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    The aim of this study is to present the educational activities of Elek Dósa. The Dósa family played a very important role in the history of legal education in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș). From the establishment of the legal education until the closed of the Law Academy, their three generations provided a significant part of the teaching staff. Gergely Dósa was the first who taught law in Târgu Mures. Elek Dósa was partly succeeded by his son Miklós and his nephew Gábor Vályi, who were always the leading figures in the teaching staff of the short-lived Târgu Mures Law Academy, which closed in 1872. Law played a central role in Elek Dósa's life. From a young age, he was preparing to follow in his father's footsteps and hoped that one day his son would take his place at the professorship. Although the family was extensive, it extinct in the second half of the 19th century.


    Due to increased archival and records management tasks, there was an urgent need for higher education in archival education in the second half of the 20th century. After the first initiative, after the end of university archival training between 1950 and 1955, a two-year course organized by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs only partially filled the gap, and due to its lack of elaboration and accountability, it can only be considered a partial success. Its value can be seen in the fact that it tried to pass on targeted knowledge to participants who had already worked in an archive, so the training was not considered an “elite” course of history. Correction of the errors in the course was delayed due to the reopening of the jigher education of archivist.


  • Az egyetemi és akadémiai ifjúság politikai szerepvállalása 1830–1880 között
    59 - 77

    The Political Involvement of the University- and Academic Youth between 1830 and 1880. The institutional network of the higher education in Hungary was very diverse on the turn of the 18th and 19th century and in the first part of the 19th century. In the multi-national and multi-confessional country, 88 institutions provided higher than medium level education. Most of these institutions were related to the historical denomination but besides them several state higher educational institutions existed. We reported about the student movements of these schools in this paper. In the first part of the 19th century the Holy Alliance’s system prohibited the foundation of student movements, although, in most of the institutions, reading circles and literature student associations were formed in which the leaders of the future national movements played an important role. The period of the revolution and the fight for freedom of 1848–1849 was significant regarding the student movements as well, because at most universities the studentry listed their requests aiming not only the reform of student life but the social changes as well. After the defeat of the freedom fight it was not possible to form student associations for ten years. But from the 1860s the battle for the national language of higher education marked the Hungarian youth movements. After the Austro- Hungarian Compromise, the studentry’s activity decreased, although they spoke in some political questions. For example, in 1867–1877, during the time of the Russian-Turkish war, the students in Pest and Cluj- Napoca stood against the Russians and not the Turks. This action produced that the university youth got back 36 valuable medieval codices from the Turks which were stolen in 1526 from the Royal Library in Buda.

  • Péter H. Mária: Pharmaceutical Education at the József Ferenc University between 1872-1919

    The higher education in Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) started in the XVIII century.  Maria Terézia founded the first Hungarian University with a Medical Faculty in 1769, and the idea to found a second one emerged soon.

  • From a Protestant Law Student a Catholic Professor of Law in Linz (Johann Ferdinand Behamb)

    From a Protestant Law Student a Catholic Professor of Law in Linz (Johann Ferdinand Behamb).  From among the law writers of Hungarian origin in the 17th century, Johann Ferdinand Behamb from Bratislava emerges regarding both his efficiency and his awareness. After his recatholisation he became a law educator in Linz serving the Upper Austrian Orders. The paper tries to reconstruct Behamb’s education and teaching activity, also paying attention to a special type of school of higher education (Landschaftschule).


  • Javaslat a trimesztriális rendszer bevezetésére – A debreceni jog- és államtudományi kar felterjesztésé gróf Zichy János vallás- és közoktatásügyi miniszterhez (1918. augusztus 1.)
    95 - 105

    Proposal for the Introduction of the Trimester System – Proposal by Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen to Earl János Zichy, Minister of Religion and Public Education. The Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen in the last period of the World War I. made a proposal in order to divide the school year to three semester. It was a strange source of the history of the Hungarian higher education. Based on this document can be cognizable the real life and thinking of the students of the university who came back from the war and of the professors who met with them the first time. The trimestrial system of the higher education was favoured by the students too, but it wasn’t able to come to real because the collapse of the Monarchy.

