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  • Mondd, hogy vagy így? (Like a Rolling Stone)

    The study seeks to understand what benefits homeless people – based on their own explanations, perceptions – attribute to the place they chose to spend their nights, and often their days as well. What factors influence their choice in where they spend the night, where they sleep. We answer these questions through analysing almost 6200 responses to the annual national February 3rd survey.

    Our research reveals that for homeless people – just like for others – the factors influencing the choice of accommodation range wider than its primary, physical conditions, like a roof, heating, possibilities for sleep and shower, or fulfilling other basic needs like accessing food. Other characteristics defining a home (such as security, autonomy and freedom provided by privacy) are equally important.

    Professionals working with homeless people can build on understanding the differences between the motivation, preferences of values between homeless people sleeping in various services or on the streets when weighing the advantages of a certain type of accommodation or when deciding whether to “go sleep in a shelter” or “stay outside”.

  • A megelőző pártfogás szerepe a bűnmegelőzésben

    The authority measures that are performed in the frame of the administrative procedure provide a part of the Hungarian child protection system. The authority measures of the Hungarian child protection care system can be grouped according to its reason and system of instrument as a kind of protecting-safeguarding action furthermore as measures that result in the removal of the child from his family.

    Preventive patronage has been of legal force since the 1st of January 2015. in Hungarian areas of law this new legal institution has roots in criminal law and it got placed into the system of child protection based on the authorization of the 1430/2011 (XII. 13.) governmental decision despite the fact that the reasons of its creation were first and foremost the reduction of child- and juvenal criminality and the effective reintegration of the perpetrators.

    The administrative authority procedure is carried out with the involvement of the child protection information system. The Custodian Office initiates a placement into protection proceeding because of crime or misdemeanour, which may be punished even with occlusion or in the case of an already existing placement into protection proceeding, furthermore it informs the investigating authority about the crime or the misdemeanour. Following the feedback towards the Custodian Office they visit the Patronage Probation Service to get an environmental study and a risk assessment of threat of the child regarding crime prevention.

  • A Szociális Munkás Empowerment Skála magyar változatának validálása

    In our study, we present the development of the Hungarian version of the Social Worker Empowerment Scale, the validation process of the Hungarian instrument, and the most important results of empirical data collection on the validity of the scale, mainly based on reliability studies. The scale is designed to measure the empowerment level of practitioners. Our research has convincingly demonstrated that the Hungarian version of the scale is valid, works well, and is suitable for use in domestic research.

  • Egy jobb élet reményében : Magyar hajléktalanok Bázelben

    This paper aims to introduce the living conditions, the migration-related motivations and the fulfilment of previous expectations of Hungarian homeless people living in Basel. The research was based on participatory observations conducted in social institutions as well as on semi-structured qualitative interviews carried out with both homeless people and social workers. The main findings of the study reveal that the Hungarian homeless community is rather heterogeneous considering the member’s age, background and the general circumstances of living. Despite of this heterogeneity, the common language and cultural background create a relatively strong bond among the affected people. Although Basel is not a primary target of economic migration, the tolerance of the authorities and the people, and the favourable living conditions  affect a lot of Hungarian and other Eastern-European destitute people to the city. The previous expectations for living a better life and finding a job are regularly not fulfilled and people are often trapped in homelessness and poverty for a long-run.

  • Veszteségek feldolgozásában nyújtott támogatás, gyászolók kísérése a szociális munka praxisában a szociális munkás szakemberek viszonyulásának tükrében

    The changes of the recent years have strongly used the flexible adaptability of social workers, and the difficulties experienced on a personal and professional level have put their emotional capacity to the test. For a long time social workers were faced with numerous situations where they had to stand up in a way and in roles in which they did not have enough knowledge and information to solve the task(s) at hand. It is also often observed that social workers working in the institutional system behave with reluctance in relation to the losses and grief of their clients, and do not participate in situations requiring crisis intervention. There has been and continues to be an increased need to support the mourning process, so it is necessary for social workers to have adequate knowledge, to be understanding and be ready to participate in the accompaniment of grief in order to provide and organize appropriate help in this regard. The study examines the place of accompanying grief and crisis intervention in the practice of social workers.

