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    László Kádár started his adademic carreer at the Lajos Kossuth University in 1947 and was a distinguised professor untill his retirement (1978). In the academic year 1952-54 he functioned as the dean of the Faculty of  Natural Sciences. In the next year (1954/55) he became the rector of the University Lajos Kossuth.


  • Rugonfalvi Kiss István történelem-professzor, a Debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1932/33. évi Rector Magnificusa

    Professor of History, István Rugonfalvi Kiss served as Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1932-1933. A historian of Székely origin, he first served as the local archivist of the Baron Radvánszky family estate, then he acquired a growing reputation as the chief archivists of Győr County. Starting in 1911, he became college professor of history at the Arts Academy of the Debrecen Protestant College, then from 1914 until his retirement in 1942 he served as professor of Hungarian history of the newly established University of Debrecen. He served as dean several times and he was appointed Rector of the University in the academic year of 1932-1933. In historical scholarship he represented the conservative alternative, thus he was violently opposed to Gyula Szekfű’s view of history. He is the author of work on the last Hungarian uprising of noblemen as well as on the history of the Székely people. After the the Second World War, owing to his previous political activism, he was imprisoned and subsequently he lived in the circle of his family, isolated from professional activity.

  • Orsós Ferenc orvosprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1923/24. tanévi rector magnificusa

    FERENC ORSÓS PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, THE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF ISTVÁN TISZA HUNGARIAN ROYAL UNIVERSITY IN DEBRECEN DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1923/24. Ferenc Orsós was born in Temesvár, graduated from medical school in Budapest, worked in the Institute of Pathology in Debrecen, and as a hospital commander during the WWI. He was appointed a professor of pathology, and the rector of the University of Debrecen in the academic year of 1923/24. He was the professor of forensic medicine at the Péter Pázmány University from 1936 until 1944 when he leed to the West. Later on, from 1946 until his retirement in 1955 he worked as the teacher of artistic anatomy at the Art Academy in Mainz. he name of Ferenc Orsós is well-known even today, irstly in connection to the excavation of the Katyń mass graves, secondly to his active participation in the senate discussion of the so-called 3rd anti-jewish laws. His scientiic achievements have been acknowledged not just in his time, but also today, since several of his discoveries seem to be futureproof.

  • Kálmán Kállay, Professor of Theology the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1941/42.

    Kálmán Kállay was born in in Bratislava. After finishing his theology studies, he worked as a religion teacher afterwards as a reformist priest in Romania. After the first world war, he organized holidays of the Hungarian children in Netherlands. At the University of Debrecen, he worked as the professor of the Old Testament reading and related studies from 1928 until his death. Within this time period, he was the Dean of the Faculty three times, and the Rector in 1941–42. He published numerous essays and books in relation of the Old Testament.


  • Neuber Ede Bőrgyógyászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1931/32. Tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    Ede Neuber, Professor of Dermatology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1931/32. Professor Ede Neuber was the organizer and first director of the Clinic of Dermatology and Sexual Pathology, and nationally, it was he who first organized the health supervision of university students. Again, he took part in spearheading the campaign against venereal diseases also through curtailing epidemic diseases by means of creating a law (lex veneris).
    In the 1931–1932 academic year he was Rector of Debrecen’s István Tisza University. During his rectorship, the Main Building of the University was completed and inaugurated, and the university took over the city’s public hospital for the purposes of training and practice. From 1936 through 1938 he represented the university in the upper house. In 1938 he was appointed principal professor of the clinic of dermatology of Budapest’s Péter Pázmány University, so he left Debrecen.