  • The University in the 21st century: Teaching the New Enlightenment at the Dawn of the Digital Age. Ed. Marvin Lazerson

    The book provides an in-depth analysis of the main trends and methodologies by which the 21st century higher education should be reorganized, and of the practices, approaches and methods which should be radically rethought. The authors give a detailed description of the changes and trends that require the application of a radically new approach to higher education.



  • The Unsigned Founding Charter. The Plan of the Economic Faculty of Budapest.

    The unsigned Founding Charter. The plan of the Economic Faculty of Budapest. The adventurous history of the foundation of the Economic Faculty of Budapest dates back to the middle of the 19th century.
    This writing presents the history of the events which led to the foundation of the university from the beginning of the 20th century. In 1918, in the final days of the double monarchy, only one signature was
    missing to realize the plan. The study specifies longer jr. Béla Erődi-Harrach’s writing ’University of Economics’, which was also the base for the experiment of 1918 and the foundation of 1920. Altough it has
    been remained unknown in literature.

  • Az elitoktatástól a tömegoktatásig (felsőoktatás Franciaországban 1953–1990)

    From Elite Higher Educational Systems to Mass Education (Higher Education in France 1953– 990). The french university sytsem is unique in Europe. It is divided between public and private higher educational sectors. This paper aims to identify tensions and  difficulties arised by the higher educational expansion in the french higher educational system.It focuses specifically on the increase in the number of the student and the trends of the expansion after the second world war up to 1990. The introduction of the Bologna system was followed by a large wave of national and foreign students willing to enroll French universities. The significant rise in the number of students led to manifold infrastructural problems. However, the transition from the elit to the mass education not only rised problems but also generated solutions. Seen in this light and based on the rate of enrollment and gender data this study intends to highlight techniques of problem solving in higher educational setting.

  • Financial background of the education in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age

    The Research Group of the Eötvös Lóránd University published a new study book about the financial aspects of education. Most of the studies cover the period of the Middle Ages and the Early Middle Ages.


    Book review by János Barta about the book titled: The short history of the Transylvanian medical education and surgery (Péterffy Árpád and Péterffy Pál)


    MAB is an organization established for the external evaluation of the quality of Hungarian higher education institutions and their study programmes. It was established temporarily in November 1992, with legal definition in 1994. This paper is a concise chronicle of MAB's 30-year history. It attempts to provide only a few, but perhaps not insignificant, pieces of the mosaic for these 30 years, from the antecedents of the foundation, certain characteristics of the organization and operation, to the international and domestic embeddedness, to the question of MAB's place in Hungarian higher education. After presenting the beginnings, the primary organizing principle of the text is thematic, the historical thread appears within the topics.

  • Studies of the History of Theology and the Education of Reformate Minister between 1850-2000. Editors: Levente Béla Baráth and Károly Fekete

    The book is the 4th volume of the serie of the History of the Teological Education in Debrecen


    Student organisations, clubs and associations are always a distinctive and often dominant feature of universities in Hungary and abroad. Their purpose, and sometimes their function, is to cater to students' needs and areas of professional activity not covered by regular education and/or not covered in an orthodox way. The structure of higher education in Hungary, and in particular medical education, is rigid, partly due to the rules of the discipline, with lectures, seminars and practicals organised within a strictly regulated framework, which many believe does not provide sufficient scope to fully meet the dynamically changing needs of students, and thus the latest professional trends and technologies, as well as societal issues. Furthermore, the pressures of a busy curriculum and lack of time often do not allow for immediate reflection, experience, and processing of the challenges of our rapidly changing world. The organizations promoting students’ participation in research and various student-initiated organizations serve to fill this apparent gap and to meet the needs of students and teachers. The most prominent of these, in our opinion, is the Sántha Kálmán Faculty College of Advanced Studies, which has existed at the University of Debrecen and its predecessors for 35 years in an ever-changing form, constantly reborn like a phoenix. In this reminiscence, we are summarising the history of the founding and activities of the Sántha Kálmán Faculty College of Advanced Studies, relying on our own memories and experiences, archived documents, and the detailed accounts of former and current members.


