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  • Relationship between the diversity and mowing in cleared grassland areas in the Börzsöny mountains

    Nowadays, mowing has an increasing role in the management of semi-natural and nature conservation areas. Semi-dry grasslands have been formed on cleared areas of forest in the Pannon mountains, which would be reclaimed by forest without use of the areas by humans. In our work we analysed cleared grasslands. The questions we aimed to answer were the following:

    (i) What kind of vegetation changes were caused by different land use types?

    (ii) Is mowing a proper method for grassland management and nature protection in the studied system?

    (iii) Do the species composition and the diversity vary within two years when conditions of precipitation are different?

    In four sampling areas situted in Börzsöny mountains (North-Hungary), we registered the plant species and their cover values in ten quadrats per sampling area. We performed a site assessment in April, June and October, 2013-2014. We analysed the data by using cluster and ordination processes and we compared the sampling areas on the basis of the humidity preference and Shannon’s index of diversity. From nature conservation’s point of view, it is favourable that the cover of Potentilla alba occurring in the area was high. It is a specialist plant species with low stress resistance. However, due to tourism, it occured less frequently in the area and Bromus erectus became dominant instead. The species whose cover was more extensive in areas not affected by tourism – for example Alopecurus pratensis, Galium verum, Carex praecox, Trisetum flavescens – occurred less frequently in areas affected by tourism. On the short run, species did not completely disappear due to the changing conditions but their abundance decreased, as has been already supported by other surveys. The ordination analysis showed that the composition of species considerably differed with the portions of land cultivated in different ways. The change of the cover values was apparent not only in the case of the dominant species but of also in case of species with smaller cover. The decrease of diversity, the change of plant cover, the decrease of number of sensitive species as a result of tourism are typical phenomena all over the world. The Shannon’s diversity records showed that due to human presence and trampling the diversity declined. It was considerably lower in the year with less rain. In the year with more rain the diversity of species was considerably higher, however, the difference in between the surveyed areas was large. All these examples draw attention to the important role of environmental factors alongside the human factors. The water reserve also influences the productivity of grasslands and water has primary importance in the structure of plant communities. According to the survey, in the two areas not affected by tourism, in the rainier year the difference between the humidity preference of the species of the dry and the less dry patches became similar. On these areas, there were more species with higher humidity preferences in the rainier year, however, this tendency could not be observed in the rainier year on areas affected by tourism. The areas affected by tourism may react in a less flexible manner to the change in precipitation conditions. Based on our analysis, we can conclude that the surveyed semi-dry grasslands are extremely rich in species and therefore proper grassland management plans are needed. To preserve grasslands of high natural value, the impacts of the environmental factors should also be considered in addition to becoming acquainted with the history and the present conditions of landscape use.

  • Földalatti ökoszisztéma-mérnök fajok szerepe a gyepek fenntartásában

    In this review we would like to analyze the effects of the subterranean rodents on vegetation using results from research of several taxons in different vegetation types and climate. Ecosystem engineers are organisms that modify, maintain, and create habitats. Subterranean rodents belong to this group. These species have an impact on the vegetation the microtopographical features of the soil and bulk density, they can change the structure, organic matter and moisture content of the soil they reduce the proportion of nitrogen. The fossorial rodents occur almost all over the world (expect Australia and Antarctica). These herbivorous species burrow tunnels under the ground and with this they have an impact on the floral diversity and dominance relations, the structure and composition of the association, the amount of biomass production as well as the distribution of plants and seeds. They can take effect directly with consumption of plants and indirectly with affect the plant-soil relations. At the basis of the results the activity of the subterranean rodents enhanced the diversity in most of the cases (of course there were also negative results and some researcher didn't find any differences between the mounds and the plots with no mounds). Their effect on the biomass was usually negative but they changed the species composition of their habitat at all times. 

  • Természetvédelmi élőhelykezelés hatása a gyöngyösi Sár-hegy gyepterületeinek vegetációjára

    We studied the vegetation of grasslands on the Sár Mountain, in Gyöngyös. The areas are mowed regularly by the Bükk National Park and mechanical shrub control was done as well. The effects of these habitat management techniques were investigated on grasslands of different degradation levels. Coenological studies were made between May and June in 2013 with 2×2 m relevés. The study areas were characterised according to nature conservation value categories and life forms. Our results showed that the above mentioned management techniques had positive effects on the diversity of grasslands. On the managed grasslands the abundance of woody species decreased, while the abundance of annual and perennial grass species and dicotyledonous herbaceous species increased. The highest species number (58-78) was recorded in the case of control areas. The number of species was high (47-49) in the areas managed by mowing and mechanical shrub control. The lowest species number (43) was recorded in the areas which were not mowed after mechanical shrub control. According to the nature conservation value categories the number of protected species was the highest in the control areas. Our results approved that regular mowing is needed after mechanical shrub control to sustain the diversity of abandoned grasslands in the long run. 

