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    Patrik Dinnyés presents the book authord by Béla Bartók-János Makai- Andor Nagy. The book commemorates earl Károly Eszterházy and his schoolfounder predecessors and followers. Eszterházy was one of the most outstanding Roman Catholic bishops from 18th century Hungary.

  • Német egyetemi filozófiai hatások Schneller István morálpedagógiai rendszerében

    German Academic Effects on István Schneller’s pedagogical System. Having studied theology at German universities, Schneller István (1847–1939) got to the Department of Education at Kolozsvár University in 1895. He played an important role in having the Transsylvanian Hungarian University, suppressed in May of 1919, transferred to Szeged in the autumn of 1921. Schneller’s approach to the questions of pedagogy was that of an Evangelical theologian. He applied the term „personality pedagogy” to his pedagogy, thus referring to the fact that the process of moulding the individual into a personality was placed in the focus of his pedagogy. When searching the roots of Schneller’s moral anthropological concepts with regard to the history of ideas, the following influences are to be revealed: 1. The Protestant doctrine, the influence of the Herrenhut circle of the Evangelical Pietists, Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher’s influence. The process of becoming a member in the Domain of God is to be supported by the individual’s intimate religious experience. 2. The reception of Pestalozzi’s influence: The Swiss pedagogue’s ethical evolutionary theory is mainly discussed in the study titled „Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur…”. The three grades described there are as follows: Naturstand (Natural State), Gesellschaftlicher Zustand (Social State), Sittlicher Zustand (Moral State), which might as well be interpreted as the antecedents of Schneller’s conception. Schneller goes further on the road outlined by Pestalozzi, setting the process of ethicizing into a wider context. 3. The Kantian influence is equivalent to that of Pestalozzi. Schneller himself attempts to interpret Kant’ pedagogical conceptions discussed several times and in several ways as a unified system. On the basis of his university lectures, it can be recognized that Schneller reveals the following grades in the process of evolution described by Kant: 1. eudaimonism, 2. legality, 3. morality. Nonetheless, in favour of Schleiermacher’s principle of love, Schneller is reluctant to accept the emotionally rigorous ethical laws and the Kantian categorical imperative. Schneller as a charismatic pedagogue-professor at Kolozsvár, then at Szeged University, gathered a multitude of students around himself, many of whom (Varga Béla, Makkai Sándor, Kemény Ferenc, Imre Sándor), starting from and developing the intellectual world of personality pedagogy, became considerable theoreticians themselves. German Academic Effects on István Schneller’s pedagogical System. Having studied theology at German universities, Schneller István (1847–1939) got to the Department of Education at Kolozsvár University in 1895. He played an important role in having the Transsylvanian Hungarian University, suppressed in May of 1919, transferred to Szeged in the autumn of 1921. Schneller’s approach to the questions of pedagogy was that of an Evangelical theologian. He applied the term „personality pedagogy” to his pedagogy, thus referring to the fact that the process of moulding the individual into a personality was placed in the focus of his pedagogy. When searching the roots of Schneller’s moral anthropological concepts with regard to the history of ideas, the following influences are to be revealed: 1. The Protestant doctrine, the influence of the Herrenhut circle of the Evangelical Pietists, Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher’s influence. The process of becoming a member in the Domain of God is to be supported by the individual’s intimate religious experience. 2. The reception of Pestalozzi’s influence: The Swiss pedagogue’s ethical evolutionary theory is mainly discussed in the study titled „Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur…”. The three grades described there are as follows: Naturstand (Natural State), Gesellschaftlicher Zustand (Social State), Sittlicher Zustand (Moral State), which might as well be interpreted as the antecedents of Schneller’s conception. Schneller goes further on the road outlined by Pestalozzi, setting the process of ethicizing into a wider context. 3. The Kantian influence is equivalent to that of Pestalozzi. Schneller himself attempts to interpret Kant’ pedagogical conceptions discussed several times and in several ways as a unified system. On the basis of his university lectures, it can be recognized that Schneller reveals the following grades in the process of evolution described by Kant: 1. eudaimonism, 2. legality, 3. morality. Nonetheless, in favour of Schleiermacher’s principle of love, Schneller is reluctant to accept the emotionally rigorous ethical laws and the Kantian categorical imperative. Schneller as a charismatic pedagogue-professor at Kolozsvár, then at Szeged University, gathered a multitude of students around himself, many of whom (Varga Béla, Makkai Sándor, Kemény Ferenc, Imre Sándor), starting from and developing the intellectual world of personality pedagogy, became considerable theoreticians themselves.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Karának fél évszázada

    50 YEARS OF THE TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. he study reviews the higher education background of the technology education from 1965–2000 in relation to its teaching and organizational history. It describes the anniversary ceremony of the Technology Faculty organized in May 2015. hrough a selection of the most important statements at this ceremony, the writing shows the reults of the Faculty in the past 15 years.


