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  • Prof. Endes Pongrác élete és munkássága visszaemlékezés születésének 110. és halálának 25 éves évfordulójára
    145 - 172
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    The Life and Scientific Career of Prof. Endes Pongrác: In Memoriam of His 110Th Birthday, and the 25Th Anniversary of His Death. The study reminisces on the life and work of Prof. Pongrác Endes, through the account of the author who was a colleague and student of Endes. Professor Endes had been a dominant figure of the field of pathology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen for a number of years. He became a legend even before his death, and a number of anecdotes circulated about his expertise. The study is based on the presentation of the author, adjured by the Hungarian Society for the History of Medicine, and the Professor’s Club of the University of Debrecen, to celebrate the dual anniversary of Professor Endes. The presentation includes bibliographical details, in addition to interesting scientific and educational information. The tone of the study clearly indicated that the Master and student relationship between Professor Endes and the author turned into a friendship over the years.

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    Mikó Irén – Furka István professzori szerzőpáros könyve a Debreceni Egyetem Sbészeti Műtéttan Tanszékének történetét tárja föl kronológikus sorrendben. A kötetet ifj Barta János ismerteti.

  • 100 esztendő öröksége
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    The Heritage of 100 Years. The library of the University of Debrecen celebrated its centenary in 2016. The current selection offers a summary of the most significant ideas in the lectures presented at the memorial session on September 30, 2016. It also offers a survey of the relevant events of the University of Debrecen pertaining to the festive occasion.

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    Adler Péter professzor hagyatékában kaptunk egy magnókazettát, melyen egy vele készített rádióinterjú hallható. A riport a rádióban hangzott el 1983-ban. A felvételen részletesen beszámol életéről, munkásságáról, elért eredményeiről. Az elhangzott információk, adatok nagymértékben segítik és hozzájárulnak a korszak megértéséhez és a Stomatológiai Klinika működésének bemutatásához. Az interjú halálozási évében készült, tehát mintegy összegzi, lezárja az életpályáját. A riport kb. 20 perc hosszúságú, mely jelen cikkben teljes terjedelmében közlésre kerül.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 I. rész: Elméleti intézetek
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    The Teaching-Assistant Staff of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part I: Theoretical Institutes. Members of the subordinate staff who helped the work of the professors played a determining role in the teaching and healing activities of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen. The data base offers a comprehensive register of the relevant facts and figures pertaining to the institution’s professors, assistant professors, instructors, research students, and assistants. In this first installment, the compiler has processed the data of the subordinate staff of the theoretical institutes.

  • Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele
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    The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.

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    A 18. század második felében Pest városában egy sajátos oktatási intézmény működött: a város egy jogi szakiskolát működtett 15 éven át, ahol elsorban római jogot és kánonjogot oktatott a város alkalmazásában álló professzor. A tanulmány az iskola történetét dolgozza fel külön figyelmet fordítva az intézmény egyetlen professzorának, a karintiai származású Paulus Lucas Pergholdnak életére, oktatási tevékenységére és tudományos munkásságára.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem II. világháborúban súlyos bombatalálatot kapott Orvosi Vegytani Intézete helyreállításának nehézségei – Bodnár János intézetigazgató professzor 1945 novemberi beszámolója alapján
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    IN WORLD WAR TWO THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN WAS SEVERELY DAMAGED BY A BOMB EXPLOSION: THE DIFFICULTIES OF RESTORING THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY – AN ACCOUNT BASED ON THE ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSOR JÁNOS BODNÁR, DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE (NOVEMBER 1945). In World War Two, on September 15, 1944, a severe bombing hit struck the Institute of Medical Chemistry of the University of Debrecen, in György Magoss Square. About one-quarter part of the ediice was ruined and a large section of the roofage was destroyed. he source-material is provided by Professor János Bodnár, Director of the Institute, who in the academic year of 1944/1945 also served as acting rector. His submitted assessment, which bears the date of November 30, 1945, describes the diiculties of the restoration, including the long delays in the construction work. he study highlights the diiculties of renovation, as well as the problems of ensuring the basic facilities of education.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 II. rész: Klinikák
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    The Assista nt Personnel of the Medical School of the University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part 2: The Clinics/1. Indispensable participants of the teaching and therapeutic activities of the Medical School of the University of Debrecen were the personnel assisting the work of the professors. The register is designed to serve as an overall recording of the pertinent data of the departmental professors, assistant professors, instructors, interns, and teaching assistants. In this second part the assistant personnel of the following  clinics is registered: Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry, Clinic of Ophthalmology, Clinic of Pediatry, Clinic of Dermatology and Sexual Pathology, Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. II.