  • Botanical and natural conservation comparison of seminatural and man-made grasslands in Paskom near Csakvar

    During the survey, the vegetation, botanical composition and grassland management values of a grassland were studied. The study site was originally a pasture, then was transformed into an arable land and finally back to pasture. The 160-ha-sized area is called „Szűzföld” and is located in the Zámoly Basin, West Hungary. In 1998, grazing of Hungarian grey cattle has begun on the grassland. The changes in the vegetation were followed from 1998, making records in every 6th year (1998, 2015, 2021). 6 coenological records were made in each type of grasslands, by recording the list of the occurring taxa and their cover values. During the survey the main questions were the following: considering nature conservation, coenology and grassland management, in which direction does the vegetation evolve with the grazing? Was the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle successful?
    Based on the results, the grasslands became much more mosaic-like; drier and wetter vegetation patches could be separated (2015, 2021). As the grazing continued, species richness and diversity increased, especially in the wet areas.
    The number and the cover of economically important grass taxa and legumes have increased. The following taxa became dominant: Festuca pseudovina in the drier parts, Agrostis tenuis and A. stolonifera in the wet ones. Based on the life form system of Pignatti, the area is not overgrazed, as rosette and reptant taxa did not became dominant. Based on nature conservation values, cover of the taxa of natural grasslands increased.
    During the grazing, the meadow was universally covered mainly by weeds in 1998, and became much more valuable by 23 years later by means of nature conversation and grassland management. Moreover, this state has been stabilized according to the diversity values.
    Based on the results, the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle was successful by both nature conservational and economical means.

  • Tájhasználat és gyephasznosítás Natura 2000 területen: – esettanulmány a Balatonkeresztúri rétek példáján –

    The aim of our study was to describe the actual land use of the Balatonkeresztúri rétek, a Natura 2000 site. We drew a map according to the land use categories. During field studies (in 2013) we recorded the actual land use activities and compared it with the officially registered land use categories. Our results showed that only 42.6% of the meadows and pastures are managed. All of the grasslands should be managed extensively to maintain the diversity of species. The area of grasslands could be extended with the increase of the number of livestock. We expect that the land use will change in a positive way as a result of agricultural supports. The ratio of managed (mowed and/or grazed) grasslands can increase in the future and as a consequence the diversity of grasslands can increase as well. 

  • Correlation between the diversity and mowing in cleared grassland areas in the Börzsöny mountains

    Due to changing land use, traditionally managed grasslands are rarely seen This is an unfortunate fact as regular mowing and foraging are the primary tools of maintaining these areas. These methods are of high importance in terms of nature conservation management, by affecting the successive processes. Natural disturbances are part of the ecological systems, and the majority of meadows and hayfields of high nature conservation value can only be preserved through management. By means of nature conservation treatments, the number of grasslands species can be increased and various accompanying species can be introduced. 

  • The effect of mowing and pasturing on grassland vegetation in Mátra Mauntains (Parádóhuta)

    We carried out our surveys on grasslands near Parádóhuta. The sample area was a mountain grassland (Festucetum rubrae-Cynosuretum Tx. 1940, Soó 1957), which was mowed until 2013, then foraged with borzderes and racka cattle within the framework of nature conservation management for two years, and after that it became mowed again. We analysed the effects of foraging and mowing between 2013 and 2019.

    Our goals were the following: to disclose the vegetation of the sample areas (i), surveying the natural regeneration of the grassland and analysing, valuing the effect of mowing and foraging on grasslands (ii); analysing the vegetation in terms of nature conservation and valuing its life form spectrum (iii).

    The analysed grassland was very diverse in 2013, we noticed well differentiated Nardus stricta patches. In 2015 the vegetation became more mosaic-like because of heavy pasturing: animals have grazed arboreals and Nardus in lesser amount, but species diversity declined and coverage of shrub remained the same. In the last years of the survey foraging stopped, and mowing began, which increased the coverage of herbaceous plants, which approximated the values of the first years. According to our results, on these habitats systematic mowing has a much more positive effect on biodiversity and coverage of species marking naturalness.