    Book review by Szepessyné Judik Dorottya: Students of the Higher Education Institutions of Rozsnyó 1814-1852. Author: László Szögi

  • A magyar felsőoktatás egy fontos intézménycsoportja a királyi jogakadémiák forrásai és feldolgozásának lehetőségei (1777-1850)

    AN IMPORTANT INSTITUTIONAL CLUSTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN HUNGARY: THE SOURCES SUPPLIED BY THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF LAW AND THE PROCESSES OF THEIR CATALOGUING, (1777–1850). he main objective of this study is to ofer an overview of the currently available sources which are extant regarding the peculiar institutions and student population of higher education of the 18th and 19th centuries in Hungary. On surveying the types of sources, it takes stock of the material which is currently accessible to assess the one-time student population of the royal academies of law in Pozsony, Győr, Kassa, Nagyvárad, as well as of the similar royal institutions of Zágráb and the royal lyceum in Kolozsvár. Surveys of this type have demonstrated that in the irst half of the 19th century almost 50,000 students enrolled in these types of institutions. his number by itself tends to indicate that these institutions may have fulilled a much larger role in educating a Hungarian intelligentsia in the Reform Age than one would assume on the basis of a lower-thanuniversity academic level of these institutions.

  • Varga Zsigmond teológia professzor, a Debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1932/33. évi Rector Magnificusa
    3 - 22

    Zsigmond Varga, Professor of the History of Religion, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1933/1934. Several memorable events took place at the university during his time in office. The historical background of this was the fact that the political and social tensions caused by restrictive measures taken by the Hungarian government to fight the consequences of the Great Depression reached their peak in that academic year. There were several events that made the extraordinary actions of rector Zsigmond Varga necessary: the public debate on the policy of education aiming at the restructuring of the higher education threatened the university with loosing one of its four faculties and the ongoing student revolts hindered the teaching and research activities for months. In addition to Varga’s activity in the University administration, this study describes his work as an academic and as a scholar, and addresses his public activities outside of the university, too. It also offers a glimpse into his family life at a certain point of time. Referring to a memorial booklet written by Varga, his son, Zsigmond Varga jr., the young Reformed minister and promising biblical scholar is also remembered in this study. Varga jr. was a student of the University of Vienna, he was nprisoned by the Gestapo and he died a martyr’s death in the concentration camp of Mauthausen-Gusen.


    The study deals with the life and work of dr. József Czakó, chief of medicine, sanatorium director, university professor, about whom very little summary has been written so far. He tries to bring important historical medical data out of obscurity and save them for posterity, which are related to the establishment of the Marosvásárhely Sanatorium and the first heart surgery performed in Transylvania, by organizing the New Hospital, as well as the Hungarian-language medical training that started in 1944 at Marosvásárhely. By using specialized literary sources and unique documents, as well as based on the author's own experiences, relying on the Czakó legacy, he saves the important data, which reveals new information and important details about the health conditions of the small town at the beginning of the last century.

  • Trianon and the Hungarian Higher Education Tome I. Ed. Gábor Újváry

    In the fall of 1918 there were 23  state universities in Hungary. After three month 10 among them were disannexed.

  • Finding Experiments of New twechnical Universities in the First Deacade of the 20th Century- The Almost -Opened Technical University of Timisoara

    The Founding Experiments of New Technical Universities in the first Decade of the 20th Century. The almost-opened Technical University in Timisoara. Due to the need for industrial development in
    the era of dualism and the overcrowding of the Royal Joseph Technical University, the founding of the second Hungarian technical university became one of the most pressing problems of higher education at the turn of
    the 20th century. The professional public, the Royal Joseph Technical University and the government both imagined the establishment of the institution in Timisoara which was the industrial-commercial center of
    Southern Land. They took into consideration economic, educational and national aspects as well. The concrete plans were completed by 1917, but due to historical events, the institution was founded only
    in the autumn of 1920 as a Romanian Politechnic. In addition to Timisoara, Košice was the planned seat of the third Hungarian technical university, but the preparations were not as far away as in Timisoara.

