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  • «In piedi, guardando dal finestrino». Memoria, parola, corpo nell’immaginario ferroviario di Leonardo Sciascia

    A disruptive and recurring image in Italian novels and novellas, starting from the mid-nineteenth century, the train assumes, in the work of Leonardo Sciascia, a peculiar function, not simply thematic. Linked to the indelible memory of the first journey of his childhood, the train soon becomes, for the writer from Racalmuto, a topos to resort to for the representation of some of the literary motifs dearest to him: the exercise of memory, the power of the word, the joy of bodies. Through the textual findings considered most significant, the contribution intends to offer a representative exemplification of the arguments proposed.

  • "Locking in one's own troubles": the "code of closure" in Mastro-don Gesualdo

    In Mastro-don Gesualdo the body and the gesture are the main mean through which Verga’s writing allows the «unveiling» of the characters’ inner life to the reader. This paper aims to describe how the characters of the novel, consistently with the social processes that Verga intends to represent, live a form of closure to communication that finds its most «exact» representation in silence and, concerning the body, in the pose of the turned shoulders.

  • The scrutineer and the Scriptures. Notes on Calvino's Bible

    La giornata d’uno scrutatore is a fundamental text in Italo Calvino’s itinerary. It marks a divide between a before and an after. In fact, La giornata is placed between the fairytale Calvino and the ‘cosmicomic’ Calvino as a decisive and scandalous encounter with the reality of the body and with the texts of Scripture, in a strong and almost unthinkable nexus, which makes La giornata d’uno scrutatore a Calvinian unicum. To highlight the connection between the call of the body and the Bible is the task of this essay.