    In 1951 Lóránd Kesztyűs as dean became the first head of the University Medical School of Debrecen formed from the Faculty of Medicine of the Debrecen University, and then he was elected rector of the institution for two  periods (1959-1963, 1967-1973). He had determining roles in the infrastructural extension of departments and clincics, in modernisation of medical education with increased number of medical students, in enhancing productivity of scientific research, in developing clinical service with high regional and national reputation and in shaping a performance based, democratic leadership managament under restrictive conditions of a state party centralized political system. His internationally recognised research activity and national science policy achievements led to foundation of immunology and allergy research in Hungary. He was elected to member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Establishing the related department, with text book writing and creating his school of scientists, made him a momentous professor of pathophysiology. His friendly, direct and open persionality had an important role in realisation of a succesful leadership and organizational climate at the departmental and institutional level. Presentation of his achievements is based on a monograph of his past co-worker with reflections of three professors (two of them also served as rectors).                            

  • Szentpéteri Kun Béla jogászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1930/31. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    Béla Szentpéteri Kun, Professor of Church Law, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian RoyalIstván Tisza University of Debrecen During the Academic Year 1930/1931. In the first three decades of its existence the head of the university’s faculty of jurisprudence and state law was the renowned scholar of law and the outstanding organizer Béla Szentpéteri Kun. Previously he had been professor of the Protestant College’s academy of law, then one of the respected figures of the newly organized Faculty of Law. He served as dean for several semesters and in the 1930/1931 academic year he was elevated to the position of rector of the university. During the war years of 1944/1945 he was the only professor of law to stay in Debrecen and it was due to him that the Faculty of Law was capable of functioning uninterrupted. After the war he was made to retire, then, as a manifestation of the social transformation of the times, his department was dismantled.

  • Csánki (Csánky) Benjámin teológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1929/30. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Benjámin Csánki (Csánky), Professor of Theology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1929/30. It was during Csánki’s rectorship that the construction of the Main Building of the University was completed, together with the professors’ residential villas. The structure of the university library was also outlined in the said period. Again, it was during the time referred to that serious negotiations were launched for the purposes of establishing universitylevel
    education for the agrarian program in Debrecen. The building of the university church and the construction of the modern student dormitories were also undertaken during this time. Besides offering an overview of the events of the rectorial year, the present discussion, by also looking at specific writings by him, evaluates Csánki’s most characteristic theological works.

  • A Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetem első rektora: Kiss Ferenc (1862–1948)

    Professor Ferenc Kiss Was the First Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen.Through delving into the relevant biographical data and publishing his salutatory oration of 1914, the author recalls reminiscences of Ferenc Kiss, the outstanding professor of theology, who was the first rector of the one-time University of Debrecen.

  • Láng Nándor, az első bölcsész rektor élete és munkássága

    The Life and Work of Nándor Láng, the First Philologist Rector. Nándor Láng, who came from a German family, in the service of the shared goals of a multicultural Hungary prioritized those ideals which asserted the education of an increasing number of  sophisticated scholars and scientists as well as elevating domestic science and scholarship to an international level. In the first period of his career, as a secondary-school teacher, he focussed on supporting the promulgation and teaching of classical culture
    through his scholarly activity, including the authoring of textbooks. A crucial turning-point in his life occurred when he was invited in 1914 to serve as head of one (Latin) of the departments of Classical Philology of the newly created University of Debrecen. In the academic year of 1916/1917 he was Rector of the university, a service that he fulfilled with a maximum commitment and a truly professional approach. The combination of his professional erudition and human characteristics made him an ideal pedagogue.
    He was active in Debrecen until 1932, when he retired, but he continued to carry on significant sholarly activity in the archeology and epigraphy of the Roman period in Pannonia.

  • Bernolák Nándor (1880–1951), a Debreceni M. Kir. Tudományegyetem második rektora

    Nándor Bernolák (1880–1951), the Second Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen. As second rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen, which was launched in 1914, Nándor Bernolák played an important role in shaping the events of the first years. He was a nationally recognized theoretical criminal jurist when he was invited to chair the department of penal law in Debrecen. In addition to an outline of his brief, seven-year, university career, a discussion of his previous professional activities is offered, and the events of his life pertaining both to the early history of the university and to his subsequent political and legal career are highlighted. Professor Bernolák’s reformist initiatives pertaining to criminal law as well as his attempts aimed at the renewal of law training are likewise reviewed. In summary it is stated that Nándor Bernolák excelled both as a criminal jurist and as a university manager. As regards his political career, it turned out to be rather brief and controversial. In view of the fact that he turned his back to his university commitments, we are obliged to consider him as one of those university professors who was lost for Hungarian higher education when they assumed political commitments.

