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  • The Initiation Ceremonies of the Hungarian Royal University of debrecen -23 october 1918.

    Initiation Ceremonies of the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen – 23 October 1918. The last Hungarian king, Charles IV on the 23rd October 1918 – some days before the disintegration of the Austrian-
    Hungarian Monarchy – visited Debrecen and solemnly, with ceremony, as was customary, officially inaugurated the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen that was already functioning for four years. The
    study – mainly with the reflections of the press and photos of the time – follows the events of the significant day of Debrecen.

  • Csikesz Sándor teológiai professzor, a debreceni Tisza István magyar királyi Tudományegyetem 1937/38. évi rector magnificusa

    Csikesz Sándor a debreceni Tisza István Magyar Királyi Tudományegyetem Hittudományi Karának egyik
    legnagyobb koncepciójú és legtevékenyebb alakja volt a XX. század első felében. 1921-től lett a Debreceni
    Lelkészképző Intézet tanára, majd 1923-ban kapta meg egyetemi tanári kinevezését. Nemzetközi megbízatásain
    túl sok más egyházi és világi tisztséget is betöltött. Csikesz Sándor professzor, mint a tudományszervezés
    és a református tudománypolitika erős egyénisége jelentős teológiai műhelyt hozott létre. Kétszer viselt
    dékáni címét, az 1937–38. tanévben pedig a Debreceni Egyetem rektorává választották. Ekkor ünnepelte
    a Református Kollégium és a Debreceni Egyetem a Kollégium fennállásának 400. évfordulóját. Csikesz
    Sándor egyetemi tanársága alatt nem volt az egyetemen olyan reformmozgalom, építés vagy újjáépítés,
    amelynek ne lett volna bátor élharcosa.

  • Jenő Bacsó, Professor of Civil Procedures the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1938/39

    Jenő Bacsó, Professor of Civil Procedure the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1938/39. Jenő Bacsó was the emblematic figure of the jurist training and university life in Debrecen. The editor of the „Debreceni Képes Kalendárium” told that Jenő Bácsó should have been elected rector for the academic year 1938/39 even if someone else could be the next, since he was the person who joined the city, the College and the university. Besides Béla Szentpéteri Kun he was the other professor at the faculty who taught and took part actively in the university life from the establishment of the faculty (1914) to the suspension of the jurist training (1949). He held several positions and educated during his active 33 years as well as during two years after his retirement: he was one of the major figures of the committee which was responsible for handing-receiving of the office of the dean, he took part in Mensa Academica, the committee of the university territorial planning, furthermore, as Rector he was a member of the commission of inquiry sent at the time of the student rioting. He was one of the members of the National Council of the Higher Education from Debrecen. He was the dean of the Faculty of Law during three academic years: 1922/23, 1934/35, 1946/47.


    The medical training at the Faculty of Medicine of the Debrecen Hungarian Royal University started in 1921. The Department of Mental and Neurological Diseases began its operation in 1921 at the Magoss György Square (current Bem square) under the leadership of László Benedek. The clinic moved to its new building at the Nagyerdő in 1927. László Benedek was succeeded by István Somogyi in 1937, and by Kálmán Sántha in 1938. Sántha’s main merit was the introduction of neurosurgery procedures and the establishment of the neurosurgery unit in Debrecen. He was convicted with fictional political accusations, and exiled to Balassagyarmat in 1951. Although rehabilitated in 1956, he was unable to return to the clinic in Debrecen. While Sántha worked at Balassagyarmat, the clinic was run by Sándor Rusz. Between 1957 and 1967 Pál Juhász had been the director of the clinic, who established a neurosis unit and EEG laboratory. After a two-year transitional period, László Molnár was appointed to be head of the clinic in 1969. Realizing that stroke is a public health issue, he was among the first who established a cerebrovascular unit in Europe. He was succeeded by László Csiba, who led the clinic between 1992 and 2017. The separation of the Department of Neurology and Department of Psychiaty in 1992, as well as the relocation of the Department of Neurology to the Auguszta area took place during his leadership. Professor Csiba established an excellent stroke center, and introduced reperfusion therapies in Debrecen. Currently, the Department of Neurology is headed by László Oláh.


    Dezső Szabó was professor of history at the University of Debrecen for 35 years from 1924 to 1959. He graduated from the University of Budapest with a degree in History and Latin. It was at the instigation of his patron, Henrik Marczali, that he began his research on the Hungarian assemblies of the pre-Mohács period. He also wrote his doctoral dissertation on this topic. Thanks to his excellent academic achievements, he graduated from the university with a royal gold ring of honour (sub auspiciis regis). He taught for many years in secondary schools and in 1912 became a privatdocent at the Budapest University of Science. In February 1924, Governor Miklós Horthy appointed him full professor of medieval and modern (universal) history at the University of Debrecen. At that time, his research was already focused on the Urbarium of Maria Theresa. In 1931 he was elected a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He published relatively little and concentrated his activities on secondary school teacher training. He was the dean of the Faculty of Humanities for four academic years. He made an invaluable contribution to the reorganisation of university education in 1944. Despite this, he was repeatedly persecuted under the new regime and was only able to retain his chair thanks to the intervention of his influential students. He retired at the age of 77. The second and third volumes of his work, A magyarországi úrbérrendezés története Mária Terézia korában, which is considered the major work of his life, are still awaiting publication.

  • Laudation of Carl Irlet, the Organizer of the Child relief Action in Switzerland, at the University of Debrecen

    The Laudation of Carl Irlet, the Organizer of the Child Relief Action in Switzerland, at the University of Debrecen. The University of Debrecen awarded in 1925 two protestants organizers of the
    child relief project with the title of doctor honoris causa: the Swiss clergyman Carl Irlet and the Dutch baron Willem Carel Adrien van Vredenburch. Zsigmond Varga, professor of theology in Debrecen, wrote in his
    laudation, how important was the role of Irlet in organisation and coordination of the child relief action, and how important was the role of the children to create a positive image of Hungary because of political
    and economic reasons. The document of award was signed by Miklós Horthy, Regent of Hungary and Kunó Klebelsberg, Minister of Education and Religion.


    The study presents the remarkably small number and content of documents of the relationship between the Royal Hungarian University of Debrecen and Count István Tisza, a Hungarian politician. The presented period lasts between the beginning of the university's operation in 1914 until the politician's death on October 31, 1918. It also mentions the relevant elements of this relationship before and after the four-year period.


    Nevertheless professors and students had to wait for several years to finally occupy the main building of the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen (founded in 1912), nevertheless it commenced operating in 1914. 90 years ago, following the construction and the inauguration ceremony, the 1932/33 academic year was the first to begin in the Main Building.

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