    The study presents the historical sources, history, students, educational level and attendance of the Buda Jesuit Academy (1713-1777), the Pest Piarist High School of Arts (1752-1784) and the short-lived Pest Law School (1756-1771). These are so far hardly known institutions of higher education in Buda and Pest before 1777, which laid the foundation for the subsequent flourishing of higher education in the capital.

  • Az agrár-felsőoktatás történetéből (Hensch Árpádtól A Debreceni Üzemtani Iskoláig): A magyaróvári „Nagy Tanári Kar” egyik kiválósága Hensch Árpád 1847–1913

    FROM THE HISTORY OF AGRICULTURAL HIGHER EDUCATION. his paper connects the two periods and places of Hungarian agricultural higher education. he link is the scientiic work of Árpád Hensch – professor of Academy of Agricultural Sciences in  Mosonmagyaróvár at the end of the 19th century – which has a signiicant efect on the Hungarian economic higher education even nowadays. his signiicance is proven by the eforts since the 1960s in Debrecen evolved on the Department of Business Economics in the former University of Agricultural Sciences.

  • Missing conditions to the start of a new higher education institution.

    Missing conditions to the start of a new higher education institution.

  • Feszültségek az egyetemi templom építése körül 1938-ban

    Tensions Involving the Construction of the University Church in 1938. Next to the Main Building of the University of Debrecen stands a Protestant church which for long years in the past accommodated the periodical holdings of the university’s Main Library. However, by now much of the church’s early history has been forgotten. The study demonstrates that the university’s management supported the view, as early as the very beginning of the 1920s, that for a fundamentally Protestant institution of higher education the government authorities should provide a church of its own. This project was delayed by the world economic crisis of 1929 and the fact that the construction of the Main Building itself of the university was not completed until 1932/1933. The management of the university, the Protestant Diocese of the Trans-Tisza District and the Ministry of Religion and Public Education jointly invited tenders for the construction of the building, the winner of which was a contructor of Jewish background. This decision—reflecting the spirit of the age—elicited aversion from right-wing student organizations. Through presenting the standpoints concerning this event, the study provides a graphic description of the relevant contemporaneous attitudes.


    . The source referred to in the title is the script of a literary-cultural event from 1965. At that time, it was customary for higher education teacher training institutions to organise “Institute Days” with the aim of boosting motivation and enthusiasm in students towards their chosen profession. At these events, the emphasis was laid on the beauties of a teacher’s job, highlighting their role in shaping future’s society, rather than on the presentation of the real difficulties of the profession. The published script is also a reflection of this intention, for the organisers of the event were trying to reinforce the belief in prospective teachers that they would become respected and highly esteemed members of the society. The programme also recalls the struggle and humiliation that teachers had to endure in the 1920s and 1930s, with the goal of emphasising the fact that, by contrast, teachers of the 1960s were in a much better situation and that they did not need to cope with such problems as their predecessors. In reality, the contrast between the two eras was not that sharp, since the layer of junior school teachers continued to be an underpaid and not particularly esteemed employment group in the society.


  • History of the Stomatology Clinic of the University of Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Gusztáv Keszthelyi (1979-2000)

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi (19792000). From July 1, 1979 József Szentpétery was appointed to lead the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. His main task was the curriculum-development of dental education, that started three years ago and to bring it closer to the curriculum of other Hungarian universities.

    The lack of staff and facility also made it difficult to organize education. He brought teachers from Szeged and employed fresh graduates. In 1981 the new building of the clinic was completed.