  • A lőcsei líceum történeti áttekintése

    Historical Overview of the Lyceum of Leutschau. The script summerizes the story of the Lutheran lyceum in Leutschau, based on the Lutheran archives from there. Between 1544–1674 the whole city was Lutheran, the secondary grammer-school reached a high level, lead from the rector, who was financed by the city-administration. In the time of the counter-reformation the Lutheran community tried to keep up their school, which was financed by the German burgher. At the time of rector Marton Liedemann,  1793–1813 developped the lyceum, on the highest degree were taught philosophy and theology on high-school level. The building of the school became the sc. Hain-house on the market-place. Because of financial problem since 1859 became the school a „state Lutheran grammer-school”, from 1869 a state „Hauptrealschule”. The lyceal library remained at the Lutheran congregation, it has develepped to the famous Lutheran library and archives of Leutschau, which contained material not only for the Lutheran, bot also for the burgher and the city.

  • Papp Károly irodalomprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1924-25. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE, WAS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF THE ROYAL ISTVÁN TISZA UNIVERSITY FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1924–1925. Károly Pap was born in Beregrákos, he conducted his university studies at Kolozsvár, and later in Budapest, where he earned a teacher’s degree in Hungarian and Latin, and later he received a doctor’s degree in Hungarian literature. In Budapest, from 1898 he was teaching at Veres Pálné secondary school for girls and from 1908 he became professor of Hungarian literature at the Arts Academy of the Reformed College. From 1914, until he retired in 1942, he served as ordinary public professor at the Department of Hungarian literature at the University of Debrecen. In the 1924–25 academic year he served as president of the university. His main professional interest was Hungarian literature of the 18th and 19th centruries, and he was regarded as a conservative historian of literature.

  • Kenézy Gyula a Debreceni Egyetem első orvos-rektora

    GYULA KENÉZY, THE FIRST PHYSICIAN RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. Gyula Kenézy, the Medical Officer of the free royal city of Debrecen and the Director of the Midwife Training Institution was the the motivation behind the movement with the aim to establish the third whole university in Hungary in Debrecen with a medical faculty. Without his work, there would have not been a university in Debrecen for a long time. After the establishment of the university, he was appointed as the Commissioner of the construction and as the irst obstetrician professor. Based on his unquestionable merits, he had received the post of the Rector from the Medical Faculty. In his former residence a museum named after him was established.


    In the 1952-1953 academic year, Professor Lajos Szodoray managed the independent Medical University of Debrecen as a dean with rectoral powers, then in 1954-1955 he was the academic vice-dean of the University, while between 1961-1964 he was the academic deputy rector. In his young years, he purposefully prepared himself for the task that fate had indeed chosen for him to organize one of the country's leading Dermatology Department, and to develop the necessary conditions of the excellent clinical patient care based on broad theoretical foundations in the institute, as well as the high-level teaching and research work. Lajos Szodoray is the founding figure of the Hungarian dermatology, an internationally renowned scientist, a colourful, warm-hearted individual. He is credited with the first detection and communication of numerous dermatological diseases in Hungary, and had extraordinary merits in the field of textbook writing. Fate gifted Lajos Szodoray with a long creative life for the benefit of Hungarian medicine, matchless work ethic, dynamism, unrelenting diligence, and perseverance throughout his life. In addition to his several decades of activity as a department head and teacher, he completed his professional life by holding leading positions at the University.


    Károly Erdős (1887-1971) began his teaching and research career as a teacher of church history at the Reformed College in Debrecen. After the Faculty of Reformed Theology became part of the university, which began to function in 1914, Erdős became a teacher and later director of the Institute for the Training of Ministers of the Reformed Church. In 1929 he was appointed professor in the New Testament Department of the Tisza István University. As an university professor and pastor, he rendered great service to the city and the Church, both as a teacher and as a scholar. After 1949 he became a professor at the Reformed Theological Academy in Debrecen.

