Vol. 24 No. 2 (2019)
Results of floristic and phytogeographical research in the Velence Hills (Hungary, Transdanubian Mts)
117–152Views:436A recent floristic mapping of the Velence Hills has clarified the local distribution of many plant species. This study presents records of 219 phytogeographically significant or sporadic/rare taxa (216 species/subspecies and 3 natural hybrids). The local distribution of some species representing typical regional distribution patterns (Alyssum turkestanicum, Artemisia austriaca, Bupleurum pachnospermum, Doronicum hungaricum, Hypericum elegans, Lathyrus sphaericus, Minuartia viscosa, Ornithogalum comosum, Scabiosa canescens, Sedum caespitosum, Sternbergia colchiciflora, Vinca herbacea) are shown on maps. More than fifty taxa previously unknown from the area were recorded during the floristic mapping, including phytogeographically significant ones, such as Bassia laniflora, Brassica elongata, Bupleurum praealtum, Centunculus minimus, Hypericum elegans, Orlaya grandiflora, Phleum bertolonii, Silene dichotoma, Stipa tirsa, Tordylium maximum, Trifolium diffusum, T. ochroleucon and Valeriana dioica. In terms of phytogeography, the Velence Hills can primarily be characterised by the co-existence of continental and sub-Mediterranean elements as well as species of acidophil and strongly basic habitats.
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Taxonomic revision of alien Ludwigia species in Hungary
153–164Views:298Some tropical Ludwigia species have been planted as ornamentals in Hungarian thermal springs since the 1920s. Although they have become naturalised or even invasive in a few places, their specific identity remained generally uncertain. Our herbarium and field studies revealed that three species of alien water-primroses occur in Hungary. The most frequently planted one is Ludwigia repens, which is, however, a sporadic species in its native distribution area. We have found this species in several parts of the country. Although a few escaped and self-sustaining populations were also observed, this species has appeared to be non-invasive so far. Ludwigia grandiflora appeared in Hungary at the beginning of the 2000s. At the moment it is known from three localities, though spreading rapidly, becoming already invasive in its locality at Tata city. A similar species, L. peploides has recently been reported from two localities, where it forms small stands; the success of its naturalisation can be assessed in the future. We found no evidence for the Hungarian occurrence of L. alterniflora that had been published from Eger city. Therefore we suggest deleting this species from the current Hungarian checklist.
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A new alien species to the Hungarian flora: Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr.
165–172Views:167Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Bresitr., a new alien species to the Hungarian flora, was detected between the years 2016–2019. Water bent (P. viridis), originating from the Mediterranean basin, was recorded from several plant nurseries and outdoor flowerpots in Transdanubia, Hungary. The new Hungarian records fit into the observed phenomenon that ornamental plant trade is an important factor in the spread of this species. Morphological characterization and insertion of P. viridis into the Hungarian identification key are also provided in this paper. Since P. viridis was represented in large numbers at some of the Hungarian localities, future monitoring of its spread may be important to evaluate the invasiveness of the species in the country.
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Contributions to the flora of the Heves–Borsod and Uppony Hills and adjacent territories
173–226Views:162Results of nearly two decades of floristic research in the territory of Heves–Borsod Hills (Tarna-vidék) and the northern foreground of the Bükk Mts are presented in this paper (altogether 4421 records; BÁ: 1665, SJ: 2752). Several old literature records – partly supported by vouchers – are confirmed, e.g. Hypericum elegans and Lappula heteracantha from the Uppony Gorge, as well as Cephalaria transsylvanica, Cypripedium calceolus, Diplotaxis erucoides and Plantago indica from the Heves–Borsod Hills and the northern foreground of the Bükk Mts. Other former literature records (partly from the authors) are revised. These revisions are mainly due to changes in taxonomic concepts of some genera in new keys (Carex, Chamaecytisus, Epipactis, Molinia, Sorbus). Old literature and herbarium records of other significant taxa (Onosma visanii, Scutellaria columnae, Sorbus sp., Utricularia bremii/minor) are revised too. The new occurrence of Ferula sadleriana in the Uppony Gorge is probably the result of intentional seed dispersal. Of the many rare plants listed in our paper some are new for the flora of the region under study: Agrimonia procera, Alchemilla micans, Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Astragalus austriacus, A. exscapus, Blysmus compressus, Carex appropinquata, C. cespitosa, Catabrosa aquatica, Centarea indurata, Dactylorhiza × aschersoniana, Epipactis voethii, Epipogium aphyllum, Equisetum hyemale, Festuca drymeja, Gagea bohemica, Glyceria nemoralis, Hesperis sylvestris, Myosotis caespitosa, Phegopteris connectilis, Platanthera chlorantha, P. × hybrida, Rosa gizellae, Scilla kladnii, Senecio doria, Solanum villosum, Taraxacum palustre, Triglochin palustre. Two phytocoenological relevés representing the habitats of Myosotis caespitosa and Spiraea media are presented. Currently known local distribution of some montane and forest-steppe elements are shown on maps.