  • Fajösszetétel és diverzitás változás kiskunsági száraz és nedves fekvésű legelőkön

    Investigations were carried out in wet – next to Tatárszentgyörgy, and dry grass pasture – next to Bugac, both located in Kiskunság, in the central region of Carpathian Basin. Recordings were taken every June of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 from Tatárszentgyörgy – where cattle were grazed, and 1997, 2005 and 2010 from Bugac, where cattle and sheep were grazed. Coenological recordings were taken in three zones. The first zone ("A" zone) located 0-50 m near the stable, second zone ("B" zone) located 50-150 m from the stable, while the third zone ("C" zone) located farther then 150m from the stable. Analyses of ecological and environmental factors were based on Borhidi’s relative ecological indicators. Life form analyses were performed by Pignatti life form types. For statistical evaluation, R software was applied. Shannon diversity. Based on our results for both dry and wet grasslands, quadrates of "A" zone were well isolated from the rest of the zones. Overgrazing, which involves considerable trampling, vanishes differences among vegetations, thereby promotes weed and disturbance tolerant rich vegetation. The lowest species number and diversity could be found here. Recordings for "B" and "C" zones separated from recordings of "A" zone, furthermore, quadrates of wet and dry grasslands formed separate groups. From recordings of "B" and "C", zone perennial grass species (H caesp) and the emerging perennial (H wrap) species multiplied and these species were the indicators of grazing. The greatest lifeform richment were presented among "B" zone recordings. The amount of intensive grazing indicator species, such as creeping perennials (Hrep) was significant in "B" zone recordings of Tatárszentgyörgy. Grazing stabilised the local vegetation, but increased the ratio of disturbance tolerant species, which was confirmed by conservation evaluation. This is due to the conversion of grassland types, the transition from free grazing to switch grazing, which resulted in an intensive involvement of the more distant "C" zone as well. "A" zones fully converted; they changed into fully reliefs. Further located sample area vegetations were not homogenised by grazing and even helped the preservation of characteristic species. In the aspect of environmental protection, vigorous grazing led to a more valuable vegetation in "B" zone in an arid grassland (Bugac). According to the sample area, wet grasslands from the sandy areas of Kiskunság, preserve nature protection values and grass composition better moving away from stables, due to less grazing pressure. Drier backgrounds tolerate stronger grazing pressure (Bugac), while in case of wetter areas (Tatárszentgyörgy) – considering sustainability – grazing should be carried out with caution.

  • Long-term mowing on biomass composition in Pannonian dry grasslands in the Western-Cserhát

    This study is focusing on the vegetation of seminatural dry grasslands. Those loess grasslands are valuable with large biodiversity; however their long-term preservation requires regular conservation management. The report demonstrates the results of mowing experiment, designed to suppress the spread of unpalatable grass species, Calamagrostis epigeios. The study site is located in mid-successional loss grasslands, in the Western-Cserhát, near Rád, northern Hungary.

    The study aims to the investigate the followings: Can the unpalatable Calamagrostis epigejos be suppressed by mowing? Are there possibilities to increase the diversity of sward by this? The study aims, to measure potential value-increasing effect of mowing, and to determine the carrying capacity in the aspect of grassland management.

    In 2001, Camagrostis epigeios was the species with the highest coverage rate according to the both treatment types, with an average cover value of 63%. However, as a result of mowing, a significant difference was detected in the amount of litter and legumes species as well. The number of species showed a slight increase in both types of treatment, from 15 to 37 in the mowed plots, but also from 18 to 27 in the control plots. We concluded that mowing twice a year was beneficial to modify botanical composition of a grassland. In a way it was suited well for agricultural usage, in particular grazing which can replace the expensive and time-consuming scythe. It is also a suitable management measure for controlling the native invader species as a Calamagrostis epigeios, and can significantly increase the proportion of species with higher forage values.

    Mowing has significantly increased the density of Calamagrostis epigeios, the species richness, and the diversity in the course of secondary succession. Therefore, mowing twice a year proved to be a successful management measure for controlling Calamagrostis epigeios, and for obtaining a sward composition. The treatment was effective in restoring grassland composition, although the achievement and maintenance of favourable conservation status for the grassland habitat require long-term management planning and regular treatment. According to the objectives, mowing not only promotes the control of the invasive species, but also the economic utilization of the area.