  • Bognár Rezső szerves kémikus egyetemi tanár, akadémikus, tudománypolitikus (1913-1990)

    rezső bognár, Professor of organic cheMistry, MeMber of the hungarian acadeMy of arts and sciences, scientific adviser. Rezső Bognár was one of the most outstanding students of Géza Zemplén, the irst great educator of organic chemistry in Hungary. When the School of Sciences was established in 1949 at the University of Debrecen, Professor Bognár was appointed head of the Department of Organic Chemistry. As a result of this decision, he became the founding father of organic chemistry work in Debrecen. He
    was soon elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences and he served for two terms as Rector of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences. Professor Bognár was founding president of the Debrecen Academic Committee, which position he held until his death. It was as the result of his nationally recognized public activity that the headquarters in Debrecen of DAB (=the Debrecen Academic Committee) and the Chemistry Building on the Debrecen campus were erected. He also organized the Antibio tic Chemical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy. he researchers of the Bognár school have brought out over 400 scientiic publications and submitted a large number of patents pertaining to the themes of the chemistry of carbohydrates, antibiotics, alkaloids, and lavonoids.His activities in the Hungarian National Assembly and the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences have greatly contributed to the numerous successes of our university.


    Painted portraits of former institution leaders - almost all of them painted by János Dienes - still decorate the Rector's Council Room and the corridor of the University of Debrecen's Main Building. The paintings were once part of a gallery of more than thirty portraits of the great figures of the university. The Hall of Portraits - the existence of which is attested by documents and photographs from the period - has survived only in fragments. However, research has revealed that several pieces of the collection are currently kept in the Déri Museum in Debrecen.


    This piece of writing looks back to the symbols of the University of Debrecen which are also in use today, emphasizing that the finials on top of the ”gerundiums”, the chains and medals of the dean and rector were made more than 100 years ago: they were made of bronze of cannon which were taken for loot in World War I, recalling that several students and educators of the university fought and died to defend the homeland.

  • Pokoly József

    JÓZSEF POKOLY REKTOR. After inishing theology studies, he was the tutor of Count Lajos Tisza (son of Prime Minister Kálmán Tisza) in Geszten, then he was a Reformist priest for a year. He was the teacher of church history at the Reformist heology Academy in Kolozsvár from 1895, and at the heology Academy of the Debrecen Reformist College from 1912. At the University of Debrecen, established in 1914, he became the professor of ancient history at the Faculty of Arts from 1918 on. Between 1922 and 1930, until his retirement, he was the teacher of church history at the Faculty of Reformist heology. During the academic year of 1920–21 he was the Rector of the University. Until his retirement, he was the President of the István Tisza Scientiic Society and he also worked as a senate member of the University. His worked centered around Reformist church history and the history of Hungarian Protestantism in 16–17th centuries.

  • Hüttl Tivadar (1884-1955) Debrecen klinikaalapító és iskolateremtő sebész professzora

    HÜTTL TIVADAR (1884–1955), PROFESSOR SURGEON, FOUNDER OF A SCHOOL AND CLINIC IN DEBRECEN. After inishing his studies, Tivadar Hüttl worked in the Institute of Pathology at the Budapest University besides Professor Antal Genersich, later int he Clinic of Surgery besides Professor Tibor Verebély. From 1921 he worked as Deputy director of the forming Faculty of Medicine at the Tisza István University in Debrecen, in 1922 he was appointed as the full professor of Surgery and the Director of the Clinic of Surgery. During his leadership he established several departments which became clinics later on. He created a truly scientiic school environment, professors, hospital directors became his students. In the academic year of 1930–40 he was the Rector of the university. He was wrongfully accused in 1945 and he was divested of his professor title. Later he worked as the head physician of the State Institute of Oncology.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem II. világháborúban súlyos bombatalálatot kapott Orvosi Vegytani Intézete helyreállításának nehézségei – Bodnár János intézetigazgató professzor 1945 novemberi beszámolója alapján