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Contributions to the flora of Budapest and its surroundings III.
227–237Views:223New or recently confirmed localities of 40 rare taxa (including 7 ferns) are presented from the vicinity of Budapest. Some records are new for the flora of particular regions, specifically: Geranium sibiricum (Buda Mts and Budapest), Polystichum setiferum (Pilis Mts), Onosma pseudarenaria, Sorbus aria s. str. (Visegrad Mts). Of the remaining records, the most significant ones are those of Agrimonia procera, Botrychium lunaria, Epipactis tallosii, Gymnadenia odoratissima and Sorbus ujhelyii.
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Online distribution atlas of the Hungarian vascular flora (Atlas Florae Hungariae): Homepage structure and prospects of database building
238–252Views:514In December 2018 the online Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary (Atlas Florae Hungariae) was published. The database was built from more than 1 million data records. It mainly contains data from the Hungarian Flora Mapping Programme, but herbarium and literature data were also processed. Maps of species richness illustrate the taxonomic diversity of biogeographical areas and shows the differences of survey quality. After the Flora Mapping Programme ended, between 2016 and 2019, additional data from scientific articles were processed. 25% of new data originated from the article series “Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae” in the Kitaibelia journal, which significantly broadened the distribution of some species. Records of Mesophile forest species (e.g. Allium ursinum, Dryopteris dilatata) increased, as well as records of weed species (e.g. Euphorbia maculata, Senecio vernalis) which can be attributed to their natural spreading. The most important future tasks are to create a reviewed list of taxa and extend data records with an attribute table containing all additional information. Until now the database website is presented only in Hungarian (http://floraatlasz.uni-sopron.hu). Registration is available for anybody, after sending a request via e-mail (atlas.florae.hungariae@uni-sopron.hu). There are different options (excel file by e-mail or online web form) on how to upload floristic data for registered users. Data is only accepted if required information (name of taxa, date, data publisher, settlement, CEU code) is filled out. Each record of uploaded data is revised by the website administrator and taxa specialists. The English version of the webpage will be available in the near future.
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Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae IX.
253–256Views:331The current paper is the 9th in the series aiming to provide new data to the distribution maps of Atlas Florae Hungariae. Data of 734 vascular plant taxa (from 222 flora mapping quadrats) are presented in this study. The new localities are spread across nearly the entire country; however, most of the data are from the North Hungarian Mts, the northern part of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, the southern edge of Hanság, alongside River Maros and the Hortobágy. Altogether, 1632 new data records are presented in this paper. The list mainly contains rare and locally important native species, as well as species with uncertain native/alien status (e.g. Allium ursinum, Chamaecytisus triflorus, Cotoneaster niger, Cyperus pannonicus, Elatine triandra, Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis ovata, Erodium hoefftianum, Geranium lucidum, Globularia punctata, Hippuris vulgaris, Hottonia palustris, Lindernia procumbens, Marrubium vulgare, Ononis pusilla, Orobanche bartlingii, Orobanche cernua, Pisum elatius, Polycnemum majus, Polygonum graminifolium, Ribes nigrum, Schoenoplectus triqueter, Verbascum ×denudatum, Verbascum ×vidavense, Viola canina subsp. schultzii). We report new localities of expanding alien species (e.g. Amaranthus deflexus, Artemisia annua, Euphorbia maculata, Helminthia echioides, Hordeum jubatum, Impatiens glandulifera, Ipomoea purpurea, Mahonia aquifolium, Panicum riparium, Robinia viscosa, Rudbeckia hirta, Veronica peregrina, Yucca filamentosa) and mention a few rare, successfully “surviving” alien plants with nature conservation value (e.g. Acorus calamus, Monochoria korsakowii). Moreover, occurrences of common plants are presented when new to the Atlas Floraea Hungariae (e.g. Bromus hordeaceus, Symphytum officinale, Vicia tetrasperma).
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Short communications
Short communications
257–266Views:7561. Occurrence of Ophioglossum vulgatum in a dry loess grassland in the Tiszafüred–Kunhegyes plain (Great Hungarian Plain)
2. Dolomite rocky grassland species introduced by raw materials of a road construction (Kecskemét, Great Hungarian Plain)
3. Geranium divaricatum on the Hevesi-sík, next to Füzesabony (Great Hungarian Plain)
4. Ophrys sphegodes in the Castriferreicum (W Hungary)
5. First occurrence of Cephalanthera longifolia var. rosea in Hungary
6. Spiraea crenata in the Eastern Bakony Mts (Transdanubian Range, Hungary)
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