    From July 1986 Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi became the director of the clinic. He completed the reconstruction of Oral Surgery, established a new lecture room and created departments. In 1997-98 he created a new phantom practice room, thus more students could attend the 3rd year preclinical practice. He inspired lecturers to do scientific work. Between 19942001 nine lecturers were awarded with scientific degrees. He wrote and edited a textbook that survived 2 editions. He went to early retirement in 2001, was later appointed Professor emeritus and returned to teach in Hungarian and in English.




  • A „nagy háború” hatása a magyar felsőoktatásra és az egyetemi ifjúságra
    90 - 96

    The ’Great War’s Influence on the Hungarian Higher Education and Youth. The study examines the different effects that occurred as a consequence of the First World War, such as the reduction of student numbers due to enlisting the army, the society’s reaction to the increased number of women and Jewish students, the reduced activity of university societies, the loss of territory due to war, the continuous inflation, and the radical right wing’s reaction to the lack of stability of the Hungarian youth. These consequences resulted in the increased popularity of the so called association of army brotherhood. To sum up, the author concludes that the Hungarian higher education wasn’t well prepared for the war, which in turn resulted in a number of negative consequences in the following decades.

  • Igazoló eljárások a Debreceni Tudományegyetemen

    SCREENING PROCEDURES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN (1945–46). After the end of the World War II, at the beginning of the rebuilding of Hungary, the irst aim of the new government was the cleaning of the social and political life and the removal of the followers of the former political systems from the public ofices. So in the irst half of 1945, according to the orders and laws of the Provisory Government, People’s Tribunals and political screening committees were formed in every town with the membership of the ive so-called democratic parties (Communist Party, Social Democrat Party, National Peasants’ Party, Bourgeoisdemocrat Party, Small-holders’ Party). It was also necessary to screen the employees of the public institutions, especially the higher education because the “reactionary” and the extreme right ideologies were very strong in these middle-class circles, and many of them were the member of the Hungarian Nazi parties (the Arrow- Cross Movements) and other right radical social associations (Turul Association, Volksbund etc.). his paper presents the working, the judgement and the mistakes of the screening committee of the employees of the University of Debrecen. his committee was formed in May 1945 and inished its work in the end of January
    1946. In this short period the committee examined near 700 cases, but only 49 employees (professors, lectors, secretaries, other oicers, etc.) were condemned. he analyses of the working of the screening committee at University of Debrecen expands with new facts the image created about the spirit of the age, the higher education and the society of Hungary in the irst years after the World War II.

  • Lichner József: The suffering journey of the Alma Mater from Selmecbánya to Sopron

    The end of the First World War and the  decomposition of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy influenced a lot of the Higher Education.

  • Illyefalvi Vitéz Géza jogászprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1926/27. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Géza Illyefalvi Vitéz Law Professor, the Rector Magnificus of István Tisza Hungarian Royal University in Debrecen During the Academic Year of 1926/27. Illyefalvi Vitéz Géza (1871–1931) studied at a university in Budapest, where he obtained a doctorate in law and political sciences. At the end of 1896 he was elected public ordinary professor of the judicial academy in Sárospatak, where he taught administrative law and statistics. He was a professor of the University of Debrecen after its establishment in 1914. In
    1921 he was appointed Dean of the Law Faculty and he was re-elected in 1931. Illyefalvi Vitéz Géza was Rector of the Hungarian Royal Tisza István University of Debrecen in 1926/27, the year when the clinic site was inaugurated, and the laying of the foundation stone of the main building took place. We can say that he was a rector at a destiny-shaping period of the University. He effectively represented the interests of the University, with the help of his contemporary higher education policy and the university development plans of Minister of Education Kunó Klebersberg. Illyefalvi wrote fourteen books and monographs, as well as numerous journal articles. These works are grouped in the two major fields of his interests, statistics and public finance. He also wrote university and judicial academy notes and textbooks.

  • Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele

    The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.

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