  • To the Critical Period of the History of the University of Pozsony 1914–1923

    Elizabeth University of Arts and Sciences that was founded in 1912 started functioning with opening the Faculty of Law in the autumn of 1914. The first lectures were held only at the beginning of 1918 at the Faculty of Arts and at the autumn of 1918 at the Medical Faculty. On 1st of January in 1919 the Czech Legion marched in Pozsony (later Bratislava), and from this point on the possibility of the further operation of the university was uncertain. In the September of 1919 the Czechoslovak State occupied all real estates of the university, consequently, education at the Faculty of Arts and at Medical Faculty of the Elizabeth University was  finished. The university teachers and students of these faculties fled to Hungary. Education at the Faculty of Law was going on until the summer of 1921, and then this faculty was also closed. The university as displaced educational institution together with the similarly displaced University of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) continued her activity in Budapest. In 1923, the University gained her final place in Pécs.

  • Az eperjesi kollégium líceumi hallgatói (1804-1850)

    THE STUDENTS OF THE COLLEGE LYCEUM AT EPERJES, 1804–1850. his study explores the history of the evangelical college of Eperjes, which was established in the second half of the 17th century and which was one of the most important institutions of higher education in Upper Hungary in the irst half of the 19th century. In the educational order of the school, which was revived in 1785. Besides classes of basic training a signiicant role was granted to the philosophical, theological, and legal training ofered in the most advanced classes. Utilizing the evidence of the data base pertaining to students who enrolled in the first half of the 19th century, the study conirms that the Eperjes school – as an institution with a higher-education quality – played a crucial role in the history of education in Upper Hungary. hroughout the irst half of the 19th century the school was capable of retaining its unique character, which permeated onto the neighbouring regions, while its educational program supplied the young generation of the evangelical nobility and of the middle class with the knowledge necessary for subsequent careers.

  • Miniszteri előterjesztés a Nagyszebeni Királyi Jogakadémia megszüntetése tárgyában I. Ferenc József előtt és annak parlamenti előzményei

    Ministerial Proposal in the Matter of the Dissolution of the Royal Legal Academy of Law in Nagyszeben Before (I) Franz Josef and its Parliamentary Antecedents. The publication of the source material—an archival file from the Haus-, Hof- and Staatsarchive in Vienna—makes available for those interested hitherto unknown material. The Academy of Law in Nagyszeben, which was established in 1844 and which was first maintained by the Transylvanian Saxon Universitas, then, in the age of neoabsolutism, by the Austrian state, was subordinated after 1867 to the Hungarian Ministry of Culture, and was recognized as one of the most well-equipped legal schools of the age. The central unit of the source document contains the German text of the proposal, in which Minister of Religion and Education Ágoston Trefort (between 1872 and 1888) appealed, in November 1883, to Franz Josef I to accept in supreme resolution the idea of the possible discontinuance of the educational institution in Nagyszeben. What makes the
    document unique is the fact that the relevant materials of the Ministry of Religion and Education relating to universities and colleges in the period after the Compromise and before 1916 were destroyed, thus the document in question may be the only extant copy of the proposal. Trefort’s proposal is complemented and commented upon by the parliamentary speeches which, between 1870 and 1884, either called in doubt or, contrariwise, underscored the necessity for existence of the Academy of Law in Nagyszeben. For want of other sources, the records of these speeches highlight those incentives which in a certain sense were contributory to forcing Trefort to back down and to ”sacrifice” the institution of Nagyszeben. These parliamentory documents are also made available in the present study.


    In 1951 Lóránd Kesztyűs as dean became the first head of the University Medical School of Debrecen formed from the Faculty of Medicine of the Debrecen University, and then he was elected rector of the institution for two  periods (1959-1963, 1967-1973). He had determining roles in the infrastructural extension of departments and clincics, in modernisation of medical education with increased number of medical students, in enhancing productivity of scientific research, in developing clinical service with high regional and national reputation and in shaping a performance based, democratic leadership managament under restrictive conditions of a state party centralized political system. His internationally recognised research activity and national science policy achievements led to foundation of immunology and allergy research in Hungary. He was elected to member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Establishing the related department, with text book writing and creating his school of scientists, made him a momentous professor of pathophysiology. His friendly, direct and open persionality had an important role in realisation of a succesful leadership and organizational climate at the departmental and institutional level. Presentation of his achievements is based on a monograph of his past co-worker with reflections of three professors (two of them also served as rectors).                            


