. Most of the professionals involved in the investigation have two or more professional roles within the institution. The most common roles being mediators, case managers, family assistants, and leaders, with many experiencing role conflicts. Neutrality and impartiality have been cited by many as characteristics of a mediator, but the "effective" mediation style that appears in practice may hinder this. In order to provide a high level of service, we recommend reducing the professional roles of colleagues involved in mediation and organizing professional support for mediators at a local but rather a regional level.