  • Habitat management on agrar-landscape, with special regard to grassland management: Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    The invariably unfavorable agrarian environment can be neutralized only through a change paradigm change. This would mean the adoption of the practice of "wise use”, which implies the introduction of small game management supported with habitat management. Habitat management concerns 5-10% of the areas and predator management/control according to need result also in the increase of the target species; in this case, small game populations, by increasing the diversity of the habitat structure. The preservation of grasslands, their small game-friendly management, and the development and maintenance of a durable, undisturbed grassland structure primarily in the habitat margins play an essential role in this work.

  • Sandy grasslands regeneration results of the conservation management on the Homoktövis Conservation Area in Budapest (2009 2021)

     In Budapest, despite the density of the population, precious plant communities still remain in a lot of, mostly isolated fragments of habitats which,are outstanding in the diversity of species and are rare inhabitants of endemic species. On the examined territory, since 2006 long term reconstructions of the habitats have been ongoing which strive for the decrease of the invasive woody species on the territory and the insurance of the habitat of the sandy lawn, as well as the long term conservation of the fragments of the lawn and the creation of the natural sandy lawn. This activity is conducted by the volunteers of the MME and with the help of the students of educational institutions in parallel requesting for the permits of the Municipality of the Capital. During these interventions, the shoots were mechanically beat down and they were wiped dried as well. Besides these interventions, it was fundamental to preserve the sensitive, rare or legally protected species and to increase their volume as much as possible.

  • Fungal leaf spot diseases of cultivated grasses

    The authors made plant pathological investigations and data collections on grass species important in their seed production areas in Hungary (Keszthely) and Austria (Irdning). The aim was to determine species diversity and dominance relations of plant pathogenic fungal species found on the cultivated grasses of the two ecologically different locations. The present work details only the leaf spot causing fungi and does not inform on rust causing fungi, powdery mildew, and smuts. The work gives information on fungal incidence on grass species, their importance and symptoms of disease caused by Cercosporidium graminis, Ramularia pusilla, Drechslera spp., Bipolaris spp., Mastigosporium spp., Septoria, Ascochyta spp. and Colletotrichum graminicola.

  • Rust diseases of cultivated grass species

    The authors made plant pathological investigations of 10 cultivated grass species and cultivars from September 2004 to June 2007. The aim was to determine species diversity and dominance relations of rust diseases of grasses. Four rust species (Puccinia recondita, P. graminis, P. coronata, P. striiformis) were determined on grasses, from among which crown rust (P. coronata), leaf rust (P. recondita) and their forma specialis caused higher infection. The first significant rust infection of grasses was observed on turion after harvesting at the end of July. The maximum value of rust fungi infection was determined in September. This work gives information on rust fungi incidence on cultivated grass species and discusses the curve of seasonal epidemic caused by Puccinia species.

  • The role of haphazardly executed conservation treatments in the preservation of botanical values on the shore of Lake Balaton

    Most semi-natural habitats in Europe have been traditionally maintained by grazing or mowing, which halted successional changes and preserved biodiversity on a higher level. Since the 1950s the large-scale mechanisation of agriculture resulted in expansion of cropland and the abandonment of grasslands became an increasing issue in Europe. Recognizing the negative consequences of abandonment in the diversity of wildlife, habitat reconstruction interventions for mainly nature conservation purposes began in the 1980s to preserve the biodiversity of these semi-natural habitats. 

  • Kaszálás felhagyás hatása helyreállított szikes és löszgyepek vegetációjára

    Grasslands recovered by sowing of low diversity seed mixtures are frequently managed by mowing. However only a few studies focused on the direct effects of post-restoration mowing on recovered grassland vegetation. In this study we followed vegetation changes in 13 recovered grasslands, in 5×5-m-sized exclosures with continuous and ceased mowing in Hortobágy, East-Hungary. We asked the following study questions:

    (i) What are the effects of cessation of mowing on the vegetation structure of recovered grasslands?

    (ii) What are the effects of cessation of mowing on the abundance of sown grasses, target and weed species?

    (iii) Is yearly mowing an appropriate management for the maintenance of recovered grasslands?

    Our results showed that the cessation of mowing caused litter accumulation, decrease in total cover and decrease in the cover of sown grasses compared to the continuously mown exclosures. The cover of perennial weeds was significantly higher in unmown exclosures compared to the mown ones. The species composition in mown exclosures remained more similar to reference grasslands than to the unmown ones. Our results suggest that without a regular post-restoration mowing the favourable stage of recovered grasslands can be rapidly vanished caused by litter accumulation and/or by the expansion of undesirable weedy species. We also stress that yearly mowing is solely enough to maintain grasslands recovered by low-diversity seed sowing, but cannot be considered to be enough to recover target vegetation composition. 