    The article reviews the circumstances of the foundation and dynamic development of the Health College during its first two decades when, with extensive Hungarian and international cooperation, four programs were launched in the college, which had not existed previously in Hungary.  In addition, several other programs, that up till that time had been available only in Budapest, were initiated. As a result of the dynamic training development, the number of students increased significantly by the end of the nineties.  Because of the increase enrollment, the College was struggling with a significant lack of space, consequently beginning in 1997 developing and improving the infrastructure became increasingly critical. By taking over and repairing old and erecting new buildings the college significantly expanded by several thousand square meters. Additionally, the dormitory of the college was also renovated. The creation of the college was part of the national concept and strategy in the nineties aimed at establishing and expanding higher education for healthcare workers.  In the first twenty years, six new programs were launched at the college, and by the end of the 2000s, the institution was able to start a master degree.The rate at which the college was developing was somewhat broken or slowed down by the transformation of higher education in the 2000s, the start and the storms of university integration, the introduction of the Bologna system, and the accompanying structural transformations. The college successfully faced the obstacles, and tried to take advantage of the opportunities arising from the new systems. The 2000’s saw the creation of new bachelor programs, specializations and master programs, including some that had not existed in our country before.The overview of the history of the first twenty years is inseparable from Dr. Zsolt Lukácskó, who was the founding director general of the college and then, after it had been declared to be a faculty, its first dean until 2007.

  • A nagyszebeni jogakadémia hallgatóinak kérelme az oktatás megreformálása tárgyában 1848 májusából
    117 - 126

    The Request for Educational Reform of the Students of the School of Law in Nagyszeben of May 1848. In spring 1848 amidst the zeal of the revolution started in almost all of the higher educational institutions in Hungary and Transylvania student movements to reform education in the institutions. In May 1848 the students of the Law School of the Saxons in Transylvania at Nagyszeben also submitted an application through the institution’s Senate to the sustaining Lutheran Church including – among others – the following issues: guaranteeing the freedom to education and teaching, reforming the study and exam system, significantly developing the substance of the library, getting the right to meet and vote for the students’ representatives during procedures against students; reviewing the academy’s disciplinary regulation. The following source-presentation – besides the Hungarian translation of the request – explains the circumstances of origin and the afterlife of the application.

  • A Műegyetem az I. világháborúban

    The Royal Joseph Technical University in the First World War. The First World War gave new challenges to the Royal Joseph Technical University: in its functioning (e.g. maintaining a military hospital), in teaching and researching (student soldiers, military-related innovation) and in social activities (livelihood in the hinterland) as well. In addition some important education issues culminated in those years: the reform of the technical education system (simultaneously with the formation of the department of economy),
    and the establishment of the second and third Hungarian technical university. However, the emancipation of women may be considered one of the achievements of World War I, it only partially prevailed at the university. Nevertheless the socio-economic role of the university, including the importance of more-specialized and practical knowledge transfer, was highly appreciated during the war. The publication provides a brief summary of the subject based on those unused sources which can be found in the university's archives.

  • Plans for Establishing a University at the Time of Bishop György Klimo

    One of the most important goals of Bishop Gyorgy Klimo of Pécs was to improve the education of his diocese’s clergy. This objective was subject to change and development through his years as bishop: from time to time one can identify many new elements in his educational plans. Klimo intended to establish a strong educational institution, which, besides serving as a preparatory school for the faculty of theology, he planned to build a university on, and which, in the same time, could become a fundament of regional education and culture. These components appeared as a complex structure in his concept: with the establishment of the university he wanted to enhance the reputation of his diocese and his see, while he also aimed to improve the scholarship of the clergy. In this paper I show the process of the new school’s establishment, while I also attempt to find answer to the question that what kind of institution did Klimo exactly want to create in 1769 in Pécs.

  • Az egyetemi ifjúság útkeresése az 1930-as években és 1940 körül
    97 - 116

    The Soulsearching of Hungarian Higher Education Students in the 1930s and 1940s. The study primarily focuses on the influential role of army brotherhood societies between the two world wars. The author outlines the ideological background and intellectual pursuit behind the movement. These brotherhood societies were so powerful, that in the 1930s and 1940s part of their activities manifested outside of the higher education environment. The societies actively engaged in politics, as much so, that their aim was to be part of the development of laws and the constitution. The author discusses the ambitions of both the radical right and the somewhat left wing youth establishments.

  • Missing conditions to the start of a new higher education institution.

    Missing conditions to the start of a new higher education institution.

