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  • Specific features of NDVI, NDWI and MNDWI as reflected in land cover categories

    The remote sensing techniques provide a great possibility to analyze the environmental processes in local or global scale. Landsat images with their 30 m resolution are suitable among others for landcover mapping and change monitoring. In this study three spectral indices (NDVI, NDWI, MNDWI) were investigated from the aspect of land cover types: water body (W); plough land (PL); forest (F); vineyard (V); grassland (GL) and built-up areas (BU) using Landsat-7 ETM+ data. The range, the dissimilarities and the correlation of spectral indices were examined. In BU – GL – F categories similar NDVI values were calculated, but the other land cover types differed significantly. The water related indices (NDWI, MNDWI) were more effective (especially the MNDWI) to enhance water features, but the values of other categories ranged from narrower interval. Weak correlation were found among the indices due to the differences caused by the water land cover class. Statistically, most land cover types differed from each other, but in several cases similarities can be found when delineating vegetation with various water content. MNDWI was found as the most effective in highlighting water bodies.

  • Vegetation changes of Sundarbans based on Landsat imagery analysis between 1975 and 2006

    The Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. This forest is threatened by effect of climate change and manmade activities. The aim of this paper is to show changes in vegetation cover of Sundarbans since 1975 using Landsat imagery. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is applied to quantify and qualify density of vegetation on a patch of land. Estimated land area (excluded water body) of this forest is 66% in Bangladesh, and 34% in India, respectively. Net erosion since 1975 to 2006 is ~5.9%. In vicinity of human settlement, areal changes are not observed since 1975. The mangrove forest is decreased by 19.3% due severe tropical cyclone in 1977 and 1988. Moreover, the dense forest is damaged by about 50%. However, more than 25 years is taken by Sundarbans to recover from damage by a severe tropical cyclone. The biodiversity of Sundarbans depends to fresh water flow through it. Therefore, the future of Sundarbans depends to the impact of climate change which has further effect to increasing intensity and frequency of severe tropical cyclone and salinity in water channels in Sundarbans.

  • Sentinel-2 satellite-based analysis of bark beetle damage in Sopron Mountains, Hungary

    Sopron mountains were affected by bark beetle (Ips typographus) damage between 2017 and 2020, which was surveyed on high-resolution ESA Sentinel-2 satellite images for the period 2017 and 2020 using Mosaic Hub, Anaconda, and Jupyter Notebook web-based computing environments. Biotic forest damage was detected based on vegetation (NDVI) and moisture (MSI, NDWI) indices derived from satellite images. The spatial and temporal change of damage was observed in the image series, resulting in information about the level of degradation and regeneration. In pursuance of GIS processing, 84 forest compartments were compared, which showed in most of the cases (97%) negative interannual change in the index mean values (MSI = - 0.14, NDWI = - 0.2, NDVI= - 0.19) when years compared to each other. The remote sensing-based survey was marked out and validated based on the forest database of the Hungarian Division of Forest of National Land Centre and forest protection damage reports of the Hungarian National Forest Damage Registration System.

  • Comparison of soil moisture indices and field measurements in hilly agricultural lands of SW Hungary

    The retention of surface runoff and the preservation of soil moisture are among the most important water-related ecosystem services. In addition to field monitoring, advanced remote sensing techniques have been devised to reveal soil moisture dynamics on agricultural land. In our study we compare two soil moisture indices, TWI and SAVI, in three agricultural areas with different land use types. The SAVI has been found suitable to point out spatial variation on the moisture conditions of the vadose zone.

  • Hydromorphological assessment of the lower Hungarian Drava section and its floodplain

    The hydromorphological properties of rivers and their floodplains receive increased attention both in basic research and water management. A comparison of hydromorphological parameters before and after river regulation (involving floodplain drainage) provides important information for river management, particularly floodplain rehabilitation. The paper assesses a selected reach of the Drava River and the corresponding floodplain utilising two international approaches, the REFORM framework and the Italian Morphological Quality Index.

  • Studying floodplain roughness in an Upper Tisza study area

    Floods slowing down due to the significant decrease of the gradient have considerable sediment accumulation capacity in the floodplain. The grade of accumulation is further increased if the width of the floodplain is not uniform as water flowing out of the narrow sections diverge and its speed is decreased. Surface roughness in a study area of 492 hectares in the Upper Tisza region was analysed based on CIR (color-infrared) orthophotos from 2007. An NDVI index layer was created first on which object-based image segmentation and threshold-based image classification were performed. The study area is dominated by land cover / land use types (grassland-shrubs, forest) with high roughness values. It was concluded that vegetation activity based analyses on their own are not enough for determining floodplain roughness.