    IN WORLD WAR TWO THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN WAS SEVERELY DAMAGED BY A BOMB EXPLOSION: THE DIFFICULTIES OF RESTORING THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY – AN ACCOUNT BASED ON THE ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSOR JÁNOS BODNÁR, DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE (NOVEMBER 1945). In World War Two, on September 15, 1944, a severe bombing hit struck the Institute of Medical Chemistry of the University of Debrecen, in György Magoss Square. About one-quarter part of the ediice was ruined and a large section of the roofage was destroyed. he source-material is provided by Professor János Bodnár, Director of the Institute, who in the academic year of 1944/1945 also served as acting rector. His submitted assessment, which bears the date of November 30, 1945, describes the diiculties of the restoration, including the long delays in the construction work. he study highlights the diiculties of renovation, as well as the problems of ensuring the basic facilities of education.

  • Csikesz Sándor teológiai professzor, a debreceni Tisza István magyar királyi Tudományegyetem 1937/38. évi rector magnificusa

    Csikesz Sándor a debreceni Tisza István Magyar Királyi Tudományegyetem Hittudományi Karának egyik
    legnagyobb koncepciójú és legtevékenyebb alakja volt a XX. század első felében. 1921-től lett a Debreceni
    Lelkészképző Intézet tanára, majd 1923-ban kapta meg egyetemi tanári kinevezését. Nemzetközi megbízatásain
    túl sok más egyházi és világi tisztséget is betöltött. Csikesz Sándor professzor, mint a tudományszervezés
    és a református tudománypolitika erős egyénisége jelentős teológiai műhelyt hozott létre. Kétszer viselt
    dékáni címét, az 1937–38. tanévben pedig a Debreceni Egyetem rektorává választották. Ekkor ünnepelte
    a Református Kollégium és a Debreceni Egyetem a Kollégium fennállásának 400. évfordulóját. Csikesz
    Sándor egyetemi tanársága alatt nem volt az egyetemen olyan reformmozgalom, építés vagy újjáépítés,
    amelynek ne lett volna bátor élharcosa.

  • Sass Béla élete és munkássága

    BÉLA SASS REKTOR. His father was a Reformist priest in Albis, Bihar County and the padre of General József Nagysándor in 1848–49. After inishing his theology studies, he worked as a religion teacher at the Debrecen Grammar school for a short period of time. From 1890, he was a teacher of Old Testament readings at the heology Academy of the Debrecen Reformist College. Between 1895–98 he was the Director of the Academy. At the recently established University of Debrecen he worked as the professor of Old Testament readings and related studies from 1914 until his death. Within this time period, he was the Dean of the Faculty of Reformist heology in 1915–16 and in 1926–27, and the Rector in 1921–22. He published numerous essays in relation to the Old Testament and to the history of the Reformist church and wrote philosophy books, as well.

  • Arany János születésének 100. évfordulója és a háború a nagyszalontai Emlékegyesület értesítése a Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetemnek az ünnepség elmaradásáról

    the Centenary of the Birth of János Arany and the War. The Message of the Memorial Society from Nagyszalonta to the University of Debrecen about the Cancellation of the Ceremony. One hundred years ago and one hundred years after the birth of Arany the memorial society prepared for a nationwide celebration in Nagyszalonta. They sent their official invitation to every literary and scholarly society, with the University of Debrecen among them. Nándor Láng, who was the Rector of the university in the 1916/17. academic year gave the mandate to Károly Pap to attend the ceremony and represent the university. Károly Pap, who was the dean of the faculty of arts, accepted this with pleasure because he was a researcher of the poetry of Arany. But the ceremony was postponed because the train service became unreliable due to the war. The nationwide ceremony had to be cancelled because of the bad traffic conditions and it was never held in Nagyszalonta in 1917. This printed media sources inform us about this and the effect of the Great War on the centenary of the birth of János Arany.

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