Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024) Current Issue

Published September 30, 2024



Empirical and Essay Studies

  • Attitude of Post-Graduate Students towards Family Planning in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State

    Family planning can be considered beneficial to an extent and it involves the use of contraceptives to stop unwanted pregnancies. Thus, this study investigated attitude of post-graduate students towards family planning in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara state. Descriptive research design of survey type was adopted for this study. The population for this study consisted of post graduates in Ilorin, Kwara state. The sample of two hundred were randomly selected. The sampling technique that was used in this study was purposive sampling technique. The instrument that was used for this study is a researcher-developed questionnaire tagged “Attitude of Post-graduate Students Towards Family Planning Question (APSTFPQ)". In analyzing the data collected for this study, both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were employed. The demographic data collected was analyzed using percentages and ranking order. In testing the hypotheses generated, t-test and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistics were used to analyze the hypotheses generated for the study at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that the attitude of post graduate students towards family planning in Ilorin metropolis was positive. There was no significant difference in the attitude of post graduate students towards family planning based on age, course of study and number of children while significant difference was observed on level of educational attainment. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that awareness should be created among post graduate students about family planning to improve the attitude of the students towards family planning, Counsellors in tertiary institutions should organize seminars and workshops on family planning and its importance, post graduate students irrespective of age, course of study and number of children should make it as a habit to engage in family planning.

  • Grades of Students with Learning Disorder and Preference of their Subjects

    In the study, based on the 2017 6th grade National Competence Measurement (NCM), we examine the average of the end-of-semester and end-of-the-year subject marks, as well as the diligence and behavior marks of children with learning disorder. In the research, we also discuss how children like different subjects depending on the existence of each learning disorders. In the research, we created seven categories (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia-dysgraphia, dyslexia-dyscalculia, dysgraphia-dyscalculia, and all three together) depending on how much and what kind of learning disorder the child suffers from. Based on our results depending on the learning disorders, there is indeed a difference in the child's subject performance as well as in his/her liking of the subject, so treating the learning disorders themselves in this way in a uniform manner based on the above-mentioned is not necessarily lucky. In relation to subject preferences, the majority of children do not like those subjects in which the particular learning disorder causes problems for them.

  • Prevalence and Consequences of Substance Abuse among Undergraduates in Ilorin Metropolis

    This study investigated the prevalence and consequences of substance abuse among undergraduates in Kwara State. The study examines whether or not moderating variables such as age, gender and family type would influence the respondents’ view on the prevalence and consequences of substance abuse among Undergraduates in Kwara State. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 60 respondents from each of the three selected institutions. Thus, a total of 180 respondents participated in the study. A researcher-developed questionnaire titled "Prevalence and Consequences of Substance Abuse Questionnaire (PCSAQ)" was used to collect data for the study, using a t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the prevalent substances among undergraduates in Kwara State are cigarettes, alcohol, and tobacco among others. The findings also revealed that the consequences of substance abuse among undergraduates in Kwara State are low self-esteem, dropping out of school, and social isolation (i.e. Poor relationships with others) among others. The findings of this study also revealed that there was no significant difference in the prevalence and consequences of substance abuse among undergraduates based on age and family type. However, a significant difference was found in the prevalence and consequences of substance abuse based on gender. Based on the findings, it was recommended 1) that undergraduate students should be properly oriented by the counsellors on the dangers associated with substance abuse at the beginning of their academic year, 2) seminars and workshops should be provided by counsellors so that students would be informed about the consequences of substance abuse, 3) education should be properly structured and provided to students by school counsellor and parents at the early stage of development and 4) counsellors should organize seminars on the prevalence and consequences of substance abuse on the health of individual.

  • Preschool teachers’ attitudes and preparation in the implementation of inclusive education

    The implementation of inclusive education depends on teachers’ attitudes towards children with special needs. In 2022, a kindergarten survey was carried out, which included the topic of inclusive education. A total of 918 teachers across Estonia participated in the survey. The study aimed to map preschool teachers’ attitudes towards children with special needs and inclusive education and determine how teachers evaluate their knowledge of implementing inclusive education. Kindergarten teachers tended to favour inclusion: they agreed they could include children with special needs in leisure and learning activities. However, they found difficulties mainly with children with behavioural problems and identified other difficult situations that arise with children with special needs in the mainstream group. Most teachers with a professional education said they had the knowledge and skills to deal with children with special needs. However, teachers without a professional education could not say the same.

  • Situation Picture of Hungarian of the Possibilities of Alternative Care, with Particular Regard to Children's Home and Foster Parent Placement

    In this study, we compare institutional and foster care. The method chosen is a secondary analysis of statistical data. In the study, we seek to answer the question of how the number of places, the number of children, the age composition of children, the duration of placement and the type of placement vary in Hungary and in the Northern Great Plain region.  We analyse data for the years 2014, 2021 and 2023 in terms of deinstitutionalisation and present the current situation of child protection care alongside the trends in institutional restructuring in recent years. A further aim of our comparative analysis is to review the number of cases of runaways from care in recent years, assuming that they occur less frequently in foster care. For the analysis, we have primarily used data for the years 2014, 2021 and 2023. In some places, the year 2020 was analysed due to data availability.  We have used publicly available data series from the KSH, as well as data recorded on the basis of individual data requests according to the KSH OSAP Form 1208, which contains data provided by child protection centres based in the respective counties.

