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  • Floristic data from the Great Plain of Hungary (Alföld)

    In this study we report relevant occurrence data of 49 species and hybrids and their habitats from the Great Plain registered in the period between 2011 and 2017. Due to importance for nature conservation, we present additional data of further 13 species. Most of the data are originated from riverine oak-elm-ash forests of South East Hungary (from the region of Gyula, Békéscsaba, Doboz settlements). The most important result of our study is the rediscovery of Gagea minima and Dictamnus albus. Besides, we report new occurrence data for the Great Plain (Alföld), as well as for the flora of the microregions in questions (e.g. Draba muralisNicandra physalodesCystopteris fragilis) and also present the data of the regionally endangered species (e.g. Inula heleniumOphioglossum vulgatum). Some rare weed taxa (e.g. Calepina irregularisCardamine impatiens), spreading adventive taxa (e.g. Chorispora tenellaEuphorbia maculataPhytolacca americanaPh. esculentaSicyos angulata) and in surveys rather underrepresented species (e.g. Loranthus europaeus, Arabis hirsutaRumex confertus) are reported too.

  • Oak-hornbeam and turkey oak forests growing on sand on the foothills of the Pilis Range (Corydali pumilae-Carpinetum, Fraxino orno-Quercetum cerridis)

    We studied the phytosociological characteristics of hornbeam and turkey oak dominated forests growing on sand at the southwestern foot of the Pilis Mountains. Here we present the results of analyses of 10 relevés of each community. The species composition of the hornbeam forest samples is characterized by a relatively high proportion of Fagetalia species. Notable species in the community are Aconitun vulparia, Berberis vulgaris, Epipactis helleborine agg., Galanthus nivalis, Geranium lucidum, Lilium martagon, Omphalodes scorpioides, Piptatherum virescens, Primula veris, Scilla vindobonensis, Sorbus aria agg., S. domestica, Veratrum nigrum, and Waldsteinia geoides. In the turkey oak forests, species characteristic of the class Quercetea pubescentis-petraeae have the hig­hest proportion. Notable and locally typical species occurring in the community are Anthericum ramo­sum, Digitalis grandiflora, Iris variegata, Piptatherum virescens, Primula veris, Achillea distans, Dictam­nus albus, Galanthus nivalis, Lonicera xylosteum, Scilla vindobonensis, Sorbus domestica, Veratrum nigrum, as well as Lunaria annua and Tilia tomentosa that are possibly introduced here. Based on the results of statistical analyses, the two forest communities are best identified with the associations named Corydali pumilae-Carpinetum and Fraxino orno-Quercetum cerridis, both occurring in the Transdanubian Mountain Range.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae XII.

    In this work, we report data supplementing the Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary. Altogether 1325 data of 460 vascular plant taxa are reported as contributions to 149 quadrants in the Central European Flora Mapping grid system. The new stands of Phegopteris connectilis (NW foothills of the Vértes Hills), Sternbergia colchiciflora and Corydalis solida (Danube–Tisza Interfluve), Euphorbia angulata and Potentilla alba (Nyírség) are particularly noteworthy. In addition, new stands of numerous rare or scattered species are also listed: Allium paniculatum, A. sphaerocephalon, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Botrychium lunaria, Bulbocodium vernum, Clematis recta, Colchicum arenarium, Cyclamen purpurascens, Dianthus barbatus, Dictamnus albus, Doronicum hungaricum, Epipactis atrorubens, E. microphylla, E. tallosii, Equisetum hyemale, Hepatica nobilis, Hesperis sylvestris, Hordelymus europaeus, Iris aphylla subsp. hungarica, I. arenaria, I. sibirica, I. spuria, I. variegata, Jurinea mollis, Lilium martagon, Linaria biebersteinii, Linum flavum, Listera ovata, Lunaria rediviva, Lychnis coronaria, Melica altissima, Menyanthes trifoliata, Monotropa hypopithis, Muscari botryoides, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Orchis militaris, O. morio, O. purpurea, Ornithogalum brevistylum, Ornithogalum sphaerocarpum, Phlomis tuberosa, Primula veris, P. vulgaris, Pseudolysimachion incanum, Pulsatilla flavescens, Pyrola rotundifolia, Scilla vindobonensis, Scrophularia vernalis, Sedum urvillei subsp. hillebrandtii, Spiranthes spiralis, Stipa borysthenica, Stratiotes aloides, Thalictrum aquilegiifolium, Trollius europaeus, Veratrum album, Vinca herbacea, Vitis sylvestris, Wolffia arrhiza etc.