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  • Feszültségek az egyetemi templom építése körül 1938-ban

    Tensions Involving the Construction of the University Church in 1938. Next to the Main Building of the University of Debrecen stands a Protestant church which for long years in the past accommodated the periodical holdings of the university’s Main Library. However, by now much of the church’s early history has been forgotten. The study demonstrates that the university’s management supported the view, as early as the very beginning of the 1920s, that for a fundamentally Protestant institution of higher education the government authorities should provide a church of its own. This project was delayed by the world economic crisis of 1929 and the fact that the construction of the Main Building itself of the university was not completed until 1932/1933. The management of the university, the Protestant Diocese of the Trans-Tisza District and the Ministry of Religion and Public Education jointly invited tenders for the construction of the building, the winner of which was a contructor of Jewish background. This decision—reflecting the spirit of the age—elicited aversion from right-wing student organizations. Through presenting the standpoints concerning this event, the study provides a graphic description of the relevant contemporaneous attitudes.

  • „Lássatok hozzá, és építsétek föl Istennek, az Úrnak szentélyét” (A Debreceni Református Egyetemi Templom építésének története)

    „Rise up and Build the Sanctuary of the Lord God, so that you may bring the Ark of the covenant of the Lord.” – The History of the Construction of the Reformed University Church in Debrecen. In this essay I try to find the answer to the question of what the main cause of the structure of the University Church was and which were the most relevant stages of the construction. After launching the university in Debrecen, the undergraduates, the professors and the local citizens established a claim to engender a place of worship where they could get an opportunity to inward edification. The negotiations about the church to be constructed began in the 1910’s, after all the quartercentenary of the Reformed College gave the handle for the church’s structure. The University Church was built in vicissitudinous ways and it came up against a lot of difficulties during the second half of the twentieth century. Consequently this fact encumbers the researching of the building’s history. However, the history of construction is trackable by the eight boxfuls of sources of the Archives of the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District.

  • Darkó Jenő bizantológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1928/29. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Jenő Darkó, Professor of Bizantinology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1930/31. Jenő Darkó (1880–1940), Professor of Byzantinology and the member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences was the Rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the 1928–1929 academic year. Being an appointed Professor of the Theological Academy of Debrecen he was proposed a full professorship at the newly found University of Debrecen in 1912 since the Theological academy was the forrunner of the Universtiy of Debrecen. Between 1918–1919 he was an appointed Dean of the School of Arts . After finishing his time in office, he was offered the opportunity to fulfilling repeatedly this position in 1938–1939.) Under his rectorship, the university witnessed unprecedented development in professional life and infrastructure. Within this framework new departments were established (botany, zoology, mineral and earth sciences, mathematics), the university library experinced significant advancement and additionally Professor Darkó organized courses to disseminate results in arts and sciences. The professors of the university were regularly invited to international conferences and the younger faculty members were gained international scholarships. The construction of the observatory together with the main building was underway, as well as the realization of the elegant on-campus professors' villas were agreed upon. The socially sensitive rector  encouraged the establishment of student housing, and student support program to enable students in need. He was especially keen ont he idea to engage young people from Transilvania soon after World War I. Furthermore he succeeded in managing the extreme anti-Semitic manifestations of certain student groups in autumn 1928.

  • The Initiation Ceremonies of the Hungarian Royal University of debrecen -23 october 1918.

    Initiation Ceremonies of the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen – 23 October 1918. The last Hungarian king, Charles IV on the 23rd October 1918 – some days before the disintegration of the Austrian-
    Hungarian Monarchy – visited Debrecen and solemnly, with ceremony, as was customary, officially inaugurated the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen that was already functioning for four years. The
    study – mainly with the reflections of the press and photos of the time – follows the events of the significant day of Debrecen.

