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Interesting moss and liverwort records from the Western Mecsek Mts (South Transdanubia, Hungary)
29-38Views:107During an extensive field work in the acidophilous forests and fens of the Western Mecsek Mts. current localities of several species, which haven’t been recognised here for 50 years, were revealed (e.g. Bazzania trilobata, Diphyscium foliosum, Scapania nemorea). The authors also found some new stands of regionally and/or locally rare taxa (e.g. Buxbaumia aphylla, Dicranum tauricum, Jamesoniella autumnalis, Lepidozia reptans, Sphagnum squarrosum) as well as species new to the moss flora of the Mecsek Mts. (e.g. Aulacomnium androgynum, A. palustre, Calliergon cordifolium, Hedwigia stellata). Both investigated habitat types were found to be infected by invasive moss (Campylopus introflexus) and liverwort (Riccia rhenana) species. It is noteworthy that most of the species were found in winter or at the beginning of spring, when most vascular plants are inactive and their coverage is negligible. In this period moss and liverwort taxa are active, and are therefore easily noticeable. The authors raise the possibility that the expansion of Dicranum tauricum in Hungary is a consequence of former coniferous (especially Pinus spp.) plantations, since the old, dead trunks of pine species can serve as stepping stones to colonization for this taxon.
Fern (Pteridopsida) flora of South Nyírség (East Hungary)
162–182Views:381The study presents a number of new data on the fern flora of South Nyírség, and reviews all available literature and herbarium fern records from the area. A total of 19 Pteridopsida species were detected in the region. The hart's tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium) and the soft shield fern (Polystichum setiferum) were hitherto unknown in the whole Nyírség region (flora district “Nyírségense”). The broad buckler-fern (Dryopteris dilatata), scaly male fern (Dryopteris affinis) and floating fern (Salvinia natans) are new records to the area of South Nyírség. Dryopteris dilatata has been found in a surprisingly great number of localities. Some morphological characters facilitating identification of this species are also discussed. The local pine plantations, fens, carrs and humid deciduous forests are important habitats for ferns. In some localities the co-occurrence of 5-6 fern species were observed. The increasing aridity in the last decade is posing a serious threat to ferns in the area.
Data on the occurrence of sedge species (Carex, Cyperaceae) in and around South Nyírség (East Hungary)
165-198Views:423We provide floristic data on a total of 38 sedge species in the area of South Nyírség and its immediate surroundings. We also detected some populations of previously undescribed or rare species in the Hungarian Great Plain, such as Carex buxbaumii, Carex hartmanii, Carex umbrosa, and Carex paniculata. We report several new occurrences of species with little literature data from the area, such as Carex brizoides, Carex michelii, Carex pallescens, Carex elongata. However, during the last 13 years, we were not able to detect seven species previously mentioned in the literature. Herbarium data confirmed that some of the older Carex nigra occurrences for the area actually refer to Carex cespitosa. Based on herbarium data and the literature, we think that local data on Carex pairaei may largely refer to Carex divulsa subsp. leersii and/or Carex spicata. Contrary to many pieces of literature, Carex vulpina was not observed inside the sandy area.
Rediscovery of Gymnadenia frivaldii Hampe ex Griseb. at its northern distribution limit (Eastern Carpathians, Romania)
213-220Views:200Frivald’s Gymnadenia is a very rare Balkan species in the South-Eastern Carpathians. The specific epithet “frivaldii” honours Imre Frivaldszky (1799–1870), a Hungarian naturalist. The species occurs in the drawdown zone of mountain fens of the Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania), at elevations between 1000 and 2300 m. In the Carpathians the species was first reported from the Ţarcu Mts (Southern Carpathians) by János Heuffel. In 1874 Simonkai collected a specimen (BP 33967) in the Retezat Mts, but he was uncertain about its identity, thus this record eventually appeared as G. albida (Pseudorchis albida) in his monograph. Since then the species has been found at several localities in both the Retezat Mts (Mt Peleaga, Zănoaga, Zănoguţa, Ana and Bucura glacial lakes, Judele Valley) and the Ţarcu Mts. This paper reports on the discovery of Frivald’s Gymnadenia in the area of “Szökő-láp” (Harghita Mts, Eastern Carpathians), which can be considered a confirmation of the old literature record. This is the northernmost locality of this Balkan species known so far. The chorology and conservation status of G. frivaldii in the South-Eastern Carpathians are discussed.