  • Coetus Ungaricus – A wittenbergi magyar diáktársaság (1555–1613)
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    Coetus Ungaricus. Hungarian student body in Wittenberg (1555–1613). At the University of – Wittenberg, in 1555, the Hungarian students – with Philipp Melanchthon’s support – founded a student society (in Latin: a coetus) which existed until 1613. Its important documents are the university records, now kept in Halle, and the society’s register-book can be found in Debrecen. The most important documents of the university archive (to be found also in Halle nowadays), due to the stormy historical events only a fragmental one, can be reached today in a printed form. The Hungarian scholars started to deal with the history of the coetus in the first half of the 20th century, but those publications are not accurate enough according to the modern norms. The majority of the students arrived from the rural layers of Hungarian society, from villages or small towns, and this fact can be witnessed in their family names. An element of which was generally the very name of their native settlement. (See: Gáspár Károlyi, who was born in Nagykároly, etc.) In certain periods some young men from the smaller nobility, or even aristocracy appeared in this community. Most of the Hungarians studied in Wittenberg only for one-two years, and couldn’t reach an M.A, degree, but some of them spent a long time abroad, in several countries. After their arrival the served as professors, and later ministers of the Hungarian protestant churches, some of them became superintendents, bishops of our Reformed Church.

  • A Debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika kialakulásának története
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    The foundation history of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. The Hungarian Royal University was opened in the autumn of 1914 and the Medical Faculty was formed in 1918. Already in 1921 the Medical Faculty has applied for the establishment of a Stomatology Clinic from the government, but mainly because of financial reasons the request was turned aside. In the upcoming years the request was repeated several times, without any success. Finally the Medical Faculty has established the Stomatology Polyclinic in the East Wing of the Surgical Clinic, which was opened in 15. February 1935. András Csilléry a dentist of Budapest the former Minister of Public Health and Welfare was called for leader in professional lecturer’s position. In the autumn of 1935 the undergraduate studies begun. In September of 1936 was a new surgery opened to treat the students in the main building of the university. In January of 1937 the school dental care was launched. In the summer of 1940 Csilléry was named university professor and he was elected as head of the Stomatology Clinic, placed in to the East Wing of the Ophthalmic Clinic of the ceremonial event on 30 November 1940.

  • The University in the 21st century: Teaching the New Enlightenment at the Dawn of the Digital Age. Ed. Marvin Lazerson
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    A kötet alapos elemzést ad arról – a téma részletes történeti és filozófiai hátterét is jól megvilágítva –, hogy a 21. század felsőoktatásának milyen fő irányvonalak, elvek és módszertan mentén kellene újjászerveződnie, hogy mely gyakorlatokat, szemléletet és módszereket kellene radikálisan újragondolni, illetve, hogy a szerzők meggyőződése szerint melyek azok a változások, amelyek nem csak alátámasztják, de már meg is követelik a radikálisan új szemléletmód alkalmazását a felsőoktatásban.

  • A Tisza István-Tudományegyetem karainak beszámoló jelentései az 1944/45. tanévről
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    The Report s of the Faculties of the Academic Year of 1944–1945. Indubitably, the most difficult period in the history of the University of Debrecen was the last year of World War Two. The relatively undisturbed operation of the institution before the autumn of 1944 soon became impossible to maintain. The approaching battle-front and the subsequent entry of the Soviet troops resulted in the departure of a large segment of the professorial faculty. Those who stayed behind tried to maintain a semblance of order through emergency measures.Wartime damage, the utilization of the building facilities for other purposes, and teacher shortage posed almost impossible problems to those who felt responsible for making the university function. The documents that are made available here—the reports of the faculties prepared in the spring of 1945—make it clear what a superhuman struggle was carried on to maintain the operation of the university for almost a year.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar 100 éve 1914 – 2014 című kiállítás megnyitása
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    THE OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION „100 YEARS OF FACULTY OF LAW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN”. In the fall of 2014 the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen celebrated the 100th anniversary of beginning of university training. Just as the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law commemorated the anniversary with an exhibition. he published speech was presented at the opening of the exhibition organized in the the Library of Social sciences. It relects on the importance of keeping traditions and on the reassuring thoughts addressed to the teachers and students of the Faculty.

  • Brit és amerikai részvétel a debreceni Nyári Egyetemen a II. világháború előtt
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    British and American Participation at the Debrecen International Summer School before World War Two. This survey focuses on a selected aspect of the history of a peculiar and in many respects unique initiative: the pre-World War One British and American ties of the Debrecen International Summer School, which was established in 1927. In doing so, the study firstly identifies by name those British and American guests who can be documented as having attended the Summer School as officially enrolled students;
    secondly, it follows up and evaluates those aspects of the teaching program which had a British or American relevance; and, in the third place, it supplies examples for how the International Summer School advertised itself in the English-speaking countries. The survey is concluded by an analysis of selected contemporaneous views formulated by the representatives of the university and of the Summer School with reference to the past and (then) presence of British/American and Hungarian ties.

