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  • Data on the occurrence of Ducellieria chodatii in West-Hungary

    During an algal survey of the peat moss transition bog near Kőszeg, in the Alsó-erdő, which started nearly three years ago, a new, previously unregistered species, Ducellieria chodatii (Ducellier) Teiling, was found in spring 2022. As a pine pollen parasite, its appearance can be linked to the recent increased pollen production in the surrounding pine and pine-mixed stands. Both morphologically and in terms of the environmental conditions of the biotope, the results of the studies were largely con­sistent with previous relevant data in the literature. Differences from previous literature are the lower spatial depth of the habitat and the high conductivity of one of the sample sites. All this knowledge, together with the accompanying photographs, is intended to serve as a contribution not only to re­search on the native occurrence of D. chodatii, but also to research on the morphological, taxonomic characteristics and ecological requirements of the species.

  • On the former occurrence of Calla palustris in Hungary

    The origin of a more than 150 years old herbarium specimen of Calla palustris L. stored in JPU is reconsidered in this study. According to the information on its label, the specimen was collected in 1856 at Lake Velence, close to Székesfehérvár city (central Hungary). Some Hungarian botanists are skeptical about the authenticity of this record. Based on the current occurrences of some remarkable swamp species (e.g. Carex pseudocyperus, Liparis loeselii, Sphagnum spp.) and habitat types (e.g. willow carrs and swamp forests) at the lake, as well as the habitat preference of bog arum, there is no reason to question the former occurrence of the species here or even in other Hungarian localities. The content and accuracy of the examined voucher meet the expectations of floristic data. However, in the absence of recent data the species can be considered extinct from Hungary.

  • The degradation of hygrophilous plant associations of the Nyárjas Lake (E Hungary)

    The Nyárjas Lake (located near Kállósemjén, East Hungary) was one of the most typical bogs in the Nyírség until the early 1980’s. Most of its area was covered by the association of Carici-Menyanthetum. The number of species characteristic to the mentioned association was generally high. As the climate became drier, hotter and were characterised by higher magnitude of extremities, the water coverage became no longer as permanent. This resulted that the Menyanthes trifoliata and Listera ovata became extinct by 2000. Lemno-Potamea species were not found after 2010. Bidentetalia, Calystegietalia, Chenopodietea and Secalietea species became more prevalent, particularly in drier periods, and locations where Carici-Menyanthetum used to be characteristic. Cirsium arvense in the mid-1990’s and that of Urtica dioica in the mid-2010’s became dramatically abundant. Both the number and coverage of species indicating habitat degradation have increased. The composition of wet meadow plant associations shifted towards the drier Arrhenatheretea. A moderate revitalisation of wetland associations was, however, observed coinciding years with higher precipitation.

  • Contributions to the algal flora of a recently-formed peat moss bog near Kőszeg (W Hungary)

    The Alsó-erdő peat bog near Kőszeg has undergone a significant transformation since its first mention in the literature. In addition to the original single patch, a smaller one appeared a few decades later. The process did not stop and a third unit, discussed here, was formed. The succession of its macrovegetation towards the typical peat moss association started slowly but surely, due to balanced water regime and other optimal environmental conditions. The process is more advanced for the algal vegetation, which shows the characteristics of peat bogs already. The high species diversity found makes the habitat highly valuable itself. Although a special, unique algal species has not been found in previous studies, 27 Desmidiales taxa listed as endangered occur sometimes with high density and make the habitat even more valuable. Based on our results, the area deserves special attention both from the habitat conservation and research point of view. At the same time, its further monitoring can provide crucial information for exploring and understanding the succession of similar habitats, and thereby for their more efficient protection.

  • Ceratocephala testiculata (Crantz) Roth and further data to the flora of the foothills of Bükk Mts.('Bükkalja', NE Hungary)

    This paper reports new floristic data of 367 taxa (365 species and two hybrids) from the foothill region of Bükk Mts. ('Bükkalja', NE-Hungary) based on 5470 field collected data records. The data was collected between 1997–2014 and supplemented with herbaria (altogether 344 herbaria sheets). Data evaluation was based on the comprehensive Bükk Flora of András Vojtkó and further papers. Altogether 45 species were registered as previously unreported from the area, whereas three species had old data (Acer negundoElaeagnus angustifoliaXanthium strumarium). Out of the newly registered species six native species inhabits natural habitats (Carex flaccaCeratocephala testiculataGlycerrhiza echinata, Gypsophila paniculataKochia lanifloraMarrubium vulgare), whereas five species represents the weed flora (Anthemis ruthenicaChenopodium ficifoliumEragrostis pilosaSenecio vernalisXanthium strumarium). The majority of the newly observed species are adventives. Five species were also regarded as recent introduction regionally, although they are native in the country (mostly lowland species: Crypsis alopecuroidesLimonium gmelini subsp. hungaricumSalsola kaliScirpoides holoschoenusTrifolium angulatum). Typical threats observed are landscape and habitat degradation by invasive alien species out of which 11 are newly added. Mass occurrences were detected for the following invasive alien species: Bidens frondosaImpatiens glanduliferaPhytolacca esculentaXanthium italicum. 43 species are also registered, which did not have recently published data from the area. These species include more native elements representing different habitat preferences (dry grasslands, wet meadows, forest and weeds). In case of 65 species the unravelled new occurrences increased significantly, thus contributed to the clarification of their distribution pattern. It was found that the floristic data accumulated on a decade-scale are not sufficient for the analysis of floristic trends, but could serve as a good basis for surveying floristic gradients between the mountainous and lowland areas.