  • Botanical and grassland investigations in a pasture grazed by Hungarian grey catte in Badacsonytördemic in 2008

    Sample areas can be found in the Tapolcai Basins. Phytosociological samples were collected: 32 ha grassland stand with low intensity grazing (under-grazed pasture), 38 ha overgrazed pasture, 34 ha meadow (hayfield) and the stand where animals drank. The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production during the grazing season of the year. 5 replicates of 2×2 m phytosociological samples plots were examined on each grasslands according to the Braun- Blanquet method (1964) in April, May, June, August and September 2008. 118 Hungarian Grey Cattle were grazed on the pastures. 14 species were common in each saple areas, wich are dominant species of natural grassland associations (Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Deschampsia aespitose) in the region. The overgrazed pasture had only low nutritive value and contained high number of weed species. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state of species diversity, although the forage production of the area remained high. The number of species and the 32 ha grassland was high (58) weeds was due to the high number of weeds, however the nutritive value of this grassland was poor. The species number of the hayfield was lower (31) than and grassland, however species composition was better and the nutritive was higher. It seemed that management was suitable and the hayfield.

  • Comparative investigations of biomass composition in differently managed grasslands of the Balaton Uplands National Park, Hungary

    Phytosociological and biomass samples were collected in two territories of the Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary) dominated by grassland habitats. Samples in the Tihany Peninsula had been taken in a pasture of Hungarian Grey Cattle. Studies were broadened to four areas of the Tapolcai Basin, Badacsonytördemic (undergrazed and overgrazed pastures, hayfield, control area). The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production in every grazing season of a year. We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and the changes of these factors from the viewpoint of feeding value. Covering rates of the grassland associations have doubled and species composition has improved in the Tihany Peninsula, however, forage value has not increased, due to the change in land use in favour of the natural area that is converting into grazing field. In case of the Taplocai Basin, low number of species (20 to 30) was detected in the undergrazed pasture and the control area. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state for species diversity, and the amount of forage remained high. The overgrazed pasture carries a low forage value and contains a high number of weed species, despite the spectacularly high total number of plant species (38 to 39), consequently, grazing pressure has to be decreased. Although the number of species is lower in the hayfield (26 to 28), species composition and ability for forage supply is much better, showing that the proper management of the area is taken here. 

  • Recovery of grasslands in former croplands using the combination of seed sowing and hay transfer

    In accordance with general trends in agricultural and natureőconservation practice in Europe, grassland restoration and traditional grassland management has gained increased importance in Hungary. In grassland restoration using of low rates of seed (less than 30kg/ha) and hay cover is suggested. In the present paper the effect of hay cover combined with low rate of seed (25 kg/ha) is studied in early grassland recovery. We aimed at to answer the question whether or not the speed of grassland recovery can be increased with a combined use of seed sowing and hay cover. The establishment of Festuca species was favoured by hay cover combined whit seed sowing. The emergence of shortlived weeds was significantly lower on most of the fields treated with hay cover and seed sowing. The species richness and diversity of early weeds did not differ significantly in fields sown only and fields treated both with seed sowing and hay cover. Our results suggest that the combination of seed sowing and hay cover is successful in fields, where high rate of weed invasion is possible, thus intensive post-restoration management is necessary.

  • Horticultural applicability of Festuca taxa I.

    This survey is connected to OTKA-125423, which examines the vegetation of sandy grasslands along the Danube. During this survey, two potentially horticulturally usable Festuca species was analysed: Festuca wagneri and Festca tomanii. The main questions were the following: are they usable in an urban environment? Do the to species differ significantly? Have they any morphotaxonomic feature which can by utilized in horticultural practice? Specimens of the two taxa, which were planted either into normal garden soil or into pots differed greatly. Specimens of F. tomani were usually larger and more uniform. Both taxa had the pot treatment well. Though the average lengths of leaves and inflorescence stems tended to be higher on the soil mixed with perlite, the coverage values were lower on it; thus adding expensive perlite to the soil might not be rewarding for the farmer. The two species differed from each other in several morphological parameters. The diversity of Festuca wagneri showed well in this survey, and this taxons parameters would be also useful in horticultural practice.