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    To make language teaching effective, it is important to consider the forms of language teaching, especially when we talk about learners with a specific learning disability. Our theoretical paper tries to review the literature of language teaching and dyslexia. The goal of our paper is to briefly present the definitions of dyslexia as well as to describe its signs and symptoms. This paper deals with the issues of language acquisition and language teaching, focusing on the difficulties which emerge when learning English. A dyslexic learner usually has difficulties in reading and writing in his L1, their reading is slower and they have problems with reading comprehension too. Besides the possible difficulties, we also discuss the strengths of dyslexic learners as their most important compensating skills are global/holistic thinking, visualisation, creativity, and problem-solving. Our paper also deals with the regulations governing language teaching in schools and the issues of choosing the language to learn at school. In higher education and in the world of work, speaking foreign languages and having language certificates are advantages, consequently, it is necessary to have appropriate course material. Language learners with dyslexia also have to take a school-leaving exam /GCSE in a foreign language, which is why our paper also deals with the output of language teaching in schools as well as the possibilities for dyslexic candidates offered by some Hungarian language exams (ORIGO, BME, DExam, ECL) The paper also mentions the issues of course material and language course books, as well as addressing the question of inclusive teaching for dyslexic learners. We also discuss the competencies required by a Special Educator as a language teacher, as he/she can help students, not only in learning English but also in the integration process.


    The current study provides insight into the specificities of dyslexic pupils learning German as a foreign language by measuring their language lexical knowledge. The aim was to explore the nature of dyslexia whilst learning a foreign language. Should we really free all such pupils from the strains of learning a foreign language? Or is it a case of finding the appropriate methodology to learn a new language? The goal is to measure language skills in a foreign language and draw inferences from this. Method: Word association exercises are used to measure the lexical knowledge of children with learning disorders, including dyslexia. Sample: 19 students with learning disorders. Conclusion: The results clearly indicate that we should find pupils’ individual strengths and utilise these, instead of simply exempting pupils from learning foreign languages.


    Teaching languages to learners with dyslexia is a challenge for the language teacher since preparing materials for Multi-sensory Structured Learning Techniques (MSL) is time-consuming and costly. In our paper, we present simple teaching aids that are appropriate, mostly for upper-primary English lessons (Grade 4–8). The paper does not discuss possibilities offered by ICT tools, focusing on manipulative tasks only. First, we present techniques without writing (e.g. TPR), then we present tasks and ideas that require writing in the areas of developing spelling, vocabulary and speaking. In addition, we discuss the development of listening and writing skills. 

  • Juggling for Effective Learning - Methods to Encourage the Acquisition of New Skills in an Optional Course at Óbuda University

    Play and learn, or learn while having fun. Unfortunately, in today's achievement-oriented society, education is all about getting a student to complete a predetermined task on time. This pressure can be very stressful for students, especially if they themselves are perfectionists and want to do their best, and fear failure (repeating a term) and the feeling of underachievement when compared to the abilities of their peers. The "Juggling for Effective Learning" course has already been offered six times to students at Óbuda University. The primary reason for the course was to help students who have a disability, primarily a learning disability (dyslexia or dysgraphia). However, students who are curious about the course are also welcome to attend.

  • Moderate-Risk Prematurity does not Hinder the Development of Reading and Spelling Abilities Despite the Lower IQ

    Background and aims: It is well established that the impacts of prematurity are often long-lasting in the various domains of development, however, the published findings concerning the prevalence, severity, and background of disorders are inconsistent. As yet research into the development of abilities contributing to the academic progress in Hungarian preterm children has been scarce. Our study aimed to find out to what extent prematurity impeded the reading and spelling abilities in school age and to contribute some information on the cognitive background of the performances. Methods: Three groups of 7 – 12 year-old children participated in the study. The target group consisted of moderate-risk preterms. For comparison two groups of full-term children were tested: typically developing good readers and dyslexics. To assess the reading and spelling abilities the Hungarian version of the 3DM (Dyslexia Differential Diagnosis) was used. Cognitive abilities were assessed using the Hungarian adaptation of the WISC-IV and the Rey Complex Figure Test. Results: The reading and spelling performances of the full-term good readers and the preterms did not differ and the preterms scored higher than the dyslexics. The cognitive tests did not offer any direct explanation to this, since the preterms lagged behind the full-term good readers in the WISC-IV full-scale IQ as well as in several specific cognitive measures. The CART Decision Tree served to analyse the relationships, allowing to reveal the interactions and the moderation effects. Discussion: The CHC model as a theoretical framework and the CART Decision Tree statistical analysis proved to be fruitful to disentangle the complex interplay of the cognitive background factors. There are various cognitive paths of acquiring the reading and spelling skills, e.g., in case of relatively lower IQs the sufficient levels of memory and processing speed may ensure success.