  • Csánki (Csánky) Benjámin teológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1929/30. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Benjámin Csánki (Csánky), Professor of Theology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1929/30. It was during Csánki’s rectorship that the construction of the Main Building of the University was completed, together with the professors’ residential villas. The structure of the university library was also outlined in the said period. Again, it was during the time referred to that serious negotiations were launched for the purposes of establishing universitylevel
    education for the agrarian program in Debrecen. The building of the university church and the construction of the modern student dormitories were also undertaken during this time. Besides offering an overview of the events of the rectorial year, the present discussion, by also looking at specific writings by him, evaluates Csánki’s most characteristic theological works.

  • Szarvas Pál kémia professzor élete és munkássága

    The Life and Work of Pál Szarvas, Professor of Chemistry. At the University of Debrecen, the Faculty of Science was founded in 1949. The management boards of the new Faculty and of the University spared no effort to bring prominent scientists as leading members of the newly organized science departments. In this manner, Pál Szarvas was also invited in 1951 to come to Debrecen to be the Head of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. His first task here was to organize the furnishing and equipment of the student and research laboratories, to initiate classroom teaching and research work despite the rather unfavourable financial conditions. From 1952 on the number of staff members began to increase and from the mid-1960s the level of the laboratory equipment was also improving. Research work was launched in the field of analytical chemistry, where various methods were developed for the determination of some rare metals in the presence of larger amounts of other elements. From the end of the 1960s the main research field of the Department was solution chemistry, the equilibrium and kinetic studies on the formation of complexes of transition metals and lanthanides with organic ligands. Another developing field was the synthesis and study of new boron-organic compounds. The focus of research in analytical chemistry shifted to the use of emission spectrography and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Professor Szarvas was also involved in the leadership of the Faculty and of the University. He was Dean of the Faculty (1954–58) and the Rector of the University (1963–66). His activity was highly important in the preparation of the construction of the chemistry building. Professor Szarvas, who retired in 1975, played a significant role in the organization of the teaching and research work of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, which has exerted an important impact on the current existence and successes of the Department.

  • Kenézy Gyula a Debreceni Egyetem első orvos-rektora

    GYULA KENÉZY, THE FIRST PHYSICIAN RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. Gyula Kenézy, the Medical Officer of the free royal city of Debrecen and the Director of the Midwife Training Institution was the the motivation behind the movement with the aim to establish the third whole university in Hungary in Debrecen with a medical faculty. Without his work, there would have not been a university in Debrecen for a long time. After the establishment of the university, he was appointed as the Commissioner of the construction and as the irst obstetrician professor. Based on his unquestionable merits, he had received the post of the Rector from the Medical Faculty. In his former residence a museum named after him was established.

  • 85 éves az egyetem főépülete

    The 85-Year-Old Main Building of the University. What is today the main building of the University was inaugurated on May 15, 1932. Construction work on the monumental edifice took four years and on completion it was capable of accommodating, after 20 years of waiting, three faculties of the institution, as well as the various university offices. In a retrospective survey, the discussion highlights the most significant moments of the emergence of the main building from the laying of the cornerstone to its  inauguration.

  • Verzár Frigyes élettanprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1927/28. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Frigyes Verzár, Professor of Physiology and Rector Magnificus of István Tisza Hungarian Royal University in Debrecen During the Academic Year of 1927/28. Frigyes Verzár was Rector of the University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1927–28. This task was particularly demanding for various reasons. First, construction work on the central building of the University was still underway, second, because in August 1927 the Research Institute of Tihany was opened, and Verzár had to direct that Institute,
    too. The actually existing conditions of commuting between Debrecen and Tihany rendered the fulfilment of this double load particularly troublesome. In spite of all the difficulties, however, the work of the Rector yielded rich results, as listed in the report of Rector held in September 1928.


    Nevertheless professors and students had to wait for several years to finally occupy the main building of the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen (founded in 1912), nevertheless it commenced operating in 1914. 90 years ago, following the construction and the inauguration ceremony, the 1932/33 academic year was the first to begin in the Main Building.