  • Feszültségek az egyetemi templom építése körül 1938-ban

    Tensions Involving the Construction of the University Church in 1938. Next to the Main Building of the University of Debrecen stands a Protestant church which for long years in the past accommodated the periodical holdings of the university’s Main Library. However, by now much of the church’s early history has been forgotten. The study demonstrates that the university’s management supported the view, as early as the very beginning of the 1920s, that for a fundamentally Protestant institution of higher education the government authorities should provide a church of its own. This project was delayed by the world economic crisis of 1929 and the fact that the construction of the Main Building itself of the university was not completed until 1932/1933. The management of the university, the Protestant Diocese of the Trans-Tisza District and the Ministry of Religion and Public Education jointly invited tenders for the construction of the building, the winner of which was a contructor of Jewish background. This decision—reflecting the spirit of the age—elicited aversion from right-wing student organizations. Through presenting the standpoints concerning this event, the study provides a graphic description of the relevant contemporaneous attitudes.


    . The source referred to in the title is the script of a literary-cultural event from 1965. At that time, it was customary for higher education teacher training institutions to organise “Institute Days” with the aim of boosting motivation and enthusiasm in students towards their chosen profession. At these events, the emphasis was laid on the beauties of a teacher’s job, highlighting their role in shaping future’s society, rather than on the presentation of the real difficulties of the profession. The published script is also a reflection of this intention, for the organisers of the event were trying to reinforce the belief in prospective teachers that they would become respected and highly esteemed members of the society. The programme also recalls the struggle and humiliation that teachers had to endure in the 1920s and 1930s, with the goal of emphasising the fact that, by contrast, teachers of the 1960s were in a much better situation and that they did not need to cope with such problems as their predecessors. In reality, the contrast between the two eras was not that sharp, since the layer of junior school teachers continued to be an underpaid and not particularly esteemed employment group in the society.


  • History of the Stomatology Clinic of the University of Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Gusztáv Keszthelyi (1979-2000)

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi (19792000). From July 1, 1979 József Szentpétery was appointed to lead the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. His main task was the curriculum-development of dental education, that started three years ago and to bring it closer to the curriculum of other Hungarian universities.

    The lack of staff and facility also made it difficult to organize education. He brought teachers from Szeged and employed fresh graduates. In 1981 the new building of the clinic was completed.

    From July 1986 Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi became the director of the clinic. He completed the reconstruction of Oral Surgery, established a new lecture room and created departments. In 1997-98 he created a new phantom practice room, thus more students could attend the 3rd year preclinical practice. He inspired lecturers to do scientific work. Between 19942001 nine lecturers were awarded with scientific degrees. He wrote and edited a textbook that survived 2 editions. He went to early retirement in 2001, was later appointed Professor emeritus and returned to teach in Hungarian and in English.





    . The University of Nagyszombat, established in 1635, is Hungary's first, continously operating university. It's successors are the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. A significant part of the university's archival resources were destroyed in a fire at the Hungarian National Archives during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Therefore it is extremely difficult to  compile a list of the students who studied at the first Hungarian university. Recently, in Esztergom, new, previously unknown sources emerged about the students of the university. In this article we summarise the findings that can be drawn from the new documents regarding the students that studied at the Faculty of Arts and Theology of the University. The article analyses the university's geographical area, the evolution of the number of students and the social stratification of the student population and nationality, the proportion of foreign and national students.

  • Zoltán Kodály, Teacher of Composition.

    Zoltán Kodály, Teacher of Composition. Kodály has not reached the age of 25 when in September 1907 director Ödön Mihalovich invited him to teach music theory at the Royal Academy of Music in Budapest. He was promoted to professor of composition in the higher classes in 1918. This assignment was interrupted by political events. In the autumn of 1918 Kodály was nominated deputy-director of the Academy by the revolutionary administration, and next autumn he was given leave for two years by the counterrevolution as a retortion. Only thereafter could Kodály begin the education of Hungarian composers in his school of composers which soon became legendary. In answer to an attack in a Budapest daily Kodály laid down his ars paedagogica as a teacher of composition in his article Thirteen Young Composers. In the following fifteen years as an active professor Kodály gave no statements about his teaching methods. These could later be reconstructed to some extent by the recollections of his pupils. Lately, Kodály’s exercises in counterpoint and his autograph notes in theoretical books he had studied have been published. This paper gives an overwiew of Kodály’s analyses of form and publishes several of the notes on the principles of teaching composition which he has jotted down int he early 1920s and after World War II, respectively, that is, at the beginning and at the end of his career as a teacher of composition.


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