  • Supporting Students with Anxiety in Their Studies

    Anxiety is a prevalent mental health issue among children and adolescents, which can have a detrimental impact on their personal relationships and academic performance. This study aimed to identify the manifestations of anxiety in educational settings, the effects of anxiety on educational activities, and the types of support that should be provided to students with anxiety. The following research questions guided this study:  1) How is anxiety expressed among 13-14-year-old students when in school? 2)How does anxiety affect the 13-14-year-old students' educational activities? 3) What kind of support should be provided to students with anxiety at school? The participants were 26 students aged 13-14 from various Estonian schools. The data was gathered for analysis via interviews and a questionnaire. A mixed-methods approach was employed. According to the research, children experience anxiety both before and during a test or presentation. It appears that each student expresses fear at school in a different way. Students who learn remotely report feeling less anxious during class activities. This is because they do not have to answer in front of the class or turn on the camera when participating in online lessons. Furthermore, students aged 13-14 prefer to talk to their friends who are also experiencing anxiety than to adults who do not understand their anxiety. Finally, the students' answers revealed that the teacher should ask all the students with equal frequency to present their homework. It is also recommended that anxious students be supported by helping them recall what they have learned and use different methods to assess their knowledge. The students stated that they require a quiet and safe place to be alone at school. There is a need to raise awareness about anxiety symptoms and ways for teachers to support students.

Methodological Studies

  • Social Responsibility in Hungarian Higher Education: The Zsuzsanna Lorántffy Mentoring Programme at the National University of Public Service I.

    The National University of Public Service is dedicated to social responsibility. One of its forms is volunteering, a cultural aspect that is lacking in the societal embedding in our country (Fejes, Kelemen és Szűcs, 2016). The study presents the results of an ongoing mentoring program at NUPS, where university members provided weekly subject tutoring online for residents of child protection centers in Transylvania. The primary goal of the program is to provide a form of compensation for disadvantages and psycho-social care through the establishment of personal connections (Baráth, 2016), aiding in the improvement of academic performance for underprivileged youth. In the long term, it aims to provide opportunities for the development of coping strategies that support participants in breaking through and achieving further success (Szőtsné és tsai, 2007). In the spring semester of the 2022/23 academic year, three children's homes had 36 students participating in the pilot phase of the program. After methodological training, 28 mentors provided assistance. Mentoring took place weekly in the requested subjects, including related study method counseling. Among the mentors were students, university lecturers, and functional staff, Continuous methodological counseling and experience exchange were provided. Each mentor kept a progress diary. At the end of the program, individual and focus group evaluations were conducted for all participant groups. The results of the pilot research are presented in two parts. The first presents the literature review and the academic background to the programme. The second paper will present the results of the research, the discussion and further steps planned.

  • The Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Reggio Emilia Approach®’s Effectiveness in International Institutions of Early Childhood Education in Dubai

    This paper investigates the theory of Multiple Intelligence and the Reggio Emilia’s effectiveness in international institutions of Early Childhood Education in Dubai. The goal is to see if the combination of the two groundbreaking hypothesis can indeed help educators implement and use the combination of the two assist with the very sensitive topic of education at early stages. This paper assumes if used in a proper and careful manner the implementation of the multiple intelligence and Reggio Emilia can indeed be effective and assist children and educators alike.

  • Pro-drop in Farsi: A Case Study of Bilingual Speakers

    This research is meant to uncover some of the internal grammatical structure of bilingual Farsi speakers who have English as their dominant language. Bilinguals, whose mother tongue is Farsi but whose dominant language is English, are influenced by their dominant language on their mother tongue concerning pro-drop. One of the issues often seen in bilingual speakers of null subject languages is the use of pro-drop in languages such as Hungarian, Japanese, Chinese, Slavic languages, and Arabic. This paper will demonstrate how these bilingual speakers incorrectly use the null subjects in their sentences and in addition, how SEN children i.e. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) understand and use the pronoun-dropping phenomenon. Choosing a null pronoun in the non-dominant language seems unacceptable to some speakers because their dominant language lacks pro-drop; therefore, in certain situations, researchers might say that these bilingual speakers do not sound as fluent in their native language as they do in their dominant language. The main focus of this research is the investigation into the preference of bilingual speakers as well as ASD children of English and Farsi and their use of pro-drop

  • The Methods of Mentoring with a Career Orientation Approach - The Experiences of the Teach Hungary Program in Gödöllő

    In our study, we undertake to present the methods of career guidance-focused mentoring activity applied at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences in connection with the Teach for Hungary program and discuss its experiences. Mentor training, as well as support for children studying in schools in settlements cut off from information and activity opportunities, is also carried out in accordance with the traditions of the "Gödöllő School". In this regard, we should note that the counselling higher education training program in our country has the longest history at the MATE Szent István Campus (predecessors: GATE, SZIE). The intellectual capital, experience and all-encompassing ethos gathered in the consulting courses, which have been operating for more than 30 years and run under different names and at different levels, are already called the "Gödöllő School" in the literature (Borbély-Pecze, 2022). The development of methods used in career counselling in our country (Szilágyi, 1993) and their continuous development (Szilágyi, 2023) can be linked to this school. Some of these elements were also used among the high school students receiving mentoring within the framework of the TH program. In the following, we would like to present, together with their theoretical background, the methods that the students learned during the TM1 mentor training course and then used during the program.