  • Tudás a szociális munkában – az elmélet és a gyakorlat viszonyában

    The study analyses the nature of knowledge in social work for better understanding the distance („gap”) between theory and practice. It provides a systematic synthesis of the theoretical interpretation and framework of social work knowledge furthermore summarizes the connection between this knowledge and the social work practice in Hungary. The spectrum of social work knowledge can be classified by numerous aspects, but it covers a much wider area than the theoretical or practical character of knowledge. The authors anticipate that each aspect of this knowledge has relevance for social work, therefore the deeper analysis and understanding of their roles can contribute to reducing the gap between theory and practice.

  • Szociális munka és hatalom. Széljegyzetek Krémer Balázs vitairatához

    In this writing, I will add notes to Balázs Krémer's discussion paper. In his paper, my colleague linked the identity crisis of the social work profession to the relationship of the profession to power. I agree with the findings of the discussion paper. With my remarks, I try to broaden the perspective of the discussion of the issue with recalling historical and international experiences, and on the other hand, I support the findings of the study by highlighting other facets of these findings.

  • Utak. Útkeresés. Útmutatás? : mediációs gyakorlat a szociális alapszolgáltatásban

    The aim of this study presents the main dilemmas and challenges of organizing mediation services in family- and child welfare services. 62 mediators were interviewed using the focus group method in a total of six groups. Most of the professionals involved in the investigation have two or more professional roles within the institution. The most common roles being mediators, case managers, family assistants, and leaders, with many experiencing role conflicts. Neutrality and impartiality have been cited by many as characteristics of a mediator, but the "effective" mediation style that appears in practice may hinder this. In order to provide a high level of service, we recommend reducing the professional roles of colleagues involved in mediation and organizing professional support for mediators at a local but rather a regional level.

  • A szociális munkások munkahelyi biztonságáról, a kockázatokról és a szakma identitáskríziséről

    I have been trying to finish this paper for years. I started when, in the summer of 2018, a father of three children who was being evicted for not paying a foreign currency loan killed one of our colleagues, the only person who tried to do something for him in a hopeless situation. Initially, I wanted to write about the safety of social workers at work and the possibilities of risk management. I was invited to a committee of experts to draw up recommendations on this subject. While writing the expert opinion, as a social worker, I tried to assess the risks that threaten our colleagues in their daily work, and also what we can do, or who at all can do and what to control these risks. I also realized how much an intervention is worth that doesn’t affect the most serious risks, it just makes recommendations to colleagues on what to do if, for example, a father deprived of his child shows up in the office swinging an ax. In addition, interventions come at a price. What can social assistance work be like without intimate counselling rooms, but with police protection, panic buttons, paprika spray, official person! badge, and so on. I also participated in the group of experts whose first report on a serious malpractice case also appears in this issue. And then came the coronavirus epidemic. And now I have completed the study, which is actually about the crisis of our profession and what can to be done to manage it.

  • A szociális életpályamodellel kapcsolatos dilemmák

    The social sector has been in crisis in many respects because of adverse changes in recent decades. There is a shortage of qualified social workers, high staff turnover, precarious working conditions and a steady decrease in the resources available to the sector. The development of human resources has therefore become an urgent necessity. The social careers model, like career models in other sectors, could contribute to the development of human resources in the social sector and the efficient functioning of social institutions and services. However, dilemmas about the career model have emerged in recent years, dividing the profession significantly. In our study, we set out to explore these dilemmas and, using the focus group interview method, we sought to find out what social professionals think about the career model, which has been taking shape for almost a decade. Would they support the introduction of a career model, and if so, under what conditions, and what tools would they include in the model to improve the efficiency of the sector and the quality of life of social workers. Our research shows that employees in the social sector have highlighted a stable and predictable salary and incentive system guaranteeing existential security as a key element of a modern career model. The guarantee of working conditions has emerged as a new, usually unusual and indicative of fundamental shortcomings element in the career models. However, the majority of respondents expressed reservations about the introduction of a performance appraisal system and the use of performance management in the sector. Only a minority of the focus group argued in favour of career management, an appraisal system that recognises quality work and professional innovation, and a service system that supports human resource development.