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    Életének 92. évében 2020. november 30-án Debrecenben elhunyt a Debreceni Egyetem Általános Orvostudományi Kar Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Klinikájának volt igazgatója Lampé László (1929-2020) emeritus professzor. Távozásával személyében a szülész- nőgyógyász társadalom egyik kiemelkedő hazai, nemzetközi szinten is elismert, megbecsült, gyógyító orvosát, tanítómesterét, szakmai tekintélyét veszítettük el. Eredményes, értékekben gazdag, változatos, egyáltalán nem szokványos szakmai életművének bemutatása során ismertetésre kerülnek tanulmányai, klinikai aktivitása, intézetvezetői tevékenysége, a modern hazai szülészeti ellátás megteremtése, a bizonyítékokon alapuló orvoslás bevezetése. Előadásai, tankönyvei, tanfolyamok, kongresszusok szervezése, hazai és nemzetközi kapcsolatok, tudományos kollaborációk, a különböző bizottságokban kifejtett szakmapolitikai aktivitása, iskolateremtése nagyban hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy a klinika hagyományait megőrizve, azt a régió és hazánk vezető, nemzetközileg elismert intézetévé fejlesztette. Orvostörténeti írásaival elődeink tiszteletét ápolta. Életművének megbecsülését a felsorolt kitüntetései, elismerései, a környező országok szakmai társaságai által adományozott tiszteletbeli tagságok bizonyítják. Életét a család, a szülőnők, a betegek, a kollégák, a szakma, az egészségügy iránti alázatos elkötelezettség jellemezte.

  • A debreceni kitüntetéses doktoravatások története (1912–2012)
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    A HISTORY OF THE HONOUR DOCTORAL AWARDING CEREMONY IN DEBRECEN (1912–2012). his factually substantiated overview ofers, for the irst time in the past century, a compilation of the names of distinguished university students who throughout their studies attained top grades and hereby proved worthy of the acknowledgement of the head of state in the form of an Honour Doctoral Awarding Ceremony. A brief outline of the prehistory of honour doctoral awards is followed by an overview of the varied history of distinguished promotio in Hungary and in Debrecen (promotio sub auspiciis Regis, promotio sub auspi ciis Gubernatoris, promotio sub laurea Almae matris, promotio sub auspiciis Rei Publicae Popularis, promotio sub auspiccis Praesidentis Rei Publicae), which is supplemented with a survey of legal and regulatory dispositions. Finally we are given an opportunity to get acquainted with the names of distinguished honour doctors. An equally valuable part of the disquisition is a compilation of pictorial material representing
    lashes of rare moments.

  • Kísérlet a jogösszehasonlítás mint diszciplína bevezetésére a debreceni egyetemen (1927)
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    An Attempt to Introduce Comparative Law as a Self-Contaiained Discipliline at the University of Debrecen (1927) At the beginning of 1927, Géza Marton, professor of law in Debrecen, prepared a position paper with regard to the chances of introducing comparative law as a separate subject at the school of law. Commenting on this event, the present study—which thematically pertains to the history of the old law school—offers data concerning the history of comparative law, with proper priority given to disciplinary and educational ramifications of this area of study formerly both parly boosted, partly neglected int he history of Hungarian learning. Prior to the publication of and the comments on Professor Marton’s original text, the study reiterates some memorable facts and aspects of Hungarian scholarly and educational history, interlarding these with some less well-known data and points of interest.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Sebészeti Műtéttani Tanszékének története (1951–2017)
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    History of the Department of Operative Techniques and Surgial Research, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen. The Authors describe the establishment of the four Institutes of Surgical Anatomy and Operative Techniques in the 1951/1952 academic year in the Hungarian Medical Faculties. Then they introduce the 3 eras of the Institute in Debrecen: I. 1951-1986. (directed by Dénes Nagy from 1951 till 1953 and György Bornemisza from 1953 till 1986), II. 1986-2000 (directed by István Furka), III. 2000-2013 (directed by Irén Mikó). During that time the Institute had different names:  1. 1951-1972: Institute of Surgical Anatomy and Operative Techniques, 2. 1972-2000: Institute of Experimental Surgery, 3. 2000-2004: Institute of Operative Techniques and Surgical Research, 4. 2004-   Department of Operative Techniques and Surgical Research. The Authors review the wide spectrum of the educational and research work during the past (almost) 60 years. The Reader can have insight into the development of the Department, the accession of territory, the work of the Microsurgical- and Laparoscopic Educational and Training Centers and can get acquinted with the museums of the Department established by Prof. István Furka and Prof. Iren Mikó: Museum of Surgical Suture Materials, Exhibition of Surgical Staplers’ History, Sun Lee Microsurgical Museum, Memorial Place for Janos Veres (inventor of the Veres-needle that is used for laparoscopic interventions worldwide).