  • Orsós Ferenc professzor és a környezetvédelem

    FERENC ORSÓS AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION. he study connected to the rector’s proile aims to introduce the professor of forensic medicine in a diferent light than he is known for his political and scientiic career. It rather focuses on the unknown side of this outstanding man: a natural scientist nurtuting an unquenchable devotion to trees and forests. As the supervisor of the clinical grounds, he fought in numerous occasions with the head gardener and the Financial Department of the university for saving each tree, especially during the felling at the construction of the Main Building. He also did his best to impede the proliferation of cats on the grounds, since the cats were to blame for the dangerously decreasing number of songbirds.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem II. világháborúban súlyos bombatalálatot kapott Orvosi Vegytani Intézete helyreállításának nehézségei – Bodnár János intézetigazgató professzor 1945 novemberi beszámolója alapján

    IN WORLD WAR TWO THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN WAS SEVERELY DAMAGED BY A BOMB EXPLOSION: THE DIFFICULTIES OF RESTORING THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY – AN ACCOUNT BASED ON THE ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSOR JÁNOS BODNÁR, DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE (NOVEMBER 1945). In World War Two, on September 15, 1944, a severe bombing hit struck the Institute of Medical Chemistry of the University of Debrecen, in György Magoss Square. About one-quarter part of the ediice was ruined and a large section of the roofage was destroyed. he source-material is provided by Professor János Bodnár, Director of the Institute, who in the academic year of 1944/1945 also served as acting rector. His submitted assessment, which bears the date of November 30, 1945, describes the diiculties of the restoration, including the long delays in the construction work. he study highlights the diiculties of renovation, as well as the problems of ensuring the basic facilities of education.

  • Lencz Géza és a vármegyei alap

    GÉZA LENCZ AND THE COUNTY FOUNDATION. Géza Lencz is mostly remebered as a theology professor who was a determinant personality in the early history of the University and a legendary teacher of the Calvinist heology Faculty. It is not widely known about him that during his rectorship, while he was persistently fought for the main university building being built, a foundation was established, to support the construction work, collecting the donation of the counties for this noble cause. he county foundation, which was clearly his idea and for which he has sacriied so much, could not fulill its purpose, however it became an eicient support system for the deserving needy students.


    Lajos Fekete, Hungarian Royal Minister Counsellor, Forestry Academy professor is a leading figure in higher forestry education, who achieved indefeasible results in creating Hungarian language education and the Hungarian forestry language. Between 1872 and 1891, he headed the Department of Phytology and Silviculture at the Royal Hungarian Academy of Mining and Forestry in Selmecbánya, and from 1891 until his retirement he headed the Department of Forest Management. He played an important role in the organisation of the Academy campus, the construction of new educational buildings and the development and furnishing of the botanical gardens, as well as in the compilation and development of collections related to the subjects he taught (zoology, entomology, botany, climatology and soil science). Hungarian experiments in forestry began to take institutional form in 1897/98, and Lajos Fekete was responsible for this, as well as for the idea of establishing forestry education on a secondary level. Although he had already exceeded the possible age of retirement in 1894, his tireless work ethic kept him in the Academy. He enjoyed the confidence of the Academy's teaching staff and served as vice-principal in the academic year 1892/93, then as director in the academic years 1897/98, 1898/1899 and 1899/1900, and was also head of the forestry department. At the age of 69, on 1 October 1906, he was retired at his own request, because of his failing eyesight towards the end of his life. Thus, the last serving teacher of the first faculty of the Forestry Academy left the academy chair. On this occasion, he was awarded the title of Minister Counsellor in recognition of his services. In 1910, six years before his death, he received the highest recognition for his work, being accepted as a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. There is no branch of forestry science in which his work has not left a lasting mark. Despite this extremely productive and diversified career, which produced outstanding achievements in all fields, posterity has treated and still treats Lajos Fekete, whose work and human behaviour can stand as an example to us all, rather cruel.

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