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  • Dagmar Reichardt, Carmela D'Angelo, Moda made in Italy. Il linguaggio della moda e del costume italiano,

    Dagmar Reichardt, Carmela D'Angelo, Moda made in Italy. Il linguaggio della moda e del costume italiano,

  • «Odio finanche la lingua che si parla». Power and freedom in Vincenzo Consolo's Nottetempo, casa per casa

    The essay studies the relationships between the novel Nottetempo, casa per casa and the linguistic considerations disseminated by Consolo in other texts. Consolo does not limit himself to criticising the language of fascism but broadens his critical analysis to the language of power as such and the languages of opposition, when they are tainted by empty rhetoric. In this sense, the protagonist’s final escape also takes on a palingenetic value from a political point of view

  • Health Literacy, Migration Traumas, Narrative Medicine and the Language Desk. New practices in translingualism and educational processes

    Health literacy (HL) is a complex field encompassing a range of public health education and communication activities that are crucial for interacting with the health care system. In a sustainable world, future healthcare must be accessible to all, and we must ensure that people from migrant backgrounds have got the resources to manage their health. Inequalities in immigrants’ health profiles, a sign of ineffective integration policies, could be mitigated by improving HL levels. The aim of the study was to investigate the space given to HL within formal immigrant learning contexts; the study featured a questionnaire that was intended as a probe into some specific needs and discomforts connected with the condition of translingualism and with the related trauma, which may have a negative impact on language learning. Such interweaving offers a different perspective that generates new teaching practices and the creation of a Language Desk that through language, health literacy and narrative medicine promotes equitable, safe and sustainable learning contexts that enhance the experience of translingualism in all its forms.

  • Egalitarian utopias and enlightened reformism in Domenico Tempio's La Carestia

    La Carestia of the Sicilian poet Domenico Tempio is an allegorical satirical poem that fits into the tradition of southern enlightened reformism, feeding the utopia of peace and social egalitarianism. The article analyzes some frame of the work to grasp the thrust for the renewal of eighteenth-century poetry, through a stylistic use of the poetic language that oscillates between coloriture markedly expressionist and equally visible traces of formal classicism.

  • The evolution of referential and predicational strategies in parliamentary debates on Italian immigration laws

    This article presents the evolution of the use of two words in parliamentary debates, immigrato and extracomunitario, frequently used in Italian language in reference to a foreign person entering the country with the aim of staying. The corpus consists of the transcripted texts of the parliamentary debates related to eight laws on immigration between 1986 and 2019, analysed with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Collocations and co-occurences with verbs and adjectives are taken into consideration, as well as figurative language.

  • The VVV project: lexicography, IT and social networks at the service of linguistic promotion

    This contribution is based on a project in lexicography and provides important insight about the promotion of Valoc’, an endangered dialect spoken in Val Masino (Lombardy, Italy). The aim of the VVV project is to develop the new dictionary, based on anthropological and dialectological research. Thanks to our methodological approach we aim to observe practices of Valoc’, its transmission from one generation to another and discourses mainly supporting ideologies in relation to language practices and identity. In this paper, we would like to present the context, described from a linguistic and sociolinguistic point of view, focusing on the importance of promoting Valoc’ through lessons, conferences, the dictionary and social network. In fact, thanks to our haven in social network, it was possible to observe the evolution of the language and analyse the way speakers deal with the exercise of writing.