  • Emlékbeszéd március 15-én
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    Official Speech, March 15, 2010. The festive speech, of which a footnoted-extended version can be read here, attempted to highlight how the previous five generations of the students of higher education in Debrecen had participated in the celebration of the bourgeois revolution of 1848. It was also important to underscore in this speech that for about a hundred years the student body of the College, then of the University, of Debrecen celebrated together with, indeed at the forefront of, the population of the city while for the past few decades the rituals of the local celebrations have diverged.

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    Csokonai Vitéz Mihály kicsapatása a Debreceni Református Kollégiumból egy sokszor és sok szempontból bemutatott, széles körben ismert történet. Általános olvasata szerint a zseniális fiatal költő tehetségét fel sem ismerve, egy koncepciós perben, igazságtalanul távolítják el a Kollégiumból. De vajon tényleg ez történt?A cikk arra vállalkozik, hogy tisztán jogi szempontból mutassa be a tényeket és az eseményeket, a modern büntetőjog és a kriminológia eredményeinek, szempontjainak, és eszközeinek felhasználásával, remélve azt, hogy így egy színesebb, és árnyaltabb képet kapunk a perről, ami talán gazdagíthatja az irodalomtörténet szempontrendszerét is.

  • Jubileumi programok a 475 éves Debreceni Református Kollégium intézményeiben
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    ANNIVERSARY PROGRAMS IN THE INSTITUTES OF THE 475-YEAR-OLD REFORMED COLLEGE OF DEBRECEN. he Reformed College of Debrecen celebrated its 475th anniversary in 2013. he College is a unique and interesting institute of Hungarian school system. It is a national historical site, where the reformed heritage of the 16th century, the values of Puritanism of the 17th century, and the intellectual efervescence of the 18th century are commemorated. Anational historical site where the victims of the freedom ight for our independence in 1848–49 are kept alive and where the College’s mission to foster talent even during the turbulent times of the 20th century is remembered. Today teaching activities are present on all levels of public and higher education from the kindergarten to the university.

  • Szoboravatás
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    INAUGURATION OF A STATUE OF DR. GYULA ELISCHER (1875–1939) IN THE SCULPTURE GARDEN OF DEBRECEN UNIVERSITY’S CAMPUS. he brief text highlights the inauguration, on November 8, 2014, of a bust of Gyula Elischer of hurzóbánya on the campus of the University of Debrecen. he text ofers a description of the life career of the world-famous radiologist professor, Hungary’s irst radiographer, his professional achievements and printed publications. he text also underscores the fact that Professor Elischer – like many other doctors of the heroic age of radiology – sacriiced his life in the service of science and of his fellow human beings.

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    2021 nyarán -váratlanul- Adler Péter professzor könyvhagyatékához jutottunk. Adler professzor 1946-1978 között vezette a debreceni Stomatológiai Klinikát, és nemzetközileg elismert szaktekintély volt. A hagyaték részeként kaptunk egy amerikai fogászati folyóiratot is, melynek 1947-es száma tartalmazott egy névtelenül közölt cikket, mely egy magyar fogorvos II. világháborús kálváriájáról számol be. Az adatokból és a leírásokból egyértelműen kiderül, hogy Adler Péter professzor írta a közleményt. Érdekes olvasmány, mely természetesen kissé szubjektív megközelítésű és figyelembe kell venni, hogy külföldieknek, elsősorban amerikaiaknak íródott. Különlegessége, hogy magyarul eddig -tudtommal- sehol sem jelent meg. Akkori közlése a hidegháború kezdetére datálható, mely esetleg magyarázatot ad arra, hogy miért kérte a szerző az anonimitást. A cikk olyan fontos hiánypótló információkat tartalmaz, melyek révén hozzájárulhat a korszak jobb megismeréséhez.


  • A debreceni KLTE archontológiája II. Matematikai Intézet (1950–1990)
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    ARCHONTOLOGY OF THE KOSSUTH UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN 1950–1990 2. PART. INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS. he archontology of the Faculties of the Natural Sciences and the central units of the Kossuth University between January 1, 1950 – December 31 was prepared on the basis of the personal documents of the Human Resources of the Rectorate supplemented by the chronological documents of the Human Resource Department. he existing documents are not complete, therefore the archeontology cannot be drawn up completely. he second part introduces the teaching and administrative staf of the Institute of Mathematics in chronological order including everybody from the